His Hostage: Valetti Crime Family (A Bad Boy Mafia Romance) (14 page)

BOOK: His Hostage: Valetti Crime Family (A Bad Boy Mafia Romance)
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Chapter 26: Vince

, today was a hassle. I can’t find those MC pricks. They’re in hiding now that they know we’re gunning for them. And I know they’ll be gunning for us, too. At least the shipments came in right this time. I toss my keys down on the table and bend down to let Rigs to lick my face.

“Good boy.” I pet behind his ears for a minute. But my eyes are focused on the stairs. It feels good to have my sweetheart in my house. Not the safe house, but
house. Even though she’s making it look more like
house with all the shit she has.

It’s been two weeks. Two weeks of filling her greedy, needy cunt with my seed and trying to knock her up. The guys know we’re together. They’ve backed off entirely on the issue of her being a witness. Now they wanna meet her, get to know my girl. I’m just waiting for the right time. I want her ready. I want her to know without a doubt she belongs to me.

She called her mom like I told her to. Did everything the
wanted and asked of her to make them comfortable with her being mine. There’s nothing standing between us now.

I smirk as I walk up the stairs. Rigs follows me and I let him, but I put my foot in front of him to stop him from coming into the room. he’s used to it now.

I shut the door and turn to face my sweetheart. She’s tied up on the bed. She tells me she hates it, that I can trust her and don’t have to tie her up when I leave. But that pussy of hers is always soaked when I get home. Her pussy knows it belongs to me. She’s ready for me every day. I know it’s 'cause she’s tied up. She says she hates it, but I know she’s lying. She fucking loves it.

She’s gagged for being a naughty girl this morning. Her panties are in her mouth for talking back to me. I need to get more ties. I’ve got one around her wrists, one keeping her panties in her mouth, and two more around her ankles, keeping her spread open for me. I went all out this morning since I knew I wouldn’t be long. I wasn’t gone for even an hour. And every minute was fucking torture for me. I kick my pants off and walk closer to the bed.

I stare at her pussy that’s just waiting for me. It’s glistening with her juices and my dick jumps in my pants with a desperate need to be inside her.

My eyes lock on hers. “Did you learn your lesson, sweetheart?” She nods her head obediently. She’s fucking perfect. She’s my obedient sweetheart. All fucking mine.

“I’m not sure you did.” I shove two fingers into her tight pussy and pump them in and out. She pulls against the restraints, but her ass isn’t going anywhere. Her moan is muffled by the panties in her mouth. I pull my fingers out before she can cum and remove the tie from around her mouth. She spits out her panties and pants. Her eyes are on me, just waiting to hear what I have to tell her. So fucking perfect.

I smack a hand down on her pussy. Slap! Her head falls back, and she moans again with pleasure. It’s music to my ears. She’s so fucking close already. I love keeping her on the edge. “Now, whose pussy is this?”

“Your pussy,” she’s quick to answer, and I reward her by pushing down on her clit and rubbing small circles. She struggles against the pleasure.

“Damn right it’s my pussy.” I push against her front wall with my fingers and smile as her walls tighten and her cum soaks my hand. She’s been waiting for a full hour to cum. I should give her another.

I pull the ties free from around her ankles, but keep her wrists bound. My hips keep her legs open as I line my cock up. I lean down and kiss my sweetheart and she kisses me back with passion. I slam into her all the way to the hilt and fuck her mercilessly. She pulls her lips away to scream out my name.

That’s right. My name. This pussy is mine. She’s mine, all fucking mine. I pick up her legs and place her calves on my shoulders. Her eyes go wide as I slam in deeper and deeper, taking her to a new edge of pain and pleasure. Her pussy is so fucking tight like this. She’s squeezing the hell out of my dick.

“Vince!” she yells out, as her legs start to tremble. Fuck yeah. Keep screaming my name.

My balls draw up watching her chest rise and fall, and her eyes nearly roll back in her head. My spine tingles as I push my dick as deep into her as I can. I cum violently as the head of my dick butts up against her cervix. A shudder goes through my body as her pussy spasms just as violently, matching the intensity of my orgasm, and she cries out in pleasure.

