Read Hollywood Wives - the New Generation Online
Authors: Jackie Collins
Taylor stared at her genius husband. He ate exactly the same
breakfast every day - it drove her a little bit nuts. Why did he always
have to be so precise? 'I'm merely being honest,' she said sharply.
'That's your prerogative,' he responded.
'Anyway,' she said, deciding to upset him, 'I've got my own news.'
'You have?'
She picked up her glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and took a
sip. 'Remember that movie I discussed with you a few weeks ago, the one
for cable?'
'I've decided to do it.'
That stopped him half way to a slice of papaya. 'You
'I'm taking the part, Larry. It doesn't suit me sitting around doing
'You're not doing nothing. You're still developing your script.'
'Yes, but it's not right yet, and I have to keep myself busy until
it is. I need my creative urges fulfilled.'
'But, darling—'
'You go to the studio every day,' she said, interrupting him. 'It's
fine for you, you're a very busy man. I'm an actress, and I want to
'Where is all this coming from?' Larry said, frowning. 'I thought
you were perfectly happy.'
'I find it extremely frustrating not being creatively involved,' she
said restlessly, 'so I've accepted the role. We start filming
He took off his glasses and placed them on the table next to his
neatly folded copies of the
New York Times, USA Today
, the
Street Journal
, and the trades. 'Shouldn't I read the script?' he
'No, Larry,' she said, shaking her head. 'It's not written by some
young writer who's craving your advice.'
He began tapping his fingers on the table, a sure sign that he was
disturbed. 'Can I ask who the director is?'
'A woman.'
'I suppose that's understandable,' he said peevishly. 'After all, it
a gay movie.'
'Now, now, Larry,' she chided, quite enjoying her moment of triumph,
'that's not a very politically correct thing to say, is it? And for
your information, it's not a gay movie, it's a touching love story
between two women.'
'I'm surprised you made this decision without consulting me first.'
'Why would I bother you?' she said guilelessly. 'You're busy with
your movie.' A heartfelt sigh. 'It's such a shame there isn't a role
film, although I'm sure you'll find
something for Isaac as usual.'
Larry was silent for a moment. 'Is everything all right between us,
Taylor?' he asked tentatively.
'Of course.'
'Why wouldn't it be?' she countered.
'I know you're angry that I haven't done more to get your movie
made, but sweetheart, you have no idea what a cut-throat business this
'Larry,' she said impatiently, 'I've been a working actress in this
town for years. I've made ten movies and countless TV shows. You might
not remember most of them, but before you, I
'I know,' he said. 'However, we're talking about a production where
real money is involved. Yes, I admit that I have been dragging my feet
when it comes to your project, and that's only because it would hurt me
to see you fail.'
'Why would you think I'd fail?' she asked coldly.
'Anyway,' he said, quick to move on, 'I did set something up at
Orpheus. Now all you have to do is deliver a script they like.'
'I've submitted three scripts to them, Larry,' she said caustically,
'and what do you know? They don't like any of them.'
'I can understand your frustration.'
'Can you?' she said, her eyes flashing. 'Can you really?'
'Yes, sweetheart.'
Then give me a role in your fucking movie.
But he didn't say a word.
When she'd finished ruining Larry's day, she decided to deal with
Oliver. Unannounced, she drove over to his beach-front apartment.
He was home, Kid Rock blaring on the stereo, the smell of pot in the
Oliver was dancing around the place shirtless, wearing only a gold
stud earring and a pair of torn Hawaiian shorts, a residue of white
powder decorating his nostrils.
The bedroom door was open, and Taylor glimpsed a naked girl lying on
the mattress, gazing blankly at the ceiling. 'Sorry,' Taylor said
coldly, directing her words at Oliver. 'Didn't realize you were
'Hey - shit, whasshappenin', man?' he said, blinking rapidly.
He was stoned. Taylor wished
was stoned - not that she
was into drugs any more, she'd only indulged in the old days when she
was young and foolish. Now she was the wife of an upstanding member of
the community, and couldn't do that sort of thing.
