Holiday in Danger (18 page)

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Authors: Marie Carnay

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Holidays, #Military, #New Adult & College, #Contemporary Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Holiday in Danger
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Running his hand over his hair, he paced, trying to come up with an idea.

“What’s that?” Ian crouched beneath the desk and pulled out a shoe.

“It’s Holly’s.”

Ian met Trent’s cold stare. “They have her. It’s the only explanation.”

Screw playing it safe or taking it easy. They needed to find that asshole stepbrother of hers and put an end to this game.

Hillary appeared, out of breath and disheveled in the doorway. “Her purse is still in the catering van. I don’t have a good—” She stalled when she saw the shoe. “Oh my God. That’s Holly’s. What’s happened to her?”

Ian glanced at Trent. “We think Brandon and Ivy kidnapped her.”

Hillary’s eyebrows shot up. “What? That’s nuts! Why?”

“I saw them leaving together. Ivy said some weird things—”

“Have they been behind the harassment? Holly’s car?”

Ian nodded. “I think so.”

Hillary stormed up to him. “Then what are you doing here? Go find her!”

“Any idea where to start?”

Hillary exhaled and looked out the window. “Brandon’s lived here his whole life. His father owns half the ski resorts on the West Coast.”

Trent stepped forward. “Does he have a place people don’t know about? Somewhere out of town?”

Hillary snapped her fingers. “Yes! He’s got a cabin up north. Wendy will know where it is. She said he took her up there when they dated. It gave her the creeps.” Hillary disappeared in a
of silk and Trent followed with Ian on his heels.

He hoped to God Hillary was right and that this Wendy woman would tell them what they needed to know. Every second Holly was out there mattered. It meant life or death.

Ian tugged on Trent’s arm and he slowed. “You don’t think they’ll kill her, do you?”

“You said Ivy looked psychotic. What do you think?”

Ian frowned. “I think they want to get caught. Hurting Holly’s not enough. They want me, too.”

“Then we’ll give them exactly what they want, only they won’t be the ones celebrating in the end.”

“You’re sure we can handle this?”

Trent turned grim. “What choice do we have?”

Ian closed his eyes. “None. I just hope we’re not too late.”



because of me.
Ian tore a hand through his hair and tried to calm down. It wasn’t working. “I’m going in.” His voice carried to Trent in the dark.

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

Thanks to Hillary, they’d tracked down Brandon’s cabin. It sat tucked away on a quiet mountain road, no neighbors for miles. It was the perfect place to take a kidnap victim and lure someone to their demise.

As soon as the top of the cabin had come into view, Trent had killed the lights to the Range Rover and slowed to a crawl. They’d stopped a quarter mile out and walked the rest of the way, keeping close to the tree line.

Ian had done his fair share of backpacking and thrill-seeking when he was younger. But sneaking up on a pair of psychos with nothing but a pair of handguns and a bunch of testosterone? Not his idea of a fun Thursday night.

“We’re never going to have the upper hand. Let me go in and pretend I’m alone. You can catch them off guard.”

Trent frowned. “That’s a terrible idea.”

“Yeah? Well I’m not former military, so it’s the best one I’ve got. I’ll go in, distract them and you’ll save the day.” Ian knew Brandon and Ivy wanted him at their mercy. If they’d just wanted to kill Holly, Ivy would never have talked to him. They’d have just sped away.

Trent snorted. “I don’t need to be a hero.”

Ian grinned in the dark. “Too bad, man. You’re it.”

“Great. Are the cops en route?”

“Yeah. Do you think we should wait?”

Trent paused. “No. If they’re crazy enough to kidnap her, they’re crazy enough to kill her, too. We can’t risk it.”

“Then wish me luck.”

“Break a leg.”

Any other time, he’d have punched Trent in the arm for that one. Not now. If he only broke a leg that night, it’d be a miracle. With a deep breath, he squared his shoulders and stood up. Just one foot in front of the other.

He walked out of the woods and into the clearing in front of the house. Made to look like a cabin, the house sported authentic log walls and a set of antlers over the front door. But Ian knew it was all for show. No way a guy like Mosterly ever lived rough. The place probably had a movie theater in the basement.

