HIM—A Stepbrother Romance: With BONUS NOVELLA: PERSONAL (11 page)

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I bit my lip in worry as he bit my ear in teasing. God help me. Mary, Joseph, and all the saints. I’m in deep boiling waters. But I can’t wait to dive in deeper.


Chapter Nineteen





Annie Lennox’s crooning, erotic voice in her sexy rendition of “I’ll Put a Spell on
dressed the island air and Bradley reached for my hand, lifting me from the table we were dining at for dinner on the private yacht. After landing and refreshing ourselves, we finally made it. I made him promise not to come near me on the jet because I needed to rehearse and study. That was the deal. I would play
if he gave me the space to prepare.

He was a man of his word.

it was time to play a little.

“Come here.”

I accepted his hand and he pulled me instantly tight to him as if to signify I was his. Just like Annie’s lyrics, because you’re mine. Because you’re mine.

He spun me in circles and led me with the talent possessed by a skilled dancer.

You know what they say about men and dancing: the way they lead is indication of how they lead in bed.

Hot damn.

His grip was firm against my lower back, and I was thankful for the satin dress he packed for me. It was nearly backless, which was perfect for his touch against mine bare skin. I love feeling our bodies skin to skin. Just the simple touch of his smooth palm over my lower back made me want to push him back on that chair and take him right then and there.

Forget foreplay.

Forget the way the first time together should be.

This was pure torture and he knew that. Oh, he knew that.

I could feel that he knew that by the way he was hard against his linen pants, speaking its own direct thoughts to my body.

But nevertheless, he led me through more twirls, dips, and all I could do was hold on to the sexy ride, a willing and ready participant.

My core clenched in heated anticipation, wondering what he could teach me. I’d be his best student.
Could I sign up for extra credit, please?

There we were in the middle of the Indian ocean, floating on a yacht, and I was in a dream world. I had never been a skilled dancer. Not like this. But he led with such skill! I couldn’t wait to see how this translated in bed.

“How was your dinner?”

“I…don’t care about food right now.” My eyes stared into his, conveying my hidden message. I swear his eyes twinkled a bit and the butterflies danced in my stomach like a New Year Eve’s poppin’ dance floor.

“What’s that, angel?”

He winked at me and bit his lip, just lightly. I swear he dragged his tongue along his full bottom lip as a teasing reminder of last week in the hot tub. Oh god, the hot tub. I held on tight to him as he continued to impress me, swinging me, my bare feet barely touching the polished, posh, wooden flood deck. I swear I felt like I was floating on cloud nine literally and physically.

It was as if the heavens and the stars conspired together to make this night the most perfect one of all to go down in the story books. Shining in full brilliance behind Bradley was a full moon, radiating in all of its glory. It emulated such a light and intensity that pulled at more places in one in my ready body.

My mind.

My body.

My desire.

Science proves a full moon and its gravitational pull affects tides and waves. Well, every single cell in my body felt the intensity of the night, the overwhelming desire and intensity.
inside my body was pulled by his magnetism.

Even in the full moon’s light against the aqua waters, his eyes blended with the waters. The light made his eyes glow like a tiger’s, ready to pounce on its prey.

I couldn’t take this waiting anymore!

It was pure torture.

“You what?” he tilted his perfectly chiseled jaw and searched my eyes. I gulped, feeling dizzy with lust but definite in desire.

“I want you to take me. Now.”

“Oh, I will.” His lips trailed down my neck and I caught my breath. I had missed that feeling, missed that touch. Only reminded of it in my daydreams and erotic nighttime dreams of the time we almost had together in his room. We hadn’t kissed like that since that hot shower. Damn, I couldn’t wait to see him naked again. His body was perfect.

The music transported me to another place, his kiss another planet, his touch another galaxy.

I was officially about to boil. I was about to melt. I was about to freaking disappear.

His hot kisses turned me on so much that the anticipation turned into adrenaline. Rip roaring, lift-a-car-off-your-loved-one-from-super-powers-surging-through-your-veins adrenaline; I couldn’t take this teasing anymore! I was about to transform into a hungry beast!

My pussy burned, the depths of me were exploding like a raging wildfire.

With all the strength I could muster, I pressed against him, with both hands to his rock hard chest, and pushed him like defense football players push against weighted practice sleighs.


Oh my god, I completely forgot his ankle.

“Oh my god, are you okay? Are you okay?”

“I’m teasing. You could cut off my freaking arm, I’m not going anywhere. Not jumping ship.”

I lightly pressed him to sit down.

“Well, glad to hear it. You’re not the only one that knows how to put on a show, you know?”

I took a few feet step back. The music had changed to a seductive song, perfect for the sultry vibe that just possessed me. I slowly lifted up my dress to the sway of the music, ready to give him a run for his money for the burning erotic hell he put me through waiting to finally be together! All of this driving here, flying here, we finally were alone at last.

