His Wife for a While (14 page)

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Authors: Donna Fasano

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: His Wife for a While
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"The reason we came out here," she said, intent on getting back to their original topic, "was so that I could try to make you understand why... why having a baby is so important to me. We've somehow wandered off track."

"That was my fault."

tucked her bottom lip between her teeth and wondered how she could make him understand her heart's desire. She couldn't possibly tell him it was because a baby would love her when no one else did. No, it would be much better if she explained her need to give.

"I want a baby," she began, "because I want to provide my child a happy, carefree upbringing." That was certainly true enough. "I've always felt that some part of me was missing. I want to give my child... love." Those things, too, were true. But they sounded so pitiful to her ears. Did Ben think so too? she wondered.

Ben's heart ached for
. He could understand her desire to give a child all the things that she hadn't received. She had years and years worth of love to give… love that she'd pent up inside her… love she'd refused to let escape. If she were to have a child, she would finally be whole. The realization caused a wide-eyed blink. The thought of helping her to become complete filled him with sudden euphoria.

"Ben, I…"

"Chels." He cut her off as gently as he possibly could. "I understand why you want a baby. I'd have to be a fool not to."

She looked at him and gave him a smile… the first one she'd offered that she didn't have to work at.

"You don't have to explain any more," he said.

The empathy in his eyes took her breath away. He understands. He really understands. She could see it on his face.
reached over and took his hand. And the ice that had encased her heart for so long began to chip away.

When he pulled her close, she didn't stiffen, she didn't feel impelled to resist. His arms were strong and his embrace was warm and secure.
relaxed into it, and for the first time since speaking her marriage vows, she thought that maybe everything was going to be okay.

Ben leaned close and she could feel his breath graze her ear. Ever so softly, he whispered, "Let's go make a baby."

tingled all over and felt her heart turn a flip in her chest. "You mean it?" she asked. "Right now? Tonight?"

His glittering eyes reflected the excitement and anticipation she knew radiated from her.

He nodded. "Right now. Tonight."

"Oh, Ben," she said, feeling close to tears. "Thank you so…"

Placing two fingers against her lips, he shook his head. "Don't," he told her. "That's not necessary."

His gentle timbre and the promise of unselfish giving that lit his emerald gaze melted the last remnants of frost that encrusted her heart. She felt emotionally naked, totally exposed to Ben. And although the feeling was mysterious and new to her, she marveled at the fact that she hadn't the least bit of fear. It warmed her heart to know that he was doing everything he could to make her feel safe, and she appreciated that.

He traced the line of her jaw, the pads of his fingers sliding along ever so slowly along her skin. When her chin was tucked into the vee of his hand between his index finger and thumb, he lifted her jaw a fraction and forced her eyes to meet his.

With gazes locked, they communicated in silence. Tension built around them until it was nearly a tangible thing.

Slowly, the look in his eyes changed. The altruism dimmed and a flicker of heated passion took its place. The spark caught, and held, and grew. And it spread over his features until the desire he felt was etched in every plane and angle of his face.

A shiver skittered up
's spine and she pressed her palm flat against her stomach when an unidentified yet undeniable warmth began to curl there. Before she could wonder what was happening to her, Ben lowered his head and covered her mouth with his.

His kiss was like nothing she'd ever felt before. His lips, hot and moist against hers, performed a tender exploration. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to the intriguing sensations that bombarded her senses.

He opened his mouth and timidly ran the tip of his tongue across her bottom lip. She instinctively knew he was questioning her. How far did she want him to go?

She desperately wanted him to know that she understood his need to trust. That she intended to meet his need by giving herself as completely and totally as she was able.

Parting her lips, she welcomed his tongue with her own. She kissed him deeply, thoroughly, and hoped he would recognize this intimate, unspoken expression for what it was.

He did. And she knew it because his lips became bolder, more ardent in their pursuit. His tongue delved into her mouth, playing erotic games with hers that heated the curls of emotion in her stomach until they burned white-hot.

Finally, he pulled back a hair's breadth, kissing her mouth lightly, once, twice, three times.

She didn't move, or rather, was unable to. It seemed as though the oxygen in the air was thin and inadequate. Evidently, Ben felt the same way, because he filled his lungs deeply. As he exhaled, he gave her a broad smile.

"Let's go back to the bedroom," he suggested.

She could only nod.

Ben stood and pulled her to her feet. Entwining his fingers with hers, he led the way through the kitchen, down the hall and into his room.

The giddy excitement that jumped inside
had her shaking uncontrollably.

Ben stopped beside the bed, and obviously mistaking her trembling as fear, he said, "There's no reason to be afraid."

