Hobbled (14 page)

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Authors: John Inman

BOOK: Hobbled
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“We’re not nervous,” the black kid said, and Danny laughed.

“Kid, if they had a picture next to the word ‘nervous’ in the dictionary, it would be a snapshot of the two of you taken right this very minute.”

“We’re not nervous,” the white kid said. “We’re scared.”

“Scared of what?” Danny asked. “Me?”

And there was a beat of silence before both boys laughed. It wasn’t a very flattering laugh either.

“Man, you’re about the last thing we’d be scared of,” the black kid said, bending down and slapping his knee like some old guy laughing at his own joke.

And the white kid echoed him, bending down to slap
knee. “Yeah, man, you’re about the
thing we’d be scared of.”

“So what
you scared of then?” Danny was getting hot. And not just hot under the collar.
hot. It was broiling out here. Sweat was gathering inside his cast and his leg was itching like crazy. He wanted to finish the windows and get inside out of the sun and take a shower and dig around with his curtain rod for a while and hope to hell Luke would come back over and do that little strip tease of his again. Danny didn’t want to spend the rest of his life talking to these two brats and melting in the sun. Actually, he sympathized with them completely for wanting to jump into the pool: the water was so damned inviting. Danny wanted to dive into it too. And if he hadn’t had one leg encased in cement, he would have.

He jumped when a hand came down on his shoulder. It was his turn to whirl around, and when he did, he saw Luke standing there. Luke had a grin on his face that made his dimples really deep. And really cute.

It was all Danny could do to drag the word out of his mouth. “Hi.” God, he was smitten.

Luke was staring at the two kids. To Danny’s surprise, he broke into a pretty fair Irish brogue.

“What’s with all the wee laddies? Leprechauns? Garden gnomes?”

Danny giggled. “Trolls.

The black kid stuck an elbow in the white kid’s ribcage. “So says the convicted felon under house arrest for vandalism and throwing a hissy fit in public.”

“Not to mention assault and battery on two hundred cheeseburgers,” the white kid added with a smirk.

Danny laughed. That was actually pretty funny. It also proved word of his escapades was indeed out on the street. If these two kids knew about his little meltdown at the hamburger joint, then everybody in the neighborhood did. Oh, well. Not much he could do about it now.

“What are your names?” he asked, not even trying to look serious any more.

Luke still had his hand resting on Danny’s shoulder. He was standing real close to him, too, Danny noticed. Danny liked having Luke snuggled up next to him like that, but he was beginning to wonder what the kids might think of it. Obviously, Luke didn’t care
the kids thought. And after Danny thought about it for a minute, neither did he.

“Yeah,” Luke said, “what are your names? And what are you doing on my friend’s property, if you don’t mind my asking.”

The white kid giggled. “More like

Luke leaned forward and stuck his face two inches from the white kid’s nose. “And that would matter

The black kid broke up their little staring contest by stepping forward. “My name’s DeVon.” He aimed a thumb at his buddy standing next to him. “This is Bradley. He’s white, but don’t hold that against him. We don’t care if you’re gay. We’ve got other fish to fry.”

“Who said we were gay?” Danny asked. He wasn’t sure if he was bothered by the fact these brats thought they were gay or not. Basically, he just wanted to know
they thought it.

“Hey,” the black kid groaned, “if you don’t want us to think you’re gay, then fine, we won’t.”

“Even though you are,” the white kid added with a twisted little smile.

Danny was getting a headache thinking of them as the black kid and the white kid. He made it a point to try to think of them by their names. DeVon and Bradley. DeVon and Bradley.

DeVon decided to clear the air. “It’s no skin off our noses if you like to chew the dingdong. Hell, I got an uncle that’s queer. He chews on dingdongs, too. He gave me a bicycle last Christmas.”

had to do with it, Danny thought.

Bradley threw his two cents’ worth into the pile. “Yeah, and I’ve got two aunts that chew dingdongs. And a gardener that does, too. The gardener’s name is Raul.”

DeVon turned to Bradley with a scathing grimace on his face. “If your two aunts chew on dingdongs that don’t make them gay, you idiot. The gardener, yeah. But the aunts, no.”

