His Ruthless Bite | Historical Paranormal Romance: Vampires (Scandals With Bite Book 4) (8 page)

BOOK: His Ruthless Bite | Historical Paranormal Romance: Vampires (Scandals With Bite Book 4)
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, he corrected himself, this unfortunate incident truly wasn’t a significant inconvenience. There would be other dances, other suppers and musicales for them to act out their courtship. Then why was he so vexed? Perhaps it was merely the fact that things had not gone exactly as planned. Yes, that must be it.

Lenore emerged with Elena, dabbing her mouth with a handkerchief. Her cheeks were ashen and she looked ready to topple over with a slight breeze. Gavin’s fists clenched with furious impotence that he couldn’t do anything to abate her suffering. He’d never seen a vampire become ill before.

Her eyes met his and a bright flush crept up her cheeks, visible in the moonlight. Though her embarrassment was unfortunate, Gavin was pleased to see some color in her face. “Do you think you shall feel well enough for me to call upon you tomorrow?”

She nodded, appearing to be too exhausted to speak.

He offered his arm. “Then let us make your excuses so you may depart and rest. I had hoped to present you to my people this evening, but that shall have to wait until tomorrow.”

Even though she tried to hide it, he did not miss the flash of fear in her eyes at the prospect of meeting his other vampires.

Once back in the manor, he hung back as Elena spoke with the hostess. Lady Haversham eyed Lenore’s pale complexion and clucked like a mother hen. Gavin wished he could follow them in their carriage, but such would be unseemly. Instead, he contented himself with assisting Lenore and Elena in fastening their cloaks and asked permission to look in on them tomorrow evening.

He kept his gaze firmly on Lenore as he spoke, leaving no doubt to the spectators as to his true intentions.

Since he no longer had the diversion of waltzing with her, he retired to the card room for the remainder of the evening. He played a simple game of Hazard, and was surprised to be losing. And losing to humans at that. Tonight’s events had driven him to distraction.

Once more he pictured Lenore eating the human food with blissful abandon. The truth was now clear. Whoever had Changed her clearly could not have been around long enough to educate her on even the basics of her new position in life. He resolved to teach her how to be a proper vampire as soon as possible. He never wanted to see her ill or in pain again.

Setting down his brandy, he wondered why he cared so much.








Lenore lay on Elena’s aptly named fainting couch as the other vampire dabbed her forehead with a cool cloth.

“You’ll need to feed again. I do hope you recover before dawn,” Elena said.

Though Lenore’s nausea had abated, her stomach continued to churn with agony like she had swallowed broken glass. If she was making such foolish mistakes now, what did that impart for her future as a baroness? Her stomach lurched again.

Even that pain didn’t hurt nearly as badly as the anger in Rochester’s eyes at her gaffe. What if he changed his mind on marrying her? What if he sent her back to London? That was what she wanted… wasn’t it?

Her stomach gave another lurch.

“I do not think I am well-suited to being a vampire,” she groaned aloud.

Elena chuckled. “Well, that is not something you can go back and change, I’m afraid.” She gently dabbed Lenore’s eyelids with the cloth. “How long ago
you Changed?”

“A little over three years.”

“Had your maker never told you that we cannot digest solid food well?” Her voice rose with curiosity. “Where is the one who made you?”

“She’s dead. Or at least, I’m fairly certain she is. Only a few months after Blanche Changed me, she disappeared after we lay down for the day sleep. And after that, I heard talk that a vampire Hunter had been in Town, and the Lord Vampire’s wife had killed him.” Lenore shuddered as the painful memories flitted through her mind like captive birds. If the Hunter had checked the other part of the crypt, he’d have found and slain her too. “Blanche had no reason to leave London, much less abandon me. She saved me from death because she had a kind heart and she was lonely.” She sighed, not wanting to talk of Blanche anymore. “Yes, she
tell me that we should not eat food. But since we never had any, I never before experienced the temptation to do so. Tonight, everything tasted so good, I just could not stop. You must think me such a fool.” And the heavens only knew what Lord Darkwood thought.

