His Every Touch [The Complete Series] (8 page)

BOOK: His Every Touch [The Complete Series]
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“Did you have something in your ass earlier today?”
He pushed the dildo a few centimeters more.
She nodded frantically.
A faint red flush crept up her cheeks. “My fingers.”
Vance's stomach clenched hard. Had she done what he
thought she'd done? “Did you get off with fingers in your ass?” The expression
on her face answered his question, but he wanted to hear it from her lips. “Did
“Yes, Sir,” she whispered.
He shoved the dildo a little further. “Tell me.”
Her voice quaked but she didn't protest. Rather, she
did exactly as he asked. “I'd already come a couple of times and I started
thinking about you and what you might do to me.” She closed her eyes as if she
couldn't look at him while saying the words. “Imagining you were putting things
.” She faltered, unable to finish.
“Put what where?” He pulled the dildo back before
pushing forward again. His heart was pounding, body humming with anticipation.
He desperately wanted to hear her say it.
“First your fingers, and then your cock in my ass.” A
flash of anger crossed Courtney's face, the fire making Vance's dick jump. He
wanted her submissive, but, damn, did he love the occasional spark.
“Is that what you wanted to hear? I was fantasizing
about you fingering my ass while fucking my pussy, then fucking my ass. I stuck
two fingers in my ass and two in my cunt,” she snapped.
Vance shoved the rest of the dildo forward in one
slow push that made her groan. “Yes,” he hissed. “That's exactly what I
wanted.” He slowly fucked the toy in and out of her ass, ignoring her squirming
to try to get away, the noises of protest with each stroke. He kept listening
for her to cry 'mercy' but she didn't.
“Please,” Courtney began to beg, tears streaming down
her face.
Based on the liquid drenching the pillow beneath her,
he was fairly certain that it wasn't pain triggering the tears. Each repeat of
the word sent a new jolt of desire straight to his groin. He flicked open the
button to his pants and eased down his zipper. He didn't think he was going to
be able to hold back much longer.
“Have you learned your lesson?” Vance gritted his
teeth as he freed his throbbing erection.
“Yes, dammit, yes.” Courtney bent and straightened
her arms, trying to release some of the pent-up pressure filling her body.
“And what lesson did you learn?” He pushed the dildo
as far as it would go.
Her body shook with the intensity of the sensation.
“Never lie. Always follow directions. Do what you say, Sir.” The words poured
out of her, desperation evident in every word. “I'll pay more attention next
time, Sir, I promise.”
“That's my girl.” He put his hands on her hips. “I'm
going to fuck you now, while that dildo's in your ass.”
Courtney whimpered. “Yes, please.”
“If you can come when I first enter you, you're
allowed to come. If you don't, you're not allowed to orgasm at all.” Vance dug
his fingers into her hips as he positioned his cock at her entrance.
“Yes, Sir.” Her voice was full of relief.
Vance snapped his hips forward and Courtney keened,
every muscle instantly contracting as he sheathed himself in her wet heat. Her
body shook as he pounded into her, driven to find his own release. The sound
cut off as her body went limp and Vance bottomed out, the knowledge that he'd
made her pass out pushing him over the edge. He emptied himself into her,
ecstasy taking over every sense until all he felt and smelled and tasted was
the body beneath him. She was inside him as fully as he was inside her, filling
him until nothing was left but her.