Bradley blinked and his ears turned red. “What does it make them then?”

“Sluts. To be gay they’d have to like licking pussies. That would make them lezbos. Which is Latin for gay.”

“Oh, yeah. I knew that.”

“No, you didn’t. Anyway, eating pussy is a long way from chewing on a dingdong. Although I guess from a distance they look about the same.”

Luke and Danny both laughed at that.

Danny decided to get back to the single statement in this entire conversation that he had actually found interesting. “What was it you boys said you were scared of?”

Both DeVon and Bradley cast nervous glances at the fence behind them. Suddenly they were speaking in whispers.

“Nothing,” Bradley hissed.

“Nothing at all,” DeVon added, barely audible. “Can we go now?”

Luke and Danny glanced at each other, then they stared down at the kids.

“Sure,” Danny said. “But don’t be sneaking around the pool any more. You could fall in and drown and I’d have to fish your smelly, lifeless black and white bodies out of the water, and then we’d probably have to drain the water and sterilize the fucking thing before we refilled it. Our water bill is high enough as it is.”

“Yeah,” Luke added. “And by the way. What was the name of your gardener again?”

Danny poked an elbow into Luke’s gut to shut him up. He knew the guy was joking, but still, was that a pang of jealousy Danny felt? Good lord, he really did have it bad.

They watched as DeVon grabbed Bradley’s shirttail and dragged him around the corner of the house where the two boys gave a hasty wave, called out, “See ya!” and finally disappeared altogether.

“Cute kids,” Luke said, watching them go.

“Not as cute as you,” Danny heard himself say.

Two minutes later, they were in Danny’s room closing the drapes and pulling off their clothes. And a mere two minutes after
, DeVon and Bradley, and yes, even Raul the gardener, were forgotten completely.

Tumbling into each other’s arms, they did not think to look out Danny’s south window that overlooked the pool in the backyard. If they had, they might have seen their next door neighbor, Mr. Childers of the sexy (but older) ass and chest, pulling weeds on the other side of Danny’s back fence. He looked hot and sweaty and kind of cranky, as if maybe he had been out there quite a while.

And even if Danny and Luke
spotted Mr. Childers by the back fence, slaving away under the burning California sun, they probably wouldn’t have thought anything about it.

They were too busy to think of anything but themselves.

And rightly so, since they were both coming to some fairly astounding conclusions about how they felt when they were in each other’s company.

And especially when they were in each other’s company



felt a little uncomfortable. “Let me shower. I’ve been working all morning.”

But Luke was like the mailman. He would not be deterred from his appointed rounds. And at the moment, his appointed rounds centered on Danny’s crotch.

“No,” Luke said, without much finesse. He was too turned on for finesse. Didn’t have time for it at all. “I want to smell your sweat.” He lifted his lips from Danny’s balls and gazed across the gorgeous flat plain of Danny’s tummy and chest, still shiny with perspiration from his hours in the hot sun washing the fucking windows. Luke skated his hands across Danny’s sweaty skin as if he loved the feel of it. “That doesn’t make me weird or anything, does it?” Luke asked, looking remarkably young and innocent considering where he was positioned and all, with his chin resting lovingly against Danny’s sweaty nuts. His cornflower-blue eyes were so bright with passion, Danny thought he might get lost in them forever and
find his way out. They were a hazard. Yes indeedy.

Danny had started trembling before Luke ever touched him. Now that Luke actually
touching him, and touching him
down there
no less
and with his
and looking at him with those gorgeous blue eyes, Danny was trembling so hard he thought he might actually fall off the bed. And if he fell on his dick it would probably snap like a tree limb, that’s how hard it was.

“Touch me then,” Danny managed to say around a quaking intake of breath, and Luke smiled up at him as he obediently circled Danny’s rigid cock with his hand.

Danny closed his eyes and sighed. Then he gasped when Luke slid his still-sweaty hand up the shaft of Danny’s dick to gently enclose the head of it in his fist.

Conversationally, Luke said, “So I take it you’re pretty happy about not being a virgin any longer.”

“Fuck you,” Danny stammered, feeling his cock pulsate in Luke’s grasp. Every nerve ending in Danny’s body seemed to have migrated to the head of his pecker. Jeez, he didn’t know nerve endings could move around like that.

