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Authors: Katie Allen

Hide Out (11 page)

BOOK: Hide Out
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“Yes,” Trevor hissed.

“Now stay,” he repeated. “Don’t move.” It was harder than Pete had expected to walk away, even though he knew if was just for a minute. He glanced back when he reached the bottom of the stairs and had to stop and admire the image of Trevor, hugely 61

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erect, hands behind his back, his loose hair wild, his eyes narrow and hot, standing obediently where he’d been left.

Pete took the stairs three at a time. When he’d packed the condoms and lube in his suitcase, he’d called himself all kinds of fool for thinking he’d get any action in Honeysuckle. Now, though, he was hugely grateful for his flash of optimism. Grabbing the supplies, he descended the stairs, almost unable to believe his luck when Trevor came into view, still in the same position, still with the same hungry, defiant glare. Pete stalked up to him, stopping just inches away, and dropped the condoms and lube at their feet. Trevor’s gaze wavered and fell.

“Good boy,” Pete murmured, cupping his jaw and turning Trevor’s face to his. “So obedient.” He leaned in and kissed him. It was sweet and gentle for only a second before Pete took over the other man’s mouth, demanding entrance. Pete held Trevor’s head in both hands, controlling the angle and force of the kiss. He nibbled at Trevor’s lips, holding him back when Trevor tried to push forward, to deepen the kiss again. Pete pulled his head away.

“Behave,” he said sternly. Even as Trevor nodded, his hips were pressed against Pete’s, rubbing their stiff cocks together. The heat of Trevor’s erection against his made him go hot and cold with pleasure, but Pete fought for control.

“Turn around,” he commanded, his voice ragged. Trevor paused, his expression torn. His hips jerked, whether voluntarily or not, Pete didn’t know, but the result was the same. Seizing his upper arms, he whirled Trevor around and propelled him forward until Pete had flattened him against the wall.

Yanking at the shirt twisted around Trevor’s wrists, Pete pulled it free and let it drop to the floor. He wanted to press against Trevor without his hands in the way.

“Fuck, you feel good,” Pete groaned, the words slipping from him before he could catch them. Softening his grip, he ran his hands over the contours of Trevor’s back and down to his ass. His thumbs delved into the crevice between the cheeks, searching for and finding the clenching opening.

Pete heard a catch of breath as he pushed his thumb into the tight grip of Trevor’s ass, burying the intruder into the hot squeeze of his body. Closing his eyes, Pete had to pause, panting, overcome by the sensation of being inside Trevor. When Trevor clenched around his thumb, Pete knew he couldn’t wait another minute.

“I have to fuck you now,” he rasped, pulling his thumb free.

“Finally!” Trevor half-laughed and half-sobbed.

Grabbing a condom packet off the floor, Pete tore open the foil and rolled it on with hands that shook with need. In fact, his whole body was vibrating. He’d never wanted any guy so badly. Snatching up the container of lube, he squeezed some into his hand and returned to Trevor, still standing against the wall. Pete found that tempting hole again and shoved two slick fingers inside. His other hand found Trevor’s cock trapped between his body and the wall. He caressed the 62

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slippery head, his gentle fingers contrasting with the ruthless invasion of his other hand.

Trevor was panting, pushing back against the plunge of Pete’s fingers, his own hands flattened against the wall. Lowering his head, Pete kissed the other man’s shoulder and licked at the sweat he found there. He tugged Trevor’s hips away from the wall, giving himself room to wrap his hand around Trevor’s erection in a firm grip. He slid his hand up and down the rigid cock, just rough enough to draw a needy groan from Trevor’s throat.

Pulling his fingers out of that beautiful ass, Pete lined the tip of his cock up to the lubed entrance. He reluctantly released Trevor’s erection so he could seize the man’s hips in both hands, holding him still while he worked the head of his cock into the hot, tight grip of Trevor’s ass.

He paused, sucking in air, almost blind with the pleasure of it.

“More,” Trevor demanded, attempting to shove his hips back and drive Pete’s cock deeper. Pete’s grip prevented Trevor from impaling himself on the thick spike. He held on, digging his fingers into the other man’s lean hips as Trevor wiggled against the restraint. Eventually, Trevor stilled.

As a reward, Pete pushed in another inch, withdrew and slid forward again. He stretched it out, wanting to savor every second he was inside Trevor, every plunge and retreat, every thrust that stretched the man’s tight, tight hold around him. Trevor wasn’t so patient. “Just do it, you motherfucker!” he gasped, twisting his hips as he tried to break Pete’s hold. “Why are you fucking torturing me like this?” The last words were almost a wail.

