Home to Stavewood (Stavewood Saga Book 3) (27 page)

BOOK: Home to Stavewood (Stavewood Saga Book 3)
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Chapter Seventy-Nine



ouisa Elgerson faced the family in the garden in front of the gazebo and carefully lifted away the muslin she had used to cover her gifts.

      Rebecca gasped softly.

      Louisa had planted three large bushes along the structure and she took a deep breath and began.

      “I wanted to do something special today. Something for everyone and something for Stavewood.” Louisa looked up to the beautiful home and could see the landscape reflected in every window. The spire on the turret pierced the brilliant blue sky and Louisa caught her breath.

      “Stavewood has always been my home. I can’t imagine any child growing up with more love than I, or than all of you.”

      Katie and the boys all stood behind their parents and nodded solemnly in agreement.

      “Some of you grew up down the road, across the way, but it all started here, with this house, with my father’s dream and his love.”

      Timothy Elgerson pulled his handkerchief from his pocket and wiped away an unashamed tear and Roland placed his hand on the big man’s shoulder.

      “I tried to think of something that would show it all and I chose these roses.”

      Louisa Elgerson swallowed hard and continued. “This one here,” she indicated a large yellow blossom. “This is for the buttery cottage at grandma and grandpa’s where I was born. I remember all the yellow paint, the gingham cushions, yellow on everything.”

      The family chuckled softly.

      “I wish that Grandma Isabel was here today. She took me to that cottage many times and told me the story of how I was born. She told me about love, about my mother, my father and how much they wanted me.”

      Rebecca put her tiny hand to her chest.


      Louisa stepped to the next bush and touched the pastel pink rose there.

      “One day there was a wedding here, the day that Roland married Cousin Emma. She looked so beautiful and Roland’s face was so completely filled with love. Again I learned what love meant, the day I was a flower girl and I saw Emma in her pink gown with the pink rose petals around her in the parlor, here at Stavewood.”

      Roland looked down at his wife with the same love in his heart as that day.

      Louisa heard more than one of the boys sniffle, in spite of themselves.


      “This last rosebush is white, like an angel,” Louisa continued.

      Colleen gasped and her eyes filled with tears.

      “There was an angel in this house, although I did not see it at the time. Colleen brought my dear brother home to me, to all of us. I have learned since then that she truly is an angel and I am proud to call her my sister and my friend. Colleen also taught me the meaning of love, here at Stavewood.”

      Louisa pulled her handkerchief from her pocket and Rebecca sobbed quietly.     

      “Thank you, father.” Louisa stepped to Timothy and looked up to him. “Thank you for Stavewood, from all of us. Thank you for your love.”

      Timothy Elgerson cleared his throat, tucked his wife’s hand into his arm and turned to look at the families.

      “It was why I built Stavewood, for all of you.”

      Rebecca Elgerson held her husband Timothy and then looked up at him sweetly. Mark pulled his father to him and hugged him as well, then each person in the families in turn.


The magnificent Queen Anne stood proudly on the hilltop, her majestic turret piercing the dazzling blue sky. Leaded glass windows glittered brilliantly, each facet reflecting the surrounding white pine and deciduous forest, as if the glorious spectacle existed entirely to frame the regal home.

      The families of Stavewood began their anniversary celebration. The world was now at war and their way of life would soon change, but the love there would live on forever, in every descendent of a home that was built with love.     


The End



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Coming Soon!




Sweet New England


Taffy Jamison seemed to be waiting all of her life. She waited through poverty, through hunger and cold. She waited through despair and she waited alone.


In the turmoil of the years before the Civil War there was money to be made, goods to be shipped and sold. He may have been called a pirate, a businessman, or even a scoundrel, but
Captain Christian Burrows was exactly what Taffy needed. She only had to recognize him.


Some great loves last a lifetime and some only moments. For Christian and Taffy every minute would have to count.



Books by Nanette Kinslow



South of Stavewood

Home to Stavewood

The Secret of Stavewood

Sweet New England

Ill Repute

Pie Crust Promise

The Matter with Margaret


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