Hit & Mrs. (29 page)

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Authors: Lesley Crewe

Tags: #FIC010000, #FIC016000

BOOK: Hit & Mrs.
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Flea put his gun to the back of Tony's head. “I don't think so, partner. You might take off, and then where would I be?”

“Put that away. Do you want the cops crawling all over us before we get the dough?”

Flea grinned. “You worry too much.” He shoved the gun down the back of his pants. “Let's go.”

Tony turned around in his seat and glared at Flea. “You honestly wanna walk down the street with a dripping kerchief around your leg?”

Flea kept grinning. “This is New York, my friend. No one will notice, especially since freak boy is coming with us.”

Blue folded his arms. “I resent that.”

“Do I care?” Flea opened the back door. “Come and help me, freak boy.”

Blue got out of the front seat and stood there with a mutinous look on his face. Flea grabbed his jacket and hopped a few steps before he attempted to put weight on his foot.

. Jesus Christ, come here, Tony.”

Tony went over and Flea grabbed his arm too. Between the two of them they sort of dragged him down the street. They looked almost normal, if you didn't count the fact that they were walking unnaturally close to each other and leaving a trail of blood behind them.

“How do we know who they are?” Tony asked.

“We look for a woman with lots of money. Maybe she's wearing a mink coat. Whatcha think?”

“I think I shoulda given you only one of those pills.” Blue flinched in case Flea hit him, but he didn't. He looked at his feet instead, as if to make sure they were still there.

They hauled Flea into the park and then stood there and looked around. There were quite a few people about for so early in the morning, but they weren't going anywhere, just aimlessly wandering.

“I don't like this,” Tony said under his breath.

Blue pointed. “I think I see someone behind that bush.”

“They're havin' a piss,” Flea assured him. “Don't get paranoid.”

“I don't see no woman, unless you count that maniac in the chair.” Tony tossed his head to the right and they all saw an old crone barrelling down on them at about twenty miles an hour. They stared at her with incredulity as she headed straight for them.

Stuart paced in a cubicle in the outpatient department of Mount Sinai Medical Centre while Ryan had her ankle wrapped by a young intern.

She oohhed and ahhed just enough to keep him wrapping longer than necessary.

“You have such strong hands.”

“Give it a rest,” Stuart said.

Ryan threw him a look. “Mind your own business. At least this nice gentleman is being kind to me, unlike some I could mention.”

Stuart stuck his hands in his pockets. “I'll be in the hall.”

He went out the door and walked to the end of the corridor. When his cellphone rang, he quickly went to an out-of-the-way corner to answer it.


“Mr. Keaton, it's Detective Ames here.”

Stuart resisted shouting at him. “Did you find Linda?”


His hand went to his heart. “Oh, thank God. Where is she?”

“I believe they're on route back to the station house. I'm in the Bronx interviewing the young girl who was held hostage with your wife's other two friends. They're still missing, unfortunately. The information was passed to me about your wife. I haven't seen her yet.”

“May I see her?”

“I imagine she'll be tied up with our unit for a while answering questions, but if you come to the station house, I'm sure they'll let you see her for a few minutes.”

“I can't thank you enough for all your help.”

“I wasn't much help. Your wife and her friend managed to escape on their own. Very resourceful ladies, I must say.”

“That's Linda. She's quite a gal.”

“I must go. I'm still in the middle of this. I'll be in touch if I have any news about the others.”

“Thank you. Thank you so much.”

Stuart turned off his phone and sagged into a corner. He was glad he'd resisted the temptation to give Wes a call. Hopefully his son would never have to know about this horrible episode.

Tears welled up. He quickly wiped them with the back of his hand, put his cellphone in his pocket, and hurried down the hallway. He burst into the cubicle. Ryan had her hands on the intern's arm. They jumped apart at the sight of him.

“Linda's been found.”

“Oh, goody, there is a God.”

“You could at least be relieved.”

“I am relieved. Relieved this nightmare is over. I have to go back to the hotel and put my foot up, don't I, doctor?”

