His Desert Rose (9 page)

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Authors: Deborah R. Brandon

BOOK: His Desert Rose
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Renee sat the photo album back into the box. She walked over to Antonio slowly. She began to unbutton his white dress shirt. It wasn’t long before he was helping her to undress himself. She tried to say to him with her body what she hadn’t yet got the courage to admit with her mouth verbally. She made love to him, catering to him, memorizing every inch of his body. As they climaxed together, she began to cry because she really had given him all of her.

Her tears alarmed Antonio at first, until she uttered these precious words, “I love you too,” and nestled closer into his embrace.

Antonio kept his emotions in check because he thought that she would miss his message.

“I love you, Renee,” Antonio said smoothing her curls from out of her face.

“I know you have been showing me all day,” Renee said. “Probably earlier, now that I think about it,” Renee finished as she thought about how hard he fought to stay in her life.

The next few days their family and friends made many memories, visiting the beaches in Italy. One particular beach that had black sand from the active volcano eruptions. They roamed the grape and olive vineyards, and even tried to make their own wines. They had gone to the taste of Italy festival that had live music, a variety of foods from all the regions and wine tasting. They ate well and laughed often, and for the first time in a long time, Renee felt really truly alive.

Before Renee knew it, it was her wedding day. She wasn’t nervous as she had expected she would be. The chapel, which was very much a part of the community that it stood in, was filling up with people. The photographer had taken some candid pictures of the wedding party and some pictures they had posed for.

Brain McKnight’s song,
The Only One For Me,
began to play. Antonio and Prince Kamar Jamal Abdul walked out with the Pastor. He looked like the happiest man in the world. As the song came to an end, the parents, grandparents, and honorary parents were escorted in to the song,
I Knew I Loved You,
by Savage Garden. Next the bridal party went down the aisle, one at a time to,
Truly, Madly Deeply,
by Savage Garden. The double doors closed, the runner was rolled down the aisle.
The Day Before You,
by Rascal Flatts, began. Amber and Alyson walked down the aisle throwing rose petals. Then she was prepared to walk down the aisle with Jacob Blake-Moore who was standing in for her father. Jacob turned to her and asked her if she was ready. She smiled and nodded yes.

“You are beautiful,” Jacob said. She wrapped him in a big hug right before he walked her down the aisle. They recited the traditional wedding vows. Vows that had been repeated by thousands on top of thousands of people before them, yet now in this moment they took on a new meaning.

Antonio cried tears that he was unashamed to allow to fall as he repeated after the preacher. She reached up and wiped his tears as he had done her, so many times in the past.

Antonio’s parents and Eleanor and Jacob Blake-Moore lit the unity candle, while Fred Hammond’s,
No Weapon
played in the background. They exchanged rings and were pronounced husband and wife. They shared a passionate kiss at the altar, before the pastor cleared his throat. Tyrese’s song, The
Best of Me
played as they led the bridal party out.

Once they were on the other side of the double doors, Antonio pulled her in for another kiss and whispered, “I love you Renee Favero.”

Renee smiled, “The Bible says that a man who finds a wife, finds a good thing. I am looking forward to being your good thing, I love you Antonio,” Renee finished.

“Years to come, when we tell this story to future generations of little Favero’s, I hope that we are still arguing over who was the lucky one. I will always believe that it is me, my dear sweet desert rose,” Antonio said as he kissed her lips once again.









Chapter 3

Choir Director

“Praise God, Praise God,” I sang as the choir backed me up. This was a beautiful Sunday morning and I was glad to be in his presence.

“This is the day that the Lord has made,” the preacher said as I took my seat. I did not mind sitting behind the pastor because he was something yummy to look at. Yeah, yeah I know my focus should be on the Lord but shit, when you have a man this fine standing in front of you, the right thing seems to just get lost. “Let us bow our head in prayer,” pastor yummy said, breaking me from my thoughts.

