Her Lucky Love (6 page)

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Authors: Carrie Ann Ryan

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Her Lucky Love
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“Ally?” Brayden called as he ran through the door. His hair looked disheveled, his jacket undone, and his clothes looked thrown on. His eyes were bright, his body taut, his fists clenched.

Lacy wiggled from Allison’s side and ran to his open arms. He held her close, and Allison watched as he closed his eyes and stood there with her daughter in his arms like a father who’d almost lost his child.

She didn’t have time to think about how she felt about that. Her arm hurt as though she was dying, and her son was in pain.

Her feelings would have to wait.

Aiden helped her stand as the paramedics came and began to treat both her and Cameron, insisting they would also need to go to the hospital for further treatment. Even though the costs would be scary as hell, there was no question of its necessity.

Aiden gripped her hand, and she held him close.

“Bray,” she whispered, and he came closer to her, Lacy in his arms. “Can you watch Aiden and Lacy while they look at my arm please?” Her voice shook, and she knew if she didn’t let them give her something for the pain, she’d break down and sob right there.

“Anything you need,” he said, he voice strained as though he was holding something back.

Aiden held onto her hand for dear life, but he slid under Brayden’s arm.

“Ma’am?” The female paramedic had finished bandaging her arm up, but Allison knew it wasn’t over. “We’re going to take your son in the ambulance because we’re afraid he hit his head and he needs to get to the hospital to get his arm set. Though I know you’ll want to be with him, I need you to come with him because this wound is going to need stitches.”

She nodded, not surprised. “Is Cameron going to be okay?”

The woman gave a reassuring smile. “Your little boy is very brave. He’s going to be fine, but we need to get to the hospital soon in any case. I’m worried about the cut you have.”

She nodded and looked for Brayden, needing to make sure he’d take care of things.

“Don’t worry, Ally. I’ll take Aiden and Lacy with me in my truck and we’ll meet you two at the hospital. They won’t leave my sight. You can trust me.”

“You know I do.”

His eyes flickered, but he didn’t say anything, merely nodded.

“Be good for Brayden,” she said as the paramedics led her and Cameron to the doors of the ambulance.

“I’m scared, Mommy,” Lacy said as she sucked on her thumb, a habit that she’d long since given up.

Greg’s brother had taken more than just a night away from her family. He’d taken their security and so much more by breaking into their home and hurting her and Cameron.

Allison didn’t know how she was going to fix that—how she
fix that. However, though her mind wanted to run in a thousand different directions, she first needed to focus on her son. Then she could make a list and plans for everything else. One step at a time while planning for a hundred.

That was her mom motto.

Her hands shook as she took Cameron’s tiny one. He looked up at her with his big green eyes and tried to smile.

“Hey, brave boy, we’re going to make you all better.” Her voice trembled, but she smiled back.

“They said I’d get a cast. Can I get it in green? And will everyone sign it? Even Brayden?”

Brayden again. It seemed he was tangled in their lives on every level he could get but hers. Something that wouldn’t change—couldn’t change.

“Let’s see what colors they have first, but if they have green, I don’t see why not.” She took a deep breath at the thought that he even needed a cast. “And we’ll all sign it, even Brayden.”

His lips trembled as tears slid down his face. The paramedic was at Cameron’s side, checking his vitals and then her arm, but she could at least hold her baby’s hand and squeeze.

“I know it hurts, Cam, but we’ll get you better soon.”

“I’m sorry, Mommy.”

There was that Mommy again. She was only that when he was scared or in trouble. As much as she loved to be Mommy again, she hated the thought of Cameron so scared.

“We’ll talk later about what you did.” She couldn’t bear to think of it at the moment.

“But, he was hurting you like Daddy used to. I didn’t want you to get hurt anymore. I’m sorry I jumped on that man and you.”

The paramedic’s sharp eyes met hers, and she raised her chin. Yes, she’d stayed with a man who beat her. She still didn’t know why, but that was her cross to bear.

And her children’s.

Something she’d never forgive herself for.

Allison looked into her son’s eyes and prayed that the shadows that lurked would fade away, leaving only the innocence of a boy who wanted his mom. Though things were never that easy.

