His Hotcakes Baby

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Authors: Sabel Simmons

BOOK: His Hotcakes Baby
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His Hotcakes Baby


Sabel Simmons

Copyright © 2014 Sabel

All rights reserved.


Illustration:  Isabel Oosthuizen

Editor:  Liesel Erasmus


























is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either
products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to
actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.





Cayman Desires

His Million Dollar Date Baby

His Vengeance, Marriage and a Baby

Love me if you dare

Never Leave Me, Baby

Seducing the Professor

The Tycoon and His Honey Pot

The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon

Tit for Tat, Baby

You Owe Me, Baby

mistook her for a groupie … was he in for a surprise!

Chapter One

might be a brilliant author, Hawk Carter, but you are nothing but a bloody
libertine!  Now remove your body from my person!”

“Come now, little Dove.  Your body is
way too hot to be such a conformist.  Believe me, I will make your body sing. 
And you, hotcakes will scream in tune every time I make you climax.”

“Really?  You believe that drivel you
write about?”

He reared back and stared into her
clear emerald green eyes.  His lion like amber colored eyes heated up even
more.  Not quite as much as his body did though!  Mackenzie gulped when she
felt his shaft rise hard and big against her stomach.

“Well, I’ll be … don’t tell me you are
still a virgin, little dove?  You seem a tad old to claim that virtue.”

“If one of us can proclaim to be old
it is you!  You surely seem to be hard of hearing. I said, remove your carcass of
a body from me! Now!”

 “Used to issuing orders, are you
hotcakes? Sorry, no can do.  Come on, ‘fess up.  Are you still a virgin?”

“That is none of your business.  I am
warning you.  If you do not let me go, I am going to … to ...  I am sure the
paparazzi lurking around would love a picture of you hugging your aching dick!”

“Easy, hotcakes!  Wait until we’re
naked before you go that far!  Although … it is already aching!  Well, it is a
pity, little dove. I could have given you pleasure that would guarantee to make
you scream.  For now …”

He leaned forward and his hard lips
closed over her plump, inviting ones. She gasped at the unexpectedness of it
and his tongue surged inside.   He licked the insides of her mouth and then he
delved deeper.  The hands that tried to push him away earlier, now clung at him
as her tongue mated and dueled with his.

Mackenzie was lost. It was more than
desire, more than passion.  She was consumed by a need, a profound and
uncontrollable yearning.  An overwhelming and intense longing that quivered all
the way down her body to her loins.

All for him, this bloody libertine! 
Hawk Carter.

He slowly licked her lips and leaned
back to look into her eyes; his, half lidded and hidden.

 Mackenzie’s breath fluttered to her

His face promised, passion and pure,
wonderful, breathtaking sin!

“Just to show you what you’re
missing!  Tsk … it really is a pity hotcakes.”

He stepped back and slowly flicked his
fingers over her nipples that were jutting forward in hard, painful nubs.

He turned and walked away.  Just
before he left the room, he turned back to her.  His voice was soft and raspy. 
There was no sign of flippancy.  He was dead serious when he made the offer.

“I am staying at the Hilton on 5
Street. Top floor.  Change your mind hotcakes … please.  I’ll be waiting.”

has never been so tempted in her life. 

Paxton was more than annoyed.  He was angry.  And it was clearly visible in
every line of his body, every step he took down the paved path leading to the
beach towards the eastside of the Island. His Island. His damn private Island!
It was private for a reason.

His estate manager, Billy Paxton
usually dealt with intruders.  The usual intruders however, were the ones that
docked at the jetty with a fancy yacht or speedboat.  This time, it was a
different type of intruder.  One that tried to slip past the security by scuba
diving and swimming to the beach. To his annoyance it was a woman.  His anger
manifested more from his home having been found, than his privacy being invaded.

He found her the moment he left the
dense palms and shrubs that surrounded the beach on that side of the island. 
She stood just to the side of the path busy removing her diving suit. He
clamped his hands on his hips, watching her push the suit down.  He could not
deny that she had a beautiful body, of absolute perfect dimensions with an
hourglass waist, which tapered into curvy hips, the sweetest ass and lean sculptured

She wore a tiny emerald green bikini
that hugged her ass and tied high on her hips.

