Here & There (10 page)

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Authors: Joshua V. Scher

BOOK: Here & There
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“They’re ancient ciphers and puzzles.”

Diderot grunts and turns another page. “Good. Then I am not leafing through anything personal. I feared I might have intruded.” He turns another page.

Reidier balls his hands into fists and relaxes them over and over. “I do them to help me think. They’re my crosswords.”

Diderot closes the binder. He looks up at Reidier and offers a patronizing smile. “I suppose you are wondering what it is I am doing here?”

“It’s Sunday. Did you get lost on the way to church?”

“This is my church,” Diderot says, gesturing to the lab.

“Does that make me your priest, Didi, or your prophet?” Reidier asks.

“My apostle, I should think.” Diderot wanders toward Reidier’s computer. “IT informed me of an issue on your computer. A ghost drive was detected.”

“Really?” Reidier asks with a surprised tone.

“Mm. Apparently, they did not install it and could not access it.”

Reidier nods. “Sounds like a problem in your IT department.”

Diderot places his hand on the desk near the keyboard. “You understand of course that per your contract, there are no secrets between us.”

“Of course, CSG owns any and all IP that I develop in quantum cryptography while working here.”

Diderot’s gaze drifts over to the stack of notebooks. “Riddles to relax. Hm. I prefer my Cabernets.”

Reidier’s eyes stay trained on the Frenchman. The microphone picks up the sound of a finger tapping lightly on Formica and outof-sync breathing. Diderot draws in a big breath through his nose and opens his mouth as if about to say something. Reidier waits. Diderot brings his lips back together, once again forming a patronizing half smile.

“I trust the ghost drive—”

Reidier interrupts, “It’s merely a secondary backup drive and storage drop for my WTF footage.”


Reidier gestures to the various webcams around the lab. “I record
everything that happens in the lab so that in case something unexpected happens and I don’t know why, I can retrace my steps.”

Diderot’s head swivels around, taking in all the cameras. He turns and faces the camera they’re standing in front of. His eyes dance in fractal pattern, searching the screen. I suspect he’s looking for any evidence of recording happening. Unnerved that he missed it before.

Reidier smiles at his boss’s discomfort. “Motion sensors turn it on and off. Calibrated them to pick up eye movement, in case I’m just sitting here reading. And of course screen and keystroke capture. It’s recording us right now.”

Diderot purses his lips and runs his tongue along the front of his teeth as if he had something sticky and bitter stuck on them. He stands up straight, assuming a very proper posture. “That is quite diligent. Perhaps I should institute that in our other labs. Thank you for ’ze idea.” His accent has become more conspicuous as the conversation has progressed, perhaps as a byproduct of stress. He buttons his vest and heads toward the door. “You will, of course, help IT with their, how did you put it, problem?
” He turns back to Reidier, resting his hand on the door handle.

“As soon as I have time.”

“Of course,” Diderot acquiesces. He turns toward the binders one last time. “If you do not mind, I would love to make a facsimile of some of your puzzling. It looks so engaging. I might want to frame it. It could be a conversation piece for me.” He smiles big this time, confident.
And without waiting for a response, he leaves.

Reidier stares after him. He waits, watching the door.

One minute and forty-two seconds.

At a quick clip he walks over to the stack of binders. In a frenetic fashion, he flips through several of them to random pages. Checking them. Satisfied, Reidier stacks them, tapping his palms against the sides forcefully. He makes to pick them up but then stops.

Reidier looks across the room at the camera. Once again he crosses
the room at a quick clip. Standing in front of the computer, he opens a program with the mouse, types in what I assume is a password, and then clicks.

The footage cuts out.

This incident might have been the final cut or simply a coincidence. Within a few months, however, Reidier accepted a post at the University of Chicago. He was also awarded a grant to investigate the theoretical model of supersymmetry
at the Fermi Lab as part of its Collider Run II program. This was not a spontaneous decision.
Securing a professorship and writing grant proposals all take forethought and effort. However, testing the waters and taking the plunge are two very different states of mind.

Eve appears to have been supportive of this move throughout her diary. This post at CSG was never a professional track for her, but merely an excuse to get her out into the world so she could find something to write about. And with Reidier, she was writing.

Eve and Reidier got married on the first of October, 2001. According to Eve’s short story, “The French Finger Puzzle,”
they eloped in a small, corrugated aluminum church on the edge of The Bourg. “Naelle” was Eve’s maid of honor, and the couple was married by Juan Castillo, a medium and priest of María Lionza
as well as a shoe salesman, who claimed possession by the Norse spirit of Erik the Red. Candles were lit, drum pounding filled the air, and pilgrims repeatedly shouted
(strength) with such fervor that beads of sweat rained off their brows. The ceremony culminated with the rings, which, in the story, were Möbius bands Reidier had made out of palm leaves. According to French Prefect’s Records, however, they were married by the Prefect himself, in the banquet hall of the official residence, and Eve’s father gave her away.

I did track down this short story, sort of. It was published in
, some French magazine that focuses on literary news and experimental writing. The story’s no longer on their website, of course. But they have it archived, and this junior editor over there is trying to dig it out and send it to me. I called him from a payphone in the Port Authority. Bought an international calling card and everything. I mean, I’m sure it’s nothing, but why have it on record that I’m calling Paris, tracking down Eve Tassat’s writing?

Of course, rumors once again flew around the Space Center: Eve was pregnant, Eve got Reidier loopy on absinthe and tricked him, Reidier got Eve loopy on absinthe and tricked her, Reidier was Eve’s “compact” (the lesbian equivalent of a beard). The story that got the most traction, however, was that their nuptials were arranged so Eve could obtain a green card.