“You should have done what I asked and stayed with Aiden. As much as I love that you stood up for yourself and me, I don’t want you hurt. Okay?” Cameron nodded. “We’ll talk more later.”

The ambulance stopped, and the back door opened. She kissed Cameron’s hand and climbed out, letting the doctors and nurses take her through the Emergency Room doors as she watched them do the same to her son.


She turned and saw Brayden walk through the doors, Lacy in his arms and Aiden holding his hand. The corners of her mouth lifted in a weak smile as some of the pressure on her heart lifted.

Brayden would take care of them while she got her stitches and Cameron’s bone could be set. At least she could count on him for that.

Seventeen stitches later, with a list of instructions on how to care for the wound, she had to sit in the waiting room with the entire Cooper clan—minus Tyler—while Cameron went to get a X-ray. She would rather have been back there with him, but she knew he was in safe hands. Tyler had gone back with him since she had been getting fixed herself at the time.

Allison slid into the seat beside Brayden and wrapped her uninjured arm around Aiden.

“You did so good, you know that?” She kissed the top of his head and held him hard. “You took care of your sister and made sure she was okay. I’m so proud of you.”

He looked up at her with dried tears on his cheeks. “But, I let Cameron get hurt.”

She kissed his forehead and brushed his shaggy hair from his face. “No, David hurt Cameron, not you. You can’t control everything your brother and sister do. I know Cam shouldn’t have done what he did, but you took care of Lacy, so I’m proud of you. Do you understand?”

He nodded and laid his head on her shoulder, his breath ragged.

Allison looked over at Lacy in a deep sleep, her little cherub face on Brayden’s chest. Thank God Lace could sleep after what she’d just seen. Allison wasn’t sure she would be able to herself.

“Thank you,” she said to Bray, her eyes on his.

“You shouldn’t have to thank me,” he grumbled. “This shouldn’t have happened to begin with.”

The vehemence in his voice surprised her and brought her hand to his arm. “I know. I want to hurt him too.”

Brayden breathed out through his nose, as if trying to rein in his temper, and shook his head. “You’re not going back to your place.”

She frowned and looked at the other Coopers in the room. The men looked as though they were ready to punch something while the women looked like they’d be right at their heels.

Allison felt overwhelmed at all the support in the room and the fact that these people treated her like family, even though she knew she wasn’t.

“Mrs. Malone?” the doctor asked as he walked into the room. She stood quickly, Aiden by her side, and the rest of the Coopers joined her, though Brayden sat where he was, Lacy still asleep in his lap.

“That’s me. Is he okay? Can I see him now?”

“Cameron is going to be fine, it’s a compound break of his radius, and since he’s still growing, it will heal quickly. He’ll just need to rest a bit.”

Even though the idea of a broken bone scared her, relief poured through her, and her knees felt weak. Jackson held her by the waist, keeping her up, and she could have sworn she heard a growl coming from Brayden’s direction, but she couldn’t be sure.

A nurse wheeled Cameron out from the door behind the doctor, and Allison rushed to him, hugging him as tight as she could without breaking either of them.

“It’s green!” Cameron pumped his unbroken arm and smiled, though his eyes looked a bit loopy from the pain and drugs.

Apparently, all it took was the color cast they wanted and kids bounced back.

The doctor gave yet another list of instructions, leaving Allison, her children, and the Coopers alone in the waiting room.

“You’re staying with me,” Brayden ordered in the silence.

She raised a brow at his tone. “Excuse me?”

“Good going,” Matt coughed, and Jordan elbowed him in the stomach.

Brayden narrowed his eyes on Matt and stood with a sleeping Lacy in his arms. “The door to your place is broken, and it isn’t safe. I have tons of room, and I want you to stay with me.” He waited a beat. “Please.”

Staying with the man she was attracted to? So not a good idea, but she didn’t want to be alone, not when she needed help to make sure her kids were safe. God that grated on her.

“I don’t take kindly to orders,” she said evenly, knowing her children and the Coopers were watching their every movement.

“I’m sorry. I should have said it differently. But, please,” he pleaded.

