Hero Reborn (Keepers of Justice, Book 3) (20 page)

BOOK: Hero Reborn (Keepers of Justice, Book 3)
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“No. It’s kind of weird and creepy, but you’re not doing it on purpose. I don’t want you in my dreams. I mean, I do, but not
, you know? But I don’t want you to beat yourself up over it.”

I’m really sorry.”

fine. Promise,” she says.

“Okay. You’re

She giggles
, then quickly covers her face like it slipped out. She clears her throat. “So what does your entering dreams have to do with the humans?”

I look to my right and left.
Can I trust her? I stare into those big, green eyes. Of course I can. “You need to swear not to tell anyone about this. If Samson and Cindy find out, they’re going to stop us. And we can’t afford that.”

pulls an imaginary zipper across her lips.

I bend closer
and tell her how we went into Stealth’s dream. Her eyes widen. “Wow, really? Did she tell you any information?”

“No. We were thrown out. We’re going to try again.”

“Be careful, okay?” She bites her lip. “I don’t…I don’t want you to die again.”

Hearing her say that makes me feel so bad. “Don’t worry. Vlayne can’t hurt us.”

Furball nods unsurely.

We’re quiet. I let my arms stretch and roam around the room. Furball hugs herself. “I want to talk to you. About why I was so rude.”

“You don’t—”

“I do. Just hear me out, please.”


Her expression gets serious. “When you came back from the dead, I was a total jerk to you. You knew I liked you, but I was so mean. Instead of talking to you, I ignored you like you were the plague. I’m sorry. I just…” She shakes her head.

touch her arm. “We don’t have to talk about it. It’s okay.”

“No. We do.” She takes a deep breath. “When I found out you died, I almost died myself. I liked you for a long time, but never told you. I beat myself up for that.” Her gaze flicks to me before going to the floor. “When you came back, I was so happy. It was like a dream come true. But I freaked out. After being so broken and messed up, I didn’t know how to handle it. It was strange. I was scared. Scared to like you. What if you’d die again? I didn’t want to go through all that pain again.” She swallows. “It was easier to ignore you. It hurt less. I’m sorry I’m such a bad person.”

I shake my head so fast I see double. “No. You’re not a bad person. I get it. It’s easier to put a wall up instead of making yourself vulnerable. I’m sorry I died and put you through all that pain.”

“Don’t apologize. It wasn’t your fault you died.” She scoots closer to me and makes a move to wrap her arm
s around me, but stops. Her eyes search mine, like she’s asking if it’s okay. I move even closer, and her arms come around me.

And then I sneeze. My body falls back and gets so wide we fall
off the bed and onto the floor. “Sorry!” I help her up. “I hate being allergic to you.” We sit across each other on the bed.

“I think you’re cute when you sneeze,” she blurts. Her cheeks get red. She pulls on her hair. “But yeah, it’s hard to…you know…when you’re allergic.”

My legs roam my room. I try to yank them back, but they won’t listen. It’s like they’ve got minds of their own.

“Why do you like me?” I ask. “I mean, assuming you like me.” I don’t understand what anyone could like about me. I’m a wuss with a screwed
-up body. It’s baggage.

She punches my shoulder. “I do like you. You’re a good, loyal friend and you care about other people. You make me laugh all the time, especially when you sneeze and bend into different shapes.”

I feel a huge smile form on my mouth. “Thanks.”

“And you’re so cute when you blush.”

Oh, man. I’m obvious.

“I like it,” she continues. My face is really hot now. So is my whole body. I’m seconds away from combusting.

“You’re cute when you blush, too,” I squeak. I clear my throat. “I mean, you’re cute all the time.”

She giggles, then quickly covers her mouth. Her eyes are wide. Aw, her giggle is so damn cute.

“See?” I say.

She covers her face.

“You’re, like, so awesome,” I say.

“Thanks.” Her face gets serious again. “Back to the topic. It wasn’t your fault you died.”

It’s more fun to goof off and laugh with her. It makes things bearable, like I’m not thinking about my parents as much, which makes me not want to cry. With all that’s going on, I think it’s important to have some fun and happiness. I think we’d go insane without it.


I snap out of my thoughts. “It
my fault. I left the cell to get the keycard. I put myself at risk. I should have thought about everyone who’d miss me.”

She gazes into my eyes. “You were a hero. You risked your life trying to save
your friends.”

“I don’t know…”

“You were. Don’t blame yourself. You were so brave…and I really like you for that.”

My cheeks get hot again. Shoulders turn to mush in her arms. She squeezes them. They’re like jelly. I squirm. “Tickles.”

Smiling, she digs her fingers deeper in my shoulder blades. I roll off the bed, onto the floor, with her on top of me. Our faces are less than an inch apart. My gaze moves to her lips for a second before meeting her eyes.

“Hi,” she says.


She laughs as she jumps up and heaves me to my feet. That doesn’t exactly happen, because all she manages to do is pull my arms up. The rest of me is still on the floor, while my legs are almost out of the room. If not for the closed door, they’d spill into the hallway.

Furball drops to the floor. Onto her stomach. She rests her chin on her hand and smiles at me. Seeing her like that makes my stomach clench. I really like her, even though it feels wrong to admit that now. How can I be, like, falling for her when the world’s a mess out there? It doesn’t seem right, but it kind of does.

Furball sits up. “
Hey, Stretch? How did you survive the attack on the mansion?”

Thinking of my parents makes something get
caught in my throat. I cough. “My mom. She…she saved me and the guys.” I inhale, then let the air out. “She went back to save the others, but she was shot down.”