By this point, Reidier and Eve had been together for almost three years. They had been living together for two. It’s hard to imagine that this was a choice made by circumstance, especially since it seems to have been unnecessary. H. Clark in the Department of Homeland Security assured me that even so soon after 9/11, Eve’s Moroccan descent would not have been an issue. “Plus, at that time, it would have been easier for her to obtain a student visa than to marry her husband for a green card,” Clark wrote in an e-mail. (Eve had been accepted to the Creative Writing Masters Program at the University of Chicago.) This was not a marriage of convenience.

For Eve and Reidier, leaving CSG was the end of their beginning. A bittersweet transition full of hope, unencumbered by nostalgia. Eve closes the chapter on their life best in her diary entry that she wrote on the flight to Chicago.

I’m staring out the window of our plane, watching the land fall away into a painting. A visual metaphor, I guess. R & I will never walk through the landscape of Kourou again except in the flattened world of memory. I feel like I should feel melancholic. But I have only the slightest sense of loss. Not of that place, or our work, or our friends, or our home. It’s hard to put into words. I wonder if a butterfly ever misses the closeness of its cocoon. Maybe it’s just how clearly the line of our jumping-off point has been drawn. Before we were protected in this . . . Eden? And now we’re soaring away
from our work with the heavens, a subatomic locksmith and his semiotic cheerleader.
Wow, make sure I never use the term “work with the heavens” again.
R just laughed at me. Apparently I rolled my eyes at my writing so hard he could hear it. I love that he knows my eye rolls, huffs, and sighs. My ever-observant husband scientist.
Nothing is left behind as we turn the pages of SkyMall together, a ritual he performs at the start of every flight. And his habits become mine, as mine do his. Two explorers addicted to sounding out the depths of each other. The beginning is only the beginning.

There’s no yearning for the past. There’s no mourning about leaving their home. There’s no ambivalence. Eve feels only certainty in Reidier—a drastically different state of mind than when they would move to Providence soon after.




MIRROR LAB - 2007-07-25 16:51

Fiber-optic cables, circumscribing the Entanglement Channel flare red for several seconds, then morph into an orbiting white light as the Entanglement Channel opens.

The Boson Cannons and Pion Beams twitch to life. SOUNDS of the rapid ACCELERATION and DECELERATION of GEARS as they take a series of readings of a full bottle of Coke. Once complete they settle into optimized focal positions.


IS1 O’Brien sits at the console, in front of Contact Button Bravo.

On one screen in front of him are the feeds from the Mirror Lab transfer room.

On another screen in front of him is . . . Dr. Reidier (tweed-sport coated) seated at his desk in Angell Lab (basement of 454 Angell Street) in Providence.

Dr. Reidier leans forward toward his computer camera. Talks excitedly.


Inanimate Transfers of varying shapes and compounds have all yielded consistent, stable results for Experiments Ten through Sixteen. Furthermore, we have had positive, consistent results with Phase Two, Dynamic Inanimates using an
aggregation of several compounds and elements in 17 and 18. Therefore we’re attempting to transfer a Dynamic Inanimate over a greater distance as proof of concept. As such, power settings have been increased to
eVs while utilizing a quark spectrum from

Dr. Reidier spins back and forth in his chair.


Safety lid up!

IS1 O’BRIEN opens his Plexiglas cover, while, on screen, Dr. Reidier places his right index finger on a button on his keyboard. Dr. Reidier taps his lapel pin with his left hand then raises it up, extends his index finger, wags it forward while . . .

(apparently doing a Jean-Luc Picard impersonation)


IS1 O’Brien presses Contact Button Bravo. As Dr. Reidier presses “Enter” on his keyboard, Contact Button Alpha engages.




RIGHT SIDE, ANGELL LAB - CLOSE-UP: reinforced-acrylic cube over the target pad in Reidier’s home lab on Angell Street.

LEFT SIDE, MIRROR LAB - CLOSE-UP: full bottle of Coca-Cola (plastic) sits inside reinforced-acrylic sphere over the transmission pad.

The Quark Resonator emits a SOFT, HIGH-PITCHED DRONE.

Coke bottle remains perfectly still.

At 2007-07-25 16:52:01.5862669 a loud POP coincides with the acrylic sphere exploding and a cloud of residue [ranging from Li to In] billowing out.

NOTE: 2000 picoseconds prior to explosion, on the left side prior to transfer, the liquid content (i.e. soda) tessellates and seemingly blurs beyond the confines of its container (the soda bottle).

RIGHT SIDE, at 2007-07-25 16:52:01.5862669, the video feed distorts with static waves as the Coke bottle appears . . . the wavy image straightens and the Coke bottle sits on the pad with what appears to be the exact amount of transmitted liquid [confirmed later]. On the outside of the acrylic cube, frost has accumulated.

CONTROL ROOM - 16:52:07

IS1 O’Brien stares at the transmission room. Dusty residue still floats in the air.

ANGELL LAB - 16:53:11

Dr. Reidier stares at the full bottle of Coke that stands on the target pad. The acrylic cube-halves (now open) hover above and below held by their respective mechanical arms.

Dr. Reidier uses an infrared thermometer and takes a reading: 17 degrees C.

Dr. Reidier rubs his thumb and forefinger together, contemplatively. Finally, he sets down the thermometer, reaches out, and picks up the bottle of Coke. He slowly unscrews it.

Dr. Reidier cautiously removes the cap . . . nothing happens.

He wafts the air from the open container to his nose. It seems fine to him.

Finally he shrugs, lifts it to his lips, and takes a swig.


Dr. Reidier!

Dr. Reidier finishes his sip and tilts his head to the side, contemplating the bottle of soda. He smacks his lips together and clucks his tongue against the roof of his mouth.

Dr. Reidier turns to face the camera.


It’s flat.


Science never solves a problem without creating ten more.

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