Hillbilly Rockstar (19 page)

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Authors: Lorelei James

BOOK: Hillbilly Rockstar
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Liberty had just enough time to lock up her guns and bring out her
classiest plain clothes before Odette knocked. When she saw the two suitcases of stuff, she felt light-headed. Surely that wasn't all for her?

“Let's treat ourselves to a cocktail while we're putting on the glam. It'll relax you. I promise. And, doll, you need relaxation.” She smirked. “I figured Devin would've helped you with that.”

“He tried. But someone interrupted us.”

Odette laughed and passed her a bottle filled with pink liquid.

“What's this?”

“Cherry pomegranate wine cooler. Drink up while I check out your clothes selection.”

Everything Liberty had laid out got the big
from Miss Wow Factor. No jeans. No dress pants. She pulled out a lace skirt that Liberty had hidden in the back of the closet.

“We need to see some skin,” Odette announced. She tossed two tank tops at her—one silver and one gold. “Try those on. Oh, and show some cleavage.”

Cleavage. Right. Not happening. She still had to work with the road crew after her one night onstage. She needed them listening to her, not gawking at her chest. She left the black compression bra on, but it looked good showing beneath the sparkly silver tank top. She stepped from the bathroom and Odette squealed.

“I've got one piece that'll make this perfect.” She looked at Liberty's feet. “Provided you have black leather boots? Preferably with spike heels?”

She had a pair of shoes Harper had forced her to buy that she'd never worn. “I have to walk onstage in front of thousands of people. If I wear heels, I'll fall flat on my face.”

“Suck it up and show me the goodies you're hiding.”

Liberty froze.

Relax. She's not talking about your boobs; she's talking about your shoes.

Odette gasped, “Omigod! These are to die for,” when Liberty handed her the spike-heeled booties with black suede strips crisscrossing from the open toe to the zipper at the heel.

Then, from her bag of tricks, Odette whipped out a short black leather jacket.

“That'll never fit me.”

“There's no zipper. This is meant to be worn tight.” Odette clapped, and Liberty slipped it on.

Hey. It did fit.

“Now the outfit is outstanding.” Odette toasted herself and drank. “Makeup time. And I'll warn ya: My motto is more is better.”


Odette wouldn't let her look until she finished.

So Liberty was more than a little afraid to see what stared back at her in Devin's big mirror.

“What do you think?”

Her eyes were outlined in black, making them appear enormous. Her irises reflected the shimmery eye shadow, turning her eyes the color of liquid silver. Her lashes were dark and long enough to reach the bottom of her eyebrows. A natural glow highlighted her cheekbones and masked her freckles. Her lips were a frosted purple that should've looked clownish but gave her mouth a sexy pout. Her eyes met Odette's in the mirror. “You weren't kidding. You really are a master at the

Odette hugged her. “My turn. And, yes, you have to stay while I'm putting on my game face.”

Liberty tried to keep the conversation focused on Odette and Steve, but the wily woman directed it back to her.

“What happens when this leg of the tour is over? I mean, you and Dev are together all the time. I assume you'll go to Nashville with him?”

“To be honest, we haven't discussed it.”

“I know what you mean. While we were dating, Dev was so great to me when we were on the road. But when the tour ended, we went back to our real lives and it wasn't the same. There are such heightened emotions on tour. Big highs and low lows. That's why Tay and Jase are at odds. In love on the blacktop, but they can't find common ground away from it.”

Rather than apply that same logic to her relationship with Devin, she said, “So what's it like for you and Steve?”

“There's some friction when we first start out on tour. Too much togetherness and all that. We settle in and we're fine. But Devin is always restless. He's a great singer, a fantastic songwriter and a generous boss.”

“But?” Liberty prompted.

Odette smiled sadly. “But nothing. I chatter too much. A trait Devin didn't like because he needed his alone time. I imagine you can give him that.”

Liberty nodded.

“Good. He needs someone like you. You've been good for him. He's been a lot happier lately.”

So have I

Odette fluffed up her hair. “Now that it only took us an hour and a half to become presentable, let's hit it. Show starts in thirty.”

Liberty held her hand to her stomach. Thirty minutes.

After the second encore, Devin brought the band up for a final bow. “Thank you, Midland!”

Liberty hung back in the shadows.

It was night-and-day difference, standing beside the stage and being on it when thousands of people were roaring approval. Like the difference between watching porn and having sex.

And speaking of sex . . . The high she experienced during the concert consumed her entire body. She had a desperate need for physical contact, for male heat on her, in her, for rough hands touching her everywhere and a hungry mouth on her skin.

Now Liberty better understood why Devin needed that intense one-on-one connection with her after sharing himself with so many people in the arena.

When she realized the band was exiting the stage, she fell in line
behind them. She kept her gaze firmly on Devin's hatted head to the point she stumbled into Gage.

He whirled around. “Whoa. Steady there.”

“Sorry. I'm not used to heels.”

“You look great. You sounded great too, Liberty. Thanks for saving the day.”

“No problem.” Then she was vaguely aware of Leon thanking her, as well as Jase before he bailed to check on Tay. Odette hugged her, babbling about a champagne celebration, but Liberty heard little over the throb of
need pounding in her lips, her nipples and between her legs. She was annoyed by the two security guards blocking her view of Devin, and she silently willed them to move away.

Somewhere in her head she knew that was wrong, but all she wanted was for the hangers-on to vanish so she and Devin could be alone. Naked.

Then the sea of people parted, providing a path directly to him.

Their eyes met. He didn't flash that million-dollar smile. His sexual heat hit her like a blast furnace and she nearly stumbled again—even though she was standing still. Without breaking his intense eye-fuck, he spoke to the security guys. Then he crooked his finger.

