Hidden in the Stars (Falling Stars #2) (32 page)

BOOK: Hidden in the Stars (Falling Stars #2)
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After assisting Lucas onto the stage, he rushes to his mother—their embrace for the world to see and a verbal exchange the world hears.

His declaration makes me grin. Instead of returning to my front row seat, I head backstage. She may have finished singing, but my charmer has already called out to my body; a request I'm eager to respond to.

Even from backstage, I hear the mentors provide exemplary feedback and joke about my absence. Gemma even throws in something about having that something everyone wishes they had and I catch her wink from a prompter set up behind the curtains.

I'll have to ask her about that later.

Liza exits the stage with Lucas tight against her side. With her focus solely on him, she doesn't see me until there's only a foot between us. And, fuck me, her dress is better up close. The cutouts have a skin tone lining, giving the illusion she's only wearing lace. My palms itch, wanting to peel away the dress and hear her sing out my name.

Her head raises, focusing on my chest before lifting higher to my face. Surprise widens her eyes before they shift to my left.

As I twist around, the clapping begins. Contestants, stage crew, and more familiar faces like Chris, Mia, Jimmy, Kat, Red, Bethany, Xavier, Sid, Sean, and Kel. Turning back to Liza, I clap with them.

Sid brushes by me, wrapping her arms around Liza.

"I am so proud of you!" she squeals. "You made that stage your bitch!"

"Thank you for doing the slideshow." Liza's arms flex, tightening the embrace.

Sid waves her off as Kel moves in to steal her into his arms.

"She's amazing," Mia says, her voice coming from my left.

I nod. "Yeah, she is."

"She's only talking about her voice." Chris chuckles.

"I'm not." I give him a side glance, catching his grin.

"Miss Campbell?" Everyone turns to the sweet voice of a young woman in a suit dress.

"Yeah," Liza sighs out, like she knows what's coming next.

"I've been asked to bring you to Chloe." Her body turns sideways, an indication to follow her.

"Chloe?" Liza asks, stepping forward.

"Mrs. Mackey." The assistant gives a genuine smile and leads Liza away.

Being a nosey bastard, I follow close behind, feeling the others at my back.

"Please wait…" She fades off, taking in the sight of everyone.

Liza turns around to see the entourage she wasn't aware of and her mouth drops open.

"If you could all please take a seat, they're in a meeting right now and will arrive in just a moment." She motions to the chairs and couches around the room.

"What are they meeting about?" I ask before she makes her quick exit.

"I'm afraid I don't have the details of the meeting." Her politically correct response is rehearsed, but I don't press further.

"I know what they're meeting about," Liza states.

She crosses the room and takes a seat, relaxing back into the cushions.

My first instinct is to pull her out of the chair and hold her tightly against me. Taking a deep breath, I ball my hands and root myself to stay where I stand.

"But it's all rumors," Kel states, sitting on the couch across from her.

She shrugs. "It doesn't matter, and honestly, I don't really care."

"They don't deserve to have you on the show." Lucas crosses his arms over his chest. He sits on the arm of Liza's chair with Sean quietly taking a place on the other arm, her personal security detail.

"Are you okay?" The question is strained from my internal fight to allow her space.

Her eyes meet mine and she visibly swallows.

"Yeah." She nods, her response tense.

Our eyes remain trained on one another. The room fades away and our breathing syncs, chests rising and falling faster and faster. Praying I have just a tiny amount of the same effect she has on me, I lick my lips. Her mouth parts and warm satisfaction courses through my veins.

About to beckon for her, wanting her to come to me, I'm interrupted by the sound of the door.

"Una?" I ask, confused.

She looks around the full room before greeting us. "Hello, everyone."

Her eyes land on Liza and she smiles.

"You, my dear, are amazingly talented." She steps closer and puts her hand out. "How about I formally introduce myself? I'm Una Nobil."

Liza pushes up from the chair and takes her hand.

"Liza Campbell." She blushes and furrows her brow. "But you already know that."

Allowing myself to move, I step around Una to stand by Liza.

"I've been speaking with Mrs. Mackey in regards to your, uh…situation." She offers a genuine smile.

"Why are you speaking on Liza's behalf?" I ask, knowing Una is kind, but she's also a label representative.

"Because you asked me to take care of things," she quips with a tilt of her head.

I raise one brow. She smiles.

