Her Mystery Duke (21 page)

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Authors: Natasha Blackthorne

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Her Mystery Duke
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He moved like poetry.

One seeing him in the corridor would never guess at this
side of him. She felt like a woman possessed of a wicked, delightful secret.

He continued to tease her. Each flex and grind promised the
most sensual, naughty pleasures.

Her cunt clenched in empty hunger. It had so long…too long
since he’d last filled her. She had almost gone out of her mind with need and
now she couldn’t wait for him to fill her.

He released her and began peeling his cutaway jacket off as
he walked away. “Put your coat on the hook.” He pointed to a coat tree then
tossed his own coat to the chair behind his desk and started to work the line
of buttons on his waistcoat. “I have about an hour before I am due back.”

She wanted him so desperately. The most ludicrous urge
consumed her. To bend over that gleaming mahogany desk and present herself to
him for the taking. God, she wanted him to thrust into her without any delay.

Her heart pounded and her blood roared in her ears. Her
pulse pounded in her sex, most strongly in her nub. She clenched and clenched.
It made her legs feel rubbery. Wetness trickled in surges over her inner folds.
The battle between desire to be wild and wanton and a strange lingering shyness
made her so nervous, she went dry mouthed.

“What are you thinking on so violently?”

She startled out of her thoughts. “Violently?”

“Yes, some matter has consumed you.” He touched her cheek.
“You are flushed and you were biting your lip. Your breasts were rising and
falling rapidly.” He glanced down. “They still are. How modestly you dress.” He
tugged gently at the kerchief that was tucked into her bodice until it came out
and the top of her bosom was bared. “You’re flushed there as well.”

“It is very warm in here.”

“No, it’s not.” He drew his dark brows together. “You are
suppressing yourself.”

Why was he talking so much? Why wouldn’t he just take action
and set the whole matter in motion?

“I don’t want you to suppress yourself. You were considering

More heat flamed into her face.

“Show me.” His voice was silken, seductive.

“Oh goodness, I couldn’t.”

“Why not? We’ve privacy enough.”

“It would be foolish. It would make fools of us both.”

“It can be rather enjoyable to be foolish. Show me and let
me judge.”

She moved away from him, her face enflamed.

“Goodness, Jeanne, whatever can it be to make you blush like
that? You told me you were well acquainted with men.”

“I am acquainted with letting a man do what he will.

He held up a forestalling hand. “Don’t speak any more. Just
do it.”

She faced the desk and put her hands upon the shiny, cool
surface then she lowered herself until her upper body rested on the desktop.

The clock at her side ticked so loudly in the ensuing
silence. She cringed a little. Oh, she did feel so foolish.

“Damn, Jeanne.” His voice sounded husky.

She dared a glance over her shoulder, peeking at him through
the veil of her hair.

He was grasping his cock through his pantaloons. Yet he made
no move towards her.

Her hands and legs began to shake. Her palms began to slip
on the desktop. Her cunt ached to be filled. Her very position seemed to have
the most peculiar reaction on her body. Her arousal was increasing by the

“Tell me.” His tone was smooth silk seduction.

“Oh lord, I can’t.”

“You must.”

“I can’t.”

“Then you’ll remain in that rather interesting position a
very long time.”

His firm tone sent fresh waves of heat through her blood.
Her inner walls contracted, increasing her sense of emptiness.

“I want you to fill me with yourself.”

His boots sounded softly on the rug. She sensed his approach
behind, every particle of her attuned sharply to him. With a rustle of muslin,
he lifted her skirts. To be naked in his chambers was more indecent. Wickedly
so. Tantalizingly so. He bent over her then his lips touched her nape.

“You’re so damned gorgeous like this.” He put his hand over
her mons, lightly. “You’re a very clever girl and you should not suppress
yourself. Not with me.”

“I was afraid to visit you here.”

“Why? I gave you directions to come here. If you want to see
me during the day, this is usually where I am.”

“I know, but you might not have liked it.”

“Does it seem as though I am displeased?” She could hear the
smile in his voice.

