Hidden in the Stars (Falling Stars #2) (22 page)

BOOK: Hidden in the Stars (Falling Stars #2)
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"Just swipe left to see more." I sit back in my chair.

His finger moves across my screen a few times before he looks up from the series of pictures titled
TitsAnAss Collection

The photos range from woman wearing latex, pushing the material to its limits, to some shots of us from the club. You wouldn't know it's us since Sid focuses on the curve of a lace covered hip or the bone lining of the corset. Her photos are what I like to call sneaky sexy.

"Do you think she'd be willing to do this?" His eyes drop back to the phone, scrolling.

"I can ask," I answer, and shrug. "But I'm pretty sure she'd love to do it."

Red continues swiping the screen. Since he's taken the time to tell me his plans for me in the club, I feel the need to tell him about my involvement with Hidden Talent.

"There's something I need to tell you, too."

Red's eyes lift from the phone.

"Yeah?" he says, his business-like tone in place.

"I'm currently participating in Hidden Talent." Nervousness swirls in my stomach.

His eyes widen. "Does Jackson know?"

I blink, not expecting that to be the first question. I clear my throat.

"He does…now."

He nods.

"That what tonight's about?" Both brows lift over his brown eyes.

I give a noncommittal nod. "And some other things."

"I'm not thrilled at the idea of you winning that shit and leaving this place." He inhales deep, holds it for a moment, and then exhales. "But it could be decent publicity for the club."

"So, you're okay with it?"

Red stands, handing my phone back to me.

"Like I said, I don't want to lose you to some reality show shit, but it's cool. I'm surprised you signed up for it, though."

"I didn't. My son and brother did."

"Ahh…" He nods his head. "Well, just try not to win." He grins largely. "I've got plans for you in this place."

The statement warms me, while also making me wish I'd never agreed to Hidden Talent. Where I belong has never been clearer.

"I'll do my best to suck." I smile.

"No, don't suck. I want people to like you enough to follow you here." He smirks before going to the door.

"I don't know how the hell I'm supposed to be good while trying not to win."

"You better figure it out,” he responds, pulling open the door.

Bethany stands right on the other side.

"Really?" he deadpans.

Bethany faux-pouts. "I wanted to make sure she wasn't upset about being the feature."

I blink in surprise, not expecting her to already know.

"She's okay." He pats Bethany on the head before turning back to me. "Get me your cousin's information. I want to talk to her."

I nod my silent okay while focusing on Bethany giving me two thumbs up behind his back. He turns, catching her. Shaking his head, he walks by her.

"What am I going to do with you?" he asks, not expecting a response.

Bethany steps into the dressing room, closing the door behind her.

"He loves me." She smirks, wiggling her brows.



Still no answer or response from Sid, I have too much time to replay every Jackson moment in my life during the bus ride home. Each moment is painfully beautiful, agonizingly raw, or both. My head knows I've done the right thing by walking away. He has too much going on and I refuse to be his whipping boy, but deep down, I feel the ache of separation. Somehow, my heart got caught up in this mess.

I catch the inside of my bottom lip between my teeth, fighting the wobble of my chin. I close my eyes against the pressure of unshed tears, only opening them when the bus comes to a stop. On autopilot, I step down from the bus and walk the small distance to my apartment. Every nerve ending feels raw, exposed.

The soft glow of light from under my apartment door becomes the distraction I need.

They should be in bed.

I allow the annoyance of the boys being up so late to swallow the emotions I don't want to admit I feel.

Opening the door, I search for Kel, Lucas, or Sean, ready to lecture them. Instead, a wave of relief washes over me.

"I'm sorry," Sid blurts. "I meant to surprise you, but my flight had an unexpected layover because of engine problems. My phone was off for a while because of the flights and then I had to rearrange my second flight to get here."

In hurried movements and explanation, she slips off a barstool and walks toward me.

"I saw your calls but didn't want to ruin my surprise. I should've fucking answered."

Her arms wrap around my shoulders and the embrace is my undoing. My bottled up emotions pour from my eyes in salty, wet trails over my face. They erupt from my throat in a combination of sobs and hiccups.

"It's okay. Shh…" Sid holds me tighter.

"He told me to fuck all the judges," I sob out before covering my mouth to quiet the ridiculous reaction.

Sid releases me and steps back.

"You go change. I'll pour the wine. Then we’ll eat crappy food, drink cheap wine, and plot our revenge against the oversized, walking-coloring-book asshole."

With the mischievous gleam in her eye, I know she's already done the plotting. And her insult makes me laugh.

"I love you." It's my turn to hug her.

"Of course you do," she responds. "What isn't to love?"

"Now, go change." She steps away, swatting my ass.

"Ow!" I rub the stinging cheek.

"You liked it," she says without looking back.


Almost two bottles of wine, a can of spray cheese, and a box of crackers later, Sid is laying next to me on the pullout bed.

