Read Her Sexy Valentine Online
Authors: Stephanie Bond
She rolled her eyesâit was a preposterous statement considering the fact that he'd compared her to an icicle that wouldn't thaw. “Save it, Chancellor. Go.” She made a shooing motion. “Go be the life of the party, the sales hero, the company playboy.”
Once again she'd spoken with more venom than she'd intended, but after the words were outâ¦well, she couldn't take them backâ¦she didn't thinkâ¦
“Exactly what did I do to make you so angry?” Luke asked.
“Well, for starters, you told everyone I was the reason no one is getting a bonus.”
“I didn't tell everyone,” he said. “In fact, I didn't tell
one. There were eight other directors in that meeting. But, when it comes down to it,
you the reason no one is getting a bonus?”
Carol slammed her briefcase shut. “I voted no because I think there are better things to do with the company money.”
“I knowâyou said your department needed new equipment, and I helped you get it. And you still voted no.”
“That's the other thing. All my employees think you're a hero.”
“And that's a bad thing?”
“At my expense.”
He gave a little laugh. “Why didn't you tell them that you helped me? You were the one with the wish list, the one who knew what kind of equipment everyone had and what they needed.”
She shrugged. “Iâ¦I guess I didn't want to feel like I had to toot my own horn.”
“I give up.” He shook his head and started toward the door. With his hand on the doorknob, he looked back. “I hope you change your mind about coming to the party.”
She walked over to her coatrack and shrugged into her coat. “I won't.”
“Then maybe fate will intervene.” He smiled, then strode out.
Then Carol rememberedâthe blizzard! Maybe she could get out in front of it. She gathered her things and dashed out of her office. Only Tracy remained in the department, sitting at her desk obediently, although she glanced longingly at the clock.
“I'm leaving,” Carol announced as she dashed by. “Here's the memo you need to redo.” She tossed the piece of paper in the direction of her assistant's desk.
“You're not staying for the party?”
“Be careful driving home,” Tracy called behind her. “I hear a winter storm is blowing in!”
Carol sprinted through empty departments toward the elevator. Everyone was already in the basement for the party. As she waited for the elevator, something in particular that Luke said came floating back to her.
That's the thingâI
Carol shook her head. She didn't want him to care. She didn't need the complication of a man in her life who cared. Because even if he cared now, at this precise moment, it would be short-lived.
Frustrated that the elevator was taking so long, she opted for the stairs and took them as quickly as her high-heeled pumps would allow. She burst out of the stairwell into an empty lobby. When she turned toward the front entrance, a rumble sounded overhead. She knew that sound. Sure enough, a bulging purple sky burst open, sending enormous snowflakes to the ground, where they were swept up into a cyclonic wind. Within seconds, the outdoors was enveloped in a thick, impermeable blur of white.
Another blizzard in Atlantaâ¦impossible.
Fate had once again intervened.
Carol stood mesmerized by the alien sight of snow falling in Atlanta until she realized that there would be no going home to snuggle up with a good, erotic book. She was stranded at the Mystic Touch office. And she had two choices: return to her office and massage more paperworkâ¦or go to the Valentine's Day company party.
The low throbbing in her temples from the bump on the head she'd received this morning made the thought of scrutinizing spreadsheets unbearable.
The party seemed to be the lesser of the two evilsâ¦if she could resist Luke.
She trudged back to the elevator and rode
down to the basement, unwinding her scarf from her neck. She could hear the noise of the party even before the elevator stopped. When the doors opened, the full force of music, laughter and voices blasted her. Her stomach churnedâshe didn't want to be here, and she couldn't think of a single person who wanted her here.
She stepped off the elevator, feeling self-conscious in her winter coat, thinking once again that she should've returned to her office and dropped her things there. Instead she stood there holding her briefcase awkwardly while everyone else held a glass of pink punch.
A few heads turned in her direction, but after a quick downturn of their mouths, they turned away. The blatant snub cut deep, but she kept scanning, looking for a friendly face.
She landed on Luke. He caught sight of her and his expression turned from surprise to something else that accompanied a smile. He said something to the person he was talking to, then turned and walked in her direction.
But he was not looking at her like a man
who had intimate knowledge of her choice in underwear.
