Holiday Hotel Hookup (5 page)

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Authors: Jeff Adams

BOOK: Holiday Hotel Hookup
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I cut the mic and stared down. “You didn’t tell me you were this evil.”

“How is playing with your cock evil?”

“You know exactly why. You’ll pay for this eventually.”

“Oh, I hope so.” He played over the fabric, up to the waistband and then under the elastic. “I forgot you were commando. Perfect.”

He ran his fingers through my pubes and occasionally brushed the head of my cock. Every touch reminded me of how intense last night had been. Before I realized what he was doing, he pulled down the waistband as far as he could.

I couldn’t touch him at all. I couldn’t risk getting shot since I didn’t want him to stop. He could touch me 24-7 and I would still want more. I wasn’t sure if I fed off his energy or he fed off mine, but this was intoxicating.

“You’re making it so hard to concentrate.”

“Consider it good solider training.” His words were difficult to understand since his mouth was around my cock.

“I gotta open my mic. We’re headed into the thick of it.”

“Okay.” He licked up my shaft and then nibbled on some skin, which tickled in the most erotic way possible. “I can be quiet.”

“I’m not sure I can,” I said before turning on the mic. JJ offered a muffled laugh in response.

I struggled giving orders to the guy I had with me, trying to maintain an even, authoritative voice while JJ worked me over. He managed to get my sweats down, which gave him access to my balls. I helped with that, spreading my legs.

He settled into a position on his side, which let me see his cock bounce around. It needed to be touched, and I couldn’t do it. Taking my hands off the controller at this point would make bad things happen, and I didn’t want to find out what would happen if I ended up hurt in the game.

Even after the cum I spilled last night, I could tell I was going to have one helluva orgasm. My cock wasn’t used to all this attention, and it was going to blow big to show its appreciation.

JJ’s cock was like a dripping faucet. I didn’t know how he kept from touching himself. I wanted to take care of it with my mouth, and not with a microphone in the way.

“How much longer are we going to have to do this?” I asked after I muted my mic. JJ didn’t answer. His attention was singularly focused, letting no part of my cock and balls feel ignored. Somehow he managed to know how to keep me right on the edge of losing my mind.

I managed to catch the shadow of someone who wasn’t in our group. I picked off the guy who was trying to come up behind us. My ear filled with a roar of approval.

“Well done,” JJ said, taking a pause. “I heard those cheers down here.”

As my group moved faster towards its goal, JJ picked up the pace. I whimpered and ended up squeezing the controller in my hand as he planted my cock against the back of his throat. He was moving his tongue just right and banging me against his tonsils. He was doing everything he could to make me cum.

I forced myself to watch the screen so I’d move like I needed to. As JJ ran a finger under my balls, my character stopped as I dropped the controller and grabbed hold of JJ’s shoulders so I could thrust into his mouth. I ignored the shouts in my ear asking why I’d stopped.

Right before I unloaded, I pulled out of his mouth. As a geyser erupted from my cock, I saw myself fall on screen, victim of a sniper. My team took out the shooter, but from what I saw on screen, I wasn’t getting up from that shot. It didn’t matter; I’d take whatever shit was coming for getting taken out.

“That was awesome,” he said with a giant, satisfied smile. “Sorry I got you killed, though.”

“I don’t care. I’ll let them think my Internet crapped out or something. I’ll take a blowjob from you any day over a game.”

JJ crawled up and planted a kiss on my mouth.

“Exactly the right thing to say.” JJ said. “I’m going to hit the shower. Maybe you should join me to clean up that mess?”

It was cute how he made it sound like a question. There wasn’t really a choice, as far as I was concerned. I stripped, flipped the switch off on the console so it’d look even more like my connection was lost, and I was in the shower before JJ was hardly wet.



. S
early,” JJ said through a haze of sleep.

“Sorry.” I found my phone on the nightstand and killed the alarm. Seven was later than I tended to get up for work, but after the shower session last night, I made sure to give myself some extra sleep. “You can stay in bed as long as you want, though.”

He rolled over and fixed his smile on me. “Wish you could stay too. They’re really making you work the day after Christmas, even though it’s Friday?”

“Yeah. The project goes live New Year’s Eve night, and there are people worried we won’t be ready. It’s a full day in SF for the project team too, along with most of the tech people here.”

“That sucks.” He sat up against the headboard, giving me a view of his perfect chest and arms.

“Believe it or not, I’ve done worse. At least,” I said, leaning over to give him a kiss, “this trip has perks.”

“That it does.” He kissed me back. “So are you around this weekend? I’m off Sunday. Maybe we can do something?”

“Sunday’s a definite possibility. I’m hoping there’s not too much work over the weekend.”

I’d do everything in my power to make sure of it. Sunday with JJ, outside the hotel, doing whatever, would be phenomenal.

“I’ll leave that day free so we can do something.”

“I’d like that. A lot.” I nestled in against him, also resting against the headboard, but letting my head lean into his shoulder.

We were both quiet. My brain was back on the question of us, and what we were. It felt like we’d moved beyond hookup given some of the chats we had. We’d talked about family, and the hookups I’d had before didn’t do that. I switched positions and sat cross-legged so I could look at him.