It wasn't her sense of decorum that kept her from running to him, but the reality that she couldn't run in ankle-breakers. By the time she reached him, her entire body trembled.

Devin took her hand and brought her knuckles to his lips for a soft, almost innocent kiss that sent a spike of desire straight to her core. He murmured, “Let's go.” He threaded his fingers through hers and towed her through the throng of people, letting the security guard clear the way.

When they reached the door to the ready room, the security guard who'd been following her flanked his partner.

Devin said, “No one gets in the room. No one. I don't care if there's a fucking zombie apocalypse. We are not to be disturbed, understand?”

“Yes, Mr. McClain.”

He opened the door and hauled her inside, straight to the piano bench. Then he walked back to the door and locked it. He removed his hat and set it on the catchall table. Next he unbuckled his belt and tugged the black
leather free from the belt loops. He briefly gave her his back, grabbing something out of his duffel bag and shoving it in his front pocket.

Please let it be a condom

As he walked toward her, rendering her mindless with that I'm-gonna-fuck-you-hard stare, he shrugged off his shirt, letting it float to the floor behind him.

Liberty's pulse skipped a beat or two hundred when Devin stood in front of her.

He curled his hands around her face, positioning her head where he
liked, tracing her lower lip with his thumb. Side to side until her tongue reached out to lick her lip and dampness made the continuous glide easier.

Kiss me; touch me; fuck me.

But he just stared at her. His face, his posture, his eyes didn't encourage her to speak.

Then he bent down and kissed her, tipping her head back to ravish her mouth.

Pleasure, need and lust swirled in her head and zinged through her body. Devin wedged his knee between her legs, keeping the piano bench in place as he arched her back as far as she could go. Liberty slipped her fingers beneath the waistband of his jeans and held on. A moan rumbled from her chest when her knuckles brushed the taut, bare skin of his abdomen.

As the kiss grew hotter and wetter, so did she.

Devin's hands slid down to grip her biceps. He broke the kiss and jerked her to her feet. With his breath teasing her ear, he stripped off the leather jacket and tossed it aside. He kicked the piano bench aside and moved her backward.

Two steps later, her backside connected with the edge of the piano keys.

His mouth attacked her throat. Shivers radiated out from every spot where his lips and teeth landed. His hands followed the curve of her body, over her breasts and belly to her hips. And still Devin said nothing as he yanked her skirt up and her panties down to her shins.

Her thighs clenched when he dropped to his knees in front of her.

Devin pushed her hips down and her ass landed directly on the piano, creating a loud musical crash. He tugged her forward so her pussy was level
with his mouth. The tips of her booties barely touched the floor; she was completely off balance. Her palms smacked the keys—the high and low notes jarring the silence at the first touch of his mouth on her molten core.

He removed her panties, spreading her legs wider. His growl reverberated on her sensitive tissues when he jammed his tongue into her wet pussy. Harder and deeper with every plunge.

Liberty gasped. She let her head fall back, squeezing her eyes shut as his greedy mouth consumed her. Licking. Sucking. Nipping her tender flesh.

She didn't stand a chance against Devin's relentless pursuit of her
orgasm. Her clit swelled and throbbed as he sucked that little nub until bliss teased the edges of her sanity.

When that first pulsing throb started, she yelled, “Yes, yes, yes!” Her hips pressing up, her ass hit the keys in a dissonant chord as Devin tried to hold her down. They engaged in a war of wills: Liberty arching and bucking for more contact with his mouth, Devin denying her. Giving her the orgasm on his terms.

And holy fuck, what an orgasm it was.

She hadn't caught her breath or her balance before Devin started in again, pushing two fingers into her spasming cunt and driving her higher with every precise lash of his wet tongue.

 . . .
almost. There.

She arched back, letting the pulsating sensation consume her body and own her soul. Her whole body twitched with aftershocks, her palms pushing into the piano keys, making softer sounds of dissension.

His callused fingertips scraped the tops of her thighs as he dragged an openmouthed kiss down the inside of her right leg. He rolled to his feet and yanked her against him, fisting his left hand in her hair as he plundered her mouth.

She loved kissing him after he'd gone down on her. Tasting her essence on his lips and tongue mixing with his raw, masculine flavor.

Liberty flattened her palms on his chest and moved them down to the bulge in his jeans. He groaned when she popped the button and undid his
zipper. Sliding her hands around his slim hips, she pushed his jeans and boxer briefs until they dropped away.

While she fondled and freed him, he kept kissing her, either on her mouth or on her neck, keeping the passion between at the same exhilarating level of intensity. She'd gone from having a performance high to being one hundred percent high on him.

He removed a condom from his front pocket and pressed it into her palm, then wrapped his hands around the back of her neck. Breathing hard, his body shaking with need, he rested his forehead to hers.

Liberty tore open the package and curled her fingers around his shaft, jacking him a few times.

He hissed but didn't pull away.

And she was too impatient to tease him. The instant the condom was on, Devin turned her around. He swept her hair to her opposite shoulder, feathering his lips over the cord that stretched from behind her jawbone to her shoulder.

A soft moan escaped her. His sweetness in passionate moments stirred her as much as his dominance.

Then his big hand pressed the middle of her back, urging her to bend forward.

She reached for the only thing within distance—the piano—and the keys made a discordant racket as her fingers fought for purchase.

With a sound akin to a snarl, he placed her left hand on the top of the upright piano, curving her fingers around the edge. He stretched his arm over the top of hers, his fingers circling her wrist. Holding her in place. Proving his power and control.

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