History of the Second World War (131 page)

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Authors: Basil Henry Liddell Hart

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Dunkirk, Hitler holds back his tanks from, 74-5, 77, 80-3, 708; B.E.F. retreats to, 77-78; evacuation from, 77-80, 707
Dunphie, Brigadier Charles, 408
Dusseldorf, 600, 678
Dutch East Indies, fall to Japan, 203, 233, 343; Japanese need for oil of, 207, 620, 622-3; timetable for capture of, 210; protection of, 501; move to recapture, 687
Dutch Government in exile, freezes Japanese assets, 199, 206
Dutch Harbor, 349-50, 352
Duxford, Fighter Command planes from, 106
Dvina, River, 493
Dvinsk, 580-1


Eaker, Lieut.-General I. C., Commander of 8th U.S.A.A.F., 599
East Africa, Italian Army in, 109, 112; campaign in, 121-7
East Africans, in British East African Army, 124
East Indies.
Dutch East Indies
East Prussia, on Polish flank, 27-9; panzer corps in, 134; Army Group in, 149; Hitler’s H.Q. in, 309, 435, 582; Russians approach, 580, 582; deadlock in, 588; Russians in, 665-7; German forces isolated in, 667
Eastern Front, opening of, 141-70; German Army Groups on, 148; divided by Russia into ‘fronts’, 261, 579, 665; stabilisation of (1944), 574-5, 577; deflection of fighter and anti-aircraft forces from, 606; Russia preparing massive offensive on, 663-5; Russian breakthrough on, 666-7; stabilisation of (1945), 668-9; reinforcements to, ease way to Rhine, 669
Eastern Ocean Meeting Point for convoy escorts, 380
Eben Emael, Fort, capture of, 68-9
Eboli, 462
Eden, Anthony, 8, 117, 694
Eder dam, 600
Egypt, British Army in, 109, 112, 710; Cape route to, 109, 178n., 438; Italian army threatens, 109; Churchill sends tanks and other reinforcements to, 112, 174-8, 182; Hobart trains armoured force in, 117n.; British driven back to frontier of, 172-3, 311; Germans lose chance of conquering, 175; reinforced at expense of Singapore, 182, 232; near panic in, at Rommel’s approach, 283; Churchill flies to, 290; U.S. objections to reinforcing British in, 312
Eichelberger, Lieut.-General R. C., 615
Eifel, the, 677
Eire, shipping in hazard S. of, 371; shipping moves normally round, 392; refuses use of ports to Allies, 394
Eisenhower, General Dwight D., and 1942 Second Front, 310; in command of ‘Torch’, 312; in discussions on choice of sites, 313-14, 316; meets Giraud, 320; agrees to Darlan’s appointment, 331-2; on morale of American officers in Tunisia, 338-9; on operations in Tunisia, 340; forced to abandon offensive, 341; cancels ‘Operation Satin’, 397; Allied C.-in-C. North Africa, 402; expects attack at Fondouk, 402; on choice of area for attack on Tunis, 423; on prisoners taken in Tunisia, 431; commands invasion of Sicily, 439; cancels airborne drop on Rome, 453; announces armistice with Italy, 461; and question of Italian offensive or ‘Anvil’, 533, 538; decides to start ‘Overlord’ despite bad weather, 550; on intended ‘breakthrough’ near Caen, 553; compromise decisions of, in Normandy, 561-3; on airborne attack planned near Brussels, 563-4; original plan of, for advance on Rhine, 566; over-optimistic, 567; Montgomery criticises, 639; receives news of Ardennes attack, 642; rumour of plan to kill, 645; gives Montgomery charge of forces N. of Ardennes breach, 656; assigns main attack on Rhine to Montgomery, 677; surrender document signed at H.Q. of, 680; mentioned, 463, 466, 471
El Guettar, 401, 415, 419-20
El Hamma, 417-20
El Haseiat, 198
El Mireir, 287
Elbe, River, 680
Elbing, 667
Elista, 477
Elsenborn, 652
Empress Augusta Bay, 507-8
Endau, 228
Enfidaville, 341, 422-6, 431
English Channel, air attacks on ships and harbours in, 98
Eniwetok Island, 512-13
, U.S.S., 344-6, 350-2, 358-61
Eremenko, General, commands Stalingrad front, 259, 261; pushes towards Smolensk, 491; in capture of Crimea, 575; 2nd Baltic front of, 579, 581, 587
Eritrea, Italian forces in, 109; Italian advance from, 121; conquest of, 126
Essen, air raids on, 597-8, 600-1, 611
Esteva, Vice-Admiral J-P., 330
Estonia, Russian pact with, 43; occupation of, 143
Ethiopia, Italian forces in, 109, 121; Italian difficulties in, 112; Emperor Haile Selassie brought back to, 125; conquest of, 125, 127, 184; Wingate in, 367
Etna, Mount, 444
Eupen, 655
Europe, effect of war on, 3; German expansion in, 8-10; discussions on Second Front in, for 1942
and 1943, 310-11, 438; Allied attack on S., aided by initial failure in Tunisia, 341-2; U.S. builds ships for Second Front in, 383; re-entry into, 433-446; wide area for possible Allied landings in, 437; central, opened to Communism, 701, 713
Evelegh, Major-General Vyvyan, 334, 338
Evetts, Brigadier John, 366


