His to Claim (14 page)

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Authors: Opal Carew

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“So how’d you like your first night with the band?” Diego asked.

“It was exciting. You guys were great tonight.”

Travis grinned. “So were you. We’ve never sold so many T-shirts. I don’t know why
we never thought of having a pretty woman sell our stuff before.”

“Yeah, except most of the people buying were women,” she said.

“Well, that’s because they saw how beautiful you looked in the T-shirt.”

Melanie laughed. “With your silver tongue, I would say if you were at the table instead
of on the stage, we wouldn’t have enough T-shirts to keep up.”

The waiter brought their check and Travis laid down his credit card.

Melanie opened her pack and fished for her wallet. “How much do I owe?”

“Nothing. All food and expenses on the trip are covered.”

“There are a lot of perks traveling with a rock band,” she said with a smile, then
tipped back her glass.

Travis entered the tip in the handheld device the waiter had handed him, then finished
his transaction and retrieved his card. Even though the check had been paid, most
of the guys still had full drinks in front of them, so would probably be staying a
while yet, but Melanie was tired.

“Speaking of expenses, I was going to head back to the hotel. Should I just grab a
cab?” she asked.

“I’m going, too. We’ll share one.” Travis stood up and pulled on his jacket, covering
the snake tattoo curling down his bicep.

She followed him to the door.

Travis hailed a cab and they were at the hotel ten minutes later.

As they rode the elevator up, Travis leaned casually against the wall. She wasn’t
immune to his sexy, masculine presence in the small space. His layered, sandy hair
brushed his shoulders and she could see the three gold hoops in each ear glittering
in the light. A part of her wanted to reach out and stroke his whisker-roughened jaw.

“I’m really glad you joined us, Melanie.”

She smiled. “Thanks. I think I’m going to enjoy it.”

The doors opened and she stepped out. He walked alongside her until they reached her

“Good night,” she said as she pulled her keycard from the pocket on her pack. But
when she glanced up, he stood watching her.

“I really like you, Melanie. And you know I’m attracted to you.”

Tremors rippled through her. And Lord knew she was attracted to him.

If she pulled him into her room right now, he would make sweet love to her and that
would drive away the thoughts of Storm haunting her. For a while.

He stepped closer. “I’d really like to get to know you better.”

From the gleam in his eye, she knew he was going to kiss her. Her stomach churned.
As he leaned in close, she seemed frozen to the spot, but at the final moment her
hand flattened on his chest.

“I don’t think this is a good idea.”

“Really?” He grinned. “I think this is the best idea I’ve ever had.”

He leaned close again, but she shook her head. “I know you like to steal women from
Storm, but I don’t want to be part of it. I appreciate how supportive and kind you’ve
been, but—”

He pressed his finger to her lips before she could continue. “Is that why you’re holding
back, because you think I’m using you to get back at Storm? Because if that’s what
you think, Melanie, you underestimate yourself. I’m interested in
. Got it?”

His hand dropped to his side but his big body still stood mere inches from hers.

“Thank you, Travis. But I still can’t. I’m sorry.”

“Is it Storm?”

She nodded.

“I thought it was over between you two.”

She bit her lip and his eyebrows arched.

She shrugged. “I’m not sure,” she admitted. “We didn’t really sort it out.”

“The guy forbade you to come on tour with us. And then he let you go without so much
as a good-bye. Are you really going to stay with him?”

She gazed into his blue-green eyes. “I thought you were his friend.”

“I am. But that doesn’t mean I think he’s perfect. Especially when it comes to women.”

“Are you mad at him for walking out on your sister?”

“No, of course not.” His gaze captured her. “But he did break her heart.” His finger
stroked down the side of her face, his gentle touch sending shimmers of awareness
through her. “I don’t want to see that happen to you.”

No matter what he said, she could see it in his eyes that he still harbored resentment
toward Storm because he’d hurt his sister. Even though Jessica had found the man of
her dreams. And yet the two of them had continued to play in the band together and
socialize together. Men were funny creatures.

