Home to You (18 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Wolverton

BOOK: Home to You
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Meghan backed off, or so he thought. Her gaze cut to the side. Her hand touched her cane and, just as he was about to apologize for sounding short, her soft voice came back, “Your mom has been researching my disease. I’ll never be able to repay her for all she’s done

Home to You

for me. I made an appointment with a neurologist, for Monday, and have contacted the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and Multiple Sclerosis Society of America who both had information about how to slow the progress of this disease.”

“That’s great.” Dakota had been worried about Meghan’s condition and was glad to know something could be done about it. His mother had explained a bit to him about it and her plans to help Meghan.

“She also found out that if I do too much, it can cause fatigue. You see, yesterday I overdid it and today I’m on the cane because of that.”

“Well then,” Dakota said, immediately worried,

“you’d better slow down and think next time. We want you healthy.”

Meghan’s gaze lifted to Dakota’s. “Your mom wants

He hadn’t seen that trap coming. Consternation filled him. Before he could reply, Meghan continued, “Your mom misses you. She’s never said it, but she sets a place for you every night and then takes it away when you don’t show up. She’s mentioned a couple of times the stress that lack of sleep can cause and that it sends many to an early grave.”


“Hear me out, please, Dakota. I owe your mother this much. I’m an outsider and can observe what sometimes those close to a situation wouldn’t see.”

Dakota let out a long sigh and then nodded. Sitting back, he waited for Meghan to continue.

“I really don’t mean to pry, but this youth project…

You have a full-time youth pastor. I’ve seen him the few
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times Carolyne and I have been up to church. He spends a lot of time praying and working on his sermon but little time helping out. Oh, I know he visits the youth and things, but really, why isn’t he the one overseeing this youth project? Doesn’t he want to or is it because you are always jumping in before he has a chance? He’s young and new. Have you wondered if maybe you in-timidate him when it comes to certain things?”

She waited and he realized she wanted a response.

“He’s always asking questions.”

She nodded. “Put him in charge of overseeing everything that has to do with the kids. He can bring the plans to you and let you make the final decision, but that would take so much off your shoulders.”

He didn’t comment but thought about her words.

“That would ease my load. But I’m just not sure—”

“You trust him with the youth?”

“Of course I do.” He was bothered that she’d ask that.

“Then why not trust him with an inanimate object?”

She had him there. Guilt touched him. “You’re right.”

He hadn’t realized he’d been controlling so much of the youth program. Now that Meghan mentioned it, he saw in hindsight that his youth pastor had been wanting to get involved but Dakota had been so busy doing that, he hadn’t seen Jeff’s desire to help.

“Can I say something else?” she asked timidly.

He grinned. “You might as well.”

She clasped her hands much the way his mom did when she was concentrating. “I’ve been reading in Acts, and it made me wonder why the elders and deacons of the church aren’t helping with hospital visits and home visits and other things like that.”


Home to You

“Huh?” He was glad she had been reading in Acts, but what was she talking about?

“You know, Stephen and those who were appointed to take care of the widows?”

He blinked.

“Why aren’t the people at this church helping out like that?”

Embarrassed, he had to admit, “We’ve never done it that way.”

“Why not?”

Her innocent question struck a chord in his heart. “I don’t know. But you’re right. And I do know other churches have people who go out and do things like that. Still, this church isn’t used to change.”

“They wouldn’t let you build a shelter.”

He nodded. “Very frustrating.” And it had frustrated him to no end that they wouldn’t let him start that project. They didn’t want change, didn’t want that type of people associated with their church. Their church? It was everyone’s church. It was God’s church.

“And yet, you aren’t willing to change and allow others to help?”

Conviction hit him between the eyes. He was angry that others wouldn’t change, but here he was leaning toward the same problem. He could handle it because they’d never done it that way before. He hadn’t realized he was being just as immovable as some in the church.

In utter disbelief he stared at the woman before him.

How many years had his mom been suggesting the same things but Meghan was able to turn him inside out and make him see that he was doing too much and not allowing his church to help.

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She made him see things that he’d never seen before.

Had he been so busy that he wasn’t paying attention to God, and God had to send this wonderful woman to shake him up and get his attention?

“What are you thinking about?”

He realized he was still staring at Meghan. He got up, moved over next to her and sat down on the swing.


This close he could smell the soft scent she wore and see that his answer disconcerted her. “I didn’t offend you, did I?”

Her golden hair hung in soft strands and he wanted to reach up and touch one. It was quite beautiful with the inside light from the house reflecting through the lace curtains and highlighting the gold in her hair.

“Never,” she said as he studied the top of her head.

When she didn’t look up, he reached down and touched her chin.

He released her chin and sat back a bit to break the spell. “I was thinking that you have been a godsend, Meghan. I’ve been working so hard that, though others have tried to point out how busy I was, I didn’t slow down to hear. In the short time you’ve been here, you have analyzed my life and pointed out some areas that need changing.”

“Oh, I didn’t mean to—”

“No.” He touched her lip and then pulled his hand back, thinking that was too intimate. “No,” he repeated and took her hand. It was small, soft, and trembled. “It just amazes me how accurate you are. Maybe I
been too busy and stuck in my own ways to see what you pointed out.”


Home to You

“I wasn’t criticizing you,” she argued.

Dakota smiled tiredly. “I didn’t take it as that, sweet Meghan.” Her hand felt so good that he found he didn’t want to release it, especially when those tiny fingers of hers curved around his larger hand. He felt peace, something he realized he hadn’t felt in a long time.

He leaned back and rested next to her. “You know, I haven’t had much time to talk with you, but I find I enjoy it.”

Rest filled him and he asked, “What are your plans, Meghan?”

She shifted uncomfortably. “I don’t understand.”

