Highland Solution (8 page)

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Authors: Ceci Giltenan

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: Highland Solution
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Diarmad arrived with ten guardsmen late that afternoon. Naill was relieved to learn the dowry was secure at Duncurra. However, Diarmad reported that while they were in Edinburgh, Matheson had raided again near the southwest border of the MacIan lands and spirited away ten head of cattle. The MacIans retaliated, but returned with fewer beasts than they lost.

“God’s teeth, why is Matheson doing this?” swore Niall, as Malcolm entered the great room.

“What is Matheson doing now?” Malcolm asked.

“He can’t keep his hands off my stock. We have been plagued with raids by him for months now, as if he needs any of our meager stock.”

Malcolm answered, “Why does this surprise ye? The Mathesons have never been particular about the way they gain their wealth. Their feud with the MacIans has been long standing, has it not?”

“The MacIans and the Mathesons have never been allies,” Niall said, “but the argument between our grandfathers about our borders resolved without a full scale feud. Neither laird liked the compromise, resulting in little squabbles erupting from time to time over the years. However, until this last year, they were only a minor annoyance. Now he is relentless and the losses are crippling. Your land borders his, has he pilfered your stock?”

“Nay,” said Malcolm. “Perhaps Laird Matheson has his eyes on expansion? Certainly one way of defeating an opponent is to critically weaken him first. Now you have sufficient funds, maybe your best option is to go on the offensive.”

“That really isn’t an option at the moment. A full-scale feud with Matheson would critically weaken us, regardless of our current financial state. I simply can’t risk it.”

“I’m sure ye know what is best for your clan. On a more pleasant note, I just had a nice visit with your lovely wife and Fingal. She appears to be recovering well from her ordeal. I thought perhaps ye would both join us in the great hall for the evening meal.”

“Certainly,” said Niall absently, but he wondered what the hell Fingal was doing visiting with his wife. Moments later, Fingal appeared with Tomas, who wielded a wooden sword. Niall’s jealously cooled when he realized Tomas had been visiting Katherine. Fingal merely accompanied him as ordered.

~ * ~

Agnes declared Katherine sufficiently recovered to make the trip to Duncurra. Since his guard had returned, Niall planned to leave the next morning. Therefore dinner would be something of a farewell feast. After bathing in the loch, Niall returned to their chamber to escort Katherine to dinner. The effects of the cold loch water vanished instantly when he laid eyes on his lovely wife. A bath had been brought up for her and she sat drying her honey colored silk hair by the fire. She wore a pale gold gown that hugged her figure provocatively. He hadn’t paid much attention to his lovely wife’s green eyes before, but now they mesmerized him. He wondered if the gold flecks had always been there or if her eyes simply reflected the gold gown she wore. Once again, Niall remembered Father James had called her radiant and he couldn’t find a better word to describe her.

~ * ~

Laird MacLennan spared nothing for the feast. His staff served an endless variety of delicacies and wine flowed freely. Malcolm could not have been a more charming host. It warmed Katherine’s heart to see the love and respect Niall had for Malcolm. After years under her uncle’s cruelty, she had forgotten what it meant to be loved as part of a family. Malcolm certainly had made her feel welcome and she realized how much she missed it. She wondered if Niall’s clansmen would accept her as easily when she reached Duncurra.

Until that evening, she had not left their bedchamber and she enjoyed herself immensely. The evening would have been perfect except she had the impression many of the women disapproved of her. She felt this most acutely from Duncan’s wife, Lana, who sat at the laird’s table with them. Lana made no attempt to hide her disdain. She barely spoke to Katherine, pointedly turning away from her and not engaging in conversation during the meal. Occasionally, Katherine caught Lana staring at her with contempt. Katherine couldn’t imagine what she had done, but she assumed it might be because she wasn’t a Highlander, so she tried to ignore it.

~ * ~

Although the feast showed signs of lasting well into the night, Niall told Malcolm he wanted to make sure Katherine rested well before they began their journey, so they retired early.