“Because,” Pete panted, “you feel so fucking good.” When Trevor quieted again, Pete leaned forward a little to plaster his front against the other man’s sweat-slick back.

“I don’t want to rush. I want to remember how every second feels as I ram my cock into your ass.”

With an incoherent sound, Trevor tightened around the cock burrowing inside him and, at the squeeze, lines of electricity burned new pathways through Pete’s body, frying all his nerve endings at once. With a snarl, he tightened his hands on the other man’s hips, driving his cock in to the hilt while yanking Trevor’s hips against him. Something had snapped, leaving Pete powerless to control himself. With wild thrusts, he drove deep into Trevor’s ass. One hand snaked around to fist Trevor’s erection, pumping up and down in rhythm with his hips as they slammed against the man in front of him.

Pete could feel Trevor’s excitement building, could hear it in the small noises he made. He thrust faster, harder, not caring that his strokes were growing wild, even rough.

“Harder!” Trevor begged. “Please, harder!”


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Widening his stance for more leverage, Pete rammed deep and fast into his ass, feeling his control slipping with each thrust. A roaring filled his ears and he closed his teeth on Trevor’s shoulder.

With a yell, Trevor exploded, his body clamping around the erection buried in his ass. It was too much. Pete groaned as he came, his hips working in small, unconscious jerks as his orgasm took over and all he knew was blind, limitless ecstasy that melted everything inside him.


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Chapter Six

The first sound Pete heard as he came back to reality was Trevor’s breathing. His sweat was cooling on his body except where they were connected, skin to skin. Releasing the cock he still held, Pete wrapped both arms around Trevor’s chest—not to control but just as a hug. He kissed the spot he’d bitten.

“Did I hurt you?” he asked, wincing at the raw sound of his voice. Trevor’s body moved against his in what Pete was pretty sure was a laugh. “Only in the best way,” he said, turning his head. “And only when I begged you to.”

“Jesus!” An aftershock rippled through Pete at his words. “What you do to me…”

He smiled as he kissed the corner of Trevor’s mouth.

do?” Trevor protested indignantly, although his lips quivered from restraining a smile. “Aren’t you the one still parked in my ass?”

Pete laughed. “Suppose I am.” He eased out of Trevor, oddly regretful to leave, and stepped back.

“Oh.” Trevor turned his face away.

Here was the awkwardness. Pete hated this part.

“I didn’t mean you had to go,” Trevor muttered.

Pete stared at him for a surprised second and then laughed. When Trevor shot him an offended glare, Pete grabbed him by the arm, turning him around and tugging him into his arms. Trevor remained stiff and unresponsive for a whole three seconds before melting against him and wrapping his arms around Pete’s waist.

“Don’t worry,” Pete reassured him, giving him a squeeze. “I’ll be back in there soon.”

“Good.” Trevor’s voice was muffled against Pete’s neck. “Think an air mattress would pop if we got wild on it? ’Cause these floors look kind of hard and something tells me I’ll be the one on my hands and knees.”

Pete winced. “We need a bed.”

“And a couch.”

“Definitely.” Pete’s hands were wandering from Trevor’s back down to his ass. He just couldn’t stay away. “And a nice, solid dining room table. I’ll bend you over and—”

Trevor raised his head and wrapped a hand around the back of Pete’s skull to yank him in for a kiss, cutting off his words, as well as any remaining connection between his mouth and brain. Despite the fact that they’d just had sex, Trevor’s kiss was tentative, even shy. Pete was oddly charmed by the hesitant flick of Trevor’s tongue against his—

charmed and definitely turned-on. His cock was already swelling again. 65

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He reluctantly pulled his head back. “Tell you what,” Pete suggested. “How does a shower and then testing out the quality of that air mattress sound?”

Trevor gave a long-suffering groan. “I’m going to be on my hands and knees, aren’t I?”

Nipping the other man’s lower lip, Pete growled, “You’ll be where I put you.”

“Yeah?” If the word was meant to have come out challenging, Trevor failed miserably. It was more of an eager sigh.

“Yeah.” Unable to resist, Pete kissed him again, short and hard. “And now I want you in the shower, so move.” Turning Trevor around, he gave him a little push toward the stairs. Laughing, Trevor headed for the steps. Grabbing the condoms and lube from the floor, Pete caught up with him and gave him a sharp smack on the ass with his free hand.