He squeezed her fingers and reluctantly let go of her hand. “Your plans. What do you see yourself doing for the future?” With a toe, he pushed the swing into motion, causing it to rock back and forth in a soothing, relaxing motion.

Meghan hesitated. He shifted his hands behind his head and stretched out, waiting, allowing his knees to bend with the swing as it moved. “I’m not sure,” she answered.

“Well, then, what are they for tomorrow? Talk to me,” he encouraged. “Your voice is soothing.”

It was, but he also wanted to put her at ease.

It worked.

“Well, I have to learn to pace myself, as your mom said.”

He nodded.

“We’re going to go to the doctor about medication and see about financial help from the MS Foundation since I don’t have insurance. Your mom has really done so much to help me. And of course, she’s asked me to help with the shelter.”

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“So you’ll be staying here,” Dakota surmised and that thought pleased him. He sat up, sliding his arm behind her on the swing and turning to face her.

He saw surprise on her face. “I guess I am. I hadn’t really thought about it, but if I do help your mom, then yes, I suppose I have decided to stay here. But I’ll have my own place to live soon at the shelter,” she added.

“Don’t worry about that, Meghan. This isn’t an in-quisition. I was just curious about your plans.”

“I’ll have a job, a place to live….” She trailed off. “I don’t know what else.”

“What did you do as a job before?” he asked and turned back to face forward. His mother was currently listening to Mary as she expanded on something about the building and undesirables. He couldn’t make out the entire conversation—they were too far away.

“I have done some bookkeeping and computer work.

Secretarial things.”

“That’ll be a good help to my mom. She hates that stuff,” he told her with a grin in his voice. He felt her relax beside him.

“Thank you for all you’ve done for me,” she whispered.

He shook his head. “Don’t thank me. Thank God.

He’s the One who orchestrated this.”

She sighed. “It’s still going to take time for me to see God’s hand in every area of my life. I mean, I came here looking for you when I was—drunk.”

He nodded. “And isn’t it amazing that we still live here? And that we just happen to have that extra room?

And that your situation has given my mom a purpose?”


Home to You

“Well, when you put it that way…” He heard the smile in her voice.

“Exactly. God brought a childhood friend to your memory, even though you weren’t serving Him, and He led you back here. He has plans for you, Meghan. You just take time, get well, and don’t rush it, and you’ll find what He has in store for your life.”

“You, too,” Meghan said pertly.

Dakota laughed. “That’s the spirit. I think that is the first time you’ve spoken to me like that, except for the first day.”

Meghan groaned. “Please don’t remind me of that.”

Dakota laughed. “At least you had some spirit.”

“Well if you would come around more often, you might find I have more than you realize.” She raised an eyebrow.

Dakota turned, his own eyebrows raised. “Is that so?”

She smiled and he could tell her cheeks had darkened some. He leaned back in the swing, causing it to rock, and laughed.

“What’s so funny?” his mom asked, walking up, Mary and Margaret tottering along behind her.

He shook his head. “I think you’ve been working on the girl. You’ve changed her when I wasn’t looking, Mom.”

His mother chuckled. “Not at all. You’re just finally meeting the real Meghan.”

He glanced at Meghan. “The real Meghan, huh?” His gaze traveled her face, and softly, so that only Meghan could hear, he said, “I find I like the real Meghan.”

“So what do you think?”

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He realized Mary had been talking to him. And he’d completely missed what she had said. Turning his attention to Mary, he replied, “I think I’m going to relax for a while tonight and sit here and enjoy you ladies’ company.”

Mary blinked. “Well now, that’s grand, but that wasn’t what I asked, was it?” She looked to Margaret.

“Hmmph.” Margaret made a noise and sat down next to his mom.

Dakota grinned. It was going to be a long, enjoyable night.

Chapter Fifteen

“Just take it slowly.” Dakota helped Meghan through the back door. Though he’d arrived early at church as he always did, his mom and Meghan had come later, as was his mom’s habit. And, of course, his mom always came in the back door too, so she could then stop by the office and put fresh flowers on his desk before going out front.

Meghan was moving slowly. She sighed. “I don’t know why I am having trouble with my leg today.” She paused and rubbed the muscle in her left thigh. “I didn’t do too much yesterday. It’s cramping up in the thigh and sometimes refusing to hold any weight.”

Dakota wondered as well. Meghan’s leg nearly dragged as she awkwardly used her cane to rest her weight on it. She winced and quickly shifted her weight. She’d chosen a dark blue dress for the Sunday service that tucked in toward the knees. He wondered, though it was a beautiful dress, if it made walking hard.

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“Just something else we’ll have to research, dear—

or ask the doctor when we go to the appointment,” Carolyne said.

Meghan nodded. “Every time I think I have this figured out, something changes.”

“God is in control,” Dakota murmured and turned to walk by her side as they entered the main sanctuary. He rested his hand on her back so he could pace himself.

And because he liked touching her.

She glanced up at him in recognition of his actions and then back down to the floor.

The sanctuary was over halfway full. Of course, when the music started at ten and people started singing, he knew he’d see several more families sneak in.

During the first half hour of the service, many families would slip in and find seats. And as church neared the end, there were always those who would slip out—

some for work, but many because they had “put in their time” and were ready to go hunting or fishing or to visit family for Sunday dinner.

It saddened Dakota in many ways because he believed that church shouldn’t be just a social occasion here on earth, it should be about learning and growing and drawing closer to those who would one day be in heaven. Christianity was all about a relationship, but in America, so many saw it only as an obligation. Dakota shook his head and wondered what he wasn’t doing right to reach these people.

His mom touched his arm. “Dark thoughts?”

“No. Not really.” His attention turned to Meghan as they made their way to the first pew, where his mother always sat. “You okay?”

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