Read Her Mother's Killer Online

Authors: Melissa Schroeder

Her Mother's Killer (16 page)

BOOK: Her Mother's Killer
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“Do you know him?” Duncan asked softly.

“No, I don’t.” She read the file.

Minister. Dispute on lot lines. Threatened to kill Mrs. Johnson and had fired shots at Mr. Johnson. Subject suspect in tire slashing of Johnson’s pickup.

“I sort of remember one of our neighbors complaining about old Beau getting into his trash.” She smiled as she remembered the old hound dog. It vanished when she thought about the report. “I had no idea it was this bad though.”

“Well, at your age, I’m sure your parents wouldn’t have told you everything.”

She nodded as she looked through the other files.

“Those are all drifters who’d been reported in the area around the time of the murders. All of them have violent pasts. Do any of them look familiar to you?”

She looked through each file. One tall and skinny, another short and fat, the next average with a bald head. She sighed. “No, none of them.”

“Well, I’ll get to work on them tomorrow morning. I may need to get on your computer and do a little research. I think I need to keep this away from the office.”

“Because of Dick.”

He gave her a small smile. “Yeah. Plus, if one person even gets an inkling we are looking into this, it will be all over town by nightfall.”

“Now, what about Jason?”

“Did he know about your parents?”

She thought about it. “He knew they’d been killed, didn’t know about much of it until the nightmares started.” Or, at least she thought he hadn’t.

“What?” he asked, apparently catching her indecision.

“Well, we were in town twice during our marriage. I guess he could have heard then.” She shrugged.

“Okay, so I need to find out what he’s been up to lately. Anyone else you can think of who would use this to get to you?”

“No. No one. I didn’t talk about it.”

“Okay. Tomorrow morning I’ll run in and get those reports. I can’t access some of that from your computer. Hopefully, Dailey was blowing smoke up my butt about the other murders and we don’t have a killer running around the area.” He studied her in silence for a moment. “I think we need to get back to bed.”

“You do?” Warmth spread through her as she thought about snuggling next to him, her hands gliding over his bare skin.

“Yeah, I really am beat. Not used to this much activity in one night.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her and she laughed. “And although I know you will avoid it, we are going to have a long discussion. But I’ll let you have a reprieve tonight if you promise to use sex to control me.”

“Well, I guess I could try. You sure you’re ready for another round?”

“You just let me—”

The shrill ring of the phone made both of them jump.











Thea’s gut tightened and uneasiness crept down her spine when her cell phone rang a second time. She picked it up and showed Duncan the caller ID. Whoever called was blocking identification. He nodded and she hit the button.

The shuddering sigh sent a wave of revulsion that coiled in her stomach.

“Thea.” The caller’s voice was whisper soft, but laced with anger. “Thea, who was that man?”

Fear held her speechless. Now she knew he’d seen Duncan and would target him. Every nerve turned ice cold and Thea shivered.

“W-what man?”

“The man with the blond hair.”

Jason, not Duncan.

“He came to see you. No one will have you but me, do you understand me?”

He emitted another sigh and hung up.

She clicked the phone off. Before she could contemplate the meaning of the call, Duncan grabbed her and pulled her into his arms. His body heat surrounded her, warming her from the inside out. So many fears, but for the first time in a long time, she felt safe. She finally had someone to lean on.

“What did he say?” he asked, his tone gentle.

“He saw Jason.” The muscles in his arms grew rigid. “But I guess for some reason he’s never seen you. Or he doesn’t see you as competition.”

“Shit.” He released her and started to pace the kitchen. “That means he was out there somewhere tonight. Could also mean it isn’t your ex.”


He shot her a look of impatience but never slowed his stride. “This game is getting a little too dangerous. I wish I could convince you to go back to Atlanta.”


He stopped in front of her, all the warmth gone from his eyes. “I could tell Jed.”

“Yeah, you could. But you know there’s a chance he’ll butt in and put himself at risk.”

He leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

“Duncan, we know anywhere I go, this whacko will follow me. I’m still not sure he wasn’t the one in Atlanta.”

His steely gray eyes narrowed as he looked down at her. “I have a feeling the jackass was behind that.”


“Yeah.” He propped a hand on each hip. “He’d have a motive. He wanted the restaurant.”

“He was getting it. We were going to sign the papers the day after the accident. If anything, the accident probably delayed any plans he had.”


“Nothing more to discuss.” She turned and began climbing the stairs. “I’m going to bed.”

Thea wasn’t really sure he would follow her or not. She worried he would be like Jason and shut her out after their fight. Anytime she showed any defiance, he’d ignored her for days at a time.

Relief swept through her when he muttered something then clomped up the stairs behind her.

* * * *

The clatter of pans awoke Duncan the next morning. Rays of weak winter light seeped through the blinds.

He took a deep breath. The smell of apples and cinnamon mixed with the lingering scent of spent passion. Instant arousal. Closing his eyes, he relived the memories of the last few nights spent in Thea’s bed. He’d give a month’s pay to have had her in his king-sized bed. Bone-deep satisfaction pulsed through his veins.

From the noise drifting up from the kitchen, he knew Thea had to be cooking. He rubbed his stomach. He sat up, and looked around the room for something to wear. His jeans lay crumpled on the floor and he grabbed them up. After a quick trip to the bathroom, Duncan headed downstairs. The aroma of fresh-brewed coffee intensified as he reached the bottom of the stairs.