The smell of sex hung heavy in the air just as it always
did after hours in the basement, but this was different. Vance stared up at the
ceiling, unable to look at the young woman in his arms for fear she wasn't
sleeping. He didn't know what he'd say to her. Her cheek was on his chest, her
hair tickling his skin. The hand on his stomach flattened and he closed his
eyes. He'd seen the red lines on her wrists and ankles when he'd untied her
and, before he could stop himself, he'd pressed his lips against each one.
She'd still been unconscious so there'd been no danger of her seeing him, but
just knowing what he'd done was enough to make him uncomfortable.
He hadn't even planned on staying in the bed. He
rarely did. On occasion, if the sex had been vigorous enough that he didn't
feel like moving, he stayed, but he always wrapped himself in a different
sheet. There was no cuddling. But, when her eyes had fluttered open and her
hand closed around his wrist, he hadn't been able to look away. When she'd
whispered her request for him to stay, he'd nodded dumbly, unable to protest,
unable to do anything but agree. Removing his clothes hadn't been part of her
request, but he'd felt a sudden need to feel her skin against his.
Nearly two hours later, he still was unable to sleep.
He'd never had this problem before. Then again, other partners had merely been
a means to an end. Courtney was the end. Even as he held her, felt her breasts
press against his side, he knew that he had her exactly where he'd always
wanted her. Not just his bed, but emotionally and psychologically. She'd
followed directions and accepted discipline. She'd addressed him as 'Sir,' even
when angry. And she'd trusted him enough to do all of those things without
using the safe word they'd established.
Now was the time to reveal the truth. Tell her that
he'd wanted her since he was seventeen. That she'd never given him the time of
day, had never acknowledged his existence. The fact that she didn't even
realize that they'd gone to school together showed how little attention she'd
paid to him. It was time to let her know that she'd not only fucked the loser
she'd never have considered dating in high school, but had let him do all sorts
of things to her, had let him control her. She'd be embarrassed, maybe even
horrified, but she wouldn't be able to leave. She'd had a taste of the life she
was meant to live and she'd stay with him, even after she knew that he was the
shy, geeky kid that everyone like her had made fun of. The humiliation of the
pretty popular girl becoming a virtual sex slave to someone like him would be
priceless, something he could use against her.
And that's what he wanted, wasn't it? It was
everything he'd been working towards. The final righting of adolescent wrongs.
He would possess her and everything he had been would disappear. There would be
no Vance Forster, the loser who couldn't even get an underclassman girl to go
out with him, only the powerful, rich, and sexy and desired Vance Forster who
could have the head cheerleader / prom queen any time and any way he wanted.
But even as those thoughts ran through his mind, he
couldn't stop himself from thinking about how good it felt to just have his
arms around her, to feel her flesh against his. No kink, no sex, just holding.
He couldn't quit seeing the little glimpses of light he'd stolen over the
years. The way she smiled up at the sun when she stepped outside on a beautiful
summer day. The way her eyes lit up when she laughed. The fire on her face when
someone she loved was wrong.
Then there was the way she said his name, sometimes
so full of anger that he didn't think she could ever care about him, but other
times, with a softness that gripped his heart. He didn't think there was a more
beautiful sound in all the world than when she cried out his name when he made
her climax. Certainly there was nothing more beautiful than her face when she
came. Just that sight alone was enough to make him hard.
Vance opened his eyes again. He didn't know what to
do. Didn't know what he even wanted anymore. In a cruel twist of irony, just as
Courtney had begun to trust him, he no longer trusted himself.


Book Four


knots in her stomach were part anticipation, part anxiety. For twenty-seven
year-old Courtney Bell, the sensation wasn't new. In fact, it seemed to have
been her constant state since she stepped into the office of Asgard CEO Vance
Forster for her yearly review. Today, however, the cause wasn't the gorgeous,
complex thirty-one year-old she'd been having kinky sex with for the past two
weeks. Today it was because she was going to confess, for the first time, just
what she'd been doing.
She pulled her Corolla into a tight parking
spot between two minivans at the LaGuardia airport. The skies were clear and
bright, and although it seemed to have a calming effect on the pigeons atop
their perches, it didn’t help to relax her. As she strolled across the terminal
to the baggage claim area, her mind was a jumble of images.
Just thinking about her activities over the
past few days made her heart beat faster, brought a slickness between her
thighs that made her flush. It would have made her panties damp, except she
wasn't wearing any. That had been part of her punishment for coming without
permission the previous night. Well, that and the puffy purple stripes on her
ass. The other reason her ass ached hadn't been a punishment but it still made
sitting an issue. She wasn't looking forward to the hour long drive from the
airport to her house, most of which would probably be spent in traffic. At
least Vance had agreed to let her wear an ankle-length peasant skirt to the
airport, though he said that was more because he didn't want anyone else
benefitting from her state of undress than any regard for how she felt. She'd
learned the hard way that pants weren't the best thing to wear without
underwear when she was aroused. She could still hear Vance's voice in her ear
as they left the bathroom.

