Holy Shift! (7 page)

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Authors: Robert Holden

BOOK: Holy Shift!
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Spirit is in a state of grace forever.

Your reality is only spirit.

Therefore you are in a state of grace forever.

Text-1. III. 5:4-6.



Our Father, bless our eyes today

We are Your messengers, and

we would look upon the glorious

reflection of Your Love which

shines in everything.

We live and move in You alone.

We are not separate from Your

eternal life.

There is no death, for death is

not Your Will.

And we abide where You have

placed us, in the life we share

with You and with all living things,

to be like You and part of

You forever.

We accept Your Thoughts as

ours, and our will is one with

Yours eternally.


Workbook-p I. Lesson 163. 9:1-8.



There is a silence into which the world can not intrude.

There is an ancient peace you carry in your heart and have not lost.

There is a sense of holiness in you the thought of sin has never touched.

All this today you will remember.

Faithfulness in practicing today will bring rewards so great and so completely different from all things you sought before, that you will know that here your treasure is, and here your rest.

Workbook-p I. Lesson 164. 4:1-5.



The Thought of God created you.

It left you not, nor have you ever been apart from it an instant.

It belongs to you. By it you live.

It is your Source of life, holding you one with it, and everything is one with you because it left you not.

The Thought of God protects you, cares for you, makes soft your resting place and smooth your way, lighting your mind with happiness and love.

Eternity and everlasting life shine in your mind, because the Thought of God has left you not, and still abides with you.

Workbook-p I. Lesson 165. 2:1-7.



All things are given you.

God's trust in you is limitless.

He knows His Son. He gives without exception, holding nothing back that can contribute to your happiness.

And yet, unless your will is one with His, His gifts are not received.

But what would make you think there is another will than His?

Workbook-p I. Lesson 166. 1:1-6.



There are not different kinds of life, for life is like the truth. It does not have degrees.

It is the one condition in which all that God created share.

Like all His Thoughts, it has no opposite.

There is no death because what God created shares His life.

There is no death because an opposite to God does not exist.

There is no death because the Father and the Son are One.

Workbook-p I. Lesson 167. 1:1-7.



God speaks to us. Shall we not speak to Him?

He is not distant. He makes no attempt to hide from us. We try to hide from Him, and suffer from deception.

He remains entirely accessible. He loves His Son.

There is no certainty but this, yet this suffices.

He will love His Son forever. When his mind remains asleep, He loves him still.

And when his mind awakes, He loves him with a never-changing Love.

Workbook-p I. Lesson 168. 1:1-11.



Grace is acceptance of the Love of God within a world of seeming hate and fear.

By grace alone the hate and fear are gone, for grace presents a state so opposite to everything the world contains, that those whose minds are lighted by the gift of grace can not believe the world of fear is real.

Workbook-p I. Lesson 169. 2:1-2.



Today we learn a lesson which can save you more delay and needless misery than you can possibly imagine. It is this:

You make what you defend against, and by your own defense against it is it real and inescapable. Lay down your arms, and only then do you perceive it false.

It seems to be the enemy without that you attack. Yet your defense sets up an enemy within; an alien thought at war with you, depriving you of peace, splitting your mind into two camps which seem wholly irreconcilable.

For love now has an “enemy,” an opposite; and fear, the alien, now needs your defense against the threat of what you really are.

Workbook-p I. Lesson 170. 2:4-7 & 3:1-3.



God is but Love, and therefore so am I.

Workbook-p I. Lesson 171.



“Teach only love, for that is what you are.”

This is the one lesson that is perfectly unified, because it is the only lesson that is one.

Only by teaching it can you learn it.

“As you teach so will you learn.”

Text-6. III. 2:4-7.



There is a light in you which cannot die; whose presence is so holy that the world is sanctified because of you.

All things that live bring gifts to you, and offer them in gratitude and gladness at your feet.

The scent of flowers is their gift to you.

The waves bow down before you, and the trees extend their arms to shield you from the heat, and lay their leaves before you on the ground that you may walk in softness, while the wind sinks to a whisper round your holy head.

Workbook-p I. Lesson 156. 4:1-5.



We have not lost the knowledge that God gave to us when He created us like Him.

We can remember it for everyone, for in creation are all minds as one.

And in our memory is the recall how dear our brothers are to us in truth, how much a part of us is every mind, how faithful they have really been to us, and how our Father's Love contains them all.

Workbook-p I. Lesson 139. 11:4-6.



When you are afraid, be still and know that God is real, and you are His Beloved Son in whom He is well pleased.

Do not let your ego dispute this, because the ego cannot know what is as far beyond its reach as you are.

Text-4. I. 8:6-7.



Exempt no one from your love, or you will be hiding a dark place in your mind where the Holy Spirit is not welcome.

And thus you will exempt yourself from His healing power, for by not offering total love you will not be healed.

Text-13. III. 9:2-3.



In shining peace within you is the perfect purity in which you were created.

Fear not to look upon the lovely truth in you.

Look through the cloud of guilt that dims your vision, and look past darkness to the holy place where you will see the light.