My lips crush against hers, silencing her moans and I reach one hand up to untie her wrists. It doesn’t take long. I’ve had plenty of practice.

Her hands grip and tug my hair and she kisses me harder. She fucking loves me. I know she does. I wrap my arms around her body and roll her onto my chest. She pulls back with her eyes closed, lips slightly swollen from our bruising kiss. Her hair’s a mess, looking just-fucked and her skin is flushed. The sight of her in complete rapture makes my heart swell.

All that shit was worth it.

* * *

ou got some boxes
, baby,” I call out over my shoulder as I pick up a box. She’s been getting a shit-ton of packages. Books, makeup, clothes, art supplies, all sorts of shit. It makes me happy that she’s finally feeling more comfortable with me buying her things. Not to mention that now she’s got her painting hobby to have something to focus on.

I look suspiciously at the box in my hands and then at the remainder of the packages on the porch. They aren’t marked or labeled in any way. I don’t fucking like it. At first I assumed they were something she ordered, but there's no indication that these were sent through the mail. Someone left them here. I hear her coming down the stairs and I hold an arm out to stop her from coming any closer. I don’t know what’s in the boxes, but she’s not going to be around when I open them.

“Elle, don’t--” She pushes past me and screams out.

“Fucking bitch!” Elle cuts me off, and I turn to her in shock. That kind of language doesn’t come out of my sweetheart’s mouth. Her eyes are glassy with tears, but her facial expression reads that she’s pissed.

“They’re mine. I didn’t get a chance to unpack them. My mother must’ve brought them over.” I can feel her anger brewing. All over her mother. Sandra. What’d she do now?

“What’d she send you?” I can only guess that whatever's in the box, it’s not wanted or needed, based on how Elle kicks the box and storms away. I debate on taking the boxes inside, but I’ll wait till I find out what they contain.

“Sweetheart, answer me,” I call out for her across the hall. She falls into the sofa looking defeated. Sandra really pisses me off. The only time my sweetheart is unhappy is when she hears from her mother.

“They’re my boxes of things that were at her house. At
house. I didn’t even get to unpack them.” She pauses and then continues. “I told her she could come for a visit.” She presses her lips together and crosses her arms over her knees, pulling them into her chest. She’s a mix of hurt and anger and I’m not sure which is going to win out.

“Okay?” I don’t understand. I must be missing something.

“I told her I couldn’t give her any money since I wasn’t working, but she could come see me if she wanted.” I know all of this already. She asked me what I thought about that arrangement beforehand, and I agreed that would be wise. Elle’s a smart girl. Plus, she enjoys this arrangement as much as I do. She hasn’t done a damn thing suspicious and asks for permission before doing anything. I get the feeling she really enjoys me having the control in our relationship, which I fucking love.

“I’m missing something,” I say. The tears in her eyes fall down her cheeks and she wipes them away angrily.

“I didn’t tell you what she said,” she answers.

“She said I was a selfish bitch for abandoning her, and that I could come get my shit.”

I keep my voice light and don’t let it show how pissed I am. I have to work real fucking hard to keep my anger out of my expression. I’ve never wished ill on a woman before, but I can’t stand that bitch, Elle's mother or not. “Well at least she saved you the trip.” Elle rolls her eyes and doesn’t even crack a smile. I know it hurts her. If she could, she’d give her mom everything and I know her mother would take it all, too. Now that Elle’s mine, it’s not happening.

I have to do something to make her smile. I don’t like her being so upset. “Do you have a nice dress to wear, sweetheart?” She looks back at me, tilting her head with a questioning look on her face. I raise my brows, waiting for an answer.

She shakes her head slowly. “Only my sundress.” She hasn’t been out of this house in two weeks. She’s got to want to get out of here. I’m surprised with all the shit she’s bought lately that she hasn't ordered another dress.

“Well, go put it on--I wanna take you out tonight.” Her eyes brighten and a wide smile grows on her face. She hops up and runs to me to wrap her arms around my back, planting a small kiss on my lips.

“How much time do I have?” she asks, all peppy like. I’ve been afraid to take her out. A small part of me questions her loyalty to me, as though this has all just been an act. Like she’s just waiting to get away from me. A deep pain shoots through my chest at these thoughts, but I ignore it.