I swayed my hips and rolled them the best Jessica Alba moves in
Sin City
that I possibly could as I raised the dress up to my navel. I spun slowly around, giving him a good look at my cheeky lace panties, the Brazilian cheeky type that covered half of your ass.

I spun around teasingly before spinning back to the slow sway of the music, the light rocking of the yacht reminding me of the power of slow suggestion.

Oh, I’d tease him so bad he’d burn to a crisp.

I lightly bit my lip. His eyes didn’t miss a beat. Slowly and oh so very sexily dancing, I pretended I was licking icing off my finger, lightly sucking it, pretending it was him. Bradley junior, him.

I lightly moaned as I closed my eyes. I opened them to see his mouth open.

Oh yeah.

You like it, huh?

I lifted my dress higher with both hands before letting some of it drop just a little below my bra as I grabbed my hair, flipping it to the side like a sex kitten.

All those exercise videos Emily made me do with her, working out to those ridiculous DVD strip teases with Carmen Electra really paid off. It was like total muscle memory. The romance taking over, as if my body knew I needed this moment more than I needed air to breathe or water to drink. All of those sessions where I wanted to slide away and sit down on the couch to laugh at Emily, only to have her nudging hand yank me up, telling me one day I’ll need these skills. Well, I’d have to thank her ASAP in the morning because it was working.

He leaned over his legs with the look of a hungry animal. His eyes darkened with desire.

A huge smile covered my face as I remembered the routine well. Slide left leg out, slide right leg out, time to bend over and show him my ass.

He lifted his shirt off, displaying his perfect, chiseled muscles. Dear Gawd, they were so hot. All those muscles across the sides of his ribs, showcasing hard work, hours devoted to perfecting his body, hours of sweat, hours of grunting, hours of testosterone, those rock hard muscles that I couldn’t wait to feel skin to skin.

Matching his move, I lifted my dress off and faced him only for a second before his hands were behind my head and he was kissing me, possessing me. I surrendered to the power of his will and might.

His lips crashed into mine, and I fought to breathe. I fought to catch my stance. With the intensity of his passion coupled with the slow rocking waves against our dock, I steadied myself on the rail.

I whispered, “Will the captain see us?”

“Strict orders from me. He doesn’t come above unless he’s called.”

“And you won’t be calling him anytime soon?”

“Honey, I don’t plan on it.”

Chapter Twenty




I don’t know why but this moment felt epic, like I was in a storybook, like a Nicholas Sparks film, and this was the grand scene. I kept waiting for the night clouds to suddenly fill with dark clouds to come crashing down on our ecstasy, but all that surrounded us were the sparkly lights dancing in the sky, spinning as if winking at us, cheering us on.

“You don’t know how badly I’ve waited for this moment right here.” His hand raked through my hair, cupping the back of my neck. “Hour after hour. In that cell, meetings, the press conference, packing felt like days. The plane ride to get you felt like weeks. It was torture not to take you right there in your room in Capetown but Emily was there. Then you made me promise not to touch you on the jet so you can focus. This…” he said, placing his forehead to mine, “has been in my thoughts day and night and now you’re here with me right now. Don’t go.” He winked at me, teasing.

Oh holy moly, this side of him was…endearing, romantic. He made me feel so special. This surreal backdrop of a night was like one of those magical dates you see on
The Bachelor
. A fantasy.

“Where would I go?” My playful tone surprised me at how well I gelled with him. His softness was melting any and all apprehension and reservations.

I could barely breathe as his hand slid down my stomach and into my panties. I caved into him and just the slightest touch of him sent shivers down my body.

“I knew you were wet.” He winked at me before licking his finger.

“I’ve wanted to be inside you since the moment I first saw you. And now I’m going to have you.”

I listened to the words he was saying, but they were a bit incoherent as my hands slid down his rock hard abs. It was as if I was already claiming his body, making him my own. There was so much to explore and touch.  I felt like a cat in a new home, taking my time exploring every corner, crack and board.

My hazy eyes lowered below, seeing his raging hard on. My inner walls clenched in angry desire, wanting to make his junior my home.

My home.

God, this was torture! My entire belly filled with fire. No more waiting!

Every second he wasn’t in me was a lifetime of torture too long.

“I need you. In me. Now.” I was breathless.

His hands cupped my ass and lifted me up. On one foot he hobbled before sitting back down on the couch. I didn’t care if he fell, I didn’t care if I fell, all that mattered was we were together.

Our lips crashed against each other with the hunger of a shark that lurked somewhere below the seas.

My tongue tasted the salt on his lips as his tongue explored mine. His hardness pressed against every intimate being of me only to be separated by the thin fabric of my panties. My hands were against his face, his hair; I couldn’t leave them anywhere longer than one second because I couldn’t get enough of him.