"And because she's ridiculously talented," Una finishes with an unapologetic shrug.

"Yes, she is."

The new voice draws everyone's attention.

A tall, extremely attractive brunette walks around Una and offers her hand to Liza.

"I’m Chloe Mackey, Co-President of Bel Suono and Mackey Productions. I apologize for my husband's absence. Unfortunately, he had a pressing business matter to attend."

Liza's hand noticeably shakes as she takes the offering.

Chloe quickly clasps Liza's hands in both of hers, a look of compassion softening her expression.

"Miss Campbell, our sponsors, along with Bel Suono and Mackey Productions, are very sorry for this situation falling on you. All parties mentioned are in agreement that the rumors are falsehoods against you."

Next to me, I feel more than see Liza slightly relax.

"But…" Chloe continues.

"But…I'm still being asked to leave the show?" Liza finishes in a soft voice.

A look of pity crosses Chloe's face.

"I'm afraid the contract you signed is very particular about relationships with show executives, which includes mentors."

Guilt and tension tighten every part of my body as a throb forms between my temples.

With the recent scandal and my addiction going public, you'd think they would've permanently added Chris, but the announcement of Liza's exit from the show has already resulted in a drop of ratings. And Chris refuses to do more than sit in for a couple weeks.  Truth is, without my scandalized ass, they're betting they would lose more publicity.

"She had no idea he was on the show," Kel argues, standing from the couch.

"And he had no clue she was a contestant," Chris states in his familiar I-dare-you-to-argue tone.

Chloe nods. "Yes, I know, and I can't say I agree with this decision. However, the point has been made about fairness to the other contestants. I'm sorry, but we will need you to exit the competition."

Liza sighs loudly.

"This is—”

Liza's burst of laughter cuts off Kel's next protest and garners surprised looks from everyone. She grips my arm, using me to stay upright while holding her stomach with the other.

"I'm sorry," she says around laughs, "it's the stress." She fights between hilarity and gasps for air.

"Miss Campbell?" Chloe requests Liza's attention once more.

While she's calmed herself some, she's still fighting a battle with her “stress”.

"Yes?" she chokes out.

"Bel Suono is very interested in discussing a deal with you. Though this didn't work out, I'd like to set up a meeting to discuss your career."

"Get in line," Una snorts, giving Chloe a teasing look. "You aren't the only one."

Chloe grins. "It's been some time since I've gone head-to-head with you."

"It will be like old times." Una smiles.

"Hold up." Red moves into the small circle and stands in front of Liza. "Liza, don't agree to anything. Not until they provide offers and terms in writing. Then we'll review them and you can decide what you want to do."

His rush to help her doesn't surprise me. Red's always been a good guy, regardless of his man-whore ways.

"But, Red—” Liza begins.

"I won't let anyone take advantage of you." He shakes his head. "We haven't worked together long, but you're a good girl and I won't let this industry eat you up. You've been through enough." His eyes drift to me before returning to her.

"Red…" She removes her hand from my arm to place it on his chest.

A primal need to remove her hand, wanting it back on me, slides through my body in an angry, tormented heat.

"I don't want to leave the club," she finishes. "I know where I belong and where I wanna be."

Red's face falls clear of emotion just before a large grin takes over.

"Sweetheart, if these two," he thumbs over his shoulder to Una and Chloe, "have brains half as impressive as their asses, they'll make it work the way you want."

"Excuse me?" Gideon Thorne steps forward from the group of suits who followed Chloe in the room. "I think you should apologize to Mrs. Mackey."

Una and Chloe burst into laughter.

"Calm down, Gideon." Chloe waves him off. "It's nice to know I’ve still got it."

"Well played, Red,” Una adds on a giggle.

"Miss Campbell, we'll be in touch." Chloe smiles, nods, and exits with the suits in tow.

Chapter Eighteen



As soon as the door closes on the show execs, I take Liza's arm and pull her to face me.

"I'm sorry." I cup her face.

She visibly swallows and parts her lips. I want to devour her mouth.

"This shit's my fault, but I'm going to try to make it right."

My eyes search her soft baby blues, the battles of a million emotions warring within them. I clench my jaw, fighting the urge to ask what they are.
Does she hate me? Or, is she, like me, craving the taste of our mouths mixing and the feel of our skin touching?

She places a hand over my heart, the heat from her touch branding my skin.

