Her Sweetest Revenge (Delphine Publications Presents) (18 page)

BOOK: Her Sweetest Revenge (Delphine Publications Presents)
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Chapter 29


Looking for an apartment turned out to be more like a job than an adventure. We quickly learned it wasn’t as easy as it sounded. Monica, Li’l Bo, and I had been out looking for three days. So far, we’d run up on every rat-infested apartment that Detroit had to offer. Our original plan was to try to stay as close to Mom as possible without staying in the Brewster so that we could check on her from time to time but so far the apartments we had seen were worse than the Brewster. I had finally come to the conclusion that the only way to find something decent was to go out of this area. So today, that’s exactly what I set out to do. It was only Monica and me though. Li’l Bo said he was tired of looking so he stayed home. Monica and I boarded an early bus headed for the Detroit downtown area, and although it was early, the bus was already overcrowded. So we got off at the first downtown stop and started walking.


Dang, Mya, you think we gon’ find something that we can afford down here?” Monica said as she attempted to look up at the tall building we were standing in front of. I had attempted to look up also, but the building was just too high in the air.


I hope so.” I had an unsure mug on my face. “This building looks like a palace or something,” I said and started back walking.


Maybe we should just go back to the Brewster area. We can for sure afford something there. Or maybe you should just take Hood up on his offer. Let him pay the bills.” Monica sounded defeated.


I stopped in my tracks. “Look, Monica, we don’t need Hood to pay our way. I got this. Have we had Hood to get us through this far?” I sort of yelled in her face and started walking faster.


No.” Monica tried to take big steps to catch up with me.


Right! So we don’t need him now,” I said feeling bad for how I had just yelled at her. I stopped walking and turned to face her. We almost bumped directly into each other because of my sudden turn. “We are going to be OK. I have that job making pretty decent money. Pepper pays me really well to wash heads. Plus, we still got that money put aside so that’ll take care of us for a while, if we spend it carefully, and soon I’ll have my hair license. So things are looking up. I just need for you and Li’l Bo to believe in me.”


And I do. You really stepped up when Dad left. I believe in you.” Monica reached out and hugged me.


At that moment I looked up and really noticed the building we were standing in front of and instantly I knew this is the one. This is what I had been looking for.


This is it. Let’s go inside.” I grabbed Monica’s hand, and we headed in.


Once inside the building, we looked around for a moment and were impressed. A representative told us they had apartments available and took us up to the 4th floor. When she opened the door to the condo I knew we had to get this apartment. I just hoped my pockets could afford to pay the rent. The apartment had three bedrooms with two full bathrooms. The master bedroom had a full bathroom. The living room area was huge with a built-in bar with bar stools. The kitchen was complete with granite countertops and all stainless steel appliances. I fell in love immediately and to my surprise the rent would be only $1,200 a month with a two-year contract. The representative took us downstairs to do the paperwork. I had brought along references and proof of my job, but most important, I had brought along the money which seemed to be all they cared about. I had to pay the first and last month’s rent up front, which was no problem since I brought along $5,000 with me. The representative gave me the keys, and I was officially a tenant at River Place Luxury Condos, downtown Detroit.




Since we were already downtown we went to the furniture store and picked out beds, dressers, mattresses, and all those big items that we would need. We then headed over to Pier One where we picked up some wall art and other designs that we were having delivered to the condo. After that, we decided we wanted to go by Target to pick up some things. So instead of catching another crowded bus, we decided to call Hood who picked us up right away. We shopped until about 8:00 p.m. that night. Once we were finished, we decided to take the few things that we had to the condo because everything else was being delivered the next day.


Back at the condo I unlocked the door to the apartment with complete enthusiasm. Hood stepped in and looked around, nodding his head with approval. “You did good. I knew you had taste,” he said with a huge grin on his face.


You really like it?” I smiled.


Yeah, plus it’s safe. So I won’t have to be worried about you, but I’ll still get you a Glock. You never know.”


Hood, I don’t need a Glock. You see all the security in this building?” I replied knowing that I didn’t need his gun because I was already packing.


A’ight but everyone around here needs to know I will blast a nigga and never ask a fucking question, a’ight?”


A’ight,” I mocked him and smiled.


Let me grab all the stuff out of the car.” Hood headed back outside to bring in all the bags.


I’ma help, because I’m ready to go eat,” Monica volunteered.


After everything was safely secured at the condo we headed out to grab something to eat. Then we drove back to the Brewster. I had had a long day and was beat, so after hugging Hood good night, I went inside, jumped in the shower, and hit the bed. Monica told Li’l Bo all about the condo, and I would tell Momma in the morning that we were moving out. I had decided not to make a big deal about her stealing our clothes, but I knew she wouldn’t take us moving so well. She may even try to say I couldn’t take Monica and Li’l Bo. I wasn’t going to worry about that tonight. I would face it in the morning.


When I woke up the next morning she still hadn’t come home. So I told Li’l Bo and Monica to get dressed because we had to meet the people delivering the furniture today. Hood was going to pick us by 10:00. First, I had to call Rochelle and tell her the big news. I called her cell but got no answer. As soon as I hung up the phone it started to vibrate.


Hello,” I said into the phone.


What’s up?” Rochelle said still sounding asleep.


Are you still in bed?”




Well, you need to get up, ’cause I know Tiny ain’t still asleep.”


Girl, she’s in there with Wynita,” Rochelle yawned.


