Highland Hope (Wild Thistle Triology Book 1) (25 page)

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He’d kenned the treachery. Aye, ’twas why he wanted them to lead. Her mother must have known as well and it was why she’d forced the council to allow Hope to rule after her father’s death. It was her young age they’d taken issue with, of course they’d prefer a lad, but she was the eldest daughter and ’twas her right.

“The clan will decide your fate, Liam,” Aidan said. “Why did you kill the lad?” 

, ’twas his own fault. He’s from Mungo—’twas our spy.”

She wanted to cry with frustration. Too much blood had been spilled by this man’s order. “Why kill him? And why frame MacKerry?”

Aidan filled a tumbler with ale and drank it in one gulp. His actions were deliberate, as if he were trying to remain calm. But she felt the tension vibrating around him. The council had played God with both of their lives.

“Liam, tell us everything.”

He waited a moment, watched her with his dark eyes. She kenned he was determining if she’d push the matter and when he sighed, Hope knew Liam would reveal all.

“The lad was our spy. He’d been working for us for the last year.” He accepted the ale she handed him. He took a gulp and wiped the foam from his mouth with the back of his hand. “He’d become greedy, the bastard, and demanded more coin. Said ’twas a dangerous job. Lads today doona have the strength we had.”

She nodded, just to encourage him to continue, all the while her mind was consumed with the fate of the man before her. He was dying, but he should still pay for his crimes. Och, being laird was a thankless job at times.

“When MacKerry arrived and the lad had come with news, we kenned ’twas time to rid ourselves of the
. He’d threatened to tell ye, ye ken. And we couldn’t have that.”

“So, you framed me for the murder of a lad when the laird was already distrusting me.” Aidan sat in her father’s chair. It suited him, she thought. A strong chair for an equally strong man. She’d have to have another chair made so they’d both have a chair to sit in when making decisions about the clan.

“Aye, ’twas Stephen’s idea to hide your dirk.”

MacKerry smirked. “Who else was involved?”

Liam chuckled. “Looking to hang us all at once.”

Hope was sick to her stomach at the tale Liam was telling. Thank God her mother wasn’t alive. ’Twould wound her grievously to hear all Liam was saying.

“Who else,” she yelled, tired of the games, the deaths.

“Cease yer havering, lass. I’ll tell ye.” He glanced at Aidan, then back at her. “Myself and Stephen. No one else.”

As she watched him, his gaze never left her, so she chose to believe him.

“What are we to do with you?”

“’Tis for the clan to decide,” Aidan suggested. “Shall we call them?

Hope wavered for a moment, then straightened her shoulders. “Aye.”

Liam slumped against the back of the chair. “’Tis decided, then.”

“Go and rest, Liam. We’ll come for you shortly.”

He looked at her, sadness filled his gaze. “Yer father was a braw leader, lass. Much like you and much like MacKerry. The clan will do well by the both of ye.”

Should they call the council? Or let God be the judge. The man would be meeting his maker sooner than later.

After Liam left the chamber, Aidan dragged his hand over his face and gave a weary shake of his head.

“What can we do?” she asked Aidan.

“’Tis nothing to do,” Aidan said softly. He wrapped her in his arms and kissed the top of her head. She sunk into him, drawing on his strength.

“I’ve known him for my entire life and he’s always vexed me. But—”

He laughed. “Aye, like a burr in your arse.”

She grinned, pleased he was here and she was in his arms. “We should show mercy, Aidan. Not that he deserves it.”

He nodded. “Aye. You’re a grand lass, Hope. Good and kind.”

Chapter 22

He tried to tamp down the surging pride and happiness filling him. And now he held his woman in his arms. Aye, his woman. A kind woman, a leader to be certain, but with intelligence and beauty and a caring heart.

“We’ll wed soon.”

“Aye. In three days.”

His eyes widened.

Hope laughed. “’Twill take that long to prepare a feast, especially since we’re still recovering from the games.”

With her direction and resolve, he kenned it would happen. She was a proud laird and woman, but he liked that about her. Strange since he loathed the very same when he first met her.

“Are you sure you want to lead together?”

Her eyes softened, shifting to a soft green. “Aye, Aidan. ’Tis what I want and I ken my father had in mind when he proclaimed I had to be wed in order to rule.” She linked her fingers with his. “We are stronger as one and the clan will see, to be certain.”

“’Tis proud I am to be marrying you, Hope.”

Her eyes widened and a shimmer of tears filled them. Och, now he’d made her cry. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

She laughed and grabbed him in a hug. “You’ve made me so happy, Aidan.”

women were a confusing lot, to be certain.

Watching her, the absolute trust on her face, made him happy. At times, Aidan wasn’t certain if he kenned what love was. His father loved him and Aidan loved him fiercely.

But every time he’d loved a woman, from his mother to Anne, that love had been thrown in his face.

But now, as Hope stood before him, something powerful came over him. ‘Twould it be enough to forget how his heart had been bandied about in the past.

Better to remain respectful. Aye, they’d have a successful marriage with respect and desire. Aidan swallowed and warned his instincts to stop telling him ’twouldn’t be enough. Hope deserved a man who loved the incredible woman she was. Aye, she had power, and loved the power. But she also had compassion and intelligence, which aided her in leading the clan without being a shrew.