When they reached their chamber, the beautiful man she had married finally kissed her in a way he had only hinted at before. She shyly responded, opening her lips, and he deepened the kiss, exploring her mouth with his tongue. She put her arms around his neck, giving in to the wonderful sensations, returning his kiss with abandon. He stroked her back lightly and, with the pain from her injuries gone, she shivered with delight. He cupped one breast through the fabric of her gown, rubbing the nipple lightly. Awed, she felt it harden at his touch and was surprised to realize the throaty moan of pleasure she heard was her own. As he trailed kisses down her neck, she arched her head back, giving him greater access.

“Lass,” he whispered roughly, “I was going to wait,” claiming her mouth again, “until we were home...ye need to rest.”

“I don’t want to rest.” As he continued to caress her nipple, the warmth kindled with his kiss became a liquid fire spreading through her. The feeling of his tongue exploring her mouth, together with his hand on her breast, made her knees weak. She didn’t know exactly what she wanted, she only knew she wanted more. She needed more.

She felt him remove her belt before he stopped kissing her to turn her away. She had a moment of panic as she thought she might have done something wrong, but then he unlaced her gown and pulled it off her shoulders. He turned her back to face him again before continuing the tender onslaught of her mouth. He removed the rest of her clothes, letting them fall to the floor. He stopped kissing her for a moment and simply looked at her. Realizing for the first time she stood naked in front of him, she raised her hands up nervously to cover herself.

He grasped her hands and held them away from her, saying, “Nay, lass, ye are lovely. Let me look at ye.” She flushed under his perusal and, although she couldn’t quite look at him, she didn’t cover herself when he released her hands.

Leaning down he captured one pert nipple in his mouth, suckling on it. This new sensation fed the fire building in her core until it became almost unbearable. Returning once again to her lips, his kisses became more urgent and she put her hands around his neck again.

“My sweet lass, I have wanted ye from the moment I saw ye.” He pulled her hair free from its braid, running his fingers gently through her tresses.

Stepping away from her, Niall quickly removed his plaid and belt, dropping them with her garments on the floor. He scooped her in his arms, carried her to the bed, and laid her gingerly on it. He stepped back, gazing at her again for a moment, sobering slightly. “Lass, are ye sure? Ye have been so ill, I don’t want to hurt ye. We will wait if ye need time.”

“Please, Niall, don’t make me wait.” She wasn’t sure what she was asking for, but she knew she didn’t want to stop.

He pulled his tunic over his head. She gasped and heard him chuckle when she saw the full length of his naked body.

Although Katherine had the general idea of how men and women coupled, she had never seen a completely naked, very much aroused man. She felt a hot blush flood her cheeks, but before she had too much time to think about it, he lowered himself onto the bed beside her. He captured her lips again, and caressed her breasts, teasing the nipples until they were taut. “Ye are so sweet, lass,” he whispered before trailing kisses down her neck. He fondled one soft breast, taking the nipple in his mouth to suckle.

She had never felt anything like this. What was happening to her? As his caresses inflamed her, she became bolder, her hands roaming over his back and shoulders.

He slid one hand down her waist to her hip. Slipping his hand between her thighs, he nudged them apart, stroking them lightly. He caressed the curls at the apex of her legs, slipping one finger between the moist lips. “Nay,” she said, stiffening as she tried to push his hand away.

“Wheest, lass,” he whispered, capturing both of her hands in his free hand and kissing her lips again. His finger found the sensitive nub at her core and gently circled it, eliciting a moan. Instead of pulling away she arched into his hand. He replaced his finger with his thumb, continuing the circular movement, while sliding one finger inside her. She was momentarily startled by the intimate caress, but while one tiny corner of her consciousness thought perhaps she shouldn’t allow it, she enjoyed his touch too much to stop him. Lost in sensation, she barely noticed as he nudged her legs farther apart and positioned himself between them, continuing to pleasure her with his hand.

She had never felt so powerless and yet so completely free. She pushed against him, wanting more. When she thought she would surely die if the intense sensation building at her core continued, she exploded in ecstasy. It was unlike anything she had ever experienced. She felt as if the world shimmered around her.

