Her Submission (11 page)

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Authors: Vonna Harper

BOOK: Her Submission
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Maybe him.

What are you going to do with her?” Damek asked.

He didn’t have to tell his co-worker anything. If he again told Damek go to hell, that would be the end of things. Their
would continue, he simply wouldn’t step over that particular line. But Damek was the only person on this earth he ever let down his hair around.

I haven’t decided. I’m playing this one step at a time.”

So you saw her, picked up some vibes, and decided to grab her?”

Something like that.”

Hell, it isn’t that simple and we both know it. Don’t damage the merchandise.”

I don’t intend to.” He wasn’t sure he meant it because maybe if he broke her into little pieces and fashioned her into the ultimate sex slave, he’d stop asking himself who and what she was and why he wanted her in his life.

Anything you want me to tell management?”

Good question. One he needed to answer. “I’m not sure.” Disgusted with himself, he stood and walked over to the door. Once this conversation was over with, he’d open it, go down the stairs, and—and what? “Tell them there’s been a complication.”

That’s what this broad is to you, a complication?”

I don’t know.”

But I need to find out.


He was wearing slippers.

If her captor asked why she’d noted that, Kaci wasn’t sure she’d be able to explain. Maybe the whispery sound made her think he was stalking her. Maybe he appeared less intimidating this way.

She hurt and yet she didn’t. Every nerve in her immobile body was on high alert which reminded her of what it had felt like to look out a cell window at a spring morning and know she wouldn’t feel the sun on her back today.

No! She wouldn’t cry, wouldn’t beg. Would get through
just as she’d survived her stint as a juvenile delinquent.

And her childhood.

You have to pee.”

Her captor hadn’t said anything when he’d first re-joined her. Instead, after descending the stairs, he’d planted himself near her right side. Even though she hadn’t looked at him—ignoring him was her only defiant act—she had no choice but to face what he was seeing.  

Helpless and partly naked female flesh.

He snorted and yanked on the rope between her legs, making her squeal. “Let’s get something straight, slave. Every time I ask a question, you
respond to the best of your ability. I know how to get the truth out of someone. Your choice—either it goes easy or hard.”

Damn him! He didn’t have a single speck of humanity in him. Angry, she faced him and jerked her head up and down.

What’s that look?”

Fuck you.
The emotion under control, she made her expression go neutral.

I know what it is.” He tapped her cheek. “You’d like nothing more than to see me in hell.” Again he patted the side of her face, forcing her to concentrate on not shying away. “Interesting. I thought you’d be more scared than pissed.” He slipped a finger under the strap that held the gag against the sides of her mouth. “Your attitude is giving me something new to think about, to examine while I work with you.”

Was that excitement? And he was again making it clear that this wasn’t the first time he’d had someone under his control.   

Had her fantasies come to life? If so, she was doing a piss poor job of fashioning them to meet her secret needs.

All right.” His finger still hard against her jaw, he moved so he was directly in front of her. Bent over the way she was, he loomed over her. “Here’s how we’re going to get started. First off, I’ll haul you into the bathroom because—hell because otherwise things will get messy and I don’t want that. So far I’ve been easy on you, but it’s time for your training to begin.”

Easy? What a lie that was.

She was still silently cursing him when he planted his hands on her shoulders and pushed her back until her bare ass pressed against the post. The punishing rope tightened, forcing her onto her toes. Drool dripped. If not for the restraints, she would have fallen forward. Even more disconcerting was the added warmth to her pussy. No way had the added pressure and his presence turned her on.

No way!

This serves as a quick lesson. I already made it clear that I have thorough knowledge of how a female’s body works, but in case you’ve forgotten, here’s the reminder. Keep that foremost in mind while we dispense with the essentials.”

Years ago she’d attended classes held at the juvenile facility. For the most part she hated them because the teacher aimed the lessons at the slowest students and his delivery was so dry she often fell asleep. In some respects what her captor had just said took her back to that time. Why did he think he had to warn her about anything when he was in control of everything?

This place has two bathrooms.” He started doing something to the rope behind and above her. “Maybe eventually I’ll let you use my personal one, maybe not. I haven’t decided.”

Suddenly the tension between her legs ended. Off-balance, she stumbled forward. By the time she was standing upright, he’d pulled the rope off her sex and out from between her legs. He held it in front of her. A sharp tug yanked her arms up.

There.” He jerked his head toward another closed door. “Get your ass over there and you won’t get into any more trouble than you’re already in.”

His harsh chuckle cut through her, nibbled at the anger that had been sustaining her. Resigned, she started after him only to have to slow to an awkward shuffle because of the restraining clothes around her knees. He walked with his back to her and the hand holding the rope rested on his shoulder as if he was carrying a backpack. There wasn’t that much distance between the stairs and the bathroom, but it took what felt like forever to reach it. By the time she did, her bladder all but screamed at her.

He opened it the door but instead of stepping into the dark space, he shoved her into it. She slammed into something hard. It didn’t matter because she was alone. Before her eyes could adjust, he switched on a light.

The bathroom was small with a pedestal sink, small shower, and toilet. It was paneled in wood which made her feel as if it was closing in on her. Two people could just fit in the space and would be hard-put to maneuver around each other.

You have choices,” he said from where he stood in the entryway. “Either you take care of business like a good little slave or I come in.”

Slave. Belonging to him.

Seeing the toilet made everything else unimportant. Even before she sat on it, her bladder started to let loose. She peed and peed, her useless hands resting on her thighs. The long rope lay on her stretched shorts and the tile floor near the one attached to her ankle. When she was done, she awkwardly took hold of the toilet paper and wiped.

He’d watched, seen her relief followed by her stumbling efforts to take care of the most basic function.

