Highway Robbery (9 page)

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Authors: Kate Thompson

BOOK: Highway Robbery
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She has trained racehorses, travelled extensively in India, working and learning, and writes poetry as well as novels. Over the last few years she has developed a passion for playing the fiddle and has completed an MA in Traditional Irish Music Performance.

Kate Thompson lives on the west coast of Ireland.

Also by Kate Thompson:
The Switchers Trilogy:
Midnight’s Choice
Wild Blood
The Switchers Trilogy (3 in 1)
The Missing Link Trilogy:
The Missing Link
Only Human
The Beguilers (Irish Bisto Award 2002)
The Alchemist’s Apprentice (Irish Bisto Award 2003)
Annan Water (Irish Bisto Award 2005)
The New Policeman (Guardian Fiction Prize 2005,
Whitbread Children’s Book Award 2005 and Irish Bisto Award 2006)
The Fourth Horseman
The Last of the High Kings
Creature of the Night
The White Horse Trick
AN RHCB DIGITAL EBOOK 978 1 407 04874 1
Published in Great Britain by RHCB Digital,
an imprint of Random House Children’s Books
A Random House Group Company
This ebook edition published 2011
Copyright © Kate Thompson, 2008
Illustrations copyright © Jonny Duddle, 2008
First Published in Great Britain by The Bodley Head
The right of Kate Thompson to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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