No jacket. You get to walk out there with
the crotch of your pants wet with my cum and your juices. Maybe next time,
you'll take my suggestion not to wear pale gray slacks seriously.”
She'd been embarrassed enough that they'd
fucked in the men's bathroom at one of the most prestigious restaurants in
town; the fact that the evidence of their tryst was evidenced in a darker spot
of cloth between her legs just made it that much worse. As she walked past the
accusing eyes of half a dozen elderly women and the admiring gazes of their
equally elderly husbands, she'd been almost as horrified by her lack of shame
as she was by what she was doing. Part of her, though not a large part, was
excited, and that had somehow been the worst thing of all.
Courtney barely had time to react before a
tall, slender redhead crashed into her with open arms. Maggie Black was
Courtney's oldest friend and the only person with whom Courtney was ready to
Courtney couldn't help but smile. No one who
met Maggie could stay negative for long.
“I've missed you,” Maggie cried as she
released Courtney. She looked down at her shorter friend and frowned. “What's
Courtney tucked a stray ash blond wave behind
her ear. Mags knew her too well. “Let's talk in the car.” It would be easier to
talk about it if she didn't have to look at Mags while she did it.
“All right.” Maggie readily agreed and then
changed the subject. As expected, she was full of her own stories and kept up a
steady stream of chatter from the luggage carousel until they got out of the
airport parking lot. She was a member of Doctors Without Borders, so it was no
surprise her stories ran from the serious—victims of wars between various
tribes—to the humorous—Maggie's first encounter with a spider she was sure
would kill her only to find out it was a ball of dirt.
She'd just finished recounting a tale of a
particularly interesting shower encounter with a twenty year-old surgical
intern from Chicago—“they told us to conserve water”—when her expression grew
serious once more and Courtney knew that it was time.
“I need to talk to you about something.” She
gave Maggie a sideways glance before returning her focus to the road. “And I
don't know how you're going to react.”
“Court, you're scaring me.”
“I'm okay, Mags,” she interrupted, trying to
ignore the literal pain in her ass. “But what I'm going through...it's a little
“I'm good with weird.”
Courtney chuckled. “Oh, you have no idea.” She
took a deep breath and started. “When I went in for my annual review, I got
into the elevator with the most gorgeous man I'd ever seen. Blue-black hair,
arctic blue eyes and the hottest body...”
She told her story slowly, careful to preclude
any details that might identify Vance Forster as her new lover. It was bad
enough to admit that she was fucking her superior, she couldn't name her CEO.
Not when she was going to be talking about floggers and canes and butt plugs
and nipple clamps. She talked through Maggie's noises of disapproval at Vance's
office groping, but she had to pause after recounting her ill-advised email,
waiting as Maggie laughed for five minutes, gasping out “fuck you and your
tight abs” between fresh gales of mirth. Only after her friend was done did
Courtney continue.
“You let him do what?” Maggie's exclamation
interrupted Courtney's story just after Vance had used his belt on her for the
first time. The redhead's eyes had widened at the spanking, but Courtney had
known that wouldn't be very shocking. The fact that she'd climaxed when Vance
used his belt on her clit and cunt, however, wasn't exactly... normal.
“I know what you're thinking,” Courtney began.
“Oh, I don't think you do.” Maggie shook her
“I know you.” Courtney didn't have to look at
her friend to be able to picture the expression on her face. “And you're
freaking out.”
“All right. Maybe a little. But you can't
exactly blame me.”
“Mags, you have to understand, it's not about
pain and punishment.” Courtney struggled to explain something that she was
still trying to understand herself. “Or even about control in the sense that
most people think about it. It's about trust. Trusting that your partner knows
your body, your limits. It's about them trusting you to stop them if they go
too far.”
“And that wasn't too far? You can't tell me
that you liked...” Maggie's voice trailed off and Courtney could almost hear
the realization dawn on her friend. “Shit, Court. You liked it?”
Courtney could feel her face burning but she
couldn't lie, not to Maggie, not about this. She had to talk it out with
someone. “I more than liked it. I'd never come so hard in my life.”
“Fuck,” Maggie whispered.
“There's more.” Courtney forced herself to
continue. She had to say it all, leave nothing out. Maggie had to know
everything. She kept her voice even, almost clinical in tone as she described
Vance's near-torture orgasm denial that had followed her strapping. She barely
paused as she continued into the night and her own introspection as she and
Vance laid in bed together afterwards.
“Courtney,” Maggie interrupted, concern
overpowering the shock in her voice. “Are you in love with him?”
Courtney let her car glide to a stop behind a
long line of vehicles. She turned slightly towards Maggie, knowing her
confusion showed on her face, in her dark gray eyes. Her words were a bare
whisper. “I don't know.”
Maggie swallowed hard and nodded. “Keep
As they waited for the traffic to move on,
Courtney continued with her story, vaguely aware of heat growing in her belly
as she recounted the events of the past week, the words bringing with them
vivid images that made her want to squirm.
“The morning after, he gave me a set of instructions
regarding what I was supposed to wear to work...”
Every step Courtney took was near agony,
but it was worse if she tried to sit. She'd done as Vance had ordered, the
entire time telling herself that it was crazy. Even as she'd walked into work,
the sensation of fullness had almost been too much. Throughout the day, she
tried to concentrate on each step, desperately hoping that no one would be able
to tell what she had on—or was it in?—under her skirt. The butt plug was as
slim as the dildo Vance had used on her before and each time she shifted, it
moved, sending strange and unfamiliar sensations through her body. The dildo in
her cunt was thicker than what she was used to and had a specifically shaped
base that curled around to rub against her clit with even the slightest
movement, torturing her in the most exquisite manner. She'd been on the verge
of climax for hours and she was exhausted, muscles trembling from the stress of
fighting off orgasm after orgasm. Vance had vowed a caning if she came before
he gave her the go ahead. By the time she was ready to meet him in his office
at the end of the day, she was near tears. She was also fairly sure that most
of her co-workers thought she was in the midst of a nervous breakdown or
something like it.
Vance took one look at her face and smiled.
He motioned for her to follow him into his private elevator. The moment they
were inside, he pulled her to him, claiming her mouth with a fierce kiss that
nearly made her lose control. He pushed her back against the wall of the
elevator as the doors dinged closed, his hands yanking her skirt up around her
waist. She whimpered even as he pulled back, the cool air caressing her newly
bared skin.