While she still felt dazed, before she knew quite what was happening, he penetrated her with one swift thrust. The sharp pain breached the blissful fog enveloping her. It was sobering. She squeezed her eyes shut, clenching her teeth to keep from crying out. For a moment she trembled and tried to pull away, but she felt him gently caress her face, soothing her.

“It will pass, sweetling,” he assured her, remaining perfectly motionless while still sheathed in her. Opening her eyes to look into his, she plainly saw both his concern for her as well as rigid tension.

Just as he said it would, the sharp pain subsided and she relaxed. He slipped his hand between her legs, gently stroking her again. When his finger once more rubbed the same sensitive spot, the heat in her belly stirred for a second time. That same indescribable need built, only, if possible, even more profoundly than before.

“Katherine, my beautiful lass, ye feel so good.” He began to gently move slowly in and out of her, but she could feel the supreme tension in his body.

She writhed under the movements of his hand and body, becoming almost frenzied. “I need you, Niall,” she cried out, meeting his thrusts.

Responding to her abandon, he plunged into her again and again until she felt the heat of his seed within her. She arched against him and cried out as she reached another shuddering climax. She was astounded by her powerful reaction to his love making and was vaguely aware even her fingers and toes tingled. She had never imagined this bliss was possible.

He shifted his weight off her, but they remained joined as they lay there for what may have been a moment or an eternity. Finally, he eased out and moved beside her, pulling her close against him. He lightly caressed her hair and face, kissing her softly.

Finally he asked, “Did I hurt ye very much?”

“Aye,” she answered honestly, “but not for long.”

He laughed and said, “I did make ye promise never to hide anything from me.”

“Aye, ye did.”

“It won’t hurt like that again,” he reassured her.

“I hope not, because I liked everything else,” she admitted boldly.

He chuckled and whispered, “I know,” kissing her again.



Katherine slept soundly that night in Niall’s arms. Niall slept less soundly. He woke up during the night with her enticing round bottom tucked up against his groin and he stiffened in response. He would have happily made love to her again, but he knew the ride to Duncurra in the morning might be uncomfortable for her, so he gritted his teeth while trying to go back to sleep.

Just after dawn they left Brathanead keep and Niall walked with her to where the men prepared their horses. He took Katherine’s hand before saying, “I sent word for Diarmad to bring ye something.” He winked at her. “Tomas, ye can bring your lady her mount now,” he called. Tomas, grinning from ear to ear at being part of the surprise, led a strong brown gelding out of the stable. She seemed thrilled and threw her arms around Niall, hugging him. A little taken aback, he looked down at her and said, “It isn’t that I don’t enjoy having ye ride on my lap, and, if ye get tired ye can ride with me, but he is yours. I know your father gave Stormy to ye and nothing can replace her, but I thought having this brown beast as your own might help.”

“He is beautiful, Niall, thank you. He isn’t the horse my father gave me, but he is the horse my husband gave me,” she said, hugging him again. “Does he have a name?”

“Not that he told me. Tomas, did he tell ye his name?”

“Nay,” said Tomas seriously, “But Diarmad did. Diarmad said his name is Eachan.”

“Hello, Eachan,” she said, stroking his neck in greeting.

Niall helped her mount Eachan and, at last, they headed home. In spite of his worries, they completed the journey without incident. By early afternoon, still several miles away, they could see Duncurra.

“It is in the middle of a loch,” said Tomas in awe.

“It certainly looks that way from here,” Katherine agreed.

“This is Loch Craos. As we ride along the western edge, ye will begin to see the tail of the crag behind Duncurra. There is a wall built across the bottom of the tail that extends around the whole crag. It encircles the castle and most of the village. It makes Duncurra easy to defend.” Niall couldn’t keep the note of pride out of his voice.

“If there is a wall, how do ye get into it?” Tomas asked.

“Tomas, don’t be silly. There will be a gate in the wall, just like at Cotharach.” Katherine laughed.

“But Duncurra isn’t built out of wood like Cotharach,” Tomas observed.

“Nay, it isn’t. It is built from stone, but when we get close enough to see it better, ye will see a low tower built into the wall. That tower is called a ‘barbican’,” Niall explained. “In the middle of the barbican is a heavy iron gate that can be raised and lowered. It is called a portcullis.”

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