“Take as much time as you need, sweetheart. We can go wherever you’d like.” I’ll spoil her to the point that the thought of leaving me doesn’t exist for her. If she leaves me, I don’t know what would happen.

The guys have been hounding me to bring her around. They all wanna meet her. I know what they must think. I’m sure they can’t believe she really
to be with me. Part of me doesn’t believe it either. That doubt creeps up on me while I’m away from her.

But every time I get home and find her waiting for me, that doubt vanishes. When she yammers on about some recipe on the cooking shows she watches, there’s no doubt in my fucking mind that she wants to be with me. Either that, or she’s trying to kill me with domestication.

It’s time the guys met her. We’ll all go out. They’ll see her, and she’ll see them. It’s gotta happen at some point. A part of me wants to keep her here with all this tension between the MCs and the
, but it’ll be alright. We haven’t gotten those fuckers yet and Javier’s breathing fire down our necks, but I can’t keep her locked in here forever. She needs to get out and have some fun.

“Let’s get out of the house, baby. I wanna show you off.”

Chapter 27: Elle

y nerves are shot
. My palms are sweaty, and I can hardly breathe. I’m going to meet the
. The Don is Dante, Vince’s father. I don’t know much about anyone else, though. Well, except that Dom and Tommy were the two that I … met already. I breathe in deep and shake out my hands as we stand in front of the restaurant doors.

“They’re going to love you.” I hear Vince’s voice and my heart hammers in my chest. I just don’t believe it. I swallow thickly. They want me dead I’m sure. It’d be stupid for me to think otherwise. I see my reflection in the mirror and I cringe. I can’t get this stupid panicked look off my face.

I turn to face Vince and try to bail. “I changed my mind.”

“Stop it, Elle.” He opens the door and puts his hand on the small of my back. “Just be yourself.” I take a deep breath and try not to freak out. Everything’s going to be fine. Vince won’t let anyone hurt me. That thought soothes me. Every part of me calms, because it’s true. He won’t let anyone touch me.
I’m his.

I look around the table, and the only people I know are the three I met. The two men, Dom and Tommy, I haven’t seen since the incident. It chills me to the core to set eyes on them. But when Dom sees me, he stands and smiles. “Vince, I’m happy you finally brought her out!” Dom walks to me with quick strides and kisses my cheek. Vince loosens his grip on me and leaves my side to give his mother a kiss on the cheek. Without him beside me I feel vulnerable.

The last two weeks have been the same every day. And I’m almost ashamed to say I've enjoyed it. I don’t fear Vince at all. I know he wants me. In his eyes, I belong to him, and he takes care of me in a way I desire. It’s a sick fantasy come to life. Well, some of it. Our days are almost normal until he has to leave for work. Every morning we wake up beside each other, exchange small talk, and drink coffee. We joke around like a normal couple, banter like a normal couple. It’s almost easy to forget that we're anything but normal.

When he leaves is when everything changes. Or at night, before we go to bed. I like to pretend it's a fantasy, a game we like to play. It makes it that much sweeter. I don’t want it to stop. I know that’s bad. I’m sure it’s not healthy. But I fucking love when he ties me up. I know he’s going to reward me and fuck me like he owns my body. Just thinking about it turns me on. But it’s wrong. It’s so wrong.

I haven’t left his house in two full weeks. I’ve barely spoken to anyone but Vince and my mother. Vince wanted me to call her since she filed a missing person’s report. It fucking killed me to think she was worried, but when she answered the phone she seemed more pissed than anything. I almost asked Vince to let me go see her. Almost. But I’d rather stay inside the house with him. It’s all so wrong. But it feels so good. I don’t worry about anything. I enjoy being his. I’m sure a shrink would tell me I’m insane. And maybe I am.