Have you come today?” Vance murmured
against her lips.
Courtney shook her head, fighting the urge
to writhe against him, to beg for that last bit of friction she needed to come.
Part of the reason behind this exercise was to prove that she trusted him, that
she believed he would eventually grant her release.

Good girl.” His lips curved upwards into
the wicked grin that made Courtney's knees weak. He thrust his leg between
hers. “If you can get off on my leg before we reach the lobby, you'll be
allowed to take out the toys and pull your skirt back down before we walk out.”

And if I can't?” Courtney's eyes were
wide. She wasn't sure that she wanted to know the consequences.

You'll be allowed to pull your skirt back
down, but you'll continue to wear both toys when we go out for dinner and you
won't be allowed to come until tonight.”
Courtney bent her knees until she came in
contact with the soft cotton of his slacks. She kept her eyes on him as she
began to grind against him, every rotation of her hips pressing both shafts
further into her, rubbing them against her sensitive flesh.
“I did it.” Courtney couldn't keep her pride
out of her voice. Her body had exploded that day and she'd had to bite the side
of her hand to keep herself from screaming. Vance had to practically carry her
to the car. “Came just before we reached the lobby and was able to make myself
look presentable before having to walk to my car. I slept amazingly well that
night and had just a normal time at work the next day, which was good because I
hadn't gotten much done the day before. Then I went over to his place that
Vance had been waiting at the door for her,
his arctic blue eyes glowing with anticipation. Less than five minutes later,
Courtney found herself bent over a padded bench, hands cuffed in front of her.
The cool metal seemed to chill her overheated skin far more than it should have
been able to. Vance paced in a circle around her, explaining that they would be
exploring her pain limits. He reminded her of the safe word and then stepped
out of her line of sight
She tensed in
anticipation, wondering what it would feel like...
Courtney's eyes took on a faraway look as she
remembered. “It's almost impossible to explain what it's like. Starting gentle
with a rhythmic use of a flogger, the way the leather almost caresses the skin.
Then harder, with a bit of bite. Nothing even so much as a snap of a rubber
band. My skin heated up, a warmth that spread through my entire body. Then came
the cane. The first one, I almost heard the crack before I felt it, a sharp
sting. It was there and gone so quickly that it didn't really hurt until the
second one.”
“Did you stop him?” Maggie whispered the
question, as if she didn't want to know the answer.
Courtney nodded, the memory of the first time
she'd asked for 'mercy' still clear in her mind. “Yes. After all, that was the
point. To see where my limit was. It wasn't to try to push me past the limit.
As soon as I said the word, he stopped.” The cars in front of her began to move
and Courtney eased forward. “I couldn't sit down the whole next day. Not that I
needed to...”
She obediently knelt in front of him, hands
clasped behind her back. She fancied she could still feel the heat radiating
off of her reddened skin though almost twenty-four hours had passed. He was
still clothed as he sat in the chair, though his shirt was untucked and the top
button undone. When he flicked open the button on his pants, she knew what was
coming next.

Come here.”
Courtney shuffled towards him, the plush
carpet burning her knees. She had a feeling that, before the end of the night,
her knees would be as red as her ass. As she positioned herself between his
legs, he pushed his pants lower on his hips, just enough to reveal his black
boxer-briefs and the impressive bulge they concealed. She swallowed hard, the
memory of him coating her tongue, thick and heavy between her lips, made her
stomach clench.
He didn't need to speak his command. A mere
nod of the head was all he needed to indicate that she was to begin. She
reached for the waistband of his underwear and lowered them, freeing every inch
of swollen flesh. She worked her hand and tongue over him, savoring his taste,
the feel of velvet skin and firm muscle. When she bent to take him into her
mouth, his hand fisted in her hair and she knew what he was going to do. A stab
of panic went through her and she forced it back. They'd done this before. She
knew she could trust him, and if it was too much, she now knew that he would
stop if she asked. She willed her body to relax and opened her mouth to accept
him as his hips rose to meet her.

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