Faid Pass, 402-3, 416
Falaise, 556-7; ‘Pocket’, 552
Falkenhorst, General von, 56
Far East, Egypt reinforced at expense of, 182, 232; Japanese threat to, 182; extent of Japanese conquests in, 203; Allied shipping sunk in, 382
Fastov, 495
Fedala, 321-3
Fergusson, Brigadier Bernard, 517
Feriana, 405, 407
Festing, Major-General F. W., 635
Fiji Islands, 344
Filton aircraft works, bombing of, 107
Finland, Russia seeks frontier adjustments with, 43-4; Russian invasions of, 44-7, 53, 578; Western Powers offer aid to, 44, 46, 53-5, 57; advantages for defence in, 45, 47; capitulation of, 46, 57; co-operates in invasion of Russia, 153; capture of Leningrad as relief to, 247; isolated from Germany, 576; negotiates for armistice with Russia, 577-8; Russian attack on, 578; Germans increase commitment in, 578; surrenders, 587
Finland, Gulf of, Russia seeks ability to block, 43; attack on Finland across, 46; German line from, 576
Finschhafen, 506
Fisher, Admiral Sir John, advocates destruction of German fleet, 218-19
Fletcher, Rear-Admiral F. J., 346, 358
Florence, 471, 541
Flying Fortress (Boeing B.17), 209, 211, 216, 221, 352, 577, 603-4
Foch, Marshal F., 481, 492
Focke-Wulf aircraft factory, raid on, 598; F.W.200.
Focsani, 573
Foggia, 459, 467-8
Foglia, River, 540
Folkestone, 89
Fondouk, 402; Pass, 419-20, 422-3
Forbes, Admiral Sir Charles, 61
Formosa, Japanese Air Fleet based on, 209; Hong Kong vulnerable to aircraft from, 219-20; Philippines attacked from, 221; base for striking at Japan, 620, 630; air strike on, 622; carrier raids on Japanese base and shipping, 629; Okinawa in relation to, 683
Fornebu airfield, Oslo, 61
Fort Dufferin, Mandalay, 636
Fort Maddalena, 191
France, pledges help to Poland, 3, 15; appeasement policy of, 6-7, 9; declares war, 16, 17, 705; collapse of, 20, 65, 84-6; threat to, from Franco Spain, 23; availability of raw materials to, 23; mobilisation plan of, 32, 705; German need for speedy conquest of, 34-5, 707; Hitler plans invasion of, 35-40, 706-7; unprepared for attack through Ardennes, 38
707; urges attack on Norway, 56-9; objects to mining of German rivers, 57; ‘Battle of’, 65-86; unfairly criticises Belgian surrender, 78; union with Britain proposed to, 85; information about British radar available in, 94-5; Anglo-U.S. discussions on landings in, 310-12, 438, 523; increased danger to shipping after fall of, 371, 375-6; U-boats concentrated in Western ports of, 391; German reinforcements to, despite Italian campaign, 536-7; Allied invasion of, 543-550; collapse of German position in, 543; opposition to bombing Germany from (1939), 593; bombing of Renault factory in, 597; pre-‘Overlord’ bombing of communications in, 603, 606-7, 611, 712; enters war in striving to avert it, 701, 704
Under Vichy Government:
Japan takes over Indo-China from, 199, 206; causes for strained relations between Britain and, 238, 319; reaction of, to ‘Torch’ landings, 313-316, 327-9; Germans overrun, 329-30.
See also
Free French
Franck, Prof. James. 695
Franco, General, 297; German and Italian help to, 6, 23; avoids action against Allies, 333
Frankfurt-a-M., 562, 567, 601-2
Frankfurt-an-der-Oder, 668
, U.S.S., 684
Frascati, 452, 454
Fraser, Admiral Sir Bruce, 684
Fredendall, Major-General Lloyd R., 316, 324, 408-9; U.S. 2nd Corps under, 397, 413
Free French, naval strength of, in Pacific, 208; brigade fights in Eighth Army, 269, 272, 275
Freetown Escort Force, 382
French in North Africa: in Eighth Army, 269, 272, 275; Americans fear enmity to Britain from, 314, 316, 319; Mark Clark’s secret visit to, 317-18; choice of leader to rally forces to Allied side, 319-20; resistance from, 320-3
Freyberg, Lieut.-General Sir Bernard, in Crete, 135-6; in Tunisia, 417, 426; in Italy, 529-30, 532
Friedman, Colonel William F., 209
Friessner, General, 148, 581-2, 587
Fromm, General Friedrich, 36
Frusci, General, 126
Fuka, 279, 303-6