But now Melanie realized why Travis stole women from Storm. It was a form of payback.

The ding of the elevator doors opening made Melanie start and shift back slightly.
She glanced down the hall. Diego was walking toward them. She stepped back, but not
before Diego’s keen gaze took in their stance and how close they stood to each other.

His lips curled up in a half grin as he approached.

“Hey, man, that’s not the way to kiss a woman good night.”

He stepped up to Melanie and before she could protest, he swept her into his arms
and planted his lips on hers. The feel of his strong arms around her, and his hard
chest tight against hers set her off balance. His tongue nudged her lips and she opened,
then it swirled into her mouth. He tasted like sin and smelled like pure musky male.
His hand cupped the back of her head and she melted into his kiss, struggling to draw
in enough air. When he let her go, she was weak-kneed.

Travis laughed. “Here, let me try.”

Then Travis pulled her to him. His lips captured hers and his tongue slipped inside
her mouth with authority. His arms tightened around her, crushing her to his hard
body and leaving no doubt about who was in control.

God damn! Travis came across as sensitive and gentle, but when it came to kissing
he was all hard, authoritative male. Which made her long to know how he would behave
in the bedroom. Would he dominate her like she craved so much?

All she had to do was say the word and he’d follow her inside right now. In fact,
if she wanted to, she could probably be with both of them.

Oh, God, images of both men, hard and naked, made her tremble. She’d come on tour
to learn about herself, but she’d never expected this to happen. This fierce awakening
of her own sexual need.

Travis released her lips, but still held her tight to his body.

Melanie drew in a deep breath. “I can’t do this. Not until I figure out what’s going
on with Storm.”

“Well, do it soon.” He murmured the words quietly against her ear. She doubted Diego
heard them. Then Travis released her.

“I … uh … better go. I’ll see you in the morning.” She stuck her keycard into the
slot and hurried into the room. “Good night,” she said as she closed the door behind
her. Then she leaned back against it, trying to catch her breath.

“Darlin’, I think you’re still standing behind the door, and I just want to say if
you change your mind, my door is always open.”

“Mine, too,

Travis chuckled. “I sensed that you like a touch of authority from your man, and I
want to assure you, I can give you exactly what you want. I can take total control.
And if you like the idea of two men…”

Her breath held as she waited for him to continue.

“We can accommodate,” Diego murmured against the door.

“Diego and I actually work very well together,” Travis added.

Her heart thundered in her chest.

“Good night, Melanie. Remember. If you change your mind…” Travis said.

God, she wanted to pull open the door and invite them in.

But she couldn’t.

At least, not until she knew where she stood with Storm.

*   *   *

Melanie walked toward the bed and peeled off her T-shirt then tossed it on the dresser.
Seeing her half-naked form in the mirror, her black lace bra pushing her breasts up
high and proud, she could imagine how Travis’s eyes would darken if he saw her like

She scowled at her own reflection, then turned her back to the mirror and stripped
down the rest of the way. She walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. She
washed her hair and scrubbed her body until it tingled, trying not to think of muscular,
wet, sexy men doing it for her, then she stepped onto the bathmat and vigorously towel-dried
her hair. With a towel draped around her, she grabbed the hair dryer attached to the
wall by the mirror and dried her hair, then flicked off the light and returned to
the bedroom.

She pulled on her PJs, then sat on the chair by the desk and grabbed one of the cards
Diego had given her earlier. She picked up one of her artist’s pencils and took a
deep breath, then let the pencil glide over the surface. Allowing inspiration to guide
her, she just went with the flow and let the form take shape. Finally, she put down
the pencil and gazed at a perfect image of Storm staring back at her. His eyes intense,
his expression somber. He wanted her.

God, and she wanted him. This little replica of him made her miss him even more. She
pushed aside the card, then grabbed another blank one, but her pencil stubbornly churned
out another image of Storm. She opened the desk drawer and swept them inside, along
with her pencil, then slammed it shut.