One more thing before you get up. Let’s see if you can figure out what it is.”

Sick at heart, she pushed her shorts and panties to the floor and gathered up the ankle rope so she could slide it under her garments. As she stepped out of her clothes, she wondered if she’d ever wear them again.

You’re a sticky, sweaty mess but there isn’t much point in cleaning you up until after today’s lesson.”

He’d given her permission to leave the bathroom, hadn’t he, but the only place she could go was back to him. Nauseated, she fumbled with the faucet, rinsed her hands, and dried them on a plush towel. A glance at the mirror was enough. She didn’t recognize the gagged woman staring back at her. Facing him and taking the necessary step made her dizzy but she’d be damned if she let him know how much it took out of her.

To her discomfort, he simply stared at her for a long time. Then: “Follow me.”

How dare he expect her to trail after him like some dog! Having him overpower her using his greater strength was one thing, expecting her to dumbly give in was too much, but they both knew she had no choice.

This time he didn’t haul her behind him but walked ahead. He didn’t bother to look back at her.  Feeling disconnected from reality, she concentrated on not tripping over the ropes. No doubt about it, he’d kept both in place in case he had to quickly regain control over her.

And because that was the kind of bastard he was.

It was beautiful outside. She’d seen enough of the peaceful setting that it called to her. A quick twist of the doorknob and she’d—

He stopped in the middle of the expansive living room. His slow pace as he faced her made her wonder if he’d had to talk himself into it, but that was crazy. Head cocked to the side, he crooked a finger at her indicating he wanted her to come closer.

I haven’t decided on my ultimate use for you,” he informed her when she was so close his masculine heat enveloped her. “Regardless, your transformation will remain the same.” He pointed at the room where he gone for the rope. “I could have already brought out everything I’ll need for this lesson, but if I had you’d be focusing on the instruments instead of me.”

Don’t say those things!

First up, some modifications in your restraints. While we’re at it, it’s time we got rid of this.” His hand snaked out and he grabbed her top’s neckline. “Where’d you get this damn thing, some yard sale?”

Alarmed as she was, she couldn’t think what she was wearing but she seldom bought new so he was probably right. She started to lean away but stopped when he made it clear he wasn’t going to let go. Smiling, he pulled her against him. He had an erection.

They stood body to body, heat to heat with their expelled breaths merging. He wasn’t a massive man, some six to eight inches taller than her, older but not that much. In other circumstances she might have been drawn to the masculinity radiating from his core. This man took charge. Nothing intimidated him. The women in his life would never doubt that they’d be cared for.

She had to be going crazy! Otherwise she’d never think that.

Never let her stupid submissive fanaticizing mess with reality.

Here’s the drill, slave. The only thing you have to do right now is stand there. I’ll take care of everything.”

Her jaw had gone numb from the ball gag. Even if he took it out, she wasn’t sure she could speak. Besides, what would she say? Obviously pleas and promises wouldn’t work with him. She could ask if he intended to kill her, but did she want to know and could she believe anything he said?

On a sigh, he pushed her away, letting go of her top as he did. She grunted but didn’t move when he took hold of the rope around her wrists and began untying the knots. Once he’d freed the lead, he loped it over his shoulder and started on the strands that had long rendered her hands useless.  

How’s your circulation? Anything feel compromised?”

Wondering if he cared at all about her comfort, she rubbed one wrist and then the other. She felt the indentations the loops had left in her skin but surprisingly, there was little tingling.

Nope. Haven’t lost my touch. All right, you have two choices. Either I strip you or you do it.”

To hell with him! No way would she play his sick game. She tightened her muscles in preparation for making a run for the door.

No you don’t!” A masculine hand snaked out and grabbed the ring in her collar.

Almost before she knew what he had in mind, he’d yanked down and forced her onto her hands and knees. He knelt beside her and rolled her onto her back. Then he straddled her, his weight settled over her naked belly.

Want to wrestle, do you? There’s nothing I’d like more than to accommodate you.”  

Despite her frantic struggles, he easily pulled her arms over her head. He released them but before she could bring them back down, he grabbed her top’s hem and yanked up. The garment snagged on the damnable collar and then the gag. All too soon, he’d torn it off her.

Round one goes to me.”

Screaming into the horrible ball, she reached for his face thinking to bury her nails in his flesh. Before she could, however, he clamped his hand under her chin just above the collar. She couldn’t breathe!

Not going to happen, slave. Not fucking going to happen.”

Her vision blurred, and her arms became so weak she couldn’t make them work. He was killing her! Destroying her.

In a vague and uninterested way she knew she was passing out. At first not being to breathe terrified her, but before long it didn’t matter. Any second now the nightmare would end. She’d be done. Dead.

Got the point did you?”

Blessed fresh air filled her lungs. Afraid she wouldn’t get a second chance, she sucked in as much as her lungs could hold. He was lifting himself off her but trying to determine his intentions would have to wait until she was clearheaded.

Before she could, he rolled her onto her stomach, settled himself over her ass, and pulled her hands behind her. He used a just-discarded rope to secure her wrists to the belt’s ring in back, insuring himself that she wouldn’t have another chance to try to attack him. When he was done, he took hold of her elbows and lifted her upper body off the floor. Because he was still sitting on her buttocks, her back was deeply bowed.

A sob escaped past the gag.

Not quite as cocky as you were are you? To state the obvious, we’re just getting started.”

She tried to tell herself he was simply torturing her with his words, that he wasn’t a monster. Then he got off her and she rolled to the side as much as her deeply bent elbows allowed and looked up at him.

The way he glared down at her reminded her of a predator standing over his prey.

On your feet, slave.”

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