The intern backed away from her. “It would be wise. Ice it every so often and take some painkillers. You'll be fine.”

“Thank you so much.”

The intern nodded and quickly fled.

“Okay, let's go. We have to get to the police station.”

Ryan glared at him. “You heard him. I need to be off my feet.”

“You can be off your feet after I talk to Linda.”

“You have got to be the most selfish man I know. I can't believe the way you treat me. Absolutely no regard for my feelings or my welfare whatsoever.”

“I do worry about you, Ryan, and we'll definitely go back to the hotel after I take a minute to reassure myself that Linda's all right.” He hurried over and put his arm around her waist. “Let me help you.”

“Let me go, you big jerk.” She pummelled his shoulder with her fists.

“Fine. I'll see you later.” He let her go and marched out the door.

“Get back here!”

He poked his head back in. “Are you coming with me or going back to the hotel on your own?”

“Looks like I don't have a choice.”

“That's right.”

“Fine, I'll come with you. But I'm not happy, Stuart. I'm not happy at all.”

He pushed her in a wheelchair until they got outside, and then he handed her a cane he'd bought from the hospital. He hailed a cab and she hobbled over to it.

On their way to the police station, Stuart suddenly looked at his watch. “My speech is in two hours.”

“I'm exhausted. I need my beauty sleep.”

He didn't bother talking after that.

Bette and Linda sat at a table in a small room drinking coffee. A box of doughnuts was open between them, but they were too worn out to eat more than one.

Bette sighed. “I'm so tired, I'm not tired.”

“I know what you mean.” Linda looked around. “How long do you think they'll leave us here?”

Bette shrugged. “It doesn't matter. I'm not leaving this station until I know Gemma and Augusta are safe.”

“They have to be. They just have to be.”

There was a knock at the door and Stuart poked his head in. Linda jumped up from the table and flew into his arms. She didn't notice Ryan limping behind him with a scowl on her face.

“I'm sorry, you were right,” she snivelled into his shirt. “I should've called the police.”

“It doesn't matter now. You're safe.”

They held each other for a few moments and then Linda suddenly realized what she was doing. She practically pushed him away. “Sorry. I'm not thinking.” She went and sat down again. “I see you brought your lapdog with you.”

“You're so clever,” Ryan smiled at her. “So clever that someone kidnapped you in a matter of minutes. I believe your friends are missing as well. They must be as clever as you are.”

“You and your big mouth can leave,” Linda said.

Bette slapped her cheeks. “Speaking of big mouths, I haven't called home yet. Ida must be frantic. Stuart, do you have your cellphone?” Stuart passed it to her and she placed the call.

Miriam and Esther were still on the couch, fighting to keep their eyes open, but as soon as the phone rang, they sprang to attention.

Miriam reached for the phone. “Hello? Hello?”

“Who's this? Miriam?”


“Yes, it's me.”

“Oh, praise God!” Miriam smiled at Esther. “It's Bette.”

Esther shook her hands in prayer.

“Are you all right?” Miriam shouted in her excitement.

“Yes, I'm at the police station.”

“Oh, that's wonderful. Is everyone with you?”

“No, only Linda. We're still waiting to hear about Gemma and Augusta.”

“Oh dear, that's terrible. But I meant the family.”

“What family?”

“Your family.”


“Yes. Obviously you haven't hooked up, then.”

Bette rubbed her forehead. “I must be overtired. I don't understand you.”

“When we heard you were in trouble, the family went to rescue you.”


“Of course. Did you think we'd just leave you there?”

“Who's we?”

“Everyone. Ida, Izzy…”


“All your brothers, Uncle Sid, and your cousins.”

“How did they get here?”

“They drove all night.”

Bette held her hand over the phone. “My entire family is here in New York.”

“I don't understand,” Linda frowned.

“You don't understand? Me neither.” She took her hand away. “Miriam, why in the name of God did you let Ida and Izzy loose on the streets of New York?”

