HerEternalWarrior (8 page)

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Authors: Marisa Chenery

BOOK: HerEternalWarrior
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Kenna bent her head and licked off the bead of pre-cum that
appeared on the very tip of Tor’s cock. She moaned at the salty taste of him.
Looking and seeing him watching her, she opened her mouth and took him inside.
She sucked on him, taking him almost to the back of her throat. His shaft grew
harder and he groaned, his gaze intently following her movements. In and out
she took him, increasing the suction as he rocked against her.

“I love how you suck,” Tor said on a moan. “You’ll make me
come, but I want to be inside you when I do that.”

And she wanted him deep inside her. Kenna released his cock,
then shifted up his body until her pussy hovered over his erection. She lowered
herself onto him. He easily slipped inside her wet pussy. He stretched and
filled her. She panted as she took all of him, sheathing him to the base.

Placing her hands on his chest, Kenna rode Tor’s cock. She
squeezed her inner muscles around him as he slid in and out of her. She took
him so deep she couldn’t tell where she ended and he began. They fit each other
perfectly. And Tor was all hers for eternity. Her eternal warrior. Her mate.

Tor lifted his head and sucked a nipple into his mouth. With
each pull on the taut bud, Kenna’s body coiled tighter. She increased the pace
she set, taking him harder and faster, moaning his name.

Her movements became jerky just as she fell over the edge.
Her climax tore through her, intense and seeming to go on forever. Once it was
over, Tor took hold of her hips and lifted her on and off him, arching up as he
surged into her. His face was set in a mask of male need as he strained for his
own release. When he came, he growled and thrust so hard into her, he lifted
her knees off the bed.

Out of breath, feeling delicious aftershocks, Kenna
collapsed onto Tor’s chest. His heart thundered under her ear. He wrapped his
arms around her, holding her close.

Once she could breathe normally again, Kenna lifted her head
and kissed Tor’s chin. “It’s a good thing we have an eternity together, because
I don’t think I’ll ever get my fill of you.”

He chuckled and tucked her hair behind her ear. “I won’t
complain about that, considering I feel the same way when it comes to you.” Tor
sobered. “Are you really sure you’re okay with all this?”

She nodded. “I know you didn’t have any control. That you
tried to fight the demon but lost. Anubis showed me.”

“What else did he show you?”

“Your life from the day you gave him your vow to the
present. I now feel as if I’ve known you forever. And probably better than if
I’d learned about you in the regular way.”

Tor ran the backs of his fingers along her cheek. “Then I
guess I’d better thank Anubis the next time I talk to him.”

“So are you really going to try to take on the demon

“Yes. The more time that goes by the more of a threat he’ll
become. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to you.”

“Just promise me you’ll be careful. I don’t want to see you
hurt, even though you are immortal and heal really fast.”

He smiled. “I’ll do my best. Don’t worry, tonight I’ll send
the demon back to the underworld to face Anubis. And I promise I’ll be
careful.” Tor rolled and took Kenna to her back with him on top of her. “Enough
talk about the demon. It’s my turn to love my mate.”

Feeling Tor’s cock harden inside her pussy, Kenna gave
herself over to him and the pleasure she knew he’d give her.

Chapter Eight


Kenna checked the pots she had cooking on the stove. After
their last bout of lovemaking, Tor and she had come downstairs to see what was
in the fridge and pantry. As promised, Kenna was going to cook dinner for Tor.

She soon discovered that a trip to the grocery store
wouldn’t be needed since Tor had picked up a lot of the ingredients she’d used
earlier that day. She’d decided to make spaghetti. The sauce came out of a jar,
but Kenna added sausage and mushrooms to it.

The pasta done cooking, she drained it and put some on two
plates before topping it with sauce. Tor already sat at the island, drinking a
beer. She also had one. Kenna had liked the idea that she could drink as much
as she wanted and never get drunk. And
liked it that she could
eat whatever she wanted and not have to worry about getting as big as a house.
Immortality did have its advantages.

She placed a plate of spaghetti in front of Tor before she
set hers next to him, then came around the island to sit on the stool beside
his. “I know it isn’t as fancy or exotic like what you made yesterday, but it
should taste good. At least I think it does.”

Tor picked up his fork, twirled some pasta on it, then put
it in his mouth. He chewed and swallowed. “It’s good. I like pasta.”

While they ate they talked about moving her things out of
her apartment to the house. Then the topic of her working at the Luxor came up.

“I’m going to have to quit, aren’t I?” she asked, not sure
how she felt about that.

“Not right now if you don’t wish to, though I’d prefer you
did. It’s your choice, but keep in mind you will have to eventually. You’re
immortal now. You won’t ever age. At some point one of your coworkers will
notice. It depends on whether or not you want to make the break now or wait
until more years have gone by.”

Tor did have a point. And if she continued to work during
the day, and Tor still had to go out hunting evildoers by night, they wouldn’t
see each other all that much. And after her recent night shift at the hotel,
Kenna knew she didn’t want to work those hours again.

