Hey There, Delilah...

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Authors: M.D. Saperstein,Andria Large

BOOK: Hey There, Delilah...
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There, Delilah…

a Taboo Love series
(book #1)



M.D. Saperstein


Andria Large


Copyright © 2013 by M.D. Saperstein and Andria Large.

This book is a work of fiction.
  Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.  Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead is purely coincidental.

Except for the original material written by the author(s), all songs, song titles, and lyrics mentioned in this novel are the property of the respective songwriters and copyright holders.

All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.  This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced, scanned, distributed, or used in any manner whatsoever, via the Internet, electronic, or print, without the express written permission of the authors, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

For more information,
or information regarding subsidiary rights, please contact the authors:

Andria Large at: 


Edited by: Megan Hershenson

Design by: Andria Large


Printed in the United States of America

First Printing, September 2013

IBSN: 978-1492781455

M.D. Saperstein

To my husband and kids –
You are my everything.  Thank you for all of your love and support.  Without you, I would not have had the courage to write this.  And thank you for not making fun of me all of those times I had conversations with Nick and Delilah in my head! I guess now that it’s done, I can go back to sitting around eating bon bons and watching soap operas all day long. 

To my parents –
Thank you so much for all of your encouragement. I know that you would rather I was writing legal briefs, not about men’s boxer briefs. I appreciate all of your input. I love you both very much!

To Andria
Large – The best writing partner a girl could ask for.  You are the yin to my yang, and I am so grateful that you have come into my life. And not just because your mind is as dirty as mine. Thank you for forcing me to write that sex scene. Oh, and my hubby thanks you, too!

To Sara
– Thank you so much for being our BETA bitch, er, reader.  Your advice and opinions have not fallen on deaf ears.  It is so important to have someone as twisted as you in my life. 

To Lynne
- My best book buddy from across the pond.  Thank you for your optimism and laughter.  I always smile when I see a message from you in my inbox.  Pimp me out, lady!

And to the best editor in the world, Megan Hershenson.  Thank you for keeping me on my toes.  I am nothing if not consistently grammatically correct. Your control freakery knows no bounds!

Andria Large

To my husband – Thank you for being supportive of me and my endeavors. I would definitely not be where I am today, if not for you. I know it can be irritating at times when I’m writing instead of cleaning the house, so thank you for putting up with me. Maybe one day I will make enough money and we will be able to afford to hire someone to do it for me. Also, thank you for helping me “research,” it definitely comes in handy. I love you!

To my girls – I know you are too young to even understand what I’m doing, but I hope that someday when you find out that your mom is writing dirty romance novels
, you won’t be embarrassed. I hadn’t planned this, it kind of just happened. I love it, though, and I hope that when you two grow up that you will find a job that you love to do, too. 

To my parents – Thank you for being the greatest parents in the world. I know you are always there for me when I need you. I hope that I make you proud. Mom, I’m so glad that I get to share my books with you
, and thank you for being honest with me about them.

To M.D. Saperstein – I never thought that when you in
-boxed me all of those months ago that we would be where we are today. You have become one of my best friends and confidants. It sucks that we live so far away from each other; it doesn’t matter, though, because when you find someone who has the same goofy and dirty humor as you do, then you can be friends no matter what state you live in. This book never would have happened without you. You have no idea just how great of a writer you really are. I can’t wait to write more books with you!

To Megan Hershenson – You are the best editor ever. Thank you for putting up with my h
orrible grammar and punctuation.  My books would definitely not be doing as well as they are without you. Thanks for being anal-retentive. You da shit!

Of course, I cannot for
get my friend, Jessica Carroll.  Without you, I would not be a self-published author with four – soon to be five – books out. Thank you, Jess, for your continued support!



Hi, my name is Delilah Sampson, and I am a self proclaimed “frump girl.” My world came crashing down the day I walked in on my boyfriend having sex with my boss, rendering me single and jobless. A new job fell into my lap as the secretary of the gorgeous, rich, powerful, and mighty cocky controlling partner at the Santino Law Firm. I spend my days trying to please a demanding boss, keeping my lustful thoughts to myself. Until one night, when my best friend drags me to a club, and I fall for a man whose true identity I will never know.

See, at Club Masquerade, everyone wears a mask and a nametag with a fake name. Also, on your nametag is a number that you are assigned when you come into the club, which is linked to an in-house messaging system; no one is permitted to speak, which ensures that identities are kept secret. I meet my lover every Saturday at 9
:00 pm sharp. We text and email constantly when we are not together, and I have somehow fallen in love with him.