Text-13. X. 9:4-6.



Joy has no cost.

It is your sacred right, and what you pay for is not happiness.

Text-30. V. 9:9-10.



You have the right to all the universe; to perfect peace, complete deliverance from all effects of sin, and to the life eternal, joyous and complete in every way, as God appointed for His holy Son.

This is the only justice Heaven knows, and all the Holy Spirit brings to earth.

Text-25. VIII. 14:1-2.



What is the Will of God?

He wills His Son have everything.

And this He guaranteed when He created him

It is impossible that anything be lost, if what you
is what you

Text-26. VII. 11:1-4.



Only appreciation is an appropriate response to your brother.

Gratitude is due him for both his loving thoughts and his appeals for help, for both are capable of bringing love into your awareness if you perceive them truly.

Text-12. I. 6:1-2.




You are at home in God, dreaming of exile but perfectly capable of awakening to reality.

Text-10. I. 2:1.



Whenever you question your value, say:

God Himself is incomplete without me.

The truth about you is so lofty that nothing unworthy of God is worthy of you.

Text-9. VII. 8:1-2, 4.



Father, our Name is Yours.

In It we are united with all living

things, and You Who are their one

Creator. What we made and call

by many different names is but a

shadow we have tried to cast

across Your Own reality. And we

are glad and thankful we

were wrong.

All our mistakes we give to You,

that we may be absolved from all

effects our errors seemed to have.

And we accept the truth You give,

in place of every one of them. Your

Name is our salvation and escape

from what we made. Your Name

unites us in the oneness which is

our inheritance and peace.


Workbook-p I. Lesson 184. 15:1-9.



War is the condition in which fear is born, and grows and seeks to dominate.

Peace is the state where love abides, and seeks to share itself.

Text-23. I. 12:4-5.



The secret of salvation is but this: that you are doing this unto yourself.

No matter what the form of the attack, this still is true.

Whoever takes the role of enemy and of attacker, still is this the truth.

Whatever seems to be the cause of any pain and suffering you feel, this is still true.

For you would not react at all to figures in a dream you knew that you were dreaming.

Let them be as hateful and as vicious as they may, they could have no effect on you unless you failed to recognize it is your dream.

Text-27. VIII. 10:1-6.



Never forget you give but to yourself.

Who understands what giving means must laugh at the idea of sacrifice.

Nor can he fail to recognize the many forms which sacrifice may take.

He laughs as well at pain and loss, at sickness and at grief, at poverty, starvation and at death.

He recognizes sacrifice remains the one idea that stands behind them all, and in his gentle laughter are they healed.

Workbook-p I. Lesson 187. 6:1-5.



Why wait for Heaven?

Those who seek the light are merely covering their eyes.

The light is in them now.

Enlightenment is but a recognition, not a change at all.

Workbook-p I. Lesson 188. 1:1-4.



Father, we do not know the way

to You. But we have called, and

You have answered us. We will

not interfere. Salvation's ways

are not our own, for they

belong to You. And it is unto

You we look for them. Our

hands are open to receive

Your gifts. We have no thoughts

we think apart from You, and

cherish no beliefs of what

we are, or Who created us.

Yours is the way that we

would find and follow. And we

ask but that Your Will, which

is our own as well, be done in

us and in the world, that

it become a part of Heaven

now. Amen.

Workbook-p I. Lesson 189. 10:1-10.



Pain is wrong perspective.

When it is experienced in any form, it is proof of self-deception.

It is not a fact at all.

There is no form it takes that will not disappear if seen aright.

Workbook-p I. Lesson 190. 1:1-4.



Be glad today how very easily is hell undone.

You need but tell yourself:

I am the holy Son of God Himself. I cannot suffer, cannot be in pain; I cannot suffer loss, nor fail to do all that salvation asks.

And in that thought is everything you look on wholly changed.

Workbook-p I. Lesson 191. 7:1-5.



The way is simple.

Every time you feel a stab of anger, realize you hold a sword above your head.

And it will fall or be averted as you choose to be condemned or free.

Thus does each one who seems to tempt you to be angry represent your savior from the prison house of death.

And so you owe him thanks instead of pain.

Workbook-p I. Lesson 192. 9:3-7.



This is the lesson God would have you learn:

There is a way to look on everything that lets it be to you another step to Him, and to salvation of the world.

To all that speaks of terror, answer thus:

I will forgive, and this will disappear.

To every apprehension, every care and every form of suffering, repeat these selfsame words.

And then you hold the key that opens Heaven's gate, and brings the Love of God the Father down to earth at last, to raise it up to Heaven.

Workbook-p I. Lesson 193. 13:1-5.



I place the future in the Hands of God.

Workbook-p I. Lesson 194.



Today we learn to think of gratitude in place of anger, malice and revenge.

We have been given everything.

If we refuse to recognize it, we are not entitled therefore to our bitterness, and to a self-perception which regards us in a place of merciless pursuit, where we are badgered ceaselessly, and pushed about without a thought or care for us or for our future.

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