He kenned he loved her and vowed his past would no longer taint his future. If he didn’t tell him, didn’t share how much she meant to him, he’d regret it for the rest of his life.

He lifted her hand to his mouth, kissed each knuckle, inhaling her lovely scent. “Laird Hope MacAlister,” he said.

Her eyes widened as he tipped his gaze to her. “Aye.”

With his free hand, he cupped her cheek, swept his thumb along the curve of her face. “You are my heart.
As I pledge

Tears shimmered and pooled in her eyes.

“I love you.”

She smiled and tears slipped over her lashes. “And I love you.”

It took nearly every hour of the next three days to prepare for the wedding. Between cooking and decorating the keep, nearly every clansmen was given a task. All save Liam and Stephen.

Hope and Aidan had spoken to the clan and then the council. United as one, leading together to heal wounds of the past and to ensure no more treachery in the future. ’Twas close, the vote and fraught with arguing, after many tumblers of ale and finally a decision was made.

Liam and Stephen would receive mercy for their crimes against the clan. If possible, Liam had withered more since he’d told all to Hope and Aidan. He’d barely left his chamber and Honor and Nora had proclaimed he was close to slipping away from them.

Stephen had yelled to the rafters when he was booted from the council. But the brawn of the remaining men and her beloved Aidan had persuaded him to accept his punishment of banishment like a man. Not that they’d completely forsaken him, he’d live out the rest of his days in a crofter outside the keep’s walls.

Hope headed toward her chamber ready to bathe and then exchange vows with Aidan. Aye, she thought with a sigh, how she couldn’t wait to be wed.

She loved Aidan so. When he finally found the courage to tell her he loved her, her heart nearly burst. She’d found a man who could lead with her, when she was so tired of leading alone. Hope needed a partner just as her father had her mother. They led together and the clan was better for it.

A steaming bath awaited her as she opened the door and Faith and Honor were standing near it with wide grins on their faces.

Nora fussed with her gown as tears seeped over her cheeks. “My lass is getting married. Och, where did the years go?”

Hope gave her a hug and started to shuck her clothing and stepped into the tub.

“I’ll wash your hair,” Honor volunteered. She nodded as Faith handed her the soap.

“Just think, you’re going to wed MacKerry,” Faith said with a bit of awe and curiosity. “I never thought he’d put up with you long enough to wed you.”

Hope swatted at her. “Cheeky lass.”

Honor laughed and continued to lather her hair. “You’re going to be a lovely bride.”

She patted her sister’s hand. “Thank you.”

Within a few moments her hair was rinsed and her hair was drying before the fire.

“Time to dress, m’laird.” Nora helped her into a chemise and underskirt before lifting her mother’s gown over her.

Hope smoothed her hand over the deep blue silk. ’Twas a treasured gown with full sleeves and a neckline that scooped lower than any other gown she’d ever worn. Once all was secured, she twirled before her sisters and Nora.

Honor clapped.

“Lovely, m’laird,” Nora said as she wiped away tears.

Hope accepted her mother’s necklace from Faith. The simmering blue gems were perfect for the gown.

“And the last touch.” Nora secured a swath of the clan tartan over her shoulder and secured it with the laird brooch.

“MacKerry will swoon when he sees you,” Faith said with a chuckle. “Mostly because you are wearing a gown and not a tartan.”

“Laugh all you want, Faith. I can’t wait to do the same when a lad captures your heart.”

Her sister pulled a face and they all chuckled.

“’Tis time.”

Nora led the way to the bailey. Fresh bouquets of heather and some of her mother’s cherished roses graced the hall. Ropes of ivy and ribbons of clan tartan draped along the food tables and the dais. ’Twas lovely, to be sure.

Hope had no father to give her away, but Connor awaited her to lead her to the clan kirk. She swallowed tears as she gripped his elbow. ’Twas a bittersweet moment—her heading toward the man she loved and the fact her parents weren’t there to enjoy the day and see her wed.

She sent a quick prayer to them, thanking them for her strength. And to her father, she added an extra prayer for his pledge. ’Twas what aided her in leading the clan and would continue to help her think of them with every decision she and Aidan made.

Clansmen held open the kirk doors as they headed toward it. Sprigs of heather covered the path as the sun shined down on them as if blessing the day.

Dear God. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Aidan swallowed as she moved toward him with a bright smile.

The sapphire gown caressed her body like a second skin and he couldn’t believe his luck at winning her hand.

It had been a long journey, one that almost didn’t happen because of his stubborn quest to steal the lairdship.

But now, as his wife-to-be was pacing toward him and the clan was surrounding them with their blessing and the pipes playing a wedding tune, Aidan kenned his quest had led him to the most important discovery of his life—his love of Hope.

About The Author

Madelyn Hill has always loved the written word. From the time she could read and all through her school years, she'd sneak books into her textbooks during school in order to devoured books daily. At the age of 10 she proclaimed she wanted to be a writer. After being a "closet" writer for several years, she sent her manuscripts to publishers and is now published with Soul Mate Publishing. And she couldn't be happier! A resident of Western New York, she moved from one Rochester to another Rochester to be with the love of her life. They now have 3 children and keep busy cooking, watching sports, and of course reading.

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