"Oh, I'm not afraid," she assured him.


He seemed so pleased by her answer, and for some reason that made
very happy.

Ben reached up and loosened the top button of her blouse. She covered his fingers with her hand and waited until he looked into her eyes.

"I want you to know that... I'm going to try to enjoy myself," she said.

He grinned. "If you have to try, then I won't be doing my job."

"What I meant to say," she tried again to make him understand, "was... that I never have..."

His brows knit together. "You've never enjoyed yourself sexually? Well, that's not really uncommon, I think. I…"

She stopped him with an embarrassed and frantic shake of her head. "No, no. I'm trying to let you know that I've never... I haven't ever..."

It was no use. She couldn't bring herself to say the words out loud.

"You've never had sex?"

Ben's question was filled with a strange mixture of incredulity and wonder. He watched her closely, her averted gaze answering his question. This woman was an enigma to him. He kissed her gently on the mouth.

"It will be okay,
," he promised.

She's never been touched
. The words rang in his brain, and he was amazed by how erotic he found them. Hugging her to him, he felt her tremble and knew that he'd have to take things very slowly. He'd be the first man to touch her body, the first to intimately explore the secret, seductive places that could bring them both such pleasure. And after all the things he'd learned about her tonight, he hoped he'd be the first man to touch her soul.

's heart pounded against her ribs as she stood in the circle of Ben's arms. When he stepped back and started to unbutton her blouse, she marveled at how her skin began to prickle with a heightened awareness. He pushed back the facings of her blouse and sucked in his breath. Pride and delight welled inside her at the thought of causing such a visceral reaction in him.

He slipped her blouse from her arms and let it fall unheeded to the floor. His warm hands slid up her arms and over her bare shoulders. He ran his little finger underneath the rose-colored lace of her bra, and her nipples tightened into buds that strained against the thin, satiny fabric. She heard herself gasp, saw his satisfied smile, and her heartbeat thumped even harder.

He took hold of her hand and raised it to his chest. Fingering the buttons of his shirt, she was overwhelmed with the unspoken knowledge of what he wanted of her. A flash of trepidation shot through her. Could she answer his silent request?

With tentative, fumbling fingers she began to undress him. She had trouble with one stubborn button, but it finally popped free. Her shaky hands tugged the shirt over his muscular shoulders and down his taut, well-defined arms.

Heat radiated off his skin, causing peculiar emotions to race through her. The warm, clean smell of him made her want to move closer and bury her nose in the crook of his neck.

He unclasped the front hook of her bra, and as it slid to the floor, he bent over and kissed her shoulder. His tongue flicked out to taste her skin.

"You're so sweet." His voice was a husky whisper. "I want to taste you all over."

His eyes were filled with such passion that she felt a sudden urge to look away. Her gaze traveled over the curly hair on his broad chest. Curiosity got the best of her, and she reached out and splayed her hand there. The hair was springy and soft, and the feel of it sent jolts of heat shooting inside her.

She stopped suddenly, her fingertips directly over his heart. It pounded just as furiously as her own. Her gaze flew to his and again she could clearly see his desire displayed in his hungry green eyes.

"Oh, Ben."

At that moment she lost her heart to him. The man made her feel so beautiful, so desirous, so... worthy.

Her voice dropped an octave and she repeated, "Oh, Ben."

The words must have called him to action, because without knowing how,
found herself lying on the bed, stripped of everything except the building desire that left her feeling flushed and wanting. Ben slipped out of his trousers and lay down beside her.

He touched, kissed, teased, tasted, tempted, until she felt she would suffocate from breathlessness.

During the few moments that she could think coherently, she touched and kissed and touched some more. His skin was smooth as satin, hot as flame. The sound of his soft moans nearly drove her mad. The silky spot on his inner wrist brushed the swell of her breast. He slid his hand over the valley of her waist, the curve of her hip. And his lips seemed to trace every inch of her. She felt as if she were climbing higher and higher, but she had no idea of where this journey was taking her.

This new and wild experience was more than just a physical adventure for her. Ben was conjuring emotions in her that she hadn't even known existed.

She felt that she and Ben were alone on some high, never-before-reached precipice. They danced to an erotic, primal rhythm that she vaguely recognized as her own heartbeat. He twirled her, they dipped, spun, whirled and swayed. Until finally they glided too close to the cliff's edge and she tumbled over into a silent void of pure carnal sensation.




Chapter Six



The metal file drawer closed with a clank, but
continued to clutch the handle as her thoughts flew like a flock of cawing crows. The past two weeks had been like nothing she'd ever imagined. The days had been brighter and sunnier than she'd ever known them to be. Ben had been so attentive to her.

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