Trevor jumped a foot, turning his head to glare at Pete. “What the hell was that?”

Crowding behind him, Pete pushed his erection against the other man’s ass.

“Please,” Pete scoffed. “You liked it.”

“Did not,” Trevor protested, but the color creeping up the back of his neck told otherwise.

“Liar,” Pete murmured into his ear, snaking a hand around so he could grip the rigid spike of Trevor’s cock. “You’re hard as a rock.”

“I didn’t… It wasn’t…” Trevor sputtered.

Giving the erection in his hand a final squeeze, Pete released it, backing down a step with a laugh. “It’s okay,” he soothed. “We won’t do anything you don’t want to do. If you want me to spank your ass until it burns, just let me know. Until then, there’re lots of other things I can think of.”

Although he was still flushed, Trevor relaxed a little as a suggestive smile touched his mouth. “Like what?”

“Like molesting you in the shower if you’d ever get your sweet ass up there,” Pete growled.

Trevor hurried up the final stairs and dodged into the bathroom, only to pop his head back out. “Hurry up, slowpoke!” he teased before disappearing again.

“You’re a mouthy little bastard,” Pete called after him, climbing the stairs and following him into the bathroom. Trevor was already in the tub adjusting the water temperature, the clear curtain blurring his outline just enough to make it interesting. Pushing the curtain aside, Pete joined him in the shower. Tilting his head back into the stream, Trevor closed his eyes. The water changed his hair to liquid gold. Pete touched a streaming lock, unable to keep his hands off the man.

“Turn around,” he ordered, reaching for the shampoo. He soaped Trevor’s hair, massaging his scalp with his fingertips in order to hear Trevor’s groan of pleasure. Pete nudged him around again to rinse, working his fingers through the dark-blond strands until all the bubbles had been washed away.


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When he grabbed the conditioner bottle, Trevor tried to take it away. “I can do that.”

Holding the bottle out of reach, Pete shook his head. “I want to. Now turn around and be still.”

After a mutinous pause, Trevor obeyed and Pete worked a liberal amount through Trevor’s hair.

“I like this stuff,” Pete told him, running his fingers through to separate the strands.

“It’s slippery.”

Although Trevor just grunted, it was a breathless sound. The hair washing was getting to him. Pete grinned and reached for the soap.

Lathering his hands, he moved Trevor’s heavy, conditioned hair over his shoulder so his back was completely exposed. He swept his soapy palms over Trevor’s skin, across shoulder to shoulder and then down the length of his spine. Trevor’s ass cheeks clenched as Pete’s fingers delved between them.

“Spread ’em,” Pete growled, knocking his foot between Trevor’s feet and feeling like the cheesiest T.V.-show cop for saying it. Trevor seemed to like it though—he obeyed quickly, bracing his feet against either side of the tub as a shudder ran beneath his skin.

Crouching down, Pete soaped Trevor’s left leg and then his right, working his way up until he reached where the back of Trevor’s thigh met the hard curve of his ass cheek. At that point, he couldn’t resist taking full advantage of the spread thighs, reaching between to cup Trevor’s tight balls in his soapy hand. Trevor’s chest expanded with a sharp inhale and a tremor ran through his locked leg muscles. With a final gentle squeeze, Pete slid his fingers back between Trevor’s cheeks, finding and circling the puckered entrance. Trevor moved his hips, nudging back against the touch, as if his body was asking for the penetration. When Pete finally pushed his finger into his ass, Trevor hissed out a breath.

“Sore?” Pete asked, starting to withdraw the digit.

“No!” Trevor’s body clamped around his finger as if to hold it inside. “A little, I mean, but don’t stop. Please.”

Pete wasn’t sure why he was so charmed by the grudging way Trevor said

“please”. Just for that, he plunged his finger deep into Trevor’s ass several times before withdrawing it.

Trevor made a disgruntled sound. “I’m okay. Really.”

“Yeah, well, maybe so,” Pete told him, soaping his hands again, “but your ass will have to wait a while to get fucked again.”


“Enough.” Pete cut him off. “Turn around.” When he saw Trevor’s expression, he had to bite back a grin. That sulky bottom lip was going to drive him crazy. Pete nipped it and then kissed him. It was impossible to be so close and
kiss Trevor. 67

BOOK: Hide Out
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