Again, Luke pressed his lips to Danny’s balls, even while he continued to stroke Danny’s dick. Slowly. Teasing the glans. Gently fingering the corona. Rubbing his thumb over the slit, dispersing the moisture leaking out like Danny was in dire need of a new gasket or something. Danny’s hips rose and fell with every movement of Luke’s hand, every twiddle of Luke’s thumb. His legs opened wider to give Luke better access. Danny wasn’t exactly sure where it was Luke planned to go, but wherever it was, Danny saw no harm in making his journey a smooth one. He reached down to brush his fingers through Luke’s ginger hair when Luke took advantage of the better access he was offered to kiss the tender skin at the base of Danny’s balls.

With his tongue sliding closer and closer to Danny’s hole, and with Danny spreading his legs wider and wider to let him get there, Luke mumbled, “You want to be careful bandying words like “fuck” around. You never know where it might lead.”

“You’re right,” Danny said, realizing what Luke meant. He was pretty sure he wasn’t ready for
“I’m sorry.”

“Are you?”

Danny stammered. “Well, I—think I am.”

And Luke laughed. “Yeah, right. You look about as sorry as I do.”

Then he pushed Danny’s long hairy legs high in the air, cast and all, and buried his face between Danny’s ass cheeks. No warning. No heads up. Nothing. Just bam! There he was. He nibbled and slurped and foraged around Danny’s opening until Danny, giggling and gasping and writhing like a crazy person, finally screamed for him to stop.

So Luke stopped. He stopped with his tongue resting lightly over Danny’s hole. Unmoving. Hot. He left it there so long, exerting just the slightest pressure onto Danny’s sphincter, that suddenly Danny didn’t
him to stop any more, and started sliding his ass over Luke’s face and tugging at Luke’s hair until Luke got back in the ass-licking business. Which he did with gusto.

“Oh, Jesus—” Danny sputtered. He was so excited now, he was chewing on his
arm. “Sixty-nine, Luke. Please. Sixty-nine. Swing around and let me get at you before I come all by myself.”

“Hardly all by yourself,” Luke harrumphed, sounding hurt and possibly even emotionally scarred by such a callous statement coming from someone whose ass was at that very moment getting such a fine and thorough rim job. “I’m helping a little.”

“You know what I mean.”

Luke snorted a laugh, his lips still pressed to Danny’s sphincter. “Well, since you insist.” And so he did. As he wiggled his way around on the bed to face the other direction, he stopped long enough en route to give Danny a long probing kiss on the lips. Danny held Luke close, his tongue exploring the depths of Luke’s mouth now that it had moved from one orifice to the other. He stroked Luke’s warm velvet body from his neck to his ankles and back again. Danny had never felt anything so electrifying in his life. Luke’s body was everything he had ever imagined another man’s body to be. And he wanted all of it.

of it.

It took a minute for Luke to get properly situated, but once he did, he and Danny found themselves in the very same position they had loved so much the night before. Face to crotch. The both of them. As he lowered his hungry mouth over Luke’s rigid, beautiful cock, Danny figured this was about as close to heaven as he was ever going to get.

Luke reciprocated, and the next thing the two of them knew, they were clutching each other’s asses and driving their dicks into each other’s mouths and spraying come down each other’s throats like a couple of horny fire hoses.

When their two hearts stopped bouncing around like a pair of basketballs and eventually settled down, they gazed across the long expanse of each other’s naked bodies and allowed themselves a gentle smile of appreciation.

“Thank you,” Luke said.

But Danny couldn’t speak. Not yet. He pressed his face to Luke’s thigh and felt the blond hair there scrape across his cheek. He laid his lips to the hard nub of Luke’s knee and tasted it with his tongue. Inhaling Luke’s scent, he closed his eyes when Luke’s hand slid along Danny’s stomach, softly caressing, obviously relishing the feel of his skin. Then Danny felt Luke’s lips on his stomach.

They both shivered and smiled.

When Danny finally managed to speak, he said words he had no idea were coming. But once they were spoken, he knew they were exactly right.

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