“I’m a lot to take in. So I suggest you take your time, and take as much of me as you can,” his husky guidance grumbled as he lifted me up for a moment.

“Here, hold onto me. These have to come off.”

There I stood on a yacht in the middle of the sea, spread eagled, standing with my pussy right in Bradley Rainshaw’s face. Again.

He slid his pants off.

And just like that, his thick, hard, famous dick was inches from me and I was still covered in lace.

His quick fingers slid into the fabric and pulled hard against my skin.

“Ah!” I cried out in shock as he ripped the panties off me in such a damn hot James Bond move that I nearly came from the masculinity of the moment.

“I’ve only seen that in movies.”

He lowered me against him, letting me feel his rod against my lips down there. The pressure was so good, so orgasmically good, that simply this would be enough. I was quivering against his intimate touch.


No, it wouldn’t.

Who was I kidding? I needed the entire package.

“Well, there’s a lot of things I can show you. That I want to show you. That I plan on showing you. I want you to know I’m clean. You can trust me. Do you want me to wear a condom? Because I can and will.”

“I know this is stupid to say, but I trust you.”

“It’s not stupid. I trust you, too.”

Our lips crashed into each other once more. I was aware of every pounding sensation happening between us down below, the way I already clenched in response to the sensitive touch of his cock against my cleft. He lifted me up slightly with his hands cupping my ass cheeks. He lightly lifted and lowering me, letting my clit feel all of him, making me so wet, from pounding in relentless desire. I moaned and I cried out at the sensation. I was already feeling that build up sensation of a sweltering orgasm. I felt myself clenching. And as I did, he lifted me up and his tip entered my tightness.

“God, you’re so wet and so tight.”

“Smart bitches hardly see hard dicks.”

I don’t know why I said it but I did. “I’m too chicken to have a vibrator,” I drunkenly admitted, covered in lust at that feeling of him entering me. I was very tight, and he was very large, but my eager wetness, passion, and intense desire to be filled completely by him paved the way for me to slowly lower over half of his shaft.

His eyes shot open with a boyish charm. Oh, just you wait till later. I brought plenty of fun things that will change your life.

All I could do was nod in agreement because he might as well be speaking a different language. I was hearing him; but they were just muffled words compared the sweet torture of him in me.



He already filled me, touching a place in me that made me feel sensations so deep, I closed my eyes and leaned into him. My heart pounded wildly as I was mid-orgasm already from the pregame action.

I sank lower and lower and lower until he wrapped my legs around him and every single bit of him was in me. I melted into him. I gelled into him. Every bit of sensation, every bit of pleasure, was literally wrapped up around him and I was his. It was a pleasure bomb going off, a tsunami of large waves ready to consume everything in its sight.

It was such an intense moment between us. The look in our eyes spoke a new language downloading its message in our hearts. Our souls decoded the deeper meaning. It was a new found level of connection as we held each other tighter. He wrapped my legs around him harder. He thrust deeper in me and our kisses drank each other in.

There was no other way to explain this passion; it was the connection of love.


I loved him. I freaking loved him. I knew it. But I couldn’t say anything. Not at all.

“Take me, Bradley. I…I’m…” I didn’t want to say anything else and I let my lips do the talking as our hot kisses spoke such a language, a special language, that only our hearts and our sexes could do the decoding.

  We fit together like a glove. Like a perfect glove. And I didn’t want to let go. 

Our moans were sexy as fuck. Hot. Like so fucking hot you could make it its own sound app of sexiness. Such sounds made my nipples so hard, the hair on my neck stood up, and chills flooded every single square inch of my body.

His hands knew what to do as they cupped my ass and took control of the thrusts. With every thrust I slid back down, my clit crashing into his hard lower abs. Every lift, I took him deeper as if that were even possible. I pulled away for air and looked into those eyes. Those eyes that had a special look I’d never seen before.

A look that signified he was mine.

A look that held a knowing.

A look reserved for this special moment.

“Because you’re mine” crooned the song playing in the background, the track on a loop.

Because you’re mine….

Ohhhhhhhh yeah….

Our hearts pounded together, joining an anthem, running its own marathon together. We were connected, finally. Body. Mind. Soul.

I cried out as my hands searched for something to grab, anything. His hair, his face.

I fought for something to reach for as the intensity of the orgasm flooded through my body like a roaring volcano, ready to release as he rocked me beyond my control and I held on for the ride. My nails clenched into his strong muscles as I cried out in absolute pleasure into the moonlight. I finally found my release; Bradley Rainshaw was true to his promise.

It was everything I could ever dream of, hope for, or imagine and more. I wanted to bottle the memory up to drink it every morning and night forever.




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