Gabes, 336, 415, 417, 419; bottleneck at, 309, 335, 416; Gulf of, 335; 21st Panzer Division sent to, 398
Gabr Saleh, 187-8
Gaeta, 464, 470; Gulf of, 456
Gaffey, Major-General Hugh J., 657
Gafsa, Tunisia, airfield at, 335; Rommel attacks near, 401-3; occupied by Germans, 405; captured by Americans, 413, 415
Galal, 305
Galatz, 584-5; Gap, 573, 575
Gallabat, 112, 121, 125
Galland, General Adolf, 92
Gallivare iron-mines, 45, 52-5, 57
‘Galvanic, Operation’, 511
Gambut, 276
Gamelin, General M., plans invasion of Belgium, 35, 41, 70; Plan ‘D’ of, 41; plans operation in Scandinavia, 54-5, 58-9; on crossing of Meuse, 73; removed from command, 74, 76
Gangaw, 635
Garigliano, River, 469-70, 472, 527, 532
Gatehouse, Major-General A. H., 291
Gaulle, General Charles de, interested in tanks, 21; not told of North-west African landings, 319; and Darlan’s appointment and murder, 331-2
Gazala, Rommel withdraws to line of, 196-7; Eighth Army driven back to, 266, 268; Battle of, 269-75, 311; fortification of, 269, 271
Gazzera, General P., 127
Gehlen, Major-General R., 663
Gela, 441, 443
Gelsenkirchen, raid on, 608
Gemas, 228
‘Generals’ Plot’, 479, 551-2, 582, 649
Genoa, 671
Georges, General A., 17, 70, 73
Germany, invades Poland, 3, 16, 28-9, 705; needs
7-8; economic difficulties of, 10; makes pact with Russia, 13-14, 206, 705; gains Czecho-Slovakian armaments, 22-3; lacks raw materials for war, 23-4, 150, 611; opposition to Hitler in, 35
36, 40, 713; mass of troops and people of, put trust in Hitler, 36; gets iron from Sweden, 45, 52-5; occupies Norway, 45, 51-6, 58-63, 706; occupies Denmark, 51; plan to drop mines into rivers of, 57; invades Holland and Belgium, 66-9, 707; invades France, 65, 69-72, 707; prepares to invade Britain, 87-90; air attacks of, on Britain, 90-108; fails to make use of captured knowledge of radar, 94-5; pact between Yugo-Slavia and, 132-4; bombing of, 102, 142, 231, 393, 589-612; invades Russia, 141, 157-70; importance of Rumanian oil to, 143-4, 147, 149, 585; signs new treaty with Russia, 147; exploitation of Russia planned by, 150; Japan’s alliance with, 205-6; exhausting effect of Russian campaign on, 241, 247; needs oil of Caucasus, 245, 248; has limited reserve of men and machines, 257, 485; possible actions of, to frustrate ‘Torch’, 313, 315; occupies Southern France, 329-30; air offensive over, deprives Coastal Command of aircraft, 383; bombing of, affects U-boat construction, 393; Hitler runs down resources of, to supply Italy, 450; secrecy as to shrinkage of assets of, 485; seeks frontier on Dnieper, 488; Rommel in, at time of invasion, 550; nothing to stop Allies driving into (1944), 558, 566; Allies approach frontier of, 560; improves defences of frontier, 560; causes of Allied failure to defeat, in 1944, 561-7; increases commitments in Finland, 578; Rumania and Bulgaria declare war on, 585; Finland at war with, 587; strategic air offensive against, 589-612; bombs London (1914-1918), 589; improved air defences of, 596-598; bombing of, fails to prevent increased output, 599, 605; air attacks on oil targets in, 605-8; air attacks on communications in, 607; assessment of results of bombing, 610-12; evacuation of population from towns of east, 666; collapse in, 677-81; people of, want Allies to reach Berlin before Russians, 679; surrender of, 680-1

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