He stopped in the doorway, leaned against the doorjamb, and watched her. She was dressed in an old worn t-shirt that must have been black at one time but was some nondescript shade of gray. Black jersey leggings clung to her hips and rear end. Her hair looked as if her fingers combed it and her face flushed from the heat of cooking.

He knew now why she’d been considered an artist. Every move was economical but graceful. She dipped a piece of bread into the batter and then tossed it into a frying pan. This was definitely her element. The cozy kitchen, the scent of vanilla filling the air, the small smile playing about her lips.

He could stand there for a million years and watch her.

The thought almost stopped his heart in his chest. He would never have guessed he’d fall for Thea. But he had. From the moment he’d seen her at the gas station, he’d wanted her. The problem was, he no longer just wanted her. He needed her.

He pushed the uncomfortable feelings aside.

“Smells good.”

She yelped and turned around. “Jeez, Duncan. You scared me. Don’t go sneaking around like that.” She turned around and began to work again. “I thought I’d make some French toast.”

He swallowed past the emotion welling up in his chest.
Focus, Perry

“Sounds great and smells even better.” He walked up behind her, circled his arms around her waist and kissed her neck. He grabbed a cup and filled it with coffee. He chuckled at the startled look on her face.

A glance at the table told him she’d been looking over the files. “Did you find anything?”

She turned and her eyes were confused until she saw him looking at the table. “No.” She resumed working. “Do you know where Barker is?”

“No. But I’ll look into it this morning. I’ll call a few friends.”

“A few friends?”

She flipped the toast over and began dipping more. He sat down in one of the kitchen chairs. “Yeah with the DPS, one is actually a Ranger.”

She grabbed a plate and put the two pieces of toast on it. After sprinkling it with powdered sugar, she set it on the table in front of him with a bottle of syrup. Vanilla and cinnamon wafted from his plate and he dug into his meal.

“You know a Texas Ranger?” she asked.

“Yeah, you do too. Rusty Reynolds.”

She turned around. “Reckless Rusty Reynolds?”


“Reckless Rusty who got caught drag racing how many times?”

“At least twenty.”

“But…they let people with records like that in the Texas Rangers?”

“No. Rusty never had a record.”


“You don’t get a permanent record when your mom’s the mayor.”

“You mean he was caught all those times and he never was arrested?”

“All it amounted to was a little harmless fun.”

“Harmless fun? Last race I heard about he totaled his brand new ’Vette.”

Duncan shrugged. “He learned his lesson. It’s better than Vic Williams. He’s a doctor.”

She set her plate on the table and sat in the chair next to him. “What is he, a gynecologist?”

He chuckled knowing Vic’s outrageous flirting brought about that comment. “No. Heart surgeon. He lives in Dallas and I hear he and his life partner are very happy.”

Her eyes widened and then she choked on her food. She coughed a few times and took a sip of coffee. “He’s gay? He dated every cheerleader and drill team member in school.”

“Kind of explains his behavior, huh?”

“Good Lord. Leave for a few years and everything changes.”

They continued to eat in silence for a few moments but he knew he would have to break the light mood sooner or later.

“Back to the files. Anything at all?” he asked.

“No. You would probably know more about it than I do.”

“Well, I think you should keep going through those letters and maybe you can find something that might point to one of these people. I just have a feeling we’re missing something here.”


Agitated with himself, he stood and went to the sink to rinse off his plate. He knew Dailey held something back, maybe not evidence…something he suspected. He finished his task and turned to study Thea.

“You doing okay?”

She looked up from her plate. “Okay?”

“Well, considering the situation.”

“The situation? You mean having a homicidal stalker and my ex-husband bugging me?”

“No. I meant us.”

Her face reddened. “Us?” She cleared her throat. “What do you mean us?”

What the hell is the matter with her? Most women loved talking about relationship crap. Why does she look embarrassed, like she wants to avoid the subject?

“Us. As in Duncan and Thea. As in the two people who’ve been having sex.” His voice had risen with his anger.

Her face turned a brighter shade of red. “Well, yes we had sex.” She stood and went to the sink. “I just thought you were used to that sort of thing.”

“That sort of thing?” he yelled. What was wrong with him? He never yelled.

She sighed as she wiped her hands. “Duncan, you have a certain…reputation in town. If Chase is the flirt, you are the perpetual bachelor. You never get serious about anyone.”

“That’s not true.” Okay, maybe it was a little true but it wasn’t polite to point that out. She should be clinging to him.

“Yes. It is true.” She crossed her arms beneath her breasts and he was momentarily distracted by the gesture. He lifted his gaze to her face. Her eyes were serious, her mouth unsmiling. “Duncan, you don’t have to worry. You aren’t into commitment. I don’t want you pretending to be serious about me because you feel you have to. I’m not really looking for a serious relationship either. My marriage…well, it wasn’t the best as you know. I don’t want to run into another relationship on the rebound.”

“Are you telling me I’m your rebound guy?” He’d played that guy before, but for some reason it left a sour taste in his mouth now.

“Duncan. Stop it. I won’t have you trying to intimidate me.” She tipped her chin up a notch and placed her fisted hands on her hips.

Feeling an emotion a little too close to fear, he blurted out the first thing that came to his mind. “Honey, all I’m trying to do is save your ass. Close quarters is all this is about.”

The moment the words were out of his mouth, he regretted them. Every bit of emotion drained from her face and her eyes turned cold and distant.

BOOK: Her Mother's Killer
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