With a slight shake of her head, she blinks, and says, "It's not your fault."

"Yeah, it is. I brought Kristy into your life. The bitch is going to pay for all this bullshit." My anger seeps into my words.

"Jackson," Una sighs, "don't do anything rash. We don’t have anything on her to shut her up or—”

"What kind of something do you need?" Sid asks from where she sits on the couch.

"Proof she released the information to start," Una states. "But no reporter is going to release their source."

"True." Sid stands and walks closer to Una. "But, and this is just hypothetical of course…"

"Of course," Una responds hesitantly.

"What if I happen to know someone with some itty bitty hacker-like skills who may be able to get something on her or get lucky and find out she's the source? Would you be
with them getting involved?"

"Sid," Liza warns, turning to face her cousin.

I grip her hips and dig my fingers into the lace, bringing our bodies together.

"Shh…" Sid hushes Liza.

"We already had the one FBI conversation. Do we have to go over the other?" Liza pleads.

The FBI?

"I just wanted to see if I could do it. Besides,
was a bogus investigation. They had no proof," Sid answers in a blur of words before turning a sickeningly sweet smile on Una.

"Do what exactly?" Xavier asks, leaning against the wall and rubbing his bearded face, clearly eyeing her curves with apt appreciation.

"I'd tell you, but I have no idea what you are referring to." Sid looks completely clueless.

"You're kind of scary," Xavier states, a half-grin on his face. "It's a little hot." He gives a slight shrug.

She blinks at him before turning back to Una.

"So, about that," she brings her fingers up and air quotes, "‘friend of mine’?"

"What would this friend need?"

"Access to a secured internet connection, a couple gadgets, and immunity should legal authorities get involved." She grins sweetly once more.

Una stares at Sid, contemplating. With a sigh, she nods.

"Kacey?" Una barks and her newest junior assistant hurries to her side. "Get Miss Campbell—”

"Sid," she corrects. "No need to be formal."

"Okay," she breathes the word. "Please, get Sid whatever she needs."

"Of course," Kacey responds, reminding me of a puppy with her eager nod and the obvious need for approval.

Kacey turns to Sid. "What can I get you?"

Grinning, Sid steps forward and snakes her arm around Kacey's, walking them both away from the crowd.

"We should talk where there are less…ears." Her lips purse. "But first, any ideas how to get your hands on her cell phone?"

"Th-that's stealing," Kacey stutters.

"I'm just kidding." Sid pats her arm, and under her breath, adds, "Unless you can get it."

"I might be able to help." Kat saunters up to Sid and Kacey as they exit the room.

"Do you have any idea what you've just done?" Liza asks Una.

"No, and for the sake of future legal action, I think it's for the best." Una crosses her arms over her chest and turns her attention back to Liza and me.

"Did you discuss the apartment?" She raises her brows.

"No. Haven't really had a moment with the show bullshit and possible organized felony going on back here." I'm sure to give my best are-you-fucking-serious-right-now look.

"What happened to my apartment?" Liza takes a step forward, gets caught on my arm, and twists her neck to look up at me.

"Nothing," I say in a soft voice, trying to calm the panic on her face.

"Aside from the fucking media trap sitting on her front door," Jimmy adds.

"Thanks," I say, my sarcasm thick and eyes narrowed.

He shrugs, unapologetic.

"He's right," Una confirms in a gentler tone.

"I know," Liza responds. "They've been there for two days now, but the numbers had thinned out this morning."

"Yes, that was before tonight's show and the producer's decision. When this goes public, they are going to be even more ruthless," Una explains.


"And we aren't sure what else Kristy has up her sleeve. If she’s the one—”

"It's her," I snap.

Una puts her hands up, palms out.

"I'd like for you to consider staying somewhere else until things die down." She drops her hands.

"Where are we supposed to go?" Liza asks, her body tensing against mine.

"I have an apartment," I answer before Una.

Liza turns in my arms, her chest almost pressed to mine. Her confusion is written in the frown lines on her face.

"You have an apartment? Here?"

Cupping her head, I use my thumb to smooth the lines between her brows.

"It's a three bedroom suite above the W in Hollywood. I just got it."

"We'll be fine at home." She shakes her head.

"What about Lucas?" I know it's a cheap shot, but I need her safe from the impending craziness. On a more selfish note, I want her with me. "They will surround him and harass him on his way to and from school."

