Holocaust (The Deadwood Hunter Series Book 3) (24 page)

BOOK: Holocaust (The Deadwood Hunter Series Book 3)
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“Linc,” Lexia whispered, afraid her dream may shatter into a million pieces, but Lincoln wasn’t a dream. He’d found her – just like she always knew he would. Her past had been galloping toward her and had finally collided.

“Lexia?” Derrick murmured softly, placing his hand on her shoulder. The caring gesture snapped her out the daze.

“Take your hand from my mate, hunter,” Lincoln growled as he suddenly shifted.

“Lincoln, leave him,” she said, taking a tentative step toward him. “What are you doing here?” She sighed longingly.

“I promised you I’d never let the darkness take you. You are mine, Lex. The hunters can’t have you.”

Sucked back to a memory, Lexia dropped to her knees screaming, the skull-cracking pain in her head too much to bear. She could hear Lincoln and Derrick shouting at her, but she’d lost all control of her body. Falling forward, her hands gripped the ground as they were swallowed by thick mud.

She sat in Lincoln’s arms. His warmth seeped into her bones, warming her down to her very soul.

“Killing is never easy, Lex, but sometimes it’s necessary. Sometimes we have no choice. You have to find balance, find a way to deal with it before it destroys you.”

“No, Linc, you’re wrong. The killing, that’s easy. To me it’s as natural as breathing. Admitting deep down inside to enjoying it, to relish in the power I have over people, that’s the hard part. That part will destroy me, because one day, I might stop being disgusted with myself. One day, I might truly be lost and every kill – every life I take – will give me pleasure, make me smile. I hope that day never comes.”

“Lexia,” he whispered. 

“Just give me space, Linc, please?” She rose from his lap, feeling like she didn’t deserve his love.

“Lexia, that will never happen. Are you listening? I will never let that happen.”

The memory broke free the feelings she’d hidden inside of her. Gripping her head, she rocked as she remembered faces of the dead, their screams, their pleas, and her joy.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered to them. “I’m so sorry.” Dragging in a deep breath in hopes of calming herself, she concentrated to the frantic beating of her heart. Each pump whooshed in her ears, drowning out the memories.

Her eyes found Lincoln. Remembering how he’d smiled, how his eyes would burn with desire…she remembered every sweet smile, every caress. Oh, how she missed his touch, missed feeling like the most treasured person in the world.

It didn’t matter how much it hurt to feel as she did around him. It didn’t matter how many people Maura had killed with her hands. Lincoln had the power to reach through every layer of darkness. There was no power equal to his love.

The words slipped from her mouth before she could stop them. “My pretty panther,” she said on a broken sob. Sitting back on her heels, she looked up at him as he took a step toward her. Rain mixed with the tears running down her face as she remained powerless to move.

Lincoln dropped to his knees with a pained cry, his eyes looking vulnerably human. Unable to speak, she smiled through her sobs, tilting her head ever so slightly before giving in and falling into his arms. Pulling back, she stared into his eyes, her fingers touching his face, as he touched hers, lips crashing together in desperation. They kissed, rain dripping from their hair, mingling with their tears.

The rain blinded them and froze their tortured souls. It was tragic and divine, and as they pulled apart, Lexia felt herself fracture. Every broken, patched back together piece of her fell apart. Her power left her in a broken cry as her eyes turned blue. She fell onto her hands, resting her head against his chest.

“Linc, you should have never come. Why did you come? You’ve put yourself in danger,” she said against his chest, taking every effort to keep the tremble from her words, yet failing.

“How could I just leave you? Come with me, Lex,” he begged.

“I can’t. It’s not that simple.” She wished there was some other way. Wished she had somehow ended up in a universe where her ledger was clean.

She looked up into his face, into eyes that had haunted her every night she slept, eyes that she’d missed more than anything since joining her mother.

“Lexia, we are out of time. Sorry, but we need to leave,” Derrick said, his voice sounding pained.

Lincoln growled, the panther flashing into his eyes.

Lexia put her hand on Lincoln’s chest. “Shush, leave him.”

“Leave him! Who is he to tell you what to do?”

Anger taking over her, she snapped, “He. Is. My. Friend. He has stood by me, protected me through every day and moment of torture my mother inflicted.”