"What if—”

"Sid," I laugh her name, "I don't think I can take any more of your plotting."

I shove a cracker in my mouth.

"No, wait," she slurs, "this is the best. Just—” she hiccups, "just listen."

I nod, drinking the last drop of wine from my glass.

"Okay…what if I hack his twitter feed? You know I can do it." Sid licks her lips, always excited about hacking something.

"You already plotted that about twenty ideas ago," I remind her. "Right after your plan for me to revenge fuck his brother. Like that would even be possible."

The warm tingly sensation from the wine makes snuggling into the pullout bed actually feel good.

"Yes," she shouts, "but this time, we are going to change all his profile pictures to penises and kittens."

I bury my face in a pillow, smothering the laughter bubbling out of me. With a deep breath, I look up from the pillow.

"Penises and kittens?"

She nods, excitement in her eyes.

"Why kittens?"

Sid's face twists into an are-you-really-asking-me-that look.

"Um, wouldn't you question a dude posting penises and fluffy kittens?"

I open my mouth, but close it. She has a point.

"I'll get my laptop."

She starts to crawl over me.


I grab her leg, keeping her in the bed.

"Sid, stop. You aren't really doing it." I try to sound serious, but can't help laughing.

"Oh, yes I am."

She gets free, slipping from the bed onto the floor.

"And just for the fucking hell of it, I'm going to post gay porn all through his feed. You know I have a membership to plenty of porn."

I cover my mouth to hold in the burst of laughter threatening to wake up the boys.

Rolling to my side, I look down at a half-passed-out Sid.


I reach down and push on her shoulder. No response.

"Sid?" I try again.

"Yeah," she quietly slurs.

"Get back in bed." My words are followed by a yawn.

"Okay," she sighs.

Rolling to face the bed, she raises an arm and grabs the mattress with her hand, but that's as far as she gets. Her arm falls to the floor.

"It's too far away," she mumbles.

I reach behind me, grab her blanket, and throw it down to her.

"Thanks." She snuggles into the blanket.

My lids grow heavy and my body goes lax.

Every muscle tenses and my eyes pop open at the loud pounding on my door.

"What the hell?" Sid growls, flipping onto her back.

"Liza!" More pounding follows his call.

"Is that—?" She props up onto her elbows.

"LIZA, please!"

With his volume increasing, I jump out of bed and trip over Sid.

"Ow, fuck," she curses, my foot hitting her side.

"Sorry." I look down to make sure she's okay. "You alright?"

"Yeah," she responds in a breath. "Hurry and shut loud mouth up before he wakes the building."

As if on cue, he shouts louder and bangs harder.

Going as fast as my tipsy body will allow, I reach the door, unlock it, and pull it open.

"Liza," he coos my name, his trademark half-grin in place.

He steps into my apartment and I take a step back.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, my voice quiet, yet harsh.

His arms stretch toward me and catch me around my back, pulling me to him.

"I'm so sorry," he says, his words slurred.

"You need to leave." My words are stronger than I feel inside.

My body wants to melt into him; the effort of staying statue-like is exhausting.

"I need you to forgive me, Liza." He releases his hold on me, his large hands palming each side of my face. "I need you."

"Yeah, to forgive you."

I wrap my hands around his wrists, trying to pull out of his hands, but he won't allow it. Dropping my arms, I give up on a sigh.

"Okay, fine, I forgive you," I say, but the words are insincere and he can tell.

"No, you don't." His body sways and I reach out to help steady him.

A small smile forms on his face. "I want you, Liza."

His thumb rubs awkwardly against my cheek. In slow motion, his lips come closer. Letting go of his sides, I cover his mouth with my hands. The heat of his skin is concerning. He's burning up.

"Jackson, what did you take tonight?"

With my hands still over his mouth, I feel his lips move, but can't understand what he’s saying. I pull them away.


"I need you. I want you. Forgive me."

His forehead rests against mine, the heat and slickness of his skin uncomfortable.

"Well, he's super high, isn't he?"

Sid's question distracts Jackson enough for me to get free of him. As soon as I have space between us, he turns his attention back to me. A frown mars his face.

"How much did you do tonight?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Liza, fuck, can't you just—”

"How much, Jackson?"

"Randall brought me something new. It's the best I've felt all day." The sloppy grin on his face makes my stomach turn.


"I feel incredible," he slurs.

Inhaling deep, I step forward and take his cell phone from his pocket.

His eyes snap open and land on me. The unfocused look saddens me.

Scrolling through his phone, I find Sam.

"What are you doing?" He grins.

"Calling your ride," I inform, waiting, hoping Sam answers.

"You know, I'm going to post penises, kittens, and gay porn all over your twitter feed."

My eyes snap to Sid. Standing only a few feet from Jackson, she has his full attention.

"What?" His face wrinkles in confusion.

"You heard me ash-hole," she taunts, her words slurred, but not nearly as bad as Jackson.

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