“Let’s get together as much as we can before I go home, whether it’s dinners, or in bed, or whatever. Let’s see what happens, and we’ll figure things out before I go home.”

JJ considered for a moment before the smile returned. “Yeah. Let’s do it. We’re at least friends, I would say, no matter what else we may decide to do.”

“Friends with benefits, I think.”

He threw a pillow at my head. “I’m being serious, here. I’d like to spend more time with you.”

“I’m serious too. Believe me, I don’t have friends who deliver the kind of blowjobs you do.” He smirked at me and lobbed another pillow my way. “I know what you mean, though. There’s more than a hookup happening here.”

He nodded satisfactorily. “When do you get done tonight?”

“Eight or nine, probably.”

“Sounds like you’ll be back before I’m off. I’ll try to make sure I’m done on time, too, so we have some time tonight. Maybe Sunday you can come to my place? Home-cooked meal. Sunday night I sometimes meet up with friends at a bar. You’d certainly be welcome to join us. I’d love to show off my sexy new friend.”

“Ready for me to meet your friends, eh? That’s a big step.”

“They’re good guys, but they’re not going to know what to make of me showing up with a cute geek.”

“How will they know I’m a geek?”

He raised an eyebrow. “Really? I knew you were a geek before you opened your mouth when you checked in. The glasses, the clothes. I mean, it’s a chic geek look, but it’s there.”

I laughed and nearly fell over because my whole body got into it. I looked the part on the weekends because of the jeans and the gaming or computer-centric T-shirts. I didn’t realize it was so obvious when I dressed for work.

“I ’spose you’re right.”

“I am. Right down to that messenger bag you carry. It’s a good thing. Geeks are hella hot, and you’re one of the hottest. It’s one of the things that drew me to you. The ‘techie’ in your screen name.”

My face got warm, and I had to be turning some shade of red.

“See, and that’s cute too.”

He crawled over and gave me another kiss. Now he was naked on top of the sheets, and his cock was starting to come to attention as he kissed me.

to put that away,” I said. “It’s dangerous.”

“A very good dangerous.”

My cock responded by poking its way out of the fly in my boxers. “See what you’ve done?” I tried to be stern, but I was way too amused to sell it.

“Sorry, can’t have you late for work.” He put himself back under the covers and put a pillow over his cock. “We’ll play with this tonight. Now go, get cleaned up. I’ll just lie here and look cute.”

I kissed him a couple times before I finally pushed myself off the bed and headed to the bathroom. I downed my vitamins and started to shave since I had a bit of stubble coming in. As the water in the sink heated up, I leaned out the bedroom door and saw JJ resting against the headboard. His eyes were closed, but I couldn’t tell if he was asleep or just relaxed. I decided not to bother him. I silently crossed the room to grab my phone off the nightstand.

It was a post-Christmas present to read an update from the San Francisco crew that a significant amount of work had been done. I’d be able to report we were now ahead of schedule, and could even begin some aspects of testing this morning. That was a good sign for how the next few days should go.

As I shaved, I pondered the week ahead. It would be great to get to know JJ better. Even if we just stayed friends, it would be good. Since he was trying to move west, if we didn’t go all official with a relationship now, the possibilities would still be open.

On the other hand, there were things I could do to be out here more often too. Technically I could do my job from any number of places. This client was one of our largest, and I could easily justify spending more time here. There were other clients in Texas too. I wouldn’t move here, but I could see being here for stretches of time.

I can’t imagine someone I could be a better fit with.

Bringing his Xbox console.

Spending Christmas together.

And Jesus, the sex.

I’d never been with anyone like him. If we clicked as well over the next few days as we had so far, I’d be foolish not to try to make something work long-term if JJ was into it too.

Not a bad New Year’s goal. Hell, I might actually have to thank the client for dragging me out here:
Christmas Eve hookup leads to a steamy Christmas and possibly the happiest New Year ever.

Don’t miss the 2015 Advent Calendar:

31 stories of holiday love!

has written stories since he was in middle school and became a gay romance writer in 2009 when his first short stories were published. Since then he’s written several shorts and novels and he plans to keep writing as long as wonderful readers keeping picking up his books.

Jeff lives in rural Northern California with his husband of twenty years, Will. Some of his favorite things include the musicals
[title of show]
, the Detroit Red Wings and Pittsburgh Penguins hockey teams, and the reality TV competition
So You Think You Can Dance
. If forced to pick his favorite book, it would be a tie between Michael Chabon’s
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
and David Levithan’s
Every Day

You can learn more about Jeff at


While on a three-day charity bike ride from Boston to New York City, Jason Karn makes an unexpected stop to help a fellow rider having trouble with a flat tire. Ben Stewart is new to long-distance rides, and Jason takes him under his wing. The mutual attraction is obvious even before they make it to New York City, but there’s a minor roadblock: Ben lives in Chicago. Flying back and forth seems like the only option until Jason comes up with an idea that will bring them together permanently—if they can work out the details.

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