Her Submission (19 page)

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Authors: Vonna Harper

BOOK: Her Submission
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He laid the switch lengthwise along her spine with the base on the back of her head. Obviously he wanted her to remain with her head down for as long as it was there.

She wasn’t a cur. Not yet anyway.

That’s better.” He patted her buttocks. “Now, who am I to you?”

My master.”

Hmm.” He patted her ass again. “At least I am until you can get your hands on a knife or gun—either that or run. Guess what. None of those things are going to happen. Instead I’m going to train you. Make you into what I want.”

Why is that important to you?

I’ll train you to respond to your sexual nature. Eventually that will become the only thing that matters.”


He was walking away. She heard the whisper of his slippers on the carpet followed by the faint slap of rubber soles on vinyl. He’d gone into the kitchen leaving her to—to wait for her master’s return.

She would.


That, in a nutshell, is today’s lesson. If you’re going to eat, you must first please me. Call it positive reinforcement.”

No matter that Master—the less she thought about what she was saying, the easier the word came—was waiting for her to perform her
she first had to swallow what little pride she still had. Maybe worst of all, she had no idea how long the exercise would last.

I don’t want to have to repeat myself, slave. Do it.”

On the tail of a silent groan, she sat upright, placed her hands on her thighs, and opened her mouth. Her knees ached even more now that she was on vinyl for the second time this morning. “Please Master may I have something to eat?”

What have you done to deserve it?”

The first time he’d asked her that, she’d been at a loss for an answer. Now she knew what he wanted to hear. “I presented my ass to you for your entertainment, Master.”

That’s right.” He slid the switch over her buttocks. “And did doing so please me?”

I hope so, Master.”

But you can’t be sure. Why is that?”

He’d given her a total of two bites of banana in the maybe ten minutes they’d been in here which was just enough to remind her of how starved she was.  

Because I don’t know what you’re thinking.”

His faint smile died. “Oh I believe you do.”

In the short amount of time she’d been under his control, she’d learned to put all her attention to trying to read his moods. Right now he was both impatient and disappointed. Desperate to win his approval, she mentally replayed what she’d just said.

I don’t know what you’re thinking, Master.”

Better.” He nodded. “You’re making progress.”

He was sitting on a breakfast stool which meant she had to look up at him. Anticipating his next move made her sweat.

You asked me something a minute ago,” he said. “What was it?”

Please Master I would be grateful if you fed me.”

Fed you? Are you saying you can’t do it yourself?”

Stifling the urge to snap
rendered her incapable of speech. Then something in his eyes, a glint maybe, reminded her that he was committed to teaching her.

Please show me how to please you.

You told me not to use my hands, Master.” She indicated the metal around her wrists and short chain connecting them.

Yes, I did.” He rubbed the switch against the side of her neck above the collar that now felt as if it was part of her. “But that was only one half of the terms under which I’d provide you with nourishment. What is the rest?”

She had to close her eyes to keep her confusion from showing. She wanted to get onto her hands and knees and present him with her ass, but he’d ordered her to keep her fingers on her thighs. Her mouth carefully neutral, she awkwardly scooted around so her back was to him. Then, fingers digging into her thighs, she lowered her forehead to the floor.

Would demeaning herself never end?

Did she want to?

Good action on your part, pet.” When he groaned, she guessed he’d stood up. Hopefully, once she’d earned the right to know, he’d tell her what had happened to him and what it had done to him. Let her ease the memories. “There will be times when I’ll expect you to make decisions instead of simply responding to commands. I’m glad to see you’re still capable of doing so.”

What was he getting ready to do? Whatever it was, it must have something to do with her so-accessible bung hole. Maybe she didn’t want to eat after all. Anything to put an end to this terrible test of wills she was in no position to win.

More than a test. Fundamental change.

Some of the dominants who employ Carnal’s services are fans of the pony lifestyle,” he said from behind and above her. “They want their slaves trained to race and participate in other competitions. Needless to say, part of our training involves teaching slaves to conduct themselves like horses. That includes wearing bits and bridles.”

She wasn’t hearing this! No way could he be thinking of turning her into—she couldn’t finish the thought.    

I’ve trained my share of ponies.” He placed his splayed fingers over her buttocks and started kneading them. Confusing her even more. “At the beginning I wasn’t sure I was the right trainer for the job, but I enjoy learning new skills. It gives me—purpose.” He paused. “One of my favorite tasks involved giving a pony a tail.”

Even before he pressed a finger against her puckered opening, she knew what he was going to do. She whined but didn’t move.

I haven’t decided whether I’ll take you down that road. If I do, this is what you have to get used to.”

No matter that she needed to relax, she couldn’t. Any second he’d shove his finger into that dark and private place. Become part of her.

Seemingly oblivious to her turmoil, he lightly rubbed her there. This wasn’t her! Surely she hadn’t gone from paying her bills to kneeling naked and submissive before a man she now called Master, a man intent on demonstrating ownership of her.

But she was and he was.

All she could do was feel.


Right now he was being gentle. That might change at any moment but holding onto sanity meant burying herself in the here and now. Turning her body over to him.

You have the makings of a true submissive.” His voice was seductive. “You’re fighting that side of your nature, but I know how to change things. In fact I know you better than you do yourself.”

Was that a tease or a warning? Whichever it was, she didn’t dare move because he held the upper hand in all ways. Besides, oh god besides that the light brush of finger over ass opening felt good, an escape from reality.

