Heroes, Rogues, & Lovers: Testosterone and Behavior (136 page)

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Authors: James McBride Dabbs,Mary Godwin Dabbs

Tags: #test

BOOK: Heroes, Rogues, & Lovers: Testosterone and Behavior
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"peacock" behavior and, 107, 108
protection of females and, 115
"rhino" behavior in, 107, 108, 111
success and lower testosterone husbands, 108, 109,
testosterone as aid to sex in, 100
testosterone levels and, 106112,
Masai tribe, Kenya, 72, 194, 200, 201
animals, 12
human, 1215, 34, 40, 72
mechanical ability as, 5657
occupations and, 40, 135.
See also
parenting and, 211

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