“All right,” she said. “I’ll give them my two weeks notice.
I’m not going to leave them in the lurch. The only person I can see who would
be upset by it will be my good friend, Nick. He’s a blackjack dealer. And I
can’t see how I’ll be able to cut him out of my life so abruptly without him
thinking something is going on. I usually tell him everything.”

“Well, you can’t tell him about this. If you do Anubis
wouldn’t like it at all. He wants mortals to have no knowledge of his warriors’

“I know. I’ll just have to think of something when it comes
to Nick. I want to keep him as a friend for as long as I can, which means I
want to introduce you to him.”

Tor nodded. “I’d be more than happy to meet this friend of
yours. I don’t expect you to cut all ties you have in your life. You do realize
you’ll eventually have to make a break from your family as well.”

Kenna shrugged. “That’s not a biggie. My mom died when I was
about ten. My dad remarried a few years after that and started a new family. We
weren’t really close so he was more than happy when I was old enough to move
out on my own. I talk to him about once a month and see him only on birthdays
and Christmas. I doubt he’d care all that much if I just didn’t bother after a

“I’m sorry to hear you’re not that close.”

“Don’t be. It doesn’t bother me, really. What about your
parents? Do you remember them?”

“Of course. I may have been alive for thousands of years,
but I remember what it was like growing up in Egypt. My parents were farmers.
My brothers and I used to help with the land. I knew farming wasn’t going to be
for me, so I took up the sword and joined the pharaoh’s army.”

“You never went back to see them after you became immortal.
I saw that.”

“No, I didn’t. I thought it best if I stayed away, let them
go on with the rest of their lives, let them believe I died on that

“Do you miss Egypt?”

“Sometimes, but I’m happy here. This is where Anubis wants
me so this is where I’ll stay. I have no knowledge of the other warriors. He
keeps us apart. We each live in different cities from one another. We all work

“That must suck.”

Tor chuckled. “I don’t mind.” He turned his head and looked
out the window. “It’s starting to get dark. It’s almost time.”

Kenna knew what he meant. It was almost time for Tor to see
if he could lure the demon here to fight him. She wasn’t thrilled with the
whole idea, but Tor knew what he was doing. He was a skilled warrior and wasn’t
exactly helpless. Tor also figured he’d shift into his other form at some point
once the demon showed up. If evil forced the change on Tor then the demon would
for sure have it happening. There was nothing more evil than that creature.

“I’m coming outside with you,” she said as she gathered up
their plates and brought them to the counter.

“No, you’ll stay inside.”

Kenna turned to face Tor. “Who is to say I’ll be any safer
in the house? Besides, Anubis used that spell on me that should protect me from
any demon attack. So he shouldn’t be able to hurt me. I’m going to watch your

“I’d feel better knowing you were out of the thick of

“And I’d feel better if I was in it. I have to help protect
you as much as you want to protect me. Our life forces are tied together. You
go, I go. So I kind of have a vested interest in how well you do.”

“I don’t plan on losing to the demon.”

“Then my being outside with you shouldn’t be a problem.”

Tor stood and walked around the island to stand in front of
Kenna. He cupped her face in his hands and brushed her lips with his. “Fine.
You win. But you will do what I tell you. I don’t need to be distracted by
worrying about you doing something you shouldn’t.”

“I promise.”

He nodded, then helped her wash up the dirty dishes and load
the dishwasher. By the time they were finished it was full dark and Kenna was
getting nervous. She just wanted this over and done with so Tor and she could
move on with their new life together.

She followed Tor out to the backyard and stayed on the edge
of the patio while he picked the ground he wanted to confront the demon on—the
nice wide-open space of the expansive lawn away from the in-ground pool, which
was as far as Tor allowed Kenna to stand.

Tor lifted his hand and a sword appeared in it. He then
shouted, “Demon, show yourself.” Nothing happened. “What did you think sending
an evildoer to my home would accomplish? If you thought it would throw me off
my game, well, you’ll have to do better than that. Are you so weak that you
must use mortals to do your dirty work?”

Still nothing. Kenna wondered if the demon had actually heard
Tor and would show up. The minutes ticked by and she figured the creature was
going to be a no-show. She stepped off the patio and walked toward Tor. She had
a feeling they’d be going back inside the house.

“I don’t think the—” she started to say.

Kenna didn’t get a chance to finish her sentence when two
men suddenly appeared out of thin air directly across from Tor. The one who
held the man who struggled, trying to free himself, had eyes that glowed red.
She came to a sudden standstill, knowing full well that had to be the demon. He
shoved the man he held into Tor who grimaced.

Tor looked at her, and yelled, “Go inside the house! He
brought an evildoer.”

She knew what that meant. Tor would be forced to deal with
his prey first before he could think about taking out the demon. He wouldn’t be
able to help himself. Even as Kenna spun around to run, Tor’s body took on the
change to his other form.

She didn’t get very far before the demon appeared right in
her path. Kenna came to a halt. Except for his glowing-red eyes, the creature
would have passed as a normal, not-bad-looking man.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked as he sidled
closer. Kenna took a step back for every one of his forward ones. “I’m going to
have some fun with you while your mate is busy.”