“Sorry, Bette, there was no stopping them. They love you. We all do.”

Bette fell into the nearest chair. “I don't believe this.”

“I'm going to call Mordecai and tell them where you are,” Miriam said. “Give me the address.”

Bette found out what it was and gave it to her, along with the phone number where she could be reached. Miriam then called Mordecai, but the operator kept saying there was no service. “That doesn't make sense. I know he has that phone on.”

“Maybe they're not in range,” Esther said.

“Why don't you see if David's cellphone works?”

Esther took the phone from Miriam and phoned her husband. He answered.


Whenever the Weinbergs remembered the events of that day, it seemed to all of them as if everything had taken place in slow motion. Only Ida's wheelchair remained speedy—in fact, she seemed to be everywhere at once. It was as if she had lost control of her powered wheelchair, but it could have been the wonky wheel.

Whatever it was, she covered a lot of ground and was on top of the three Stooges in no time, while everyone else circled around the perimeter.

She whizzed up to them and asked them flat out: “Are you the kidnappers?”

Flea laughed. “Got it in one, lady.”

“You don't look like kidnappers. You look like losers.”

“I'm starting to get a complex,” Blue shouted. “I've never been insulted by so many people in one day.”

“Get used to it. Where's my daughter?”

“Where's the money?” Tony asked.

Ida picked up the backpack from her lap. “It's here, but I'm not handing it over until I see my daughter.”

Flea started to giggle. “You're a bossy old nag, ain't ya?”

She glared at him. “Got it in one, loser.”

Flea frowned. “I'm getting tired of you. Hand over the cash and make it snappy.”

“No, not until I see Bette.”

Tony got nervous. “Listen, lady, don't make this difficult. We've got your daughter in the car. Give us the dough and we'll take you to her.”

“I don't believe you. Where's the car?”

“I've had enough of this old bitch. Gimme that.” Flea lunged at Ida, obviously forgetting about his bum leg. He went down like a ton of bricks and hit the pavement with a sickening thud. Tony and

Blue couldn't believe it, so they stood frozen to the spot—along with a small crowd of spectators, a.k.a. Weinbergs. Everyone waited for someone to do something, and they all jumped when Flea reached out and grabbed Ida's chair.

“Let go of me.” She hit him on the head with the backpack.

He held on with one hand and attempted to wrestle the bag from her with the other. “Gimme that dough, lady.”

“In your dreams.”

Just then David yelled from thirty feet away. “
Bette's at the police station. Bette's safe at the police station. Get outta there.”

“Why, you little bastard, trying to steal my money.” Ida put her chair in gear and zoomed away, dragging Flea with her.

Everyone started to run in twenty different directions. There was mass confusion as the Weinbergs shouted and coughed and pursued the speeding wheelchair. But when the gun went off, everyone stopped dead.

“Unless you want me to kill this old bitch right now, everyone back off,” Flea screamed. He trained his gun on Ida's face from the ground.

“No one come near us, do you hear me?”

Everyone stayed put.

He gradually managed to get into a sitting position. “Throw me that bag, lady.”

“You want I give you the money? Fine. Here's your money.” She threw it in his face.

He grabbed the bag and then hobbled to his feet. “Tony, Blue, get over here and help me.”

They hesitated.

“Get over here now, or I swear to God I'll kill you too.”

They hurried over.

“Anyone ever tell you you're a schmuck?” Ida yelled at Flea.

He sneered at her. “If I'm such a schmuck, how come I got your money, eh? Answer me that.”

“Here's your answer.”

She kicked him right in the nuts. Flea went down with a crash, his gun flying. The bag of money fell and Tony took off. Blue put his hands up. “I was kidnapped too. Don't hurt me.”

The Weinberg boys ran from every direction and pounced on all three of them, not that Flea put up much of a fight. He writhed on the ground, moaning in pain.

Izzy and Sid rushed over to Ida.

Izzy patted her head. “Are you all right?”

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