I bowed my head along with the rest of the congregation and hoped that today’s service would go by quickly. I had some naughty things on my mind that were not appropriate for this holy place. After prayers, the choir was allowed to sit in the pews with the rest of the congregation. I made sure that I sat on the third pew just to make sure that I had a good view of our beloved pastor.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check my messages before the service started. I see that I have a picture message from the pastor himself, and knowing him it’s something that I should not open in church. So, I just sit back for now and just enjoy the service, still praying that it was not going to be a long one. I noticed two rows in front of me that the first lady was wearing a brand new outfit and hat to match. He must be in some trouble to drop that amount of coins on an outfit like that. I just smiled and continued to enjoy the service.

Finally service was over and it was time for the usual meet and greet between the congregation. Me on the other hand, I was trying to get to the pastors office and get some personal healing. I hope he liked the fact that I wore the new suit that he just bought me. It was snug, but not too snug for church. It flattered all of the right places. Plus, my boo had bought it for me and I wanted to show him that he had good taste.

By the time I was done fake smiling and inching my way to his office, I was more than ready to come up out of this suit and rip him to pieces. To my surprise he was already there waiting for me.

“Should we wait until the church clears before we get started?” I asked smiling as I closed the door.

“No, we should be fine. Just make sure you lock the door,” he said as he came to me and began unbuttoning my jacket.

My silk shirt was wet from anticipation and I was glad to come out of it. Lord knows I have been waiting to get under him all morning. I unbuckled his pants as he kissed my neck. I was going to cum before we could even get started. I could feel his dick growing by the second through his pants. God this man was going to make me cum before we even start. So before that could happen, I quickly pulled down his pants and began to lick his long thick dick. And for a short man he was packing a whole lot of meat between his legs.

“God you taste so good,” I said in between slurps and sucks.

“And you give one good of a blow job,” he complimented me as he stroked the back of my neck.

I could tell that he loved it, and was about to cum soon. So I stopped my good ‘bj’ and undid my pants so I could bend over the desk. I smiled as he palmed my ass. It’s something that he always did before he entered me from behind. It was my boost of confidence that my squats were paying off.

He squeezed my ass tight as he entered me. We both breathed a deep sigh of pleasure. Before he could start to stroke me right, I started backing it up on him because I knew our time was limited giving we were in the house of the Lord. I knew that I was going to hell with gasoline draws on for doing this, but his dick was too good to pass up.

“Right there pastor. Yes god right there,” I moaned as he went deep and hit my spot.

“This shit feels so good,” he grunted as he went harder and deeper.

We must have been deep into our shit because we did not hear the door open. Hell I could not even remember if it was locked or not.

“YOU NASTY MOTHERFUCKING PUNK!” was the words that brought us out of our own world and back into reality.

We both looked up to see his wife standing there with her mouth open, tears in her eyes, and anger on her face. If looks could kill honey, we both would have got fire right then and there. If there had ever been a time to where I wish I was invisible, it would be now. I pushed him off of me so I could put my clothes on and be halfway decent before shit really hit the fan.

“I knew you were sleeping around with some hoe, but I did not know it was a man!” she screamed, I just knew the entire church heard her.

“I thought you locked the door,” he said with a major attitude.

“I did,” I said stammering.

“I had a key made you stupid son of a bitch. I just knew you were messing around with someone from the church. So I had a copy of every key that you have made. I just did not know this was who it was.” She pointed her finger at me and continued, “You nasty motherfucking punk, how are you going to be the leader of the choir and sleeping with my man. Don’t you have a wife and kids? I wonder how she’s going to feel about you being gay, and sleeping with the pastor. As a matter of fact let me go and find her so she can be in on the loop too. I am going to put everyone up on this tea,” and with that she stormed out to find my wife.

I sat there stunned and speechless. I knew this shit could blow up in our face but not like this. Hell not in church and in front of everyone at that. By the time we were both dressed and covered his wife and my wife was busting through the door like two bats out of hell. Before my wife got close enough to tear into my ass I sent a quick prayer up to God, even though I knew his ass was up there shaking his head and laughing at my dumb ass.


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