She marched to the bed and climbed under the covers. As she stared at the ceiling,
images of Storm, so hot and sexy in a tank top, tattoos along his arms and across
his chest taunted her. She tugged down her camisole and gazed at her bluebird tattoo,
then ran her finger along the outline, wishing it was Storm touching it like this.

Damn, she didn’t even know if she still had a relationship with Storm. After she’d
rejected his wishes, he’d probably written her off completely. He’d made no attempt
to call her to say good-bye, and that had hurt. But then, she hadn’t called him either.
She glanced at the phone, tempted to pick it up and call him. To get a handle on where
they stood. If she still had a chance with him.

But she’d known from the beginning that it wouldn’t last. The very first time they’d
been together, he’d told her he wanted a no-strings relationship. And why wouldn’t
he? The man could snap his fingers and women would come running. They’d even pull
up their tops and expose their luscious breasts to him.

She had.

Even though he’d changed his tune and wanted to be exclusive, that didn’t necessarily
mean long-term commitment.

But maybe she could mend things between them. Her heart ached with missing him. She
picked up the phone. If she just talked to him …

She stared at the receiver. But what would she say? If he demanded she leave the tour
and come home, would she do it?

She shook her head. She couldn’t do that. This was important to her.

So she should call Storm and confirm that it was over between them.

Unless it wasn’t.

Damn, she felt like hammering the phone on the bedside table. She didn’t know what
to do.

Maybe she should call Jessica. Ask her advice. But she couldn’t tell Jessica that
she wanted to know if it was over with Storm so she could move on … to Jessica’s brother.
Anyway, Jessica would tell her to make it work with Storm.

She could call Sue, but Sue would just tell her to ditch Storm and go with the two
hot guys on hand.

It’s funny that she knew what everyone else would tell her to do, but she didn’t know

She sighed and put down the phone. In her gut, she knew she shouldn’t be the first
one to break the silence between her and Storm. He’d had no right to order her around.
And he’d only done that because he didn’t trust her, and that hurt.

A little guilt washed through her, because she really was tempted by Travis—and Diego—and
she’d let them kiss her, but the joking way they’d done it …

Damn, she still felt guilty. Probably because she’d wanted so much to drag them in
here and let them have their way with her.

But she hadn’t.

And now she was suffering for it. Aching for the touch of a man.

She sighed and turned off the light, then pulled the covers around her. The sexual
buzz humming through her made it hard to relax, or to forget about the fact that there
were two hot guys ready and willing to relieve her ache at a mere word from her. She
sucked in a breath and closed her eyes.

The phone rang. Melanie opened her eyes and reached for the receiver before it made
that blaring sound again.

“Hello?” Her voice was hoarse from sleep and she realized she must have dozed off.

“Melanie, where are you?”

Storm’s voice. The familiarity and warmth of it rippled through her.

“I’m in bed.”


She glanced around uncertainly, gathering her senses.

Then anger flared through her and she slammed the receiver down.

A few moments later, the phone rang again. She stared at it, fuming, but finally picked
it up.

“Melanie, please don’t hang up. I’m sorry. I’m being an idiot.”

She pushed herself to a sitting position. “That’s true.”

“What I really meant to ask you is … are you somewhere we can talk?”

She wiped her bleary eyes. “Yes, we can talk.”

“I didn’t want to leave things the way they were. After you told me you were going …
we never talked again.”

She nodded and slumped back against the pillows. Where did she begin?

“Well, I want to travel with the band. Learn more about myself and what I want.” She
gripped the phone tightly. “I hope you can come to terms with that.”

“If you come back here, we could figure it out together.”

She gripped the phone tighter. “Or you could join us on tour. I already told you I
know the guys would love to have you back in the band.”

“And I already told you why I can’t do that.” His words were strung tight. “Staying
here and supporting Dane in building Ranier Industries is important. Forging a relationship
with my brother is important.”

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