Allison could get over the fact that she was staying with a man she wanted; she had to. She had her kids to think about.

She let out a breath. “Fine, but I don’t want to inconvenience you.”

“You won’t.”

Cameron hugged her hard and kissed her arm. “We’ll be okay, Mom. Brayden’s cool.”

Aiden smiled and hugged her other side. “And his house is big, so we’ll have room.”

God, kid, hit me where it hurts
. She knew she didn’t have enough to keep them happy, but it hurt to have it thrown in her face.

Brayden took Aiden by the shoulder and frowned as if he knew what she was thinking. It was disconcerting, like they were a real family and he was her other half, her support…her anchor.

Rina came up to them and ruffled Cameron’s hair. “We can go and get your things for you. How about you guys just go to Bray’s and get some sleep? It’s late.”

“Thank you, but we can do it.”

Jackson shook his head. “No, we can handle it. I know you don’t want people pawing through your things, but you need rest. Between the women and us, we should be able to get you what you need. And if we don’t, we’ll get it later.”

Allison shrugged, knowing she was beaten. “Thank you.”

“No problem, hon,” Justin said as he kissed her cheek.

That started the procession of the Coopers, leaving her and her kids alone in the room with Brayden.

“Let’s head out now. It’s been a long day.”

“I need to take care of the billing first,” she said, her head aching even thinking about the cost.

“It’s taken care of.”

She froze, anger rising. “Excuse me?”

“We’ll talk about it later, okay?” He nodded toward the kids, and she lifted her chin.

Oh, they’d be talking about it later.

They made their way to his place, and she stared at it in awe. She’d seen it before, known how large the home was, but now that she was going to stay there, it made her feel small, like her little place wasn’t good enough. She knew that wasn’t Brayden’s intention, but it’s what happened anyway.

They got the kids settled in one of the guest rooms as they all wanted to stay together, not quite trying to mask their fears. She and Brayden tucked them in and let them sleep, even though the sun would be rising any moment.

It was a little too domestic for her taste, but she’d push through.

Brayden showed her where she would be sleeping, a room in between the master bedroom and the guest room where the kids were staying.

They both stood in the doorway, shuffling from foot to foot.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“We have a lot to talk about, but, Ally, I won’t let anything happen to you and the kids.”

She desperately wanted to believe that, but she knew just because someone said it, didn’t make it true.

Without warning, he framed her face and lowered his lips to hers. He tasted of coffee and mint, like Brayden. Before she could lean in and let the brush of lips turn into more, he pulled back.

“I’ll take care of you,” he whispered.

“I don’t need taken care of. I just need a place to rest.”

He nodded, understanding in his eyes. “I’ll see you when we wake up.”

He left her in the doorway, her body warm from his touch, yet cooling with the fear that came with it.

They had too much to talk about, too much in their way.

It wasn’t the time for feelings and relationships. David could be back at any moment, and her kids were her first priority. Always.

When she laid her head on her pillow, it wasn’t her children or David that filled her thoughts. No, it was the touch of soft lips and the promise that came with it.

Chapter 5


“Do you want syrup with your pancakes? Or jelly?” Brayden asked as he dished out breakfast to the three hungry children at the table in his breakfast nook.

“Gross, jelly? Who puts jelly on pancakes? That’s just for toast.”

Lacy giggled and gently touched Cameron’s green cast and Cam shifted, so he could show it off.

Apparently having it broken in a fit of rage from an intruder didn’t faze him a bit. No, the kid only cared about the fact that he had the totally cool new green cast for all of his friends to sign.

Brayden vaguely remembered being that age.

“I want a pool of syrup,” Lacy explained as she tried to take the bottle from him. He pulled back, remembering the syrup fight he’d had with Justin when he’d been younger and the look of horror on his mom’s face when she returned to the kitchen after being gone for two minutes at most.

“I’ll pour,” he said quickly and covered her cakes then did the same to the boys so she wouldn’t feel like a little kid.

Aiden seem to understand, but Cameron frowned before he cut into his stack.

The three of them had woken him up that morning by standing by his bedside staring. Not moving, not saying anything, just staring at him.

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