His Darkest Hunger (24 page)

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Authors: Juliana Stone

BOOK: His Darkest Hunger
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They were shadowed, full of pain and sorrow. It broke his heart. Rage simmered along with his own pain, but he pushed all of it away. He would find those responsible for this, but first he needed to comfort and care for his woman.

He steadied his trembling limbs and stood waiting, his eyes never breaking contact with hers, and when the charm broke, she slid from the air and deep into his embrace.

“I knew you would come.”

Her voice was rough, and his fingers began to feverishly work their way over her body checking for injuries. She was warm, alive, and finally safe in his arms. The joy that he felt at that was unheralded. He hugged her close, inhaling her scent deep into his lungs, holding it there, savoring it slowly. He reveled in the feel of her, the warmth of her, the very weight of her in his arms.

Tenderly, he cupped her face in his hands and gazed down into her eyes. His heart felt about to beat its way from the depths of his chest, and without hesitation he claimed her lips in the most brutally honest kiss he’d ever given. His soul sang as she opened beneath him, and for the first time in a long time he was at peace.

Deep inside, the jaguar purred loudly and barked in triumph at the return of his mate.

“We should go,” Declan said. “We need to get to the plane before Belize is overrun with more
DaCostas.” His voice sliced through them, and Jaxon wasn’t prepared for Libby’s violent reaction.


She broke away from his kiss and struggled hard against his arms. He fell away from her, shocked at the ferociousness in her tone and the wild look in her eyes.

“We can’t leave! Jaxon, our baby is here somewhere in this godforsaken jungle. I need to get to him.” Her voice began to shake and her teeth chattered crazily as she rolled away from him and gained her feet. She staggered, but then stood tall, and Jaxon could sense her determination. He stood back and felt an incredible amount of pride as he continued to study his fierce woman.

“Libs, why would you think that our child is out here in the jungle? Why would you even think that he’s still alive? I’m their enemy. Why would the DaCostas keep my child alive?” He ran his hands through his hair in agitation. “It doesn’t make any sense.”

“Jaxon it’s not the DaCostas, it’s Cormac. You have to believe me. Our little boy is here and he is alive…I have to believe that…all I have to do is…” Libby’s voice trailed off and her eyes fell to the ground. Jaxon closed the few feet between them, his strong arms reaching for her, and he was grateful when she didn’t pull away from him.

“What do you have to do?” He pressed his lips into the softness of her hair and murmured, “Trust me with this. I can help you.”

“Cormac wants the woman who was at the compound.” Libby pushed against him, her voice rising. “Did you find her? Is she alive?”

Jaxon looked from Libby to Declan, clearly not liking what he was hearing.

“Well? Is she alive?”

Declan answered as he walked toward them, “Yeah, she’s alive, but what the hell does my father want with her?”

“Your father!” Libby shook her head, as she looked to Declan, incredulous. “That son of a bitch is your father?”

Declan’s demeanor cooled as he nodded, and when he spoke, it was as if ice had formed in his veins.

“He might have had a hand in creating me, but beyond that he’s nothing but garbage. I don’t know what he’s up to.” Declan looked pointedly at Jaxon. “But I can sure as hell tell you one thing, it won’t be anything good. And if he’s looking to grab the blonde we found, there’s no way in hell we can let him have her.”

“He has my child, and I’m not leaving Belize until I have him back. How can I leave and never know the truth? I have to finish this, regardless of the outcome.” Libby grabbed Jaxon’s hand, and the pain that clouded her violet eyes lashed at him. It was as if someone had physically punched him in the gut. It was heartrending, and he felt his heart break a little as he held her.

“Jaxon, I’ve never even held him. They took him from me as soon as they cut him from my womb.” Her voice was thick with emotion, but she forged on, needing to make herself heard, and needing them to know her intentions.

“I know he’s alive. I can feel it,” Libby pounded her chest hard. “Here.” And her expressive eyes told
him all he needed to know. There would be no turning back now.

She let him pull her in close once more, and he relished the feel of her trembling form against his chest. He could smell the salt from her tears as they fell from her eyes and moistened his skin. Jaxon’s stomach clenched as thoughts of a child alone with Cormac began to take root.

His child.