Oh. Anyhow, I called to tell you I rented a condo yesterday.” I sounded excited.


What? Oh snap. That’s what’s up.” I heard Rochelle trying to sit up her bed. “Where at?”


River Place, downtown.”


Oh snap. Mya, those condos are nice. When you moving in?”


Today. I get all my furniture delivered today. That’s why I’m up so early. Hood’s about to pick me up and take me over there.”


A’ight, well, I’ma come through later today. You need me to help put together anything?”


Heck, yeah,” I quickly replied.


Bet it up. Once I get up, I’ll hit your cell.”


Later.” I ended the call.


By the time I got off the phone with Rochelle and got dressed, Hood was knocking on the door. Li’l Bo answered and let him in.


Yo, what’s up?” I heard him greet Hood.


Ain’t nothin’,” Hood replied.


Hood, why don’t you hook your brother-in-law up with them bricks? I’m ready to slice. Know wha’d I mean?” Li’l Bo tried to speak low.


Hook you up with what?” I busted him. “Li’l Bo, don’t make me get wit’ you.”


Girl, what you talkin’ ’bout,” Li’l Bo said, giving me a huge grin.


Yeah, whatever.” I gave him a threatening look. “Monica, let’s go,” I yelled before we headed out the door.


When we made it to the first floor in our building and the elevator door opened my heart skipped a beat. There in the middle of the hallway stood Luscious and Squeeze. My feet froze for like ten seconds. I couldn’t move, and my stomach started to twist and turn. Paranoid, I thought I saw both of them mugging me. From somewhere deep within I found the courage to put one foot in front of the other. Hood, who was holding my hand, must have felt me tense up because he looked at me as if to see if I was OK. I gave him a fake reassuring smile.


Then my heart completely stopped when Squeeze started walking toward us. A second later, it was beating so loud and hard. I looked at Hood to see if he could hear it beating. If he heard it he didn’t acknowledge so I kept my focus on Squeeze. My grip on Hood’s hand got stronger, and my armpits were sweating. I was sure I felt sweat drip down my arm. As Squeeze got closer he approached Li’l Bo.


Yo, what’s up, my man?” Squeeze reached out and did a handshake with Li’l Bo.


Shit,” Li’l Bo responded giving Squeeze’s hand pound for pound.


A’ight,” was Squeeze only reply. Then he looked at Hood. “Hood?” he said and nodded his head.


Squeeze,” Hood nodded back. This was the way leaders of crews addressed each other in their presence if there was no beef.


After that, Squeeze turned and walked back over to Luscious who had got on his cell phone giving somebody the serious business. Whoever was on the other end of the phone was in jeopardy of getting killed. I was just glad it wasn’t me. We stepped outside the building, and I was finally able to breathe. Without making it noticeable to everyone around me, I took in a huge gulp of air. That was the first time since the robbery I had laid eyes on Luscious or Squeeze. The sight of both of them scared me to death, but now I had something else on my mind. Like why in the hell was Squeeze approaching my brother like they hanging out or something? I would address that soon, but now just wasn’t the time.


Chapter 30


Boom, boom, boom!


Who is it?” I yelled while trying to pull on my robe so I could get to the front door. Someone was banging on it like they had lost their mind. Maybe Hood had left something since he had just left minutes before, but why would he be knocking like that? I know it ain’t Li’l Bo or Monica because they have keys.


Boom, boom, boom!


Hold up, I’m comin’.” I start to get impatient. I swung the front door open and before I could say anything Rochelle stormed in right past me.


He’s out!” Rochelle paced the floor.


Who?” I asked confused.




Oh shit. What happened?”


Mya, I woke up and got ready to go into the kitchen to get Li’l Lo some water and there Mike is sittin’ on my living-room couch holding Tiny. He scared the shit out of me! I almost pissed on myself. So I ask him how he got in. Of course, he says Wynita. So I start yelling for Wynita. That’s when Mike says she left about ten minutes ago. I said how long you been here, then he said about thirty minutes, but he didn’t want to wake me up. That’s when he sat Tiny down and got off the couch to hug me. I hugged him back because I didn’t know what else to do. Then out of nowhere Li’l Lo comes out of the room.”


Naw, man,” I said out loud, already knowing it went down.


Girl, Mike said, ‘Who da fuck is dis?’ Li’l Lo said, ‘Nigga, who is you?’ That’s when I cleared my throat. I looked at Li’l Lo and said, ‘This Mike, Tiny’s father; remember, I told you about him?’ After that I told Mike that Li’l Lo was my man and he had to leave. Girl, this nigga hauled off and slapped me so hard spit flew outta my mouth. That’s when Li’l Lo stole on him.” Rochelle stopped talking for a minute and rubbed her red, swollen face.


Anyway, they busted up all Wynita’s furniture. So now she’s so mad she spittin’ fire. Mya, can you believe she came back wondering what happened? I got so mad I went off. I’m like, ‘Wynita, why would you let Mike’s crazy ass in here and you know Li’l Lo was here?’”


What’d she say?” I had to ask.


Talkin’ about how she didn’t know he was in there. Talkin’ about they gon’ replace her stuff that’s broken. I told her to take that up with them. Then I told her I’m moving out. Now she over there crying about I’m trying to take Tiny away from her.” Rochelle wiped tears off her face with the back of her hands. I reached over and handed her a Kleenex.


That situation is all messed up. Where’s Li’l Lo at now?”

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