So that had been the demon’s plan. Use the evildoer to
distract Tor while the creature went for her. Kenna only had a few seconds to
hope like hell Anubis’ spell worked. A sword appeared in the demon’s hand and
he rushed her, moving faster than any mortal could.

The sword swung toward her. Instead of making contact with
her, it bounced off some kind of invisible shield that surrounded her. No
matter where the demon tried to strike, his blade couldn’t get through. He
bellowed in outrage, attacking over and over again.

A streak of black slammed into the demon, pushing him away
from Kenna. Tor, still in his half-human and half-jackal form, had come to her
rescue. With the evildoer nowhere in sight, obviously taken care of, that left
Tor able to focus solely on the demon.

Their swords met with a loud clang. Kenna kept her distance
as Tor and the demon hacked at each other, looking for a way to land a strike.
Tor handled his sword as if it was an extension of himself. And sadly, she had
to admit the demon’s skill was pretty damn close to Tor’s.

The longer the sword fight dragged on the more Kenna felt
her nerves trying to get the best of her. Both Tor and the demon had managed to
get in a few good strikes, slicing into skin, but they healed very quickly, not
slowing either one down.

Tor growled as he barely avoided a vicious cut that would
have landed across his throat. Kenna’s heart threatened to beat out of her
chest. Tor was immortal, but if he literally lost his head it was game over.
For both of them.

With a bellow of his own, Tor launched a counterattack on
the demon, hitting him faster and harder. The creature lost ground until one of
Tor’s strikes landed true. His blade sliced across the demon’s stomach. It was
deep enough to have him leaking like a sieve. The creature yelled in pain, his
guard appearing to drop as he lowered his sword. Tor moved in and grabbed him
by the throat, looking intently into the demon’s eyes. Kenna knew Tor would be
pushing inside his mind.

The demon smiled. “That’s it, look into
eyes.” He
then spoke under his breath in a language Kenna didn’t understand.

Tor stiffened before he let go of the demon to grab his
head. He growled, the sound full of pain. He panted as he swung around in her
direction, his sword raised.

“Run, Kenna,” Tor said in his deep, gruff voice. “He has
control of me. I can’t stop myself.”

She stood her ground. “The spell should protect me since
he’s the one controlling you.”

Closer Tor came. “No. It only protects you against an attack
from a demon. I’m not one.”

Oh shit, Tor was right. An attack the demon launched through
Tor would have the desired effect. She was a sitting duck. And she’d waited too
long to get a head start on Tor. She’d never make it to the house now, not with
how fast he was capable of moving.

Kenna dodged to the left and ran in the demon’s direction,
trying to lead Tor back to him. The bastard laughed, enjoying the show while he
waited for his wound to heal. She had to somehow get Tor to strike at the
demon. The creature was still weakened. Plus, he figured he had all the
control, making him vulnerable in his conceit.

Tor closed in on her. Kenna ran to stand behind the demon,
hoping Tor would take a swing at her and hit the creature in front of her
instead. That almost backfired when the demon ducked and Tor’s sword came
within inches of her face.

She tried another tactic. She backed up, then took a run at
the demon. He couldn’t touch her, but she hoped the spell would enable her to
touch him. That worked. She slammed into the back of him. Since he hadn’t
expected her to do something like that, she easily propelled him forward into
Tor. All three of them crashed to the ground.

Kenna tenaciously held on to the demon’s back as Tor tried
to reach for her. The creature ended up sandwiched between them. She felt pain
as one of Tor’s claws sliced into her forearm, but she ignored it.

Meeting his gaze, she said, “Tor, will the weapon you need
to send him to Anubis to appear.”

“I can’t,” he said through gritted teeth. “I can’t stop
trying to get to you.”

The demon shifted under her, almost throwing her off. “I’m a
demon,” she said.

“What?” Tor growled.

“Picture me as a demon. Make yourself believe I’m one, then
try to will a new weapon into your hand.”

A black-bladed dagger suddenly appeared as Tor stared at her
intently. Then she saw it heading her way as he went to strike at her with it.
Knowing full well he wouldn’t use it on the demon himself, Kenna hit Tor’s arm
when he struck again, knocking it toward the creature between them.

The dagger sunk into the cap of the demon’s arm. He
stiffened, then let out a bellow of rage. Slowly his body became unsubstantial
until he completely disappeared. Kenna landed on top of Tor with a grunt. He
lay still under her.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“I have control of myself.”

He then stiffened as his body blurred, the sound of his
bones shifting and realigning loud in the air. Kenna got off him as he took on
his human form. Once it was complete she threw herself back on top of him and
held on tight.

“That was too close,” she said.

Tor wrapped his arms around her. “I know, but he won’t be
coming back. The black dagger sent him to the underworld to be judged by

Kenna picked up the dagger that lay beside them on the
grass. “I guess my idea of getting you to think of me as a demon worked.”

Tor took the weapon from her, then willed it away. “That was
fast thinking on your part. I wouldn’t have been able to do it. I was too busy
fighting with myself. He would have made me kill you.”

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