Master had been gone for days but not before tethering her to the stair railing. The neck chain was long enough that she’d been able to move from room to room. She’d filled the lonely hours reading, watching TV, and studying the world outside the picture window. The door was locked from the outside of course and he’d taken care not to leave her with any way of getting in touch with the rest of the world.

The world? That’s what he’d become before he’d left her alone. She had no existence beyond him, cared nothing for her life beyond what he’d created.

And now he was back. Ready for his slave to service him. Willing to let her curl herself around him and kiss him in gratitude for things she barely understood.

You’re zoning,” Master said as his finger drank from the juices coating her labia. “Going deep inside yourself and finding what you need.”

She didn’t care what he said, just that he was talking to her, touching her now, coating her bung hole, entering—entering, slowly going deeper.

Master, please.”

Please what, slave? I’m not going to hurt you, at least not now. You need food but you haven’t yet done enough to earn it. Stay with me. Acknowledge what’s happening. Make my mastery of you your world.”

Did she want to do that? No matter, the longer his finger remained in her ass, the better it felt. A lifetime ago she’d created scenarios in her mind about being a sex slave. She’d tailored the scenarios of take and give to meet her private need. This was different. So different. She had no control over what Master might do, how he viewed her body, what he needed and would take from it.

But she’d embrace these moments when her ass was offered to him, her forehead rested on the hard floor, metal constrained her limbs, and his collar circled her neck.

You’re my pony,” he whispered. “I’ve entered you in a race and expect you to make me proud. I’ve placed a wager that you’ll come in first and am decorating you so everyone will know what you are to me. You’ll wear my tail, proudly.”

Pressure built as the invasion deepened. In her mind’s eye, his finger became a high, proud golden tail. Once he secured it inside her to his satisfaction, he’d parade her before the other pony masters. Scared and excited, she’d prance, her knees high, head back, bridle ringing her face and bit protruding from both sides of her mouth. Others would note the red leather finery crisscrossing her naked body. The instant Master snapped his whip, she’d break into a gallop.

Are you a runner, slave? What good, other than satisfying me, are you?”

She hadn’t expected the question. Until now she’d concentrated on trying to understand him and herself. Exploring the depths of their relationship was beyond her.

Have I satisfied you, Master? You haven’t…”

Fucked you. That’s what you were going to say, weren’t you?”

It’s going to happen.”

Yes, it is.”

She waited for him to continue. Instead, he continued manipulating her ass. He repeatedly transferred lubricant from her pussy to her other hole, making sure her juices coated both her rear entrance and deep inside. Part of her stood behind Master watching him work but mostly she remained acutely aware of every inch of her submissive body. He was in charge. She’d let him do whatever he wanted to her because she had no choice—and because these moments fascinated her.

Excited her.

Maybe you would make a decent pony. It’s something I should consider, starting with this.”

His finger had been buried as far as it would go, both alarming and intriguing her. He slowly pulled out. She sensed he was about to change things. Something new pressed against her puckered flesh. It started to spin, sliding past taut muscles and probing, probing. Whatever it was was harder, wider, more insistent than his finger.

What—please Master what—“

Be quiet and experience.”

The pressure was relentless which made doing what he’d ordered nearly impossible. Despite the apprehension threatening to take over, she knew he intended to force whatever it was inside her. This was his idea of a horse tail. She shivered at the thought of how the
must look sticking out from her quivering every time her ass muscles clenched.

She concentrated on what was inside her until she realized he’d plugged her with what he’d used earlier to whip her.

Burying the switch to his satisfaction seemed to take forever, but finally the probing ended. So much blood had rushed to her temple that her head throbbed. Her back ached. He slapped her buttocks.

Lift your head. Present yourself like a well-trained horse.”

I hate…

No, she didn’t.

Getting her arms to accept the weight of her upper body took concentration and yet she remained acutely aware of how stuffed she felt back there. How changed. She started to look behind her.

Don’t! Your appearance is no concern of yours. All that matters is whether your master is pleased. Crawl to the living room.”

When he’d ordered her back into the kitchen she’d hoped it was with the intention of feeding her. Maybe he no longer cared whether she had anything to eat except part of a banana but given what he’d just done to her, it didn’t matter to her either.

Crawling with her arms and legs restrained was hard enough but that was nothing compared to the feel of something rammed in her bung hole. The switch was so long that it bounced and waved with her every move. It didn’t hurt, and the almost constant vibrations spread to her pussy. Enveloped it. Did Master know how closely this sensation resembled what the overpowered vibrator had felt like? At least, thankfully, she told herself as she plodded into the living room, the whip couldn’t tease a climax from her.

Could it?

Master was behind her, undoubtedly amusing himself by watching his newly minted slave pony.

Shame pressed around her, became a weight.

A gift.

Don’t you have any pride in yourself? There’s nothing graceful about the way you move. Your body is your most valuable possession. Treat it with respect.”

He expected her to prance around? She was dirty and hungry. Her hair hung in damp hunks around her sweat-stained face. Bad as the restraints were, the
protruding from her ass would make the people from his world laugh.

Maybe you don’t have what it takes to be a show pony. Maybe I’ll put a yoke on you and turn you into a plow animal. Give you long ears and call you my mule.”

If she was such a failure, why was he spending his time with her? He should cast her out, let her go.

No, he wouldn’t. Instead he’d sell her to someone who wanted a mule, a broken whore.

Something beyond fear overruled humiliation, and she lifted her head. The man who’d captured her was harsh and relentless but so far he hadn’t been cruel. Another master might not have his—his what, humanity?

What’s it going to be slave? Do you want to be taught what it takes to please me? Maybe you’d rather take your chances with someone else?”

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