Read Holdin' On for a Hero Online

Authors: Ciana Stone

Holdin' On for a Hero (109 page)

BOOK: Holdin' On for a Hero
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“Well, okay,” she agreed. “We do it tonight. But right now you need to put that thing away and get back in the bed so I can strap you in.”

Max grinned and tapped on the keypad.
And what are you gonna do once you have me tied up?

She giggled at the question. “Put that thing up and get on the bed and you’ll find out.”

He stuffed the inflatable doll into the back of the closet, stripped down to his boxers and lay down on the bed, his arms and legs spread-eagled. Nikki chuckled and fastened the restraints to his wrists and ankles then climbed on the bed, kneeling between his spread legs.

“Hmmm, looks like you’re at my mercy.”

He rolled his eyes and lay his head back on the pillow, but when both her hands finger-walked their way up the legs of his boxers to circle his cock, his head popped up.

She moved in a little closer, feeling his burgeoning erection from the boxers. Her mouth closed on him and his body arched slightly.

Nikki loved the way he reacted to her touch. He was hard and big and his taste was spicy. She tongued the small opening in his cock, and then circled the head with her tongue.

Max’s head pressed back into the pillow and his hands reached up to wrap around the chains of the restraints. She continued licking the head of his penis, then taking as much of him as she could into her mouth.

She got so caught up in what she was doing that when his legs started tugging at the restraints, making the bed shake, she started.

“What? No good?” she asked, flicking her tongue over the engorged head of his cock.

His hands moved rapidly.

“I don’t understand.”

My turn.

Her eyes widened. “I thought you were my prisoner.”


She got off the bed, looked down at him then walked over to the stereo and started a CD, turning it down low. After making sure the door was locked, she walked over beside the bed and started swaying to the music.

Max nearly swallowed his tongue when she started to dance, slow and seductive, and then to strip. Her eyes were hooded and seemed mysteriously sexy, and she moved liked she was making love to an invisible lover, her hands moving over her body, cupping and squeezing her breasts then traveling lower to stroke her sex.

He was ready to come before she was naked. She dropped the last of her clothing and climbed on the bed, positioning herself with her knees on either side of his head. Supporting herself with hands braced on either side of his hips, she lowered her head down and licked the length of his erection.

The position put her sex within easy reach of his mouth. All he had to do was lift his head slightly and the sweet smell of her enveloped him. His tongue traced around her outer lips, then dipped in, traveling the length of her, sucking on her labia.

A lusty moan accompanied her taking him in her mouth, sucking as much of him as she could inside that moist wet cavity. It was a new experience and one that carried a bit of a forbidden excitement.

He’d never been restrained like this and had a woman sit on his face, let him eat her sex while she gave him a blow job. It was incredible. He didn’t know what was the best—the delicious feel of her mouth on him, or his tongue and teeth plundering her.

He worked his tongue around her clit and felt her jerk ever so slightly and take him deeper into her mouth with a groan. That response prompted him to give her clit more attention. He sucked it into his mouth, flicking his tongue over the hard nub.

Another moan came from her and her administrations to his dick increased. Max knew he was close and didn’t want to lose it until she came. He worked on her clit, licking and sucking, stroking it with rapid flicks of his tongue.

A tremor ran through her and she swallowed almost the length of him, sucking hard in rapid strokes as her body started to quake. Her climax was the catalyst for his own. His body arched with ecstatic tension. He felt her sweet cum wet his lips and chin and lapped at it as she took his, keeping him in her mouth until his body was spent.

Nikki rolled over onto the bed beside him, one leg draped over his body. “Damn!” she breathed. “Where’d you learn to do that?”

She raised her head to look at him and he smiled at her. She grinned in return. His face was wet with her fluids. She switched positions to lean over him and lick his lips. His mouth opened for a kiss. She tasted herself on him, the mixture creating a harmony of sensual flavor.

“Hmmm, we better get you cleaned up,” she whispered against his lips when the kiss ended.

He watched as she got up and went into the bathroom. She returned with two towels, one hot and wet and the other dry. After cleaning and drying his face, she cleaned him.

“Uh, looks like your boxers are a bit worse for wear here. Want me to undo you so you can change?”

He shook his head. He was content just the way he was.

She smiled and took the towels back to the bathroom then returned again to dress. Once she was dressed, she sat down beside him and kissed his chest. “I’ll be dreaming of you,” she said softly, then pulled the covers up over him.

He smiled and raised his head for one more kiss. Replete and happy, he was asleep by the time she left the room.


* * * * *

Nikki ducked into the library at the sound of voices coming down the hallway. “Sorry to inconvenience you,” Mark Robinson said. “But we can’t be too careful. Richard and I agree that it would be wise to perform annual interviews with all of the staff.”

“Certainly, sir,” Osgood replied as he and Mark passed by the library. “Perhaps the study in the east wing would be a comfortable setting for your interviews. I’ll have cook prepare a light brunch and will send in coffee momentarily.”

‘Thank you,” Mark replied.

Nikki eased out of the library as their voices faded down the hall. Was this typical? She thought of going up to Max’s room, but decided against it. Better for Osgood to go wake him and release him from the restraints. Maybe she’d find answers in the kitchen.

She hurried to the kitchen and found Louise and another of the staff, Sheila, sitting at the table having coffee.

“Coffee smells good,” she said as she entered. “Mind if I have a cup?”

“Of course,” Louise replied. “Let me get that for you.”

“No, please.” Nikki waved her back down into her seat as she started to rise. “I can do it.”

She fixed a cup and took a seat at the table. “I thought I heard Mr. Robinson as I was coming this way.”

Louise snorted and sipped from her cup. “The man makes a nuisance of himself. Now he’s come up with the brilliant idea that all of the staff need to be interviewed each year.”

