Hero (24 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Brooks

Tags: #Romance Speculative Fiction

BOOK: Hero
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breathing in her glorious scent and felt it curling throughout his body, exciting every nerve ending and stimulating every muscle. His cock was so hard it hurt, and as his scrotum tightened around his balls, he let out a small groan that came out as a barely audible purr.

Instantly, he sensed her response, though it wasn't anything he could see or touch.

It was pure instinct, an awareness of her he couldn't identify. Her enticing aroma intensified and Trag longed to be naked, his thick, dripping cock exposed to her eyes as well as her fingertips. He could almost feel her hands on him again--her fingers wrapped tightly around his shaft, her lips kissing the engorged head, her nails lightly scratching his balls...

"That sound okay to you, Trag?" Jack asked.

Trag felt as if he'd been jerked out of a dream; his heart pounded like a drum and his chest was so tight he could barely take a breath. "Yeah, sure, Jack," he gasped in reply. "No problem."

Jack went on with the discussion and Trag lost track again. He was drowning in

Micayla's essence--could feel his entire being submerging in the ocean of her, rocking in her rhythm while waves of sensation washed over him. He began purring again and,

unable to stop himself, stole a glance at her. He knew immediately that it was a mistake; he could almost feel his cock penetrating her, driving deep into her hot, wet core...

Trag surfaced briefly, catching snatches of the conversation. Windura was saying

something about the plague. Then he heard Tisana laughing as she talked about aiming fireballs at Grekkor. Cat was voicing his approval while Leo mentioned a fever. Trag knew that the plan didn't concern him for the most part; all he had to do was fly Veluka's ship to Nerik, and he could do that in his sleep.

Trag hadn't gotten to do half the things he wanted to do with Micayla--like

burying his face in her wet heat while he fucked her with his tongue, or delving his fingers into her while he licked her to a frenzy. Suckling her nipples until she was so wet his cock would slip into her with no friction at all came next, along with plunging his hard meat into her beautiful body, making her cry out in ecstasy. Then he wanted to fill her with his snard, watching her eyes again while he did it. He would hold her in his arms for hours, not letting her go until he could mate with her again.

Purring was only part of it. Time. She just needed time. Then he could have her
again, and again, and again...


Trag was driving Micayla completely insane. As if the touch of his lips on her

hand hadn't been enough, now he was purring! He had to stop before she started gnawing on his shoulder again--which didn't seem like the correct behavior for a strategy meeting.

She did her best to remain attentive, but his cock--his big, luscious cock--drove everything else from her mind, teasing her with the temptation of its taste, its smell... She wanted to suck it, then suck his full, heavy balls into her mouth and tease them with her tongue. Her mouth watered and she felt the gush of moisture between her thighs. Not being used to such feelings, Micayla didn't think she could take much more before she would be pouncing on him, tearing away those ridiculous pants he was wearing. He

should be nude all the time, ready to go at a moment's notice--whenever she wanted him... whenever she was ready...

She held her breath as Trag shifted in his chair but let out a sigh as he took the hand he was holding and placed it on his leg. Knowing that the height of the stone table was enough to conceal what she was doing, she stroked his thigh, feeling his sleek muscles as he moved closer to her, inviting her touch.

The children were being sent off to bed. Was the meeting over? No, Jack had

more to say--things she must not have wanted to say in front of the young ones. The possibility of failure... a contingency plan in case something went wrong. Micayla knew she should be contributing to the discussion, but since she and Trag were sitting near the end of the table--some distance from where Jack sat--she doubted that anyone was paying the slightest bit of attention to them. Lerotan was on her right, but to Trag's left the chairs were empty.

Micayla trailed a fingernail across the huge bulge in the front of Trag's shorts. She didn't have to feel it to know it was there, but Trag's breathing changed just enough to let her know how much he approved. He moved again, and suddenly his naked cock was

beneath her hand, his hand cupping hers, urging her to take him. From the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of his shuttered eyes and the smile that touched his lips. He shifted his weight again, his cock thrusting up against her hand.

He was hot. Slick syrup flowed from the points of the head, allowing her

fingertips to glide smoothly over his skin as she traced the network of thick veins.