“No, you misunderstand. What
you hadn’t invited me here? What if you hadn’t wanted me to come
here? What would happen?”

“Nothing. I never forbade you to come here.”

“But suppose if you had forbidden me to visit you here? What
would happen?”

“I would be vexed with you.”

“No punishment?” She didn’t understand why she was bringing
all of this up. But speaking of it was making her wetter. Making her nether
lips swell beneath the light but steady pressure of his large hand.

“You haven’t given me the right to punish you, sweeting.” He
kissed the back of her neck again, open mouthed, hungrily, as if he must taste

“The right to punish me?” Her cunt convulsed several times
as she spoke the words and a thrill raced up through her belly. A nervous laugh
escaped her. “Let us say I had given you that right and you had forbidden me to
come here, then what would happen?”

“I would pull you over my lap and spank your bare arse.” He
began to stroke her erect nub in soft, circular motions.

“You’d pull me…” A stunning wave of desire rocked her. She
caught her breath, briefly, until it passed. “Just like that?”

“Just like that.” He sounded so resolute.

Her cunt contracted fiercely. Her wetness seemed to surge.
He increased the pressure and speed of his circular caresses. Several waves of
desire rocked her now. Sweet, unbearably sweet anticipation. She had to lick
her lips and swallow before she could speak again. “But how exactly would it

“You want specific details now?”

“Yes, I did ask for them.” She spoke breathlessly. The
tension inside her built quickly now.

“You really wish to speak of this now?” His voice sounded
hoarse. His erection pressed relentlessly against her backside. She knew he was
simply toying with her. He wanted to speak of this as much as she did.

She didn’t mind playing along.

“Yes, I want you to tell me exactly how it would be.”

He slowed his motions, maddening her. She arched back
against him, pleading without words for him to continue touching her the way he
had been before. He ignored that plea. “It would be punishment.”

“Punishment? Like before?”

“No, not like before. More.”

“You would strike me hard?”

“Fairly hard. With no warm up. I think about the fifth
strike, you would cry.”

“Oh, heavens.” She laughed weakly.

He stopped stroking her. “What is so humorous about that?”

“I never cry. Certainly not over something so silly as a

“If it is punishment, believe me, it won’t be anything
you’ll think of as silly.”

“I certainly never cry in front of anyone.”


“No, not since my mother died.”

“You would cry.” He sounded so assured that it galled her.
Just let him spank her and she would show him that she never cried.

“Why are you so sure I would cry?”

“You would cry because you would trust me enough to do so in
front of me.”

“I would trust you? Why, you had just spanked my…” The
picture her words conjured sent a wave of half fearful anticipation pulsing in
her blood. The sensation was delicious. The confusion cut off her words. She
swallowed against a suddenly dry throat. “You had just spanked me.”

“You would have had to trust me to allow it, to begin with.”
He began to stroke her again. “Must we speak of this now?”

He sounded impatient this time, no longer teasing. He sped
his motions, rubbing, touching in just the correct manner. Their talk had
caused her tension to rise to unbearable levels. She didn’t fight the release
when it came, hard, swift spasms. Intense pleasure that ebbed as quickly as it
had come. Deep but not satisfying.

She moaned and pressed back against him.

“Shh, be still.” His heated breath teased her nape. He
gripped her hips and thrust into her, filling her on one long slide.

Her cunt convulsively grasped him. Hugged him. Oh God, she
was so aroused. She’d never been so eager to come. He began to move within her.
Oh it was good. So good! Her inner walls began to pull. She didn’t want it to
be over too soon but she couldn’t help it. Her cunt clamped upon him, in a
frenzy of spasms.

“Oh…oh…oh!” she cried out.

He put his hand over her mouth. She couldn’t stop crying
out. Couldn’t stop the bucking her pelvis. He was holding her tight by one hand
on her hip. She could feel the wetness gushing from her core, bathing him.

He fucked her hard and furiously. She kept coming. And
coming. Finally, she fell forward onto the desk. He withdrew.