Lexia stood on unsteady feet, stepping back as Lincoln reached for her with a desperation in his eyes that tore a hole in her soul. Her breaths became heavy. She couldn’t handle this. All these emotions bombarded her and her hands shook. “This can’t be happening. Not now. I’m so close.”

A hand rested on her shoulder, stopping her in her rambling. Spinning around, she pleaded, “What do I do, Derrick?”

“Lex, only you can decide that. You can leave with Lincoln. I’ll stall Lucy as long as possible. You deserve to be happy.”

“So do you,” she answered. Looking at Lincoln, she wanted nothing more than to run away, to forget the past, but that wasn’t her destiny. It never had been. “I...I need to finish this.” Her voice was firm. Dragging in a breath as she pulled herself back together, she prepared to say goodbye to Lincoln once again.

“Lexia,” Lincoln begged, his hand reaching for her.

“Linc, I can’t leave. Please understand.”

“You owe them nothing, Lex,” Lincoln growled, climbing to his feet, the wild panther inside of him stirring.

“Lincoln, I’m not the person you once knew. I need to do this. I need to bring down the board and free the hunters. It’s the only way I can make up for all the death I’ve caused,” she pleaded, wanting more than anything for him to understand.

“Then let me help you. If you’re taking down the hunters, I can help you.”

“No,” she answered sharply.

“They took my parents, Lex. This is my fight too.” Just looking at him hurt, seeing the pain lodged so deeply within his eyes. Pain she’d put there. Pain her mother had put there. She’d never deserved his love and with each day they were apart, she killed him a little bit more.

Sighing, Lexia cupped her hand to his cheek. “Baby, I know they did and when I rip my mother’s heart from her chest, their deaths will have been avenged. But do you not see what you do to me? Look at me. I’m a mess. I
everything. I can’t be who I need to be to win this; I need to be a hunter. I need my mother’s trust. I
to be Maura. I’m so close. Just a few more days and my fight will finally be over.”

“So this is it. You take down the board and then you’re free? Then you’ll come back to me?”

Lie, Lex. Lie.
But she couldn’t lie. She couldn’t stand before him and tell him there was still hope. “I’m not sure there is a happy ending for me. I’m not sure I deserve one.”

“Lex! This is why I will not leave you. You’ve never seen how good you are. How can I leave you knowing I may never have you back? You’re my mate, Lexia.”

“And you’re mine. I feel you here in my heart,” she whispered, holding her palm against her chest. “Every day my heart beats through the darkest of evil…for you.”

Knowing no words would ever be enough for Lincoln to leave her, Lexia forced her feelings down, her eyes bled back to gold.

“Lexia, no! Come back to me, please,” Lincoln begged.

For a second, the cage threatened to burst open by just hearing the pain in Lincoln’s voice. She turned and walked away.

“No! I will not let you go again. I promised you I’d save you.” Lincoln’s hand closed over her arm and even though she tried not to feel it, she couldn’t ignore the warmth that spread over her skin.

“Don’t you see, Linc. You’ve already saved me. No matter how much darkness I encase around myself, you’re always there. A bright, fierce light at my very core. It will never go out. You are always with me, reminding me what I fight for. You once told me that the hunters’ weakness was they had no one to fight for. Well I do. I fight for you, but I can’t be Lexia. I can’t be her and feel all those emotions. I’ve done too much, taken too many lives. I survive by being Maura. I need to be Maura to finish this. I need to destroy my mother like she has destroyed me.”

“But you love me, Lex. I feel it here. You are still here.” Lincoln placed her hand over his heart. “Please let me help you,” he begged.

Lexia looked to Derrick. “Start the car.” She stepped toward Lincoln, kissing him one last time. Committed the feel of his soft mouth, the way her heart fluttered and her head spun as she kissed him, to her memory. “I’m sorry,” she breathed into his mouth as she wrapped her hands into his hair.

Pulling gently forward as if hugging his head to her chest, he came willingly, never anticipating she’d force his head further down, smash it onto her knee with a force that knocked him unconscious.

Lincoln fell to the ground, mud covering his body. Lexia let one more tear fall before turning away. In that moment, she’d never hated herself more. There was no coming back from what she’d just done, but it was the only way to save him. Lexia knew that many would die before this war was over, but Lincoln couldn’t be one of those. He had to survive.