Leaning forward to hide him from view, Micayla rested her elbow on the table with chin in hand, looking toward Jack as though hanging on her every word. Beside her, Trag purred so quietly that she felt more than heard it, and she discovered that simply holding him in her hand was quite... stimulating...

But she needed to do more. Careful to hold her arm still and move only her wrist, she slid her fingers up and down his pulsating shaft, gripping him firmly. The slow, steady strokes brought him to climax much sooner than she expected, her only warning being his sharp intake of breath just prior to the first spurt of semen. Trag cupped his hand over the head to deflect the stream, forcing the hot cream to cascade down over her fingers.

It was even slicker than his coronal fluid and Micayla delighted in the feel of it until at last, with a reluctant sigh, she let go. Raising her hand to her mouth, she leaned
into it, inhaling its scent before allowing one semen-coated finger to slip past her lips.

Surprisingly, it was sweet and warm--like taffy in the summertime--but she had only a few moments to savor its flavor before an orgasm struck her like thunderbolt. With an audible gasp, she lurched forward, nearly striking her head against the table, instantly capturing Lerotan's attention and effectively putting an end to the conversation.

"Hey, are you okay?" Lerotan asked.

"Mmmhmm," Micayla replied, unable to straighten up or even raise her head.

"Guess I just got a little crick in my neck from sitting here for so long."

"Sorry about that," said Jack. "When I'm all fired up, I don't know when to quit!

But it is getting late, and we've just about talked this thing to death. Maybe we should call it a night."

The others voiced their agreement, and it wasn't long before several of the party rose from their seats and said their goodnights, but Lerotan didn't move from her side.

"Are you sure you're all right?" he persisted. "Maybe Tisana could fix you a potion or something--"

"Oh, don't worry about her, Leroy," Trag said cheerfully. "I can fix a stiff neck.

No problem."

Micayla sucked in a ragged breath as Trag's strong hands made contact with the

back of her neck. They were just as hot as his dick had been, and if she'd truly been experiencing a muscle spasm, she had no doubt that it would have been relieved within moments. As it was, his touch seemed to intensify her orgasm, causing her to expel that breath with a gentle sigh.

"Better now?" Trag asked. Micayla doubted that anyone else would notice, but to her, he sounded totally wicked.

"Mmmmm," she replied as the euphoric effect of Trag's snard enveloped her.

"That feels so good... you've no idea."

"Oh, I think I might," Trag said knowingly. "Maybe not exactly--but damn close."

Lerotan was incredulous. "You're actually letting him touch you?" he exclaimed.

"Without hissing at him? What's going on?"

"Nothing," Trag said blithely as he continued massaging Micayla's neck and shoulders. "I'm just being helpful, that's all."

Micayla turned her head just enough to catch a glimpse of Trag's expression. He

might have sounded wicked, but he looked positively angelic.

"I'm sure she'd do the same for me," Trag went on. "Wouldn't you, Mick?"

"Oh, yeah," Micayla replied, doing her best not to laugh. "Anytime."

"There, you see?" said Trag. "We're just being... friendly."

"But you two have never been friendly," Lerotan insisted. "Never!"

"I guess we got over it," Micayla murmured. "Oh, Trag... That feels wonderful.

Don't stop."

"No problem, Mick," he said as he began to purr. "I can keep it up all night if you like."

"Promises, promises," she taunted.

"Do I need to sleep out in the hall tonight?" Lerotan asked, the light apparently just dawning on him.

"Oh, don't be silly, Leroy," Micayla chided him. "He's just rubbing my neck."

"Well, yeah, but he's also purring," Lerotan pointed out. "I think that means--"
"You should go on to bed, Leroy," Jack advised. "And don't worry about them.

They'll be fine."

"Well, all right," Lerotan said reluctantly. "But I still--"

"Come on, Leroy," Windura said, taking his arm. "Jack's right. Let's just leave them alone."

Lerotan still seemed slightly stunned, but he went with Windura anyway. "You can stay in my room if you like," Windura said soothingly. "Something tells me I shouldn't bother waiting up for Micayla."