But, then there is Nick Santino. He is the partner that I can’t keep my eyes off. Unfortunately, the only reason he hired me is because he is not attracted to me and all
of my frump glory. Fortunately, for me, I am a kick ass secretary, so he keeps me around. Like many men in his position, Nick is used to getting what he wants, when he wants it; all without commitment, of course.

So when he finds a woman that he is both physically and emotionally attracted to, he finds himself in unchartered territory – love. And I can do nothing but be jealous from the sidelines – lusting for a man I can’t have, and loving a man I can’t know.

Hey there, Delilah
is book 1 of
a Taboo Love series
, in which we tackle the boss/secretary relationship. Each book will be a stand alone with a HEA, but will have a few reoccurring characters.


I am still trying to figure out how I got into this position. I don’t give up control for anyone. Ever.  Not at work, and certainly not in the bedroom.  But I fucked up.  I know I fucked up.  I said I would do anything to make it up to her.  Anything so that she would forgive me and stop looking at me with those sad eyes.  Did I think she would want this?  Hell no!   But I am a man of my word, and if this is what she needs
in order to forgive me, then I will suck it up. 

I am not exactly sure how she did it, but within minutes of offering her “anything,” I am naked, tied down to my bed.  My arms are tethered to the bedpost.  She left me a little slack
, and I guess if I really want to, I could break free, but I want her to have the feeling she is in control.  Of course, no matter what she is doing, I am still in control.  At least that is what I have to tell myself since not only are my arms tethered to the bed, but somehow she got my legs tied down, spread eagle, totally exposed. Shit!  What is she going to do?  I mean, we have always had great sex.  She is always open to experimenting with me, and trusts me completely. I guess it’s time for me to do the same – put my trust into her.  It’s the least I can do.  Fuck!

“What are you thinking?”
she asks, while she starts to strip.

“That I trust you completely,” I
tell her, watching her remove her bra.

“And you said that you are willing to do anything, right?  Anything to make it up to me… for hurting me.”

“Yes, anything.  Just come closer so I can see you.”

“Patience, baby.  This is my show remember?  I am in charge.  It would benefit you not to start with the orders.  Cause the more you try to control this, the more I am going to enjoy what I have planned for you.”

“And what exactly is it that you have planned?”

I can’t stand this anymore.  It is torture trying to relinquish control to her.  I try to focus all
of my attention on the beautiful naked woman before me.  The one that I am totally, madly in love with, but haven’t told my true feelings.
What a pussy!
  Lost in thought, I am brought back to the here and now when she starts to climb up my body.  She is now completely naked, straddling my chest.  She is too far away for my tongue to reach, but just close enough that I can smell how aroused she is.  I take a deep breath and instantly get hard.  I have never been with a woman that smells so good - cherries and vanilla - she is intoxicating.

“I think we need to come up with a safe word.”

My eyes snap open to meet hers.   “What? What the fuck are you planning that I would need a safe word?”

“Nick, I am planning to do so many very dirty, very naughty things to you.  You are going to ask me to stop.  You are going to beg me to stop.  But I know you really won’t want me to
stop.  So instead of ruining the moment, stopping this pleasure I promise that you will never forget, we need a safe word.  That way, no matter how much you beg and plead for me to stop, I won’t… unless I hear that word.”

I look
at her, dumbfounded. What could she possibly be planning that she thinks I will beg for it to end? And who is this girl? My shy and innocent girl. There couldn’t possibly be anything she can do that I haven’t at least thought of, or tried before.  So I humor her.


“Macaroni?  That’s your safe word?” she asks with a chuckle.

“Yeah.  It’
s not something I would normally say during sex, and it can’t be mistaken for anything else.”

Okay, my Italian stallion, macaroni it is.  Are you ready to get started?”

“Baby, I was
born ready.” 

We lock eyes, and there is a
new spark there I don’t remember ever seeing.  She has something planned and I am beginning to regret this. I am trying to be nonchalant, completely unaffected, but now I am really getting nervous. Why would she think I need a safe word? 

Since my hand
s are tied to the bed, I can’t move one close enough to rub across my stubbled jaw. I need a moment to find some peace, so I start humming the chorus of my favorite Plain White T’s song.

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