Looking to her right, she called the leopard who’d hidden in the trees all the time. “Hey, Doc, you might want to fix his nose, and try and keep him away from me. Will you?” The leopard skulked out of the trees, wild green eyes staring at hers. “It’s nice to see you, Caden.”

Lexia squashed every feeling she’d felt in the last thirty minutes deep, deep, inside herself and climbed into truck. “Drive, Derrick.”

Derrick was silent until they reached the compound. “Are you going to be all right?” he asked.

“No,” she answered honestly, passing the package to him and walking away. No amount of time would ever make what she’d done okay. She could die a thousand times, suffer a million days and still her slate would never be clean.

Three more days,
she told herself.
Three more days.

Chapter 31


The next morning she dragged her feet, the turmoil of the day before still lingering; Lexia rounded the corner and instantly woke as she was enveloped in a delicious aroma.

Following the heavenly smell to the mess hall, she’d have thought they’d have been more people for breakfast, yet half the compound seemed to be missing. Forgetting for now, she followed her nose to a tray of freshly cooked bacon. Crispy and delicious, she piled her plate high, and added waffles, blueberries and topped them off with a good drizzle of maple syrup.

Turning with her mountain of food, she scanned the tables for a familiar face, finding Alice who sat alone. Making her way toward her, she spotted Belinda and Marcus on their way to join Alice, too.

“Food’s sensational, boss,” Marcus said, as he sat down while stuffing a forkful into his mouth, speaking around it.

“Unlike your manners,” Belinda commented. Taking a sip of her coffee, she moaned in delight. “I’d thought I’d never taste this again.”

Smiling, Lexia glanced at Alice, waiting to see if she’d acknowledge her presence. Lexia hoped Alice wouldn’t hate her forever, though by the hostile glare Alice threw her way, she wasn’t too positive.

“Hey, Alice,” she said in return to her glare.

Alice stared for a moment, the hatred like fire in her eyes. For a second, Lexia thought she wasn’t going to answer, but then her eyes softened just a fraction and she said, “Nice food.”

Not hey, but it’ll do.

Carrying on eating, Lexia had worked her way through half the plate when her cell vibrated. It rang off and began again. Placing her fork on the table with a groan, Lexia realized there probably weren’t any good days left to be had.

“What’s up?” Belinda asked.

“I was hoping to at least eat before my day went to hell,” Lexia replied, longingly staring at her half eaten waffles.

“Grey?” Marcus asked.

“Most likely,” Lexia replied, glancing around; no one seemed to be paying her any attention so she slipped her cell out of her pocket. Reading the screen, inside her jacket, she saw three missed calls and one text.

Grey – Urgent SOS. Come Now!

“Delightful,” Lexia muttered, pushing her plate away. “Anyone seen Derrick? Or the rest of the compound for that matter.”

“Yeah, it does seem a little empty this morning. Do you need us?” Marcus asked.

“No, stay. Finish your breakfast. I’ve gotta go, but when you’re done, could you find Derrick and tell him I’ve gone to meet Grey.”

“Sure, but how are you getting out?” Belinda asked.

“I’m hoping our tech friend can help,” Lexia answered. Walking away, she’d taken a few steps when she decided to backtrack. Three heads looked up at her expectantly. “Look, if everything goes to hell, just get out, okay? The exit is off the southeast corridor, next one over from the cargo hold.”

“I know it,” Marcus confirmed.

“Are things likely to go to hell?” Alice asked quietly.

“I hope not.”

As Lexia stepped away, she heard Alice’s quiet murmur, “Be careful, Lex.”

She didn’t stop but the smile on her face couldn’t be missed, and for the first time in a long time, Lexia felt there may still be hope for Alice.

As always, Andy found Lexia before she found him. Laughing as he relayed instructions to get out unseen, she thanked him and told him to be careful. Andy had kindly put a few cameras on loop so anyone looking wouldn’t see Lexia coming and going. The absence of a guard was troubling but convenient at the time, and before long, Lexia was running full tilt uphill.

She pulled her cell out as it rang again for the tenth time. “I’m coming,” she breathed into the phone, her pace not slowing.

“Where are you?” Grey asked.

“Just reaching the peak of the hill,” Lexia answered back.

“Stay put,” Grey replied, cutting the call.