Being here in this restaurant with these people emphasizes how fucked up this situation is. He’s told me about each of them. His brother Dom, and Dom's wife Becca are on the right side of the table. I know Dom’s a professor and that Becca owns this restaurant. His father is seated at the head of the table on the far end, and Vince's mother is seated next to Becca. His cousin Joey’s here. I know he has a son, but I don’t see him here. An older man is sitting next to him, that must be Uncle Enzo. And then there’s Tommy and Anthony, Vince's cousins, sitting together on the left side of the table. Looking at the two of them reminds me of my memory. Of them looking at me like I’m a threat. I still don’t know what I did or what I saw. I just remember Vince pinning me down and them staring at me like I had to die. My palms grow sweaty and I wipe them on the sides of my dress.

“You want a drink, Elle?” Tommy asks me from across the room. He gives me a smile as he takes a sip of his wine.

“Please,” I respond as normally as I can, given the situation and my nerves, and take a step closer to the table.

“Everyone, this is my girl Elle. Ma, no questions. Don’t scare her off.” Everyone laughs at Vince and I pretend to laugh also. But fuck me, my nerves are shot.

“I’m so happy to meet you dear,” Vince’s mother, Linda, says. “Dante has filled me in on how you two met.” I struggle to keep the smile plastered on my face. I’m certain there’s a hint of truth in whatever he’s told her.

“I’m a lucky girl,” I say back as sweetly as possible. I may be scared and intimidated, but I want them to like me. Is that so wrong? If they like me, then maybe Vince will trust me more. Maybe he won’t tie me up every single time he leaves the house. I wonder if I would leave though, if given the choice. Should I leave him? I’m not sure I would. Maybe I really am fucked up in the head.

“There’s no doubt in my mind that he’s the lucky one,” Dom says to my left as Vince pulls out a chair for me. I smooth out my dress and take a seat.

“So, what do you do, Elle?” Becca asks. The swell of her pregnant belly touches the table even though she’s leaning all the way back in her chair. I sure as fuck can’t answer that question. What do I do? I do your brother-in-law. That’s not an appropriate answer. Let's see, so far I’ve quit school, which essentially ended the career I’ve been busting my ass for years at. I don’t have a job, and I’m not sure I’m going to get one. I’ve been painting which I love, and Vince thinks I should sell online. But I’m nowhere near confident in my work to even think about showing it to anyone. Not yet. Maybe someday.

I decide to circumvent the question and change the subject. “Oh my goodness! You look beautiful. Congratulations, you two.” It’s easy to compliment her. She really is radiant with her swollen tummy. “When are you due?” I ask to continue pushing the conversation along.

“Two months.” Dom answers for Becca as he rubs her stomach. The look in his eyes is one of pure devotion. I find myself reaching for Vince’s hand. I wonder if he’ll look at me that way when I’m pregnant with his child.
I ever get pregnant with his child. Again, if I could run, maybe I would. I know I’m not pregnant now though. I just got my period before we came out for dinner. For some reason that hurts. Maybe I could justify staying with him if I was carrying his child, but I’m not.

“We’re all so excited for another baby in the family,” Linda says with a smile on her face. “Three grandbabies. I’d love a dozen of them!” Dante rolls his eyes, and Dom snorts.

“You'd better get on Clara and this one then,” Becca points at me, “because after our little girl, I’m getting Dom fixed.” The table roars with laughter, but my face heats with embarrassment and my fingers nervously tighten on Vince’s hand. It’s all too real.

“Damn, Becca, give them the chance to get to know one another before Vince has to knock her up,” Anthony says, and grins at the two of us. I’m trying to relax, but just being around them has my fight or flight instincts on high alert.

Vince wraps his arm around my shoulder and kisses my cheek. He whispers in my ear, “Relax, sweetheart.” His words instantly calm me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I don’t care if it’s sick. I can keep up this fantasy, whether it’s right or wrong.

The conversation continues as two waiters bring large bowls of chicken alfredo and spaghetti with meatballs to the table. Ah. Family style. Becca licks her lips and reaches for the bowls, but can’t quite get to them with her belly. I stifle a small laugh. It’s pretty adorable watching her struggle. Dom smacks her hands away playfully and dishes out a large helping of both entrees onto her plate.

Tommy and Anthony start talking about bets and making wagers with Dom. Dante cracks a joke, and the entire mood seems to lighten and flow naturally. Laughter and chatter fill the air.