A son he’d not known about until a few days ago. Tiredly, his mind tried to make sense of it all, but there was just no way he could wrap his brain around it. But what did it matter, really?

As he held his woman so close and tenderly against him, he knew that he would do anything in his power to erase the sadness, pain, and despair that lived inside of her.

Anything. If it meant tearing the jungle apart to find Cormac, then that’s exactly what he would do. But he was a warrior, first and foremost. He needed to be smart, calculating. Deadly.

Deep inside his soul, the animal that defined who and what he was stirred, and Jaxon welcomed the rush of power. It burned deep within.

And it wouldn’t be denied.

Gently, he pushed Libby away, his eyes never leaving hers, but his words were directed at Declan, who stood a few feet away, tense and on edge. “We need to rendezvous with the others and come up with a plan.”

He tore his eyes from Libby long enough to direct them toward one of the best soldiers he’d ever fought with.

“This is going to get nasty. You in?”

Declan gave a harsh laugh, but turned away and began heading toward the passage. “In? Me? Do you honestly think I’d turn down the chance to kick my father’s ass all over Belize?” He snorted. “Hell yeah, I’m in. About time I give that bastard as good as he used to give me.”

Without another word, Jaxon scooped Libby up into his arms and they followed Declan from the cave. They quickly found their way back to the opening of the large cavern and began the arduous trek back down the mountain.

Once they had cleared the high country and were hiking through the lower forests, Declan grabbed his radio. “Yo, Ana, you guys make it to the airport?”

Static rippled through the air, but the cold voice that shot back at him was clearly not happy.

“No, we’re not at the airport. We’re still waiting at base camp.”

“Miss me much?”

“Yeah, like the plague.”

“Now don’t go getting all sugary sweet on me, Ana.”

“Cut the crap, Declan. Julian has arranged for a helicopter to get us out. He thought the airport wasn’t such a great idea, seeing as it’s most likely crawling with DaCosta scum. The only problem is that there’s a storm brewing out over the water. He’s not sure if it’s going to develop into something significant, but the chopper was delayed and won’t be here until tomorrow morning.”

“Good to know. Any news on Jagger?” Declan waited for an answer as static cleared the airwaves.

“That’s a negative. Julian picked up his scent, but so far nothing. He’s gone back out with Cracker for another pass.”

Declan glanced over to Jaxon, noting the clenched jaw, and was about to speak when he was interrupted.

“The girl…what about the girl?” Libby’s voice was strained, but her hand shot out and grabbed Declan’s wrist. He paused before activating the radio once more.

“Ana, how’s the girl doing? The one we rescued from the compound.”

Ana’s sarcastic tone bit through the air, and it was obvious that the newly rescued female had done nothing to ingratiate herself with the vampire.

“She’s an ungrateful bitch who attacked Cracker and tried to escape. Julian had to tie her up, just to keep her here.” There was a slight pause. “I don’t trust her.”

Declan nodded. “Good work. Keep her restrained until we get back to camp. We need to question her a little more closely.”

The air seemed to thicken and cling to the three of them as they made their way through the heavily forested area that surrounded the jungle. It was thick with pine and mahogany trees. They were descending, and the terrain would soon change into the lush underbelly that made up the Belizean jungle.

It was early dawn, the first streaks of sunlight were beginning to push back the inky black night. They cut through the blackness with arcs of red, orange, and gold, looking like bony fingers.

Libby shivered as she looked up into the waning night sky.

Where are you, Logan?

She sighed softly to herself and drew strength from the man who walked so tall beside her. She was no longer alone, and once she had her little boy, safe and secure in her arms, all of her dreams would finally be realized. She would accept nothing less. It was the least she deserved after all the hell that she’d been through.

She pushed all of her fears to the side and squared her shoulders.

They would win. They would triumph.

There just wasn’t any other option.

Think whatever you must, my pet. Just bring me the girl.

Laughter slid through her mind, invading, violating, and Libby nearly stumbled.

Jaxon looked to her, but she nodded, indicating that she was fine, and kept walking.

Keep up the games asshole, she thought, I am so gonna kick your fucking ass.

But there was no answer.

He was gone.

Libby held back the snarl that leapt up from her throat, clenched her hands and looked forward. She would move heaven and hell if she had to, but she was going home with her son.