“Charming,” Lexia muttered to herself, coming to a stop at the top of the hill. She had a few peaceful seconds before the wolves arrived and in that time, she stared down at the mound of earth hiding the compound. Squinting, she could only make out maybe four guards on patrol.

“Odd,” she said, but all thoughts vanished as Grey announced his arrival. “What was so important that I had to miss out on the first decent meal I’ve had in days?” she asked, raising her eyebrow.

“We’ve lost two of the board,” he answered gravely.

“What! How?”

A new wolf stepped forward. Shifting, he answered Lexia’s question. “They knew we were watching them. I’ve no idea how they got out. I was watching the building all night, and by the time I noticed they should have left work for home, they’d already disappeared.”

“God damn it!” Lexia yelled, pacing. “When was this?”

“Last night. I found out just after I’d spoken to you.”

“And I’ve only found out now because?” Lexia snapped.

“Because we’ve been trying to track them down.”

Groaning, she gripped her head.
This is not happening. I just need this to be over.

“What’s our next move?” Grey asked.

“Find them.”

“And if we don’t?”

“The plan goes ahead anyway. The other two can’t hide forever,” Lexia replied. Coming to a stop in front of Grey, she pleaded, “I can’t keep doing this forever. I need it to end.”

“We’re ready, Lexia. The forest is full of our kind now. We have a good chance at defeating the hunters.”

Lexia was going to remind him, he wasn’t to touch the hunters who surrendered, but at that moment, her cell rang. Frowning she looked down at the screen, confused as to why it would be ringing when Grey was by her side, but it wasn’t Grey ringing; it was Belinda.

“Hello?” Lexia said, already expecting the worst.


The second Lexia heard Belinda speak, she knew something had gone terribly wrong. Dread washed over her like ice water.

“What is it? What’s wrong?”

“She has them, Lex. Lucy has them.”

Lexia’s feet were already moving before Belinda had finished speaking. “I’m coming.”

Screams filled Lexia’s ears. “Belinda?” she called. Her feet stumbled as cold panic set in.

“The ones who were missing from breakfast, it’s like, like…they are possessed,” Belinda whispered. “Lucy came and she took them. She took Derrick and Alice. I’m so sorry, Lex. I wasn’t with them and…and when I saw them being attacked…Derrick…they knocked him out like he was an amateur. I hid. I’m sorry.”

Lexia stopped. Speaking slowly into the phone, she gave Belinda instructions. “You did the right thing, Belinda. Now I need you to find Marcus and get our unit out. Warn Andy, okay? Remember what I told you this morning?”

“Yes, I remember.” More screams.

“What’s going on?” Lexia asked urgently.

“They’re attacking,” Belinda said before the line went dead.

Lexia stared at the cell in her hand. She stood halfway down the hill. Looking up, the wolves stood on the edge focused on her.

“The plan goes ahead. Now!” she yelled. Not waiting for a reply, she half ran, half slid down the side of the slope.

Before she’d reached the compound, hunters and humans burst through the exits. She saw them in the distance running up from the cargo hold. She tensed to attack as she burst through the fence but the hunters weren’t running to attack; they were fleeing. Chasing them out the door, were the fellow hunters who’d been missing from breakfast. When Lexia entered the crowd, she noticed the change in them.

The eyes of those who attacked were glazed over, an almost milky appearance coating their eyes, as if no one was home. It was as if they had no emotion, no thoughts; all they knew was attack.

Spotting Mellissa standing frozen, staring at the hunter racing toward her, Lexia ran forward, pushing those in her way aside. Hand closing around the sword on her back, she pulled it free, blocking the attacker’s blade inches from Mellissa’s face.

Kicking out, she sent him sprawling to the ground and with one final swing of her sword, severed his head.

“Mellissa,” Lexia growled, gripping the woman’s shoulders, “look at me.” Her frightened eyes locked with Lexia’s. “This is what I trained you for. Snap out of it and fight.”

Mellissa nodded, her face hardening.

“Good.” Lexia turned at the sounds of screams to find the shifters running down the hillside. Mellissa gasped beside her. “They are here to help, Mel,” she told her.

The shifters broke through the fence line seconds later, entering the fight. Lexia took one last look around and with her heart pounding a war cry inside her head, she pushed through the doorway, entering the compound in search of her friends.

BOOK: Holocaust (The Deadwood Hunter Series Book 3)
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