I start to relax into my seat, and think I can actually eat without feeling sick to my stomach with worry. When the tension finally leaves my shoulders, and just as I start to think I can do this, I hear a loud bang. And another and another, as glass shatters and people scream. I feel the air whiz by my head. I hear it over and over--a mix of screams and bangs. It’s surreal.

Vince’s hurls his body in front of me and pushes me out of my chair. I land hard on my back with his body caging me in. I look to my left and see Becca screaming and crying. Dom’s holding and protecting her the same way as Vince is holding me. Tommy and Anthony are screaming at one another, but their voices are muffled. Each of them is down on one knee with their guns extended, propped up on the backs of the chairs for extra support. They’re firing. Some of the bangs and bullets are coming from them.

“Get her out of here! Get them out!” I can barely hear Vince screaming as he lifts up my body. The sound of tires screeching echoes in my ears, and strong arms pull me away from Vince. I find myself running, my heart beating out of control as adrenaline races through my veins. My feet trip on a fallen chair and I land hard on the ground.

Dom doesn’t give me a moment to right myself. Instead, he picks me up, tucking my body under his left arm, and carries me as though I weigh nothing.

“Vince!” I scream out as I see him jumping through the shattered large bay window. He doesn’t stop. He doesn’t hear me. He’s gone and I’m being carried away.

* * *

around me behind the restaurant. It’s a small alley. There are dumpsters at the end of it and the other side leads to the busy street. Dom is holding Becca, who’s crying hysterically. No one else is here. I’m alone. I hear him shushing her. I hear the ambulance and the sirens from the police cars.

Reality hits me in the face. I can run. I can get the fuck out of here and save myself. I turn to look over my shoulder and Dom is staring me down. His face is all hard edges and his eyes hold an edge of a threat. But I doubt he’d leave his crying, pregnant wife to chase me down. But then again, I wouldn’t get very far. I’m not a fast runner. I settle my back against the brick wall and sink down until my ass hits the pavement.

I feel far too sober. What the fuck am I doing? Who is this woman I’ve become? I wish Vince were here more than anything. I feel like that thought should be alarming to me. That it should send up red flags, but instead it offers me comfort. I’ll feel better once he comes to get me. My gut twists. He better come get me. He better not get hurt. I don’t know what I’d do without him.

The door to the right of me slams open, and Dante comes out. I rise to my feet and look behind him. Vince isn’t there. My heart races faster. What if something happened to him?

“He’ll be alright.” I jump at Dante’s words. He puts a hand on my shoulder, but I move away from him.

“This doesn’t happen,” I hear Becca say as she tries to calm her breathing. Her hand rests against her belly and she looks me in the eyes. “I don’t know how long you’ve been with Vince, but I promise you this is
normal.” She swallows and breathes in. She’s sitting in Dom’s lap and he’s rubbing her shoulders.

This is not normal.

“Let’s get you to the hospital, doll.” He stands and helps lifts her up.

“I’m fine. I’m fine,” she says, pushing him away. Dante walks closer to them, leaving me alone across the opposite side of the door.

“You should go to the hospital just to be sure. Get a look at my granddaughter and make sure everything's okay.” He gives her a reassuring smile and Dom whispers something in her ear.

I can’t handle this. I turn and walk to the door.

“I have to go to the bathroom.” They all turn to me and I wait for a response. No one says anything. Both men look at me like they aren’t sure I’m telling the truth. If I’m honest with myself, I’m not sure that I am.

“Make a right outside of the office,” Becca answers with her eyes closed. I nod my head once, and walk through the door with my eyes on the ground. The commotion in the dining hall makes me walk faster. I get to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me and the noises are muted. It’s quiet. I walk quickly to the faucet and turn it on. I take a moment to splash some cold water on my face, then run my wet hands down the back of my neck.

I breathe in and out. What am I doing? What am I going to do? I swallow thickly. I don’t know the answer to either question.

“Miss Hawthorne? Elle Hawthorne?” Hearing my name startles me and I turn around to face two women, each holding a badge out for me to see. It takes me a minute to realize what’s going on. Two cops. Blood drains from my face and my hands go numb. Fuck. Fuck, this cannot be good.

“Yes?” I ask weakly.

“You’re coming with us.”

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