Off into the distance she heard a low rumble, and it echoed and vibrated across the sky. Something was definitely brewing, the air cracking with energy. Jaxon touched her shoulders reassuringly, and for the first time in a long time, Libby felt hope.

They quickly disappeared into the thick jungle as they continued their way down the mountain, mist and rumbling thunder trailing in their footsteps.

But they were not alone. A lone jaguar watched quietly from high in the canopy above them. It was an impressive animal, long, extending nearly ten feet from nose to tail. It hesitated briefly, its long black tail flicking about in slow, precise movements. Then it stood, stretched, and quietly slid into the jungle after them.

t was a tired and quiet trio that finally made it back to camp several hours later. The sun had already reached its zenith and was beginning to make its descent once again. The warmth of her rays was oppressive, but the humidity and moisture that cloaked the air and clung to everything was mainly due to the storm that was threatening. Ominous rumblings had echoed over the jungle for hours, and yet it held still, off in the distance.

The wind had answered Mother Nature’s call, with gentle gusts giving way to stronger gales. Libby’s hair snaked wildly about her face, flying in all directions while still managing to stick to the sweat that coated her skin.

You’d think with a storm brewing, the thick humidity would break, but quite the opposite had happened. Jaxon gently pushed the mass of hair from
Libby’s eyes and ran his fingers over her face. Small ripples of pleasure crept over her skin, and in spite of everything, she felt a burst of emotion well up from deep inside her chest.

How she loved this man. Every single cell in her body was screaming for his touch. For his taste. Libby turned toward him and let his strong arms pull her into his hard embrace. She rested her cheek against his chest, loving the sound of his heart beating steadily beneath his flesh.

He belonged to her, and she to him. At the end of the day, that’s what it boiled down to. It was that simple. She needed him to breathe, and to live and to love.

“You must be exhausted. Cracker has food for you.”

They both turned toward Julian, whose concern was clearly evident. Jaxon embraced his older brother and murmured something into his ear. Libby watched as pain flickered across Julian’s face, then she heard Jaxon swear under his breath.

“What?” She looked to each brother and felt her belly tighten as they both shook their heads. “What’s happened now?”

Julian paused for a moment, his voice hushed when he finally spoke. “We weren’t able to locate Jagger. I did catch his scent, higher up the mountain. But he seems to have vanished.” Julian looked at his brother and shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t understand why he’s not come back to us.”

“What do you mean?” Libby asked as both men remained quiet, and was about to protest when she remembered the blasts she’d heard the previous evening. “Is he hurt?” she asked instead. “Captured? What?”

She looked at them and shook her head. Jagger lost? Out here in the jungle?

“Jagger will come to us when he’s ready,” Jaxon finally said. Though upset, he tried to smile, and gently took her into his embrace as he led her toward the tent. It was the same one they’d shared less than twenty-four hours earlier.

It felt like a lifetime ago.

“I think we’re all forgetting that Jagger is a warrior and a highly trained combat soldier,” Jaxon said. “He’s the best at what he does. Believe me. He’s been in worse situations than this. He’ll be fine.”

Libby hoped he was right. She’d never be able to forgive herself if something happened to his brother.

They entered the tent and she flopped onto the bedroll, wincing as the pain in her side began to throb. It very well could have been there all along, but the adrenaline that had gotten her through the past day was dwindling. She was tired, hungry, and emotionally weak.

Cracker slipped in behind them. She heard more whispering but didn’t care what they were saying. The smell of food wafted over to her, and she rolled over, reaching hungrily for the plate that he’d brought with him.

She began to stuff her mouth full of bread, not tasting anything as she wolfed down the nourishment it provided. A warm mug of coffee was given to her, and she closed her eyes, relishing the warm liquid as it slipped down her throat.

“I’m glad to see you made it back in one piece, missy. Don’t be doing that again, or you’re going to give old Cracker here a heart attack.”

Libby’s eyes flew open and a tired smile crept over her features as she gazed up at his craggy face. For such a large and fierce-looking man, he’d always had the kindest soul. “Thanks, Cracker.”

He nodded and abruptly turned away, and a few seconds later Libby and Jaxon were alone.