She was still catching her breath when he turned her and
urged her off the desk and down on her knees. She stared at his engorged cock
that still glistened with her juices.

“Suck me,” he said, harshly.

She gaped at him, dumbly.

He put his hand at the corner of her jaw and applied gentle
pressure. Some sense returned to her brain, enough to open her mouth wide.

He pushed in, sliding over her tongue.

She adored his feel. His taste. The scent of his arousal
blended with her own. She adored everything about him.

“Jeanne.” The word sounded like a groan. Her own name had
never sounded so beautiful.

Spurred into frenzy, she sucked on him and moved her head,
sliding over his erection, quickly, over and over. She wanted to devour him.
She wanted all of him. Everything he had to give her. Now.

He pressed his hips forwards and propelled into her throat.
She swallowed quickly. His cock jerked violently as he spilled into her. She
could feel the effort it took him not to shout. His body went tense and shaking
with the retained energy. Several thick surges of come poured into her throat.
She kept swallowing.

“Damn Jeanne,
His grip on her head loosened and became caressing.

Cradling his spent cock in her mouth, she couldn’t fight a
smile. Her mighty and powerful duke. She’d had him. All of him. He was surely
hers forever. He’d never be able to forget her now.

He withdrew and she pulled away. Her weakened legs gave way
and her bottom fell to the cushiony rug. Still dazed with satisfaction, she
stared at the bright, swirling patterns. They were like a hundred colorful
snakes, all dancing together.

He reached down to her. “Come, off the floor, my darling

Limp, she let him pull her up into his arms. He carried her
to the divan. It was unbelievably soft. It made a better mattress than her bed
at home. He must sleep here sometimes for it smelled heavily of his especial
scent. Face down, she rubbed her cheek into the plush velvet.

She had just pleasured a duke in his chambers.

It didn’t seem real.

He sat beside her, lifted her skirts again, and delivered a
sharp smack to her buttock, and thus dispelling any momentary sense of
fairy-tale unreality.

Princes didn’t spank their princesses, did they?

Surely not.

“I really don’t understand why a grown woman would give a man
the right to actually

“Give me the chance and I’ll show you.”

Heat spread through her belly and loins so quickly that she

He caressed her bottom in leisurely motions. “Are you trying
to tell me that you’ve done something worthy of being punished?”

She giggled again. “Goodness, why would you say that?”

Her face was very hot. He smoothed her hair with a delicate
motion. The sudden tenderness made her feel all soft inside and ready to submit
to anything he wanted.

“Do you want to give me the right to punish you?” His
gentle, intimate tone sent a new burst of fiery pleasure spreading like honey
through her loins. It weakened her legs all over again.

“I think this discussion has become ridiculous.” She made as
if to arise.

He flattened his hand on her arse. “Don’t move.”

She laid back down, landing in the softness. Her hair fell
forward, mercifully covering her increasingly hot face.

He put his lips to the base of her spine. It was
very…interesting to be kissed there. Sparks shot from that point to her loins.

“If we were to play at games like that, I’d need to
establish rules for you,” he said.

“I hesitate to ask—but what kinds of rules?”

He took her hand. “The first rule should be that you should
write only in gloves.”

“Oh come, David, please you can’t mean that. You’re

“Not in the least. Your hands shall belong to me for my
pleasure.” He caressed her knuckles with his thumb. “However, I have come to
appreciate and even adore your stained fingers.”

“You’re teasing now for certain.”

“I find them rather arousing for they remind me that you are
different from other women I have known.”


“Yes, you use your mind and imagination for something other
than wheedling promises and jewels from men.”

“What do you know of my fairy stories?”

“I read them.”

“You did not.”

“The devil you say. I had my secretary find copies of the
newsletters with the stories by one Miss Jeanne Darling and I read them. I
think you’re very talented and, for being fairy stories, they did manage to
hold my attention.”

Warmth spread through her. He had taken the time to look for
and read her stories. Even though children’s stories were not quite his
favorite reading material. And he had not used the material to make sport of

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