The lights blazed behind the curtains and the black Jag Ian had seen at the party sat in the driveway. They were ready and waiting.

Ian hustled up the front steps and banged on the solid wood door. Smooth and chill were usually his MO, but for Holly, he could be the tough guy. He puffed out his chest. “Open up, Brandon. I know you’ve got Holly.”

After a moment, the door swung open and Ivy stood in the light. She still wore the too-tight dress, but had ditched the shoes. Her red polished toes reminded him of blood. “Ian. So glad you could make it. I was beginning to wonder. You took your sweet time getting here.”

He kept his voice even. “Didn’t have the best directions.”

She laughed and Ian suppressed a shiver. “I told Brandon we should have made it more obvious. But he insisted your guard dog could handle it. Where is he?” She peered out into the dark. “Hiding out in the shadows?”

“No. He’s at the police station giving them enough evidence to put you away.”

Ivy rolled her eyes. “You really think they can help you? Wow. Brandon was right about the two of you. All bark. No bite.” She stepped back and let him walk inside. Rich wood paneling, deep green and red carpets, leather furniture. The perfect hunting lodge for the rich and famous.

Ian swallowed. “Where is she?”

Tsk, tsk.
Have some patience, will you? Brandon’s just warming her up.”

Ian’s anger flared and he clenched his fist. He stalked up to Ivy and stopped an inch away, his nose almost brushing hers. “Take me to her. Now.”

She cocked her head like a cat and hollered. “Brandon, honey, our guest is impatient. Are you ready?”

“Send him in.” Brandon’s voice echoed down the hall and Ivy smiled.

“You heard the man. After you.”

* * *


Holly’s head lolled on top of her body like her neck was overcooked spaghetti. The first punch had shocked her. The second made her brains ache inside her skull. The third turned everything upside down.

Something warm and wet dribbled down her cheek and she probed the swelling with her tongue. The metallic tang of blood wafted into her nose and she forced herself to stay awake.
Ian needs me.

She’d heard the pounding on the door between blows. He was there to rescue her.

Holly tried to focus, breathing through her mouth to ignore the smell of her own blood. As she straightened up on the chair, Ian appeared.

“Oh, no. Holly!” One look at her and he rushed forward, about to wrap her up in his embrace when Brandon shoved him back.

“Easy, tiger. You don’t get to touch her until my girl over there is satisfied you’ve learned a lesson.”

Ian stepped back. “What did you do to her?”

Brandon grinned. “Just a little payback. Don’t worry. I left all the workable parts. Might need those later.”

Oh my God.
The man was even crazier than Holly had given him credit for. Brandon had shed his jacket and tie and rolled up his sleeves and Ivy had taped her to the chair.

But the first punch had caught her off guard. She never thought he’d hit her.

From the way Ian looked at her, she must be a wreck. She swallowed a mouthful of blood and saliva and tried to focus as Ian turned to Ivy.

“I get it, Ivy. You’re pissed we broke up. But it’s over. Hurting Holly doesn’t change that.”

She twirled a strand of dyed blonde hair around her finger. “No, but it sure makes me feel better. We were supposed to be together, Ian. If it hadn’t been for that little slut spreading her legs for Blake and Devin, I’d have my bar, you’d have me, and we’d be happy.”

She tossed her hair back and pointed a fake nail at Holly. “Now she’s done the same thing! What is it with the men in this town? You had me all to yourself and it wasn’t enough. But as soon as some tramp invites two of you into bed you’ve found your soulmate? It’s disgusting!”

“The only thing disgusting around here is you and your boy toy.” Ian took a step toward Holly. “Tell me, does he even know that you’re just using him to get revenge?”

Brandon cracked his knuckles and Holly bit her tongue to keep from whimpering. “She’s not using me. We’re in this together.”

“Right. Did you know she’s got quite the reputation with the older gentlemen in town? It’s a shame your father’s not still alive. I’m sure she would have loved your old man.”