He looked down at the frail blonde and shook his head slowly as an overwhelming rush of longing sprang from deep inside his chest. She’d been through so much, and yet here she was, still fighting. She truly was a remarkable woman.

And she was all his.

His dark eyes watched her in silence. There were no words. He waited for her to finish eating and ignored the hunger that gnawed tight at his gut. When she was done, her beautiful violet eyes seemed to shimmer, and he felt his soul move, so great was the emotion that rolled through his body. He would take care of her for the rest of her life.

Starting right now.

He reached for a large basin that had been filled with fresh water. A soft cloth had been draped over the edge, and he dipped it into the bowl, then gently wrung the excess moisture from it.

His eyes never left hers as he knelt down beside her, gently cupping her face with his large hand as he slowly began to wipe every trace of the last few hours from her flesh. Her pale skin glistened with the sheen left behind from the cloth, and she closed her eyes as he methodically ran the cloth along her forehead before moving down to her cheeks, chin, and then to her trembling mouth.

Jaxon took his time, and when he was finished,
he couldn’t resist. He began to nibble softly, leaving a trail of small butterfly kisses along the contours of her generous lips. He felt her relax, and smiled against her mouth as she opened herself fully to him. He took a small taste but then pushed himself away, feeling a keen sense of power as her eyes flew open once more and she touched her fingers to her mouth.

She was about to speak, but he hushed her, whispering into her ear, “Not yet.”

Libby’s eyes darkened and the small catch in her throat tugged hard at his heart. He reached for her top, and her hands went up automatically, enabling him to whisk the dirty garment from her skin. He felt his groin tighten and had to stifle a moan of his own as her breasts sprang free from the cotton and hung provocatively in front of him.

Like candy, ready to be licked. He couldn’t help himself, and his tongue darted out quickly, before she even knew his intent, circling an engorged nipple then claiming the ripe bud deep into the hot recesses of his mouth.

Jaxon felt her shudder, and with a mighty effort clamped down on the hot desire that had begun as a slow burn in his belly and was now rifling like wildfire through his veins. This was not about him. It was all about Libby.
His Libby.

He reluctantly withdrew from the tantalizing flesh, and his hands trailed down her body as she fell back onto the blanket. His fingers grasped the edges of her pants and he pulled them down her legs, hissing sharply at the sight of her sex, exposed and vulnerable. He had to stop and take time to remove her
boots, and he felt sweat break out along his limbs as his body raged and the cat began to stir.

He threw her boots to the ground, and the pants quickly followed.

Once more he dipped the cloth into the basin and crouched beside her, gently wiping the grime from her body with slow, precise movements. He started at her neck and shoulders, letting the soothing water wash away all traces of her time with Cormac in the cave.

There was no sound, only their heavy breathing and the soft trickle of water as it fell from the cloth when he wrung the excess from it.

When his hands fell to her breasts, he smiled wickedly at the hard intake of breath and the slow hiss that left her lips. Lovingly, he cupped each globe, taking his time, perhaps too much time, and he reveled in the feel of them as they tightened and filled with pleasure.

He could see her hands clenched at her sides as he slowly worked his way over her ribs, taking special care where she’d been hurt, kissing every one of them as he finished. He moved the cloth down her body while his free hand massaged and kneaded. He felt small shudders underneath her skin as he swept over her belly, each pass with the cloth eliciting small mews from deep in her throat.

Her hips began to slowly gyrate, and Jaxon clenched his teeth together as her knees opened and her soft cleft lay open for him.

He had to pull hard to find the control he needed to continue, but it was important to him to look to her needs first. After rinsing the cloth again, he softly
wiped along her inner thigh, inhaling the sweetness of her scent as he continued his ministrations. His eyes were drawn to the soft blond hair that lay there, glistening with the beginnings of her desire. She groaned loudly when he finally touched her heated flesh, gently rolling the cloth over her mound.

She bucked her hips then, and Jaxon chuckled. “In time, sweetness.”

He ignored the swelling cock between his legs and reluctantly left her hot core, finishing her body right down to the very tips of her toes. When he was done, he threw the cloth into the bowl and then ran his hands up along both sides of her body, before gently resting them against her hips.

Libby’s breaths were coming in short, soft pants, muffled as he turned her over onto her stomach. He felt her still, and then draw away from him. With his hands, he began to caress the scarred, damaged skin that lined her back in a macabre display of artistry.