Jack didn't say another word but chuckled to herself as she headed off to bed with

her beloved Cat. She'd known all along this would happen. Once they found the right girl--whether they knew it or not--there was just no stopping a Zetithian, and they needed no help whatsoever from anyone else. Lynx--and his children--were living proof of that.

Not that she'd been an easy target herself...

"Do you think they will be mates?" Cat asked.

"Are you kidding?" she scoffed. "Of course they will!" Sighing deeply, she added,

"They're gonna have some really cute kittens too. You be sure to let me know the moment they're conceived. No holding out on me this time."

Cat took a moment to answer, but Jack waited patiently, knowing that he was

searching his mind for the vision he always had when any of his friends' wives became pregnant. "No, not yet," he said. "But I will let you know when they do."

"You'd better," Jack warned. "Or I'll--" She broke off there, completely at a loss for a suitable threat.

"You'll... what?" Cat said with a sly smile. "Beat me?"

"Yeah, right. Sure I will," said Jack. "I might try to wear out your dick, but you know very well I wouldn't hurt a hair on your head!" Glancing up at him, she added,

"Speaking of dicks, is yours hard?"

"Do bees be? Do bears bear?"

"Wish I didn't have to ask that," she grumbled. "I'd have thought that here on Darconia you would... you know, when in Rome and all that? How come you aren't


"I will stop wearing clothes in public when you do it," he said, taking a swift glance at her attire, which was her usual tank top and shorts.

"Well, at least you aren't wearing a shirt," she conceded. "But I do like being able to see all of you."

"Jacinth," he chided. "If you are near me, your scent arouses me--whether you can see the evidence of it or not."

"Sorry about that, Kittycat," she said meekly. "Can't help it."

"Do you think I mind?"

"I don't know," she said truthfully. "Do you?"

"No," he replied. "If I am not aroused, then you are not at my side, which is where I want you. Always."

"Mmm, Kittycat," she said, slipping her arm around his waist. "You say the sweetest things. I think I'll keep you."
"I am yours to do with as you please, my lovely master," he purred. "I will love no other."

"Then I think I'll try to wear out your dick--that is, if you don't mind."

Cat chuckled wickedly. "Good luck."
Chapter 18

"I thought they'd never leave," Trag declared. "But now that they're gone, Mick, would you mind explaining..."

"I can't," she replied, knowing exactly what he was referring to. "I really meant it when I left your room. I really and truly did."

"It sure came back to you in a hurry though, didn't it?"

"Yeah." Micayla sat up and reached for a napkin to wipe the snard from her hand.

"So it works even if you taste it, huh?"

"Yep," he replied. "And the other stuff--joy juice as Kyra calls it--works that way too. It even works in your--" Trag broke off there as Tychar and Kyra's little Darconian servant came in to clear the table. He worked swiftly and soon they were alone again.

"It works in my what?" she prompted him.

"Your ass," he replied, somewhat apologetically. "Any mucous membrane, actually--though I've never established whether or not getting it in your eye or up your nose has any effect."

"Not sure I'd care for that," Micayla said with a chuckle.

"Which one?"

Recalling her one and only experience with anal intercourse, she was forced to

include all three. "Any of them," she said firmly.

"Oh, well, that's fine. Whatever you like, Mick. I'm easy."

"No shit."

Her skeptical tone wasn't lost on him. "Not as easy as you might think," he said.

"Well... maybe I am once I get started, but I've avoided it more often than not. It's just that wherever we go, the hookers know me now, and--" He paused there, throwing up his hands. "What can I say? They want me."

"I don't blame them," Micayla said. "Even when you aren't being--what was it you said? creative?--it's pretty amazing."

"Yeah, I guess so," he said miserably.

"You don't seem very happy about it," she observed. "Is something wrong?"

"I don't know," he said slowly. "Every time I'm with a woman I think, 'Yeah, this is great, but she's not Kyra.'"


He stopped and looked away for a moment. "I still haven't figured this out," he said. "But I know one thing. With you, for the first time in a very long time, it wasn't Kyra's face I was seeing; it was yours."

"Is that a problem?"

"No, I--well, maybe it is," he said. "You see, being in love with her has kept me from falling in love with anyone else."

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