If he was not so angry, he might have
been tempted to teach the little black haired witch a lesson.  As it were, the
enticing sight did not even stir his otherwise easily aroused shaft.

“Trespassers are locked up. Or are you
going to proclaim you did not notice the sign right in front of you?”

His eyebrows rose when she utter a
husky expletive and spun around.  His flaccid shaft shot to instant arousal and
his whole body stiffened.

“How did you find me?”

“I … you … what?”

“You made it clear you were not
interested two weeks ago, hotcakes.  Do you think you will get more out of me
from a liaison away from the rest?”

“I have no ide …”

“Unfortunately for you, I don’t ever
indulge in groupie sex on the Island.  You wasted your time.  Get back in that
suit and hit the surf.”

“Look … there is a …”

His eyes narrowed and swept down her
body.  She was beautiful and sinfully tempting. Her raven black hair tumbled
gloriously down her back.
The bangs on her forehead
soft face with rounded cheek bones, proportionally slim pixie nose, high
trimmed brows, soft pouty dark pink lips, and rounded chin. Her dark emerald
green eyes were prominent, large and round, surrounded by languid eyelashes of
velvet-black. Her face was symmetrically perfect.

Full firm breasts jutted over a
tapered and toned torso. Her complexion was flawless and touched with a slight
tint of velvet sunlight. The emerald green bikini hugged her sculpted curves
and darkened her eyes.  He noticed a slight tightening of her nipples and he
smiled wickedly.

“On the other hand, hotcakes … you are
just too tempting to pass by.  I’ll give you a quick tumble.  Someone that went
to so much trouble to find me, should be awarded.”

Before Mackenzie could utter another
word, he yanked her into his arms and his hard lips covered hers in an
immediate lustful and wildly sinful kiss. His tongue surged deep and he drank
from her mouth with determined confidence.

Her resolve was weakened so rapidly it
was embarrassing.  Her tongue dueled with his. She dug her nails into his sides
where her hands gripped him closer. His wicked lips and tongue followed the
curve of her neck.  She arched her head back and felt the sand beneath her
back.  She did not know how she got there, but his hard, muscled body settled
between her thighs.

She gasped when he rubbed his hard
shaft directly against her clit and she felt the heat rush down her core to
soak her bikini panties.

“Stop!  What are you …?”

“Oh, little dove … after that kiss
there is no way I will believe you are still a virgin!  As to what I am doing? 
I am obliging you, little groupie!”

Mackenzie shouted when his lips closed
around a naked nipple, his groupie insult forgotten.  Her bikini top easily pushed
aside.  He tugged on her nipple and rubbed and tweaked the other between his
fingers.  He drew her nipple deeper into his mouth and suckled harder.  Chase
could swear he has never tasted such delight in his life.  He swopped to the
other and smiled when the little black haired groupie mewled and her nails bit
into his biceps.

This little dove was going to leave
her mark on him. He was sure of that. He lifted his hips up and shoved his
shorts and jockeys down.  His lips and mouth still greedily suckling at her
breasts.  The knots of her bikini bottoms gave way to his fingers easily and he
flung them aside.

Chase followed the contour of her tapered
waist to find and slowly circle her clit.  When she moaned, he tightened the
circle to rub the little nub sensually.  Her hips jerked against his hand.  He
smiled against her breast. He rubbed slowly over her sheath lips and then
pushed his finger inside and groaned.  Her heat and wetness immediately pulled
him deeper.

Mackenzie’s eyes shot open and she
pushed frantically at the huge muscled chest pressing her into the sand.

“Stop!  You can’t do this!”

He lifted his head and looked into her
feverish eyes.  His eyebrows rose and his wicked smile flashed over his lips.

“Can’t I?  But this is why you’re here,
is it not, hotcakes?  Your body is begging for this.”

He pushed another finger inside her
and lazily caressed her inner walls. She mewled like a hungry lion.  He lifted
above her and speared his blunt tip just inside her hot and wet channel.