“What for?” Nikki asked.

“Security.” Louise put a lot of disdain on the word.

Nikki chuckled. “What’s up with that?”

“With that one, who knows,” Louise replied and pushed herself up. “But it’s not up to me to question — just to do my job. Will you be having breakfast with Maxwell this morning?”

“Do you think he’ll be awake soon?”

“I would imagine that Osgood will waken him shortly. I’ll ring you when breakfast is ready. We’ll serve it on the terrace.”

“Thanks,” Nikki said. “Mind if I take my cup with me back to my room? I have some work to do on my paper until Max wakes.”

“Certainly.” Louise waved and headed for the staff office.

Nikki gave Sheila a “see you later” wave and hurried back to her room. Something was definitely going on. Louise had made it clear that staff interviews were not the norm. So what was up?

She couldn’t go to Max for answers but there was one person who could help her. Leaving her coffee cup on the table in the sitting area of her suite, she left her room and ran up the stairs to the third floor. If anyone could help her figure out what was going on it was Simon.


* * * * *

Mark Robinson watched the maid Sheila leave the room. Seconds later a younger woman entered. Mark consulted the printout on the table. “Miss Tillman?”

“Yes, sir,” Deborah answered, clasping her hands nervously in front of her.

“Please, have a seat.”

Deborah perched on the chair across from him, still twisting her hands. Mark noted her anxiety level. Did she have something to hide, or was this the person he’d been looking for?

“Let’s see, you’ve been employed by the Westons for a little over three years, is that correct?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Do you like your job, Miss Tillman?”

“Very much, sir.”

“You’re treated well?”

“Oh, yes, sir.”

“Excellent.” He leaned back in his seat and regarded her for a moment. “Miss Tillman, how do you feel about the care that is given Maxwell Weston?”

“He’s very lucky,” she answered without hesitation.

“How so?”

“Well, sir, uh, excuse me if I’m speaking out of turn, but Maxwell acts horribly most of the time and never seems to appreciate all that Mr. Weston tries to do for him.”

Mark made a mental note of the fact that she did not include Helen’s name in the benevolent category. Could it be that the young woman had a thing for Richard? If so, that could be exploited.

“Yes, I agree completely. It’s shameful. But then Maxwell isn’t normal, so I doubt he shares the same attitudes and values as you and I. But I am glad to hear that you recognize Richard’s efforts on his behalf.”

“Oh, I do, sir. I really do.”

“Wonderful. Now…and forgive me if this seems intrusive, but as head of security for all of the Weston interests, it’s my job to make sure that the family is safeguarded. You understand, don’t you, Miss Tillman?”

“Yes, of course, sir.”

“Good. I’d like to know your perception of the new addition to the staff, Miss Nikki Morgan.”

“Nikki? Well, she’s nice. I don’t see her that much. She’s either working on her school paper or with Maxwell, but the times I have seen her she’s been nice to me.”

“Does she seem supportive of the protection and treatment afforded Maxwell?”

Deborah looked down at her hands. “Well…she…she gets upset when Mr. Gaynor has to sedate Maxwell. A couple of times she’s gotten into arguments with him. But I think she just didn’t understand. She didn’t say a word the last time Mr. Gaynor had to sedate him.”

“Really? Did you find that odd?”

“Umm, no, sir. Not really. I just figured she’d finally settled into the routine of things and understood that Mr. Weston only has the staff do what’s best for Maxwell.”

“You seem quite supportive of Mr. Weston.”

“Yes, sir,” she said with a flush staining her face.

Mark leaned forward and lowered his voice. “Mr. Weston is quite fond of you, Miss Tillman.”

“He is?” Her eyes shot up to his.

“Quite. He’s mentioned you several times. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if there wasn’t a handsome salary increase in the future for you. Providing of course, you continue to be supportive of Mr. Weston.”

“Oh, I am—I will,” she gushed. “I’ll do anything he asks.”

Her last sentence brought another flush to redden her cheeks. Mark nodded with a small smile. “And we all appreciate that—particularly Mr. Weston. Deborah, Mr. Weston and I have need of some special services from someone on the household staff.”

The way her eyes rounded, he could tell she was thinking that special services meant something other than what he had in mind. He’d intended it that way. Keep her off balance.

“Nothing sexual, my dear,” he said with a conspiratorial smile. “More like an information conduit about the daily activities in the mansion.”

“You mean like a spy?” she asked.

Mark read people well enough to recognize the excitement in her voice. “Something like that. You see, I have reason to suspect that Miss Morgan may not be quite the ideal companion for Maxwell. But neither Mr. Weston nor I want to judge her unfairly. So we need a set of eyes and ears to let us know whether she’s suitable as a companion for Maxwell. Do you think you could do that, Miss Tillman?”

Deborah started wringing her hands again. “I guess. But…what exactly would I have to do?”

“Simply keep a record of her comings and goings. And when she leaves the estate, check to make sure that Maxwell is safely in his quarters.”

“Oh, sure. I can do that.”

“Wonderful,” Mark sat back with a smile. “Mr. Weston will be very grateful. In fact, I think it would be fine if I went ahead and activated that salary increase effective immediately. Your hourly rate will be increased by five dollars per hour.”

Deborah gawked at him in surprise and he chuckled. “Yes, as I mentioned, Mr. Weston is quite fond of you and wants to show his appreciation. I’d like to do the same. You can expect a little bonus this week, separate from your normal pay of course. Does five thousand dollars sound equitable?”

“Five thousand dollars?”

“Yes, I know it’s not much, but hopefully enough to demonstrate how much I appreciate the way you’re helping me and Mr. Weston.”

BOOK: Holdin' On for a Hero
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