Furball’s eyes fill with sympathy. She
rubs my hand. “I’m sorry.”

“I miss her. And Dad. And everyone.”

She hugs herself. “Me, too.”

“How did you survive?”

“I’d rather talk about you. What happened after your mom saved you?”

I tell her about the safe house no longer being safe and staying at my parents’ house. About
fighting villains and protecting the humans. About going to Scar to try to contact Samson and Cindy. And, even though I’m not proud of it, I tell her about our idea to rescue Lindsay. I also add that it was Vlayne who wanted to lure us in an attempt to capture Samson and Cindy.

eyes get huge. “What happened?”

“Samson stopped us in time and brought us here. If not for him, I don’t know what would have happened.”

She rests her head on my shoulder. “I’m glad he did.”

“Me, too. What about you?
Did you go to the safe house?”

“No, I went to my parents.”

Furball is one of the only kids who had a normal childhood. Her parents supported her powers and tried to help her control them. They don’t have powers, but they weren’t turned off or repulsed by them like some other parents. When she was a little older, it was harder to control her feline side. It would come out at the worst times. Like during school, a tiger would suddenly leap down the halls. It scared the crap out of the kids and teachers. Furball was expelled from many schools.

One day
she and her parents decided it was best for her to join the League so she could learn to control her powers and live with others like her. While living in the Tower for three years, she still kept in contact with them.

“How did you end up on the streets?” I ask her. “Did your parents not want you?”

“No, they did, but um…” Tears enter her eyes. I move closer and wrap my arms around her. She sniffs. Her body trembles against mine. “They were so happy to see me. They saw the news and worried about me. I knew I was safe with them. They didn’t believe the rumors about the League. They knew Samson and Cindy were innocent.” She swallows and wipes her eyes. “One night, I woke up to the sounds of my mom screeching. The government was at my house, climbing the steps to my room. My parents tried to stop them, but they couldn’t. I changed into a cat and jumped out of the window. I knew they wouldn’t track me down in that form.” She looks at me, then away. “I went back the next day, but the house was empty. The government must have taken them away.”

I hug her again. “I’m so sorry, Kelly. But I’m sure they’re okay. Samson said the government
won’t hurt anyone. And your parents are normies. They’ll be safe.”

looks into my eyes. “Are you sure?”

I can’t know for sure.
I did dream about my parents, which means I had real conversations with them. But I can’t be sure if hers are okay. Samson could be lying to calm us down. Would he do that? I don’t think so. How could I promise Furball that her parents are safe when I don’t know?

I take some of her hair and comb my fingers through it. I always dreamed of touching her hair and imagined it being soft. But not this soft. It’s silky like satin. If someone would make a pillow
case out of it, it’d be the best one ever.

“Everything will be okay,” I tell her.

She rests her head on my chest. I breathe in her smell. So good. Better than in my dreams. “When the League got attacked, I was in the shower,” she says.

“You didn’t
escape with everyone?”

No. I felt these booms and heard strange sounds. So I shut the water to hear better. It sounded so scary. Like a stampede of animals tore through the mansion. I peeked out and saw the soldiers and their guns. I…” She swallows. “I shifted into a kitty and hid in the laundry basket. No one looked for me there. After the government came after me, I lived as a cat. Searching through garbage and all that.”

I squeeze her hand again. “I’m
happy we found you. Really happy.”

She smiles.
We stare at each other. Then her eyes lower to the bed. “If I would have been in my room, maybe I could have helped the triplets.”

She was Air’s roommate. H
O and Earth Goddess shared the connecting room.

“I abandon
ed them. Do you know what the government will do to them? The only reason they were allowed to live in the League was because Samson promised to train them.”

“You can’t blame yourself,” I say. “You couldn’t have known there would be an attack. You were just showering.”

“But what about after? When I heard the soldiers. I hid like a coward instead of running out to help them.”

“No. You’re not a coward. You’re brave and driven and ambitious and strong.” And that’s what I
really like about her. When we did simulations, I was always amazed at how fearless she was. She’d tackle the missions like it was no big deal. She’s awesome. And so cute. When she’s scared or hurting, I just want to squish her in my arms and protect her. I know she hates that, but still.

“I’m not,” she argues.

are,” she says.

I feel my eyes get bigger than our planet. “I’m a wuss.”

She buries her head into my chest again. Rubs her nose against it. Electricity sparks all over my body. “You died saving your friends. That’s the bravest thing ever.”

She kisses my cheek. I gape at her. She kissed me. She

Kale, Furball ju
st kissed me
! I tell him telepathically.
It was only the cheek, but…

Awesome, man. But why the hell are you talking
to me? Get back to her!

Oh, right.

She’s watching me with a curious and confused expression. My shoulders fold into my chest. “Right. So yeah. You’re brave.”

“You’re braver.” Her eyebrows furrow. “Wait. I said that already.”

I don’t care. She can say it over and over. Even though I’m not brave, hearing her say it makes me feel like I am.

She meets my gaze.
“I’m also sorry for all the mean things I said to you over the years.”

I take her hand. “You don’t have to apologize. It’s in the past.”

“But I need to. Especially when it comes to Ray.”

I lift a brow. “X? What about him?”

She’s quiet for a second or two. “I was a jerk to him. Well, not as much as Air was, I guess. She used to say all these things about him. That he was a pervert because he watched the girls take showers. That he used his powers to look through our clothes.” She looks at me. “I don’t know him well. He’s so closed. I wasn’t sure if it was true.”

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