Elena moved the cloth back up to her forehead and Lenore opened her eyes to see the vampire shake her head. “No, I think you are a bit of a green-girl, but not a fool. Only one who has been deprived of so many things.”

“Do you think Lord Darkwood will change his mind about wedding me?” To her surprise, the prospect did not fill her with as much relief as she’d anticipated.

“I doubt it. He seems to genuinely like you. And Gavin does not like many people.” Elena smiled.

“Why didn’t you want to marry him this time?” she blurted the question without thinking. “I’m certain you make a far better baroness.”

Elena tapped her lower lip with her finger. “Aside from the fact that a widow has much more freedom than a wife, the deception grew heavy upon me after awhile. If I were to wed again, I would want it to be for real. For love.”

Lenore frowned. “He didn’t love you?” Who wouldn’t love such a vivacious, beautiful woman?

The vampire laughed. “Now you sound like a fool.”

“What was it like, being married to him?” She held her breath, unbearably curious.

“Not too different than any other marriage in the nobility. I ran his household and hosted his parties. He provided me with an exquisite wardrobe and gave me a free hand in decorating. Many of my furnishings are quite out of date, so you will want to give the place a fresh look when you take up residence.” She dipped the cloth into a bowl of water and smiled. “The only real differences were that I naturally couldn’t receive callers during the day and I had no obligation or ability to provide an heir.”

Lenore lifted her chin to peer up at Elena, eager to glean as much information about her impending fate as possible. “He didn’t require you to do your wifely duty?”

“Require?” Elena laughed. “Of course not. Though we’ve shared a tumble a time or two, when we were between lovers. I do hope you’re not envious. It was a long time ago and we never suited in that way.”

Lenore shook her head, though admittedly she felt a twinge of… something. “Not at all. I asked Lord Rochester, I mean, Lord Darkwood, for our marriage to be in name only.”

“That is probably wise, as such intimacy can muddle up such an arrangement.” Elena stroked her lower lip with a pensive look. “But I must ask, do you not find him attractive?”

“I do,” she answered quickly. “That is, he is very handsome. Just the sort I used to dream about when I was a girl.” Her cheeks heated saying it aloud. “But, I’m afraid I can’t… can’t…” she trailed off as even the word of such an act filled her with terror.

“Because someone misused you?” Elena said softly.

Hot and cold chills wracked her body along with a roiling fury. “He told me my reputation would not follow me here! He said that he wouldn’t tell anyone and that I could start anew.”

“Be calm, little mouse. Gavin didn’t tell me anything of your past. I only discerned that you had been assaulted from the bad dreams you’ve had, and just now when it was written all over your face.” She ran a soothing hand through Lenore’s hair. “Would you care to talk about what happened?”

.” She nearly spat the word.

Elena drew back slightly. “Alright then, I will not pry. And I will not reveal your secret to anyone.”

Lenore softened her tone. “Thank you. I did not mean to sound so waspish.”

“It is quite all right.” The vampire patted her shoulder. “I would be much more vicious in such a situation, I am certain.”

Just as Elena adjusted the pillow under Lenore’s head, there was a knock at the door. Elena smirked as if she knew who it was. Perhaps one of the lovers she’d spoken of had come to call? Lenore wanted to get up and follow her, but her stomach gave another stab of pain when she tried to move.

“Stay there, little mouse,” Elena scolded and crossed the room to open the door.

Rochester’s frame passed through the doorway. “How are you feeling, Lenore?”

For a moment, Lenore couldn’t speak, she was too overcome with shock that he’d taken himself from his countless duties as a Lord Vampire to look in on her. Especially since only hours ago he’d said he wouldn’t call on her until tomorrow. Finally, she managed, “Much better, my lord. Once more, I apologize for my foolishness.”

He held up a hand, dismissing her apologies. “Do not apologize for not knowing what your maker failed to teach you.”

