His Revenge Baby: 50 Loving States, Washington

BOOK: His Revenge Baby: 50 Loving States, Washington
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50 Loving States, Washington




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Part 1

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Part 2

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

Part 3

Chapter 42

Chapter 43

Chapter 44

Chapter 45

Chapter 46




Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33


About the Author

Also by Theodora Taylor

Copyright © 2016 by Theodora Taylor All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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To Grace, who I told rather fearfully while walking in New Orleans that I’d been thinking
about setting a story in Japan—a country we both love—and who replied with a happy
smile that I should.

Part One

Chapter One


Lilli took a break from tapping her fingers against her bare knee, and looked over at the woman who’d just taken the seat beside her. Her heart sank when she saw that this woman, just like all the other women waiting in Mr. Nakamura’s ante lobby, was her complete opposite.

Whereas Lilli was short and a size L to XL by Japanese standards, this woman was tall and so slender, she could probably fit into a Japanese medium. And unlike Lilli, who’d had to rely on a flat-iron this morning to straighten her hair out of its usual large bush of curls, this woman had clearly found someone who was fully capable of putting in a waist-length blond weave. Her golden locks combined with light hazel eyes put Lilli in mind of a certain pop singer who regularly sold out stadiums here and in Japan.

She had the same color skin as Lilli…a tawny brown that hovered between light and dark. But other than that, they had nothing else in common.

Well, nothing else aside from the fact that they were both here.

Sitting in the same waiting room for the exact same reason.

And, oh yeah…they were both completely naked.

Along with at least ten other black women who were also Lilli’s complete opposites.

But that was definitely where the similarities ended. Like the blond woman sitting beside her, the other naked women looked like they would easily qualify if someone ran into the room and called out, “Hey, we’re looking for extra girls to shoot a high-end porn we’re filming downstairs!

So here she was. Surrounded by yards of blond weaves, flat stomachs, and perfect Ccups.

No wonder the other women hadn’t spared Lilli, with her off-black, flat-ironed hair, dimpled tummy, and heavy breasts, so much as a second look (after the first disdainful one) when she’d walked in and taken the seat farthest from the door leading into Mr.

Nakamura’s private office.

But this new girl was smiling at her as if they were old friends.

“Um, yeah. I mean,
, it is my first time,” Lilli answered, remembering the instructions she’d been given by the agency about only speaking her best English with this particular client.

Figuring now was as good a time as any to practice her cover story, she told the friendly blond, “I’ve only been signed up with Osaka Charm for a month. Before that I was an ESL teacher. They’ve sent me to a few parties, but this is my first special request interview.”

“I could tell by your bare feet,” the blond said, grinning.

And that was when Lilli noticed something else that set her apart from all other escorts waiting to be “interviewed.” The friendly woman who’d instructed her to strip down in the vestibule outside the lobby had suggested Lilli go barefoot rather than enter Mr. Nakamura’s office in such mundane footwear as the sandals she’d arrived in.

But everyone else seemed to have gotten the “heels to impress” memo. A couple of them even had the kind with red soles.

“I don’t even own a pair of heels,” Lilli admitted.

Why would she? Before the cloaked voice on Doug’s phone had turned her life upside down, she’d been working as a school nurse at an international school in Minoh.

Mostly dispensing band-aids and determining, day in and day out, whether the students who came to see her were truly sick enough to be sent home. Two weeks ago her biggest problem had been trying to figure out how to keep Doug clean during his off-season. But now…

Well, now she was sitting buck-ass naked in some Japanese billionaire’s lobby.

The blond slid her a sympathetic look. “I used to only own shoes that came from Payless. But don’t worry, you have that fresh, college-girl, just-off-the-plane thing going for you. You’ll be going on shopping trips in Shinsaibashi in no time.”

Shinsaibashi, Osaka’s most upscale shopping district. A place Lilli wouldn’t even know of if a few of the other
girls she worked with hadn’t taken her clubbing there a couple of times.

Even then, Lilli had goggled at all the beautiful shop windows, pretty sure the H&M

would be the only store in the district she could ever afford. But the woman sitting beside her wore a beautiful pair of red heels, which she’d probably bought from one of district’s more expensive stores.

Or had bought for her,
Lilli thought, recalling what her handler at Osaka Charm had listed as one of the perks of being assigned to a single client.

Perks she’d probably never know about. Every woman in the lobby looked about ten times more appealing than her. Exactly what a billionaire who’d put in a special request for a black girl would want to fulfill his fantasy.

Too bad Doug’s entire future was riding on her landing this job.
He is so screwed
, she thought to herself, her heart constricting with guilt.

An older Japanese woman dressed in a conservative dark blue skirt suit came out into the small waiting area. Her black and grey hair was arranged in a bun so severe, it put Lilli in mind of a stern, disapproving math teacher from the Japanese school drama she and Doug’s daughter, Ruby, watched a few weeks ago. But aside from the severe hairdo, Lilli was pretty certain this woman was the billionaire’s assistant—not some mean lecturer sent in to teach Lilli and all the other naked escorts math.

The assistant scanned the room’s occupants, her stern face curdling a bit when she spotted Lilli. She then switched her gaze to the much more stunning woman sitting

beside Lilli.

“He will see you now,” the assistant told the friendly blond, beckoning her forward with a palm down waggle of her fingers.

“See you when I get back,” the blond told Lilli, before standing up and walking through the door on the other side of the room.

Just a couple of minutes later the blond returned, apparently done with her interview. Which gave Lilli some solace. There was no way this meeting would be comfortable for her, but at least it would be quick.

“Miyuki will help you with your clothes in the lobby,” the stern Japanese woman informed the pretty blond, before beckoning another girl into the office.

Lilli expected the blond to be on her way, with nothing more than a wave. But instead, she came back over to Lilli.

“See you later, girl,” she said with a bright smile. Then to Lilli’s surprise, she actually leaned down and gave her a quick goodbye kiss on the cheek. Like they were dear friends as opposed to two escorts who’d most likely never see each other again.

Her perfume smells like flowers and diamonds,
Lilli thought to herself, doing her best not to appear too uncomfortable that she was exchanging a kiss with a lovely but virtual stranger in the nude.

“Don’t worry, you got this,” she whispered in Lilli’s ear.

Then she stood back up and disappeared again. This time to the outer lobby, where Miyuki would be waiting for her with the clothes they’d all been required to remove.

Yeah, right,
Lilli thought
as one by one, each woman was beckoned into the office beyond. Each of them save her. She definitely,
didn’t have this.

In fact, even when she was the last woman left in the waiting area, rather than call her forward, the stern older woman disappeared back through the door, closing it firmly behind her. She stayed in there for longer than most of the girls who’d interviewed for the job.

And when she came back out, the look she gave Lilli was so disparaging, her disdain seemed to take on a presence of its own, like a cloying perfume.

“You can go in now,” the woman said, her voice flatter than flat.

Doug is so seriously, seriously, screwed
, Lilli thought to herself as she stood and walked through the door.

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