Fear flashes in her eyes and she bites her lip. It's almost enough to make me feel guilty. Almost.

"School will be out soon." Her protest is weak.

"The W has security gates, cameras, guards, and I can arrange a car to drive Lucas and Sean to school with minimal harassment. It would only be, what? A thirty, maybe forty, minute ride?"

"But Kel—”

"Can also have a driver for school and work," I add before she can argue.

"Three rooms won't be enough for all of us." She tries to pull out of my arms.

"I had twin beds put in one room for the boys. Kel can have the other room. And I've had the media room arranged with a bed for Sid." I sweep her jaw with my thumb.

Her mouth pops open. She doesn't speak, simply licks her lips and closes her mouth tight.

Fuck, I want to suck the lipstick from her mouth.

"Sid and I already bunk together," Liza nods, focusing on my shoulder, "so I guess it would work."

I slide my fingers from her neck into the hair behind her ear and tilt her head, coercing her to meet my eyes. Leaning down, I bring my face so close, I can feel the heat of her breaths on my lips.

"You think you'll sleep with Sid?" I whisper.

"Yes." Her response is too breathy to match the slight narrowing of her eyes.

It's fucking adorable. She thinks she can resist us. The way we gravitate toward each other, feed off the other's energy.

"Okay." Fighting back a smile, I give a one shoulder shrug.

Her hands press to my chest and push. Straightening to my full height, I allow the space. When my hand slips from her hip, I don't like it. I cross my arms over my chest to stop myself from pulling her back into my arms.

"I'll need to get some things from my place." She turns to Una.

"We really need to get you and the boys to the penthouse—”

"Penthouse?" Lucas squeaks.

"Yes." Una looks between him and Sean. "As Jackson stated, his condo is at the W in Hollywood."

"Are you okay with this, Lucas? We can go home. You just say the word." Liza moves to her son, kneeling the best she can in her dress.

"No." He shakes his head. "I want to go to the penthouse." He sends a large smile my way. "Can I bring my Xbox?"

"Of course." I nod. "We'll have someone grab it for you."

"I can get our things," Liza says, trying to stand.

"It's best if we have someone else collect the things you’ll need. I'll go make the arrangements for cars. Hopefully, we can get out of here with little notice."

"Good luck with that," Jimmy snorts, shaking his head.

"Thanks, Jimmy, you just volunteered to help." Una's tone doesn't leave him much room to argue.

Grumbling, he pushes up from a chair and follows Una out of the room.

Liza covers her face with her hands and exhales loudly.

"I'm so going to regret this." She drops her hands and looks right at me.

I lick the metal hoop in my lip, smiling when she shivers and looks away.




I don't have to open my eyes to feel him watching me. The only time his eyes haven't been on me was when I found the privacy to change out of the dress provided by the studio. And now I'm in the back of a dark limo, wearing the clothes I arrived in, with a man who draws me to him like a moth to a flame sitting across the way, and two boys vibrating with excitement. Keeping my head back against the seat and eyes closed, I try to make sense of everything.

My performance was supposed to be a polite
fuck you
and I guess I succeeded. I never expected to draw out crazed reporters, but dear God, I have. Nearly one hundred reporters and cameramen had to be waiting just outside the performer's exit. Thankfully, Una arranged an alternate exit route through a large garage, putting us into cars parked inside and out of the public eye. Before we shot off, she assured me our things would be delivered tonight.


I open my eyes for him, like he has some power over me.
Who am I kidding? He has a power—a key that unlocks me, leaving me open and bare.

"Yeah?" I breathe the word.

Leaning forward, he puts his elbows on his knees and places his palms on my thighs.

Damn his long arms and warm hands!
Tingles travel across my skin, focusing their attention between my legs, which twitch to open for him. I tense my muscles to keep them shut. His fingers flex.

"I meant it when I said I'm sorry." His eyes search mine as they did before.

"I know." I want to reassure him with a smile, but I'm exhausted, my nerves are raw, and he's too close.

Our eyes lock and he drags his tongue over the ring on his lip. A breath catches in my throat. Christ, I want to suck the moisture from his flesh, dip my tongue into his mouth, and demand its submission.

"We're here!" Sean's shout breaks the moment.

Jackson sits back into his own seat and I squeeze my legs together tighter.

I need to get my body on the same page as my brain.
No sex
, I silently demand as the car comes to a stop inside a parking garage.

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