She bristled at his callous censure of Blanche. “That wasn’t her fault. We never had food to avoid in the first place.”

He held up his hands in mock surrender. “Alright, I apologize for my assumption.” His polished black boots echoed lightly on the smooth wooden floor as he crossed the room to approach her. “I trust you’ve learned to listen to me from now on?”

Although she was slightly irritated at his autocratic tone, Lenore nodded. “Yes, my lord. But I’d thought you’d said you were going to call on me tomorrow.”

“And so I shall.” He chuckled and perched on the arm of the fainting couch, mere inches from where she reclined. “But it is my duty as Lord Vampire of this borough to look after the welfare of my people.”

Behind him, Elena made a small sound that might have been a laugh. Rochester darted her a sharp look and she grinned. “Of course it is.”

Lenore looked up at him, suddenly having trouble breathing from his nearness and spicy scent of power and masculinity. “That is very noble of you. My stomach ache is nearly gone.”

Her words only quavered slightly as her mind roiled. Although Lord and Lady Villar had often checked on her, the real Lord Vampire of London, Ian Ashton, Duke of Burnrath, had barely spared her a thought after Blanche had disappeared. He hadn’t even spoken to her directly, merely sent one of his other vampires to question her on her maker’s possible whereabouts.

Yet Ruthless Rochester was here simply because she had an upset stomach… which she’d brought about with her own stupidity. She didn’t know what to make of such solicitousness.

All thoughts ceased as he took a lock of her hair and gently twirled it between his fingers. His touch electrified every inch of her flesh, but it wasn’t the cold, queasy sensation she usually experienced at a male’s touch. This was something different, alarming because she wasn’t sure this feeling was unpleasant. Except for the perplexing flutter in her belly. Was her response from his touch, or a new reaction to the food she’d eaten?

Rochester’s rumbling voice silenced her inner prattling as his knuckles grazed her forehead. “Your color seems to have improved, though you appear as if you need to feed.”

Since she’d vomited up the blood she’d drank along with the food, he was likely correct. Humiliation welled within at the reminder that she’d been sick in his presence.

Elena nodded. “We shall hunt before dawn if she’s feeling well enough. If not, Lord have mercy on the sod she feasts on at dusk.” She chuckled.

“Elena,” His glare was sharp with warning. “You remember the law.”

Full blown laughter trickled from her lips. “Come now, I was only jesting. Your little mouse is too small to drain a man dry.”

“I came close once,” Lenore retorted, reminding them both that she was perfectly capable of speaking for herself. “The night you and I first met.”

“Are you saying you nearly killed a human on my land?” Darkwood raised a brow.

She sat up quickly, fear coursing through her veins. “No, my lord, it was in Dartford, and I’m certain the man lived.” Dizziness washed over her, making the room spin.

A gentle hand grasped her shoulder. “Lenore, please do not be overwrought. I am well aware of what you’d been through before I found you that night.”

“Oh.” Her words came out in a shaky whisper.

“Please, lay back down and rest. I shall see you on the morrow.” Gone was his harsh air of authority. In its place, was a soothing rumble, almost a purr.

Lenore did as bid and froze as he bent down and lightly pressed his lips to her forehead. The brief kiss spread warmth through her limbs, even as it set her heart to beating like a moth’s wings.

Her lips quavered to form a response as he bowed and strode out the door.

Elena clasped her hands together. “Well, this is certainly a diverting courtship.”

Diverting wasn’t the word Lenore would have chosen, however, she couldn’t come up with one that suited this situation. If Darkwood made her mind turn upside down with such brief interactions, how would he affect her when she was under his roof?







Gavin sighed with impatience as his second and third in command intercepted him on his way to Elena’s the following night. He wanted to show Lenore some of Rochester’s most famous landmarks and hoped to do so before her presentation to his people.

“My lord, we’ve received some information from the Maidstone’s second in command that you should hear,” Benson said.

BOOK: His Ruthless Bite | Historical Paranormal Romance: Vampires (Scandals With Bite Book 4)
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