“Snow,” he said with a grin. “What brings you back?”
“Snow,” she said matter-of-factly.
“It's snowing.” She pointed to the ceiling. Since the basement had no windows, everyone else was oblivious to the outside conditions. “A blizzard, actually.”
“So you're stranded. Let me take your coat,” he offered, reaching to help her out of the heavy garment. “In fact, let's put your coat and briefcase in the storage room.”
“Umâ¦that's okayâ¦I'll just hang on to them.”
“Are you sure? Come with me anywayâI have something to give you.”
The box of candy. And she really didn't want their coworkers to see him giving her candy. Carol followed him slowly down the hall, dismayed that her body was already loosening for him, warming, softening. Desire struck her low and hard.
He unlocked the door of the storage room,
held it open for her, then allowed it to close behind them.
“You've piqued my curiosity,” she offered.
“It's not much,” he said, reaching high on a shelf to remove a heart-shaped box of chocolates.
She realized if she didn't act hurt over the whole snowflake/cold as ice/Ice Princess connotation of the blue snowflake box, then he wouldn't feel compelled to tell her that wasn't how he thought of her, which would lead to her saying he probably bought candy for other coworkers, which would lead to him saying no, only for her, which would lead to the kiss that had been her undoing.
When he turned back to her, he looked sheepish. “It's silly, I guess. I saw this and it reminded me of you.”
She opened her mouth to saw how much she liked the blue snowflake box, but stopped when she saw instead a pink satin box that read “Kiss Me.”
“Kiss me?” she squeaked.
He scratched his head. “To be honest, I'm
not quite sure why I bought that one. It just seemedâ¦right.”
When his mouth lowered toward hers, she knew she should stop him. Instead, she met his warm lips, rejoicing in the familiar feel of his kissâ¦the connectionâ¦the shock waves. It had been so long since she'd felt these sensationsâ¦an entire twenty-four hours ago, at this same point in time. Her mind and body reeled from the raw power in Luke's probing kiss.
He lifted his head and looked into her eyes. “Why do I have the feeling we've done this before?”
“Kismet,” she whispered, then curled her hand around his neck and pulled his lips down on hers, hard.
Luke moaned into her mouth and the vibration echoed through her body. He pulled her against him and their hands became frenzied, roaming over each other's bodies. He smoothed his palms down her back, over her buttocks, and pulled her sex against the hardened ridge of his erection. The physical proof of what they were about to doâ¦againâ¦made Carol dizzy with lust.
He stopped, his gaze bouncing around the room, looking for a suitable surface.
Carol pointed to the nearby table. “Take me there.”
He picked her up by the waist and set her on the table, then slid up her skirt so she could spread her knees.
“Wait,” she said, then nodded to the door. “Can you wedge a chair under the doorknob?”
He did, then came back to stand between her thighs.
Carol's pumps fell off with succeeding thuds. She leaned back on her hands to brace herself, then squeezed his hips with her knees. Her breasts, her sex, her entire body throbbed with anticipation, especially since now she knew what to expect.
“Oh, no,” he murmured suddenly, then put a hand to his head. “I don't have a condom. I'm sorry.”
Her shoulders fellâdamn, she'd forgotten that part.
She pulled his mouth back to hers. “Then we'll have to be creative.” There were still lots
of things from the pages of the erotic novels she'd read for the Red Tote Book Club that she wanted to try.
Luke's response was fierce, his tongue stabbing into her mouth, a silent promise to be creative for as long as necessary. He kissed his way down her neck, then plucked at the buttons on her white blouse until it lay open, exposing her lacy bra. Impatient to have his mouth on her, she unhooked the front closure.
One breast fell into his hand, the other into his mouth. He licked her nipple, then pulled it into his mouth, leaving her shuddering with pleasure. But they were both too frantic to linger. Luke pushed her skirt to her waist, then rolled down her panty hose and underwear to expose her sex to him. When he knelt and flicked his tongue against her folds, Carol's toes curled. She couldn't thinkâ¦couldn't speakâ¦could only feel the amazing wonderfulness of having his mouth against her most intimate places. It felt like the first time all over again. The sensations pummeling her were almost overwhelming, leaving her languid and elastic.