Jaxon moistened the cloth yet again, to repeat his ministrations, starting from the top of her delectable neck, working his way down along the length of her body. By the time he reached the soles of her feet, he was breathing hard, because of the effort it took to control his need to claim her.

When he was done, he stood, the hard outline of his dick straining against his pants. He looked down at Libby, splayed out, long white limbs relaxed, but her excitement betrayed by the staccato breathing from her lips.

His fingers tore open the waist of his pants and he stripped them from his body, groaning roughly as the heavy material rushed against his aching cock.
In one movement he threw his shirt from his body and reached for the cloth, wanting to clean his own skin before he would allow himself to touch her.


Jaxon paused and hissed sharply as Libby rose in front of him, her breasts swaying teasingly. She moved toward him slowly. “I want you inside of me right now.”

He felt his skin begin to burn and itch, and the wash of predatory possession that coursed through him made his breathing even more ragged and rough. She belonged to him.

And he would never let her go

She knelt in front of him, her beautiful eyes huge and luminous, and when the tips of her nipples caressed the tight abs of his skin, he nearly lost it. He closed his eyes and prayed for control, but it was so hard. The beast in him howled in pleasure as her fingers took a torturous path, tracing the clan tattoos that proudly stood out against his flesh.

Softly, they crept up, and when he opened his eyes once more, he knew by her sharp intake of breath that his own eyes were glowing, full of raging desire. He reached down and cupped her cheeks, lowering himself until they were face-to-face.

For several moments there was no sound other than their harsh breathing as they both inhaled deep gulps of air. For Jaxon, everything faded away and there was only Libby. It was as if a spell had been cast. As if this moment in time mattered more than any other moment they’d ever spent together.

And he guessed that it did. Everything was spelled out. His heart was out there to be shredded
to pieces or put back together and healed. She had the power.

And for the first time in his life, Jaxon Castille was willing to surrender to that power.

Her deeply shadowed eyes filled with soft tears, and he kissed them away before claiming the mouth that trembled against his own.

She tasted like home, and when her tongue flicked across his lips and her mouth opened wide beneath his, Jaxon clutched her to him, but then broke away. He needed her to know what was in his heart.

“I love you, Libby.” He held her eyes, watching as myriad emotions crossed them and then disappeared. “Do you understand what I’m saying? There will never be another for me. There will never be another for you. I will not live without you in this world. Whatever tomorrow brings doesn’t matter,” he kissed her gently, “and you’ll always have my heart.”

He felt her body melt against his, and he caught her, gently laying her back onto the bedroll and pulling his large body up alongside hers.

“Please,” she whispered, “Jaxon, I need you to love me.”

His body sang with joy and he claimed her lips again, pouring every bit of emotion he had into the kiss as he ravaged the softness beneath them. His fingers dug deep into the thick mass of hair that haloed her head, and the scent of her arousal clung to his nose, sending spikes of hard desire straight to his aching cock.

He wanted to be gentle, but his need was so great and he felt his edge of control begin to slip as her
hands encircled his engorged shaft. Softly, her fingers flew over the velvet ridge before running along his straining length. He groaned loudly into her mouth and grabbed her tongue, sucking it hard.

“Christ, Libs, keep that up and the show will be over before we even begin.” His voice was ragged and he pulled away, his great chest heaving with the effort it took to control his animal desires.

“Well then, I need you to begin, because I’m aching for you.”

Her eyes held his prisoner as she moved and positioned her body, gently gliding his cock to her warm and wet opening. As if the smell of her wasn’t enough to drive him crazy, the feel of her slick desire on the head of his cock drew a small curse from him. He watched a satisfied smile race across her face, before a pained one took its place.

“Damn it, Jaxon.” She began to rub herself all over him. “I can’t wait.”

With a growl, Jaxon flipped onto his back, lifting her above his body, barely able to control himself as she placed her legs on either side of him. He looked up at her and marveled that this beauty, this fucking amazing woman, was his, and with a savage snarl he brought her down over him. The feel of her was exquisite, and he felt his balls clench as her slickness slid over his hard length. With a hard thrust, he buried himself deeply within the hot core of her body.

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