'I came for my money,' she said. 'I'm sure you don't want a bad
reputation in this town now that you're mixing in the big leagues, so I
figured it would be in your best interest to pay me back.'
'Jeez,' he mumbled, 'you're a hard one.'
'A hard one, huh?' She lowered her voice so the girl couldn't
possibly hear. 'You come walking into
house with
husband. What kind of respect does that show for my feelings?'
Oliver said indignantly. 'What
am I gonna do - turn down a meeting with Larry Singer?'
'He's my
, Oliver,' she said furiously. 'Don't you
get it?
You're fucking his
'You're not gonna tell him, are you?' he whined. 'That'd ruin
'You know what?' she said disgustedly. 'You really are a pathetic
little prick. I can't imagine what I ever saw in you. Write me a cheque
and I'll get out of this dump you call home.'
you want your money back?'
'Since you couldn't do anything with my
tired, old-fashioned
script, I'd definitely like my money back, and I'd like it now.
Otherwise, I
tell Larry about you and me, and we'll see
how helpful he is to you then.'
'Shit, Tay,' he mumbled, rubbing the tip of his nose.
'Knowing Larry,' she continued, quite enjoying herself, 'he'd put a
stop to your career altogether. And Larry can do that, he's an
extremely powerful man.'
'Okay, okay,' Oliver muttered, scratching his head. He grabbed his
chequebook and scribbled her a cheque. She plucked it from his hand.
'Ollie - you comin' back to bed?' the girl called from the other
'Yeah, babe, hang on a minute.'
'How old is she? Fourteen?' Taylor asked icily.
'No.' Oliver gave a twisted smile. 'Fifteen. Cute, isn't she?'
'Fuck you!'
And with that, Taylor stormed out of his apartment.
After spending another lonely night, and thinking things over, Lissa
called Michael on his cellphone. Even though Quincy had been to see her
the day before, she still had this nagging feeling that she should talk
to him - after all,
was the one who'd been dealing with
her case.
He answered immediately.
'Hi,' she said, friendly yet cool. 'This is Lissa Roman.'
'Hey,' he said, sounding pleased. 'How're you doing?'
'Okay. And you?'
'The same.' A beat. 'Any problems, Lissa?'
'No. Gregg's gone, I'm here, the guards are outside. Everything's
under control.'
'That's good,' he said warmly.
'I was, uh… thinking that we should discuss a couple of things.'
'Go ahead.'
'Remember you asked me if Gregg had a gun? Well, now that I've had
time to think about it, I seem to remember he has.'
'He told me he didn't have a permit, so I kind of forgot.'
'You know, Lissa, maybe we shouldn't talk about this on the phone.'
'You're right,' she said quickly.
'I could drop by.'
'I'm about to leave for another rehearsal, but I'll be home tonight.
Is that any good for you?'
'Yeah, I think it is.'
'Should I have Nellie fix you something to eat? Do you like pasta?'
'I'm Italian, what do
'Nellie's German, but I'm sure she can handle pasta.'
'What time?'
'Seven thirty?'
'See you then.'
She put down the phone, a smile on her face. It seemed so stupid
because she hardly knew him, yet she'd actually
It's only business
, she told herself sternly.
to make sure he realizes I still need protection
A few minutes before she left the house, James called. 'I refuse to
take no for an answer,' he said firmly. 'We're going to the Davis's
tonight, whether you like it or not.'
'I already told you, James, I'm not in the mood to socialize.'
'I know, but I spoke to Barbara D and she's such a darling, and she
that you come.'
'I already have… other arrangements.'
'You do? What?'
'I'm seeing Nicci,' she lied.
'That's nice.' He hesitated for a moment. 'I should warn you,
there's a show on TV tonight, and my contacts tell me it's not very
flattering. Perhaps your lawyer should tape it.'
'What show is that?'
'A piece of garbage called
The Real News'.