“That’s enough!” Brandon shouted loud enough to make Holly wince. She didn’t know what Ian’s game plan was, but if it involved riling Brandon up, it was working. She wanted to tell him she was all right and to calm down, but she stayed quiet. She didn’t trust herself not to cry.

Ian and Trent would find a way out of this. She had to believe it.

Brandon motioned to Ivy. “Grab the tape. Let’s get him contained.”

Ivy scurried to the side table and grabbed a roll of duct tape. The same tape she’d wrapped around Holly’s wrists until her fingertips turned blue.

Oh, God.
Once Ian was tied up, what hope did she have? They’d die there in that house in the woods. Even if Trent figured out how to get in, could he take down two people who wanted them dead?

Ivy scampered back with the tape and Holly turned to Brandon. He pulled a strip of tape off the roll and cut it with his teeth.

She had to do something. Holly wasn’t a woman to just be pushed aside.
I’m a fighter, damn it
. She licked her blood off her swollen lip. “If you kill him, you’ll never get your money.”

Brandon paused and the vein in his neck pulsed. “Are you telling me it exists?”

Whatever lies Holly told now would be worth it if Brandon stopped. She’d do anything to get her and Ian out of there alive. She glanced at Ian before turning back to Brandon. “I lied. I have the money. All of it. If you let us go, it’s yours.”

Ivy laughed and Brandon shot her a look. “Shut up.”

She pouted and palmed her hip. “You know she’s lying. Get over here and tape him up.”

Holly interrupted. “I’m not lying. I came back to town to settle up with the trustee.” She paused.
Please, Ian. Figure it out.
“Ian set up a meeting. He’s expecting me tomorrow. We can go together. I’ll sign it all over to you.”

Ian chimed in right on cue. “She’s telling the truth. Holly came to me asking for help with the trust. I paid for a lawyer, got the trustee to agree. Everything’s done. Holiday’s about to become a very rich woman. Unless you kill her.”

Brandon’s eyes narrowed as he turned to Ian. “What happens if she dies?”

Ian grinned like he’d just won at blackjack. “It all goes to charity. A women’s shelter in Seattle.”

Brandon spun on his heel. “Bitch! That’s my money!”

Ivy whined. “Brandon, honey. Don’t listen to them. Come and help me. You promised.” She grabbed the tape and tore off a piece. “I need you.”

Brandon turned on her. “You’re the one that convinced me to do this!” He stared at Ivy with wild eyes and bunched his fists. “You’re the one who told me the money was gone. That this was the way to make her pay. I believed you!”

Ian stepped closer to Holly. “She was lying, Brandon. Ivy was using you to get to me. It’s been her plan all along. I bet she convinced you to do all the dirty work, too. Did you cut the brakes to Holly’s car? Did you break into my place?”

Brandon chest rose and fell, but he didn’t speak.

“Ivy’s going to pin it all on you. Just watch.” He stepped close enough to touch her. “She’ll walk away and you’ll be stuck rotting in jail.”

“You wouldn’t!” Brandon hollered as he lunged at Ivy. He snatched the tape from her hands and it skittered across the floor.

Ian slipped behind Holly and tugged at the tape. “Trent’s outside. We’ve got to get out of here.” He crouched behind her and she angled toward him. “Tell me if Brandon comes this way.”

Holly nodded. She turned back around as Brandon grabbed for Ivy’s throat.

Oh my God. He’s going to kill her.
Holly shouted, but her words were eclipsed by the shattering of glass. Shards of the picture window behind her flew in all directions as Trent barreled into the room, gun drawn.

Calm and in control, he pointed his pistol right for Brandon’s head. “It’s over Brandon. Get away from Ivy.”

Brandon’s fingers encircled her neck and he spun her around. “You’ll have to kill her to get to me.” He held her in front of him like a shield.

Ivy screamed and clawed at his hand. “Let me go! You’re supposed to be killing them, not holding me hostage!” She kicked at him and Brandon gripped her tighter.

“Stop fighting, you bitch, or I’ll break your neck!”

Trent took aim. “Try it, Brandon.”

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