He clenched his teeth when her heat
embraced his throbbing shaft.  Leaning closer he whispered against her lips.

“If you really don’t want this, you
better tell me now, little groupie.  If I go any deeper … the way your hot
little body is gripping me, I won’t be able to stop.”

Mackenzie panted.  Her mind was
blazing. Her body trembled with the need his mouth, lips and fingers had awakened
inside her.  She knew this was wrong, but lord knows, just the feel of his
hard, big shaft just inside her body, thrilled her.  The rest of her channel
clenched in anticipation.

“So, little groupie, is this what you
want?  Do you want me deep inside you, bringing you to a screaming climax? 
Come now, little dove.  I need your answer!  Do you want me?”

“Yes!  Oh God, yes!”

Chase straightened his arms and
plunged as deep as he dared, her scream holding him back. Her heat and muscles
clamped and sucked him deeper as he started to thrust.  He plunged in and out
with hard, fast thrusts, groaning when she thrashed against him, driven by her
own need. Her cries were hoarse in the tropical air around them.

Mackenzie felt as if she was ready to
explode.  Never has she felt a rise of pressure so rapidly, so hard and so
intense that she was desperate for the release it promised.  Her breathing
increased, her body was on fire.  She stiffened when her core tightened and
screamed when her climax suddenly ripped through her.  She could not breathe,
her whole body totally controlled by her inner muscles clutching and milking
the hard and big shaft driving into her.

Chase groaned when she climaxed,
gripping him so tight and milking at him so hard, the pressure of his need
increased to a point of pain.  He plunged harder and faster and shouted when
his release bore him forward to push her deeper into the sand.  His release
shot deep inside her and he pressed down, his jaw clenched. He closed his eyes,
allowing the pleasure to wash over him.

He remained like that for long
minutes, just treasuring her muscles still clamping him inside her.  He moved
his back and winced.  He smiled.  The little hotcake drew blood for sure.

He lifted his head and chuckled when
furious palm green eyes flashed at him.

“Get off me!”

“Ah, hotcakes … the encounter did not
go as you intended?  What was the plan?  To cry rape?  Unfortunately we both
know that is not the truth. I distinctly heard you say yes.”

“I said, get off me!?”

“One thing I have to give you, little
groupie.  You are one hot little dove.  I can honestly say you were the best
I’ve had for a very long while.”

“You stupid ass!  Did you wear a
condom? No, I did not think so!  Now, get the hell off me!”

Chase cursed non-stop until he stood
next to her fully clothed. He was never so reckless.  Never!  How the hell did
this woman turn him into a damn schoolboy with no bloody sense!  He did not
even pull out … he came inside her!  He watched her furiously tie the knots of
her bikini bottom.  She yanked the diving suit from the sand and glared at him.

“Don’t even start, woman.  You got
what you deserved.  Had you come to my room that night I invited you, this
would not have happened.  But I guess that is exactly what you planned.  Now,
get that damn diving suit back on and go your merry way back into the sea.”

“You … I am not going back …”

“Oh yes you are.  You are
trespassing.  I don’t want you here.  I also suggest you forget where this
island is.  If my whereabouts become known, you will have no life left.  I will
destroy you.”

“You are a jerk, do you know that?  I
am from …”

“Either you get into that suit or I
throw you in the sea with only those three tiny triangles.  You have ten
minutes to swim a half mile out to sea before I switch on the laser beams.”

“Laser beams?”

“Time is ticking, woman.  I suggest
you get going.”

Mackenzie cursed and pulled the diving
wet suit on with jerking motions.  She did not even glance at him again.  She
walked to where her oxygen cylinder was and hauled and strapped it onto her
back.  She walked angrily to the water’s edge before she put her fins on her

Chase watched her with a rigid jaw
until she disappeared under the water.  Billy joined him fifteen minutes later
and they watched a large speedboat appear on the horizon and came to a halt
approximately two miles off the coast. Chase held out his hand and Billy handed
him the binoculars hanging around his neck.

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