'Never heard of it.'
'You could say it's
Hard Copy
on speed.'
She sighed. 'I suppose Gregg's on it.'
'You know Gregg - any chance to shine.'
'Why can't he go away quietly?'
'Because, my sweets, he always prayed for stardom, and now he's got
his five minutes.'
'What does he say?'
'Talks about you, of course. Why else would anyone put him on TV?'
'I'll watch it.'
'Not by yourself, princess. View it with Nicci.'
'Thanks, James, I'll do that. And if I don't speak to you later,
I'll call you in the morning.'
Nicci and Saffron cruised into Fred Segal on Melrose, their
favourite shopping spot. As they walked around inspecting all the new
clothes, Nicci kept checking her cellphone messages.
do you keep on doing that?' Saffron asked. 'I mean,
to Evan like
times a day.
So what's the deal, girl?'
getting married, you know,' Nicci reminded her.
,' Saffron replied, tossing back her dreadlocks.
'Only it's not
you're checking on.'
do you
mean?' Nicci said innocently, pulling a pair
of studded leather pants off the rack.
'C'mon, you
you can't keep secrets.'
'No secrets,' Nicci said, holding the pants up for further
'Yeah?' Saffron said, giving her a knowing look.
Nicci was dying to confide in someone - but if she did, wouldn't
that be incredibly disloyal to Evan?
'It's nothing,' she said vaguely. 'Evan's brother is flying in from
the location, and I'm supposed to give him some papers. If I miss him,
it'll piss Evan off.'
'Hmm…' Saffron said with a wicked grin. 'The
Nicci shot her a surprised look. 'You think Brian's a babe?'
'Oh, yeah, the dude is smokin'. Didja get an eyeful of that ass?
Man! Gives "tight" a whole new meaning.'
'Brian's a major player,' Nicci said, startled that Saffron had
noticed. 'He sleeps with anyone.'
'Somethin' wrong with that?' Saffron joked. 'Maybe
should date him.'
keep it in the family,' Nicci said pointedly,
throwing the leather pants down and walking off.
'Jealous?' Saffron said, right behind her.
'Are you
losing it?
Jealous - of
? He's a
sleaze-bag, the kind of guy you go out of your way to avoid.'
'Uh-huh,' Saffron said knowingly. 'The girl is jealous all right.'
'I am
so not,
' Nicci said indignantly,
snatching up a red T-shirt with bad girl emblazoned in sequins across
the front.
'What's the deal, Nic?' Saffron persisted. 'Don't tell me you like
Brian too?'
Nicci shook her head vigorously. 'I
appreciate this conversation.'
'Check your messages again,' Saffron teased. 'Maybe he's called.
And, girl, that T-shirt is
for you. You gotta have no
boobs to carry it off.'
'Anyone ever told you you're a twenty-carat bitch?' Nicci demanded,
well aware she'd been busted.
Saffron grinned and twirled her gold nose-ring. 'All the time, girl.
All the time!'
Michael and Quincy were in the car on their way to meet a new
client, a real estate developer who suspected his business partner was
ripping him off.
'I dropped by to see Lissa Roman yesterday,' Quincy said, as Michael
drove them over the canyon. 'She seems happy enough.'
'I doubt she's happy,' Michael answered carefully. 'She's all over
the tabloids.'
'We didn't get into
Quincy said, flipping open a
stick of gum. 'All she did was keep asking about you.'
'Oh,' Michael said, his expression blank.
'Yeah,' Quincy continued. 'She seemed quite interested in what you
were doin'.'
'I'm sure it's business only.'
'I'm sure it's not,' Quincy responded, throwing Michael a sideways
look. 'Did anythin' go on between you an' her?'
'No,' Michael said, concentrating on his driving.
'Ha!' Quincy said disbelievingly.
'What's with the
They drove in silence for a few minutes, then Quincy said, 'You'd
better give her a call.'
'Cause we're workin' her case, an' you should check she's feelin'
good about everything.'