He suckled the tiny sensitive nub that housed her orgasms, instantly coaxing one from its hiding place. But instead of roaming languorously as it made its way to the surface, this one zoomed for air. The speed and intensity took her and Luke both by surprise. Carol bucked against his mouth to ride out a deep, powerful climax.
Carol bit down on her own hand to muffle the sounds of her release, although the throbbing bass of the party music all but guaranteed that no one could hear them. Luke nuzzled her sex until she quieted, but she was eager to pleasure him, too. She pulled him to his feet, then loosened his belt and unzipped his pants to free his imposing erection.
When she clasped the rigid length of him, he gasped, his eyes hooded with desire. Carol slid from the table to kneel in front of him, then took his erection into her mouth as far as she could, reveling in his silky hardness. He groaned with pleasure, his thighs tensing. This time pleasing him orally felt more natural, less awkward. She experimented with nu
ances in pressure and texture to see how he responded.
And this time when he whispered he was about to come, instead of allowing him to withdraw, she clasped his hips and pulled him deeper into her mouth. When he realized her intention, she sensed his added excitement. Within a few seconds, he tensed and shuddered. She felt his contractions, then the spurt of his release in her mouth.
At length his breathing slowed. He pulled her to her feet and kissed her soundly. “Wow,” he murmured. “What just happened?”
Carol steeled herself, but was dismayed when a familiar sense of remorse started to close in. Which only made sense, really. She'd known she and Luke were going to have an empty encounter, and yet she'd gone along with itâ¦againâ¦as if something was going to be different this time around.
But it wasn't.
Luke pulled back. “Go to dinner with me tomorrow night.”
Carol straightened her clothes. “Tomorrowâ¦you mean Valentine's Day?”
She turned her back to retrieve her underwear and panty hose, stepping into them as quickly and modestly as she could manage in such a confining space. Once again, Luke didn't mind dumping the “special lady” he already had plans with. Carol knew she should be flattered, but instead all she could think about was the woman who'd been looking forward to a romantic evening relegated to sitting at home. Playing the home version of
Wheel of Fortune
while she watched the show on TV.
Not that she'd ever done that herself.
And this time next year, Luke would have moved on to yet another woman, and she'd be the one dodging him on the elevator or perhaps looking for a new job after a bad breakup.
She turned back and forced a note of casual nonchalance into her voice. “I don't think so. Look, this was just a two-time thing to satisfyâ¦curiosity.”
He squinted. “Two times?”
“I mean one-time,” she said quickly. “A
-time thing to satisfy curiosity. And I'm
not curious anymore.” She adopted a blasé expression.
Luke pursed his mouth. “Uhâ¦okay.”
She slipped her feet into her pumps. “Why don't you leave first so it'll seem less suspicious if anyone is watching.”
“Okay.” He hesitated, then rechecked his clothing and made his way to the door.
She turned away and closed her eyes. That was close. Having sex with Luke Chancellorâ¦twiceâ¦might not have been the smartest move, but thinking it meant something different this time around would be the biggest mistake ever. “Carol.”
She schooled her expression, then turned around. “Yes?”
Luke's expression was pensive. “I have a feeling there's something here between us, but for some reason, you're holding back. But I also have a feeling that this is totally out of my hands.”
He didn't wait for a reply. He slipped out the door and it closed behind him.
She fisted her hands, frustrated by a situation
that was growing increasingly complicated. How was she supposed to make any decisions when the present double-backed onto the past?
Carol checked her clothing and smoothed her hair, realizing with some small measure of relief that her headache was gone. She lifted her hand to her forehead to find that the goose egg she'd been nursing was also gone. It was something to be grateful for on an otherwise lousy day.
From the floor, a glint of metal caught her eyeâher silver-and-emerald earring. She still hadn't managed to get out of here with it. She bent over from the waist to retrieve the ear ring from under the shelf, keeping her feet firmly planted so as not to lose her balance. She grasped the earring, but when she straightened, she bumped the shelving unit accidentally. Above her, she heard a scraping noise, and when she looked up, something large was bearing down on her.
Despite the overwhelming sense of déjà vu,
Carol didn't have time to put up her hand. Pain exploded in her head, then everything went black