Her Dangerous Promise - Part 4: (Romantic Suspense Serial)

BOOK: Her Dangerous Promise - Part 4: (Romantic Suspense Serial)
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Her Dangerous Promise

Part 4

Copyright 2014 by Elizabeth Drake

Cover Art Copyrighted 2014 by Ravynheart Publishing

Image Copyright: conrado

Used under license from


Kindle Edition

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, places, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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Her Dangerous Promise
is a 4-part serialized novel, intended to be read in order. If you’ve not read the first part, you can find it here:

Her Dangerous Promise:

Part 1 - Release date 1/20/15

Part 2 - Release date 2/10/15

Part 3 - Release date 3/3/15

Part 4 - Release date 3/24/15

(link coming soon)

Chapter One

“Why do I have to wear a wire?” Mary asked, as she examined the tiny device Thom handed her. “If he shows up, you will arrest him before he even gets in the house.”

“I want to be able to know you are all right at all times.” Thom held out his hand and Mary returned it to him. “You’ll also feel better, I think, knowing you are not really alone.”

“That’s true.”

Thom considered the outfit Mary had selected to wear. He’d suggested she pick out a dress in the style they knew Adam preferred. They’d swung by a department store on the way home to buy a white cotton sweater that resembled the one Adam had kept. Dressing Mary up like a fishing lure, knowing that some nasty critter was going to swim up on her and try to snatch her away again, knotted his stomach.

Thom stepped back and appraised the outfit. She looked innocent enough in her long summer dress. The line of buttons from the collar to the waist tempted him to wonder what would be revealed as each one was undone. The fabric wasn’t form fitting but he’d had glimpses of her shape before. How could she expect him to be so close to her and keep his hands, or his mouth, to himself? The heat he felt rising in him deepened his voice as he said, “I need to unbutton your dress so I can tape on the microphone.”

Mary raised her eyebrows, “My, my, the things you must do in the line of duty.”

“Yeah, it’s brutal.” Thom hooked his finger in the front of her dress and drew her closer to him. “Especially with buttons.” He unhooked the first one. “I know I am not supposed to damage this dress.” He undid another one. “But, what I really want to do is tear this thing off you.”

Mary licked her lips nervously. “You certainly know how to make a lady blush.”

He finished unfastening the buttons to her navel and opened the dress to reveal her torso. The creamy, smooth flesh of Mary’s stomach trembled under his touch. Thom ran his palms up her bare waist to her ribs. When Mary gasped, he glanced up and smiled. “Brad won’t be back for at least an hour.”

Mary grabbed the front of his sweatshirt, her smoldering eyes never breaking from his and backed toward the bad. As she sat on the edge, he knelt before her. “Mary,” he murmured. “I’ve wanted you so much.”

The kiss she gave him was all the encouragement he needed. A firestorm of desire swept through him like a tornado, igniting his senses as he drank of her sweet mouth. His hands found the hem of the dress, then traced up the length of her bare thighs as he slipped between them. He circled her hips and jerked her forward so she pressed against his stomach.

Mary gasped in response, and then kissed him deeper, more urgently. Her hands slid under his sweatshirt and she disengaged the kiss just long enough to yank it off and toss it aside.

Thom stripped away her sweater, and then slipped her dress up over her head. He leaned back and marveled in the sight of her. There was nothing innocent or demure about her in her lacy peach underwear. Her curves were made for sin and he couldn’t resist the temptation.

With his hands on her waist, he lifted her. Thom slipped onto the bed and settled her down so she straddled his lap. He knew she felt his need for her straining against his jeans and she worked herself over him encouragingly.

Thom wanted to see more of her, all of her. He unclasped her bra and tore it away. Her back arched, making her wiggle even more enticingly on his lap and bringing her full, lovely breasts to his mouth. He latched on to the right one and swirled the tip of her nipple with his tongue. She hugged his head to her and cried, “Thom! Yes!”

Easing her to the side, Thom laid Mary on the bed. Her hands fumbled with his zipper, so he brushed them aside and removed his clothes himself. Only her thin panties separated them now and she raised her hips to help him remove that remaining obstacle. As much as he wanted her in that moment, Thom stopped long enough to dig his wallet out of his pants and pull out a condom. It just took a moment to sheath himself. The caring precaution taken care of, Thom returned his full attention to Mary. 

The tip of him pressed at her entrance, slowly penetrating her core. He kissed her neck as she tossed her head back and moaned. Thom braced his hands against her hips, forcing her down as he buried himself deeper inside her.

Her fingers clutched at his hair, urging him to keep kissing her neck just below the ear. He could smell the flowery shampoo she used, the sweet bite of her perfume and the creamy scent that was Mary.

He withdrew from his first pioneering stroke inside her and thrust forward again. She was so soft all around him. With each of his movements she rose to demand more of him and with each pulsing strike he obliged. Thom wanted her to take all of him and she did with a shuddering cry.

Mary’s legs circled his hips and gripped him in spasms. Her fingers dug desperately into his back. His roar of release was muffled against her throat as Thom emptied himself in her depths.

For several quivering seconds he rested on top of Mary while his heart rate slowed to an endurable speed. He feathered kisses on her jaw, neck and breasts.

“You’re beautiful,” he mumbled against her skin, “and tasty.”

From the bedroom they heard the front door shut. Brad called out, “Pizza’s here!”

Thom cursed and pulled back from Mary. “We’ll definitely have to try this again later, when we have more time.”


“I messed up your hair.”

“I expect so.”

“You have another hickie.”

Mary’s eyes widened. “You didn’t!” Her hand flew up to her neck and touched the red circle Thom left.

They dressed quickly and then Thom dealt with the microphone. The small packet with the battery and transmitter weighed less than a pound and Thom secured it in the hollow at the small of Mary’s back with surgical tape. The wire he snaked around to the front and with Mary’s help, he slipped the mini microphone up between her breasts. Her skin still burned to his touch.

“That’s got it,” Thom said, standing up.

Mary hooked her hands around his neck and pulled him to her. Her kiss was liquid and full of promise. Thom cupped her breasts, feeling her excited nipples growing hard beneath the fabric. He worked them with his thumbs until she gasped.

With effort, Thom backed away. His control hung by a thread. “Very soon. But not now.”

“Don’t make me wait too long,” Mary said, closing her buttons.

Chapter Two

Even with the immediate concerns, Mary found her thoughts returning to Thom and not in a professional capacity. She’d never felt so unhesitatingly attracted to someone before. After the brief taste of his love, she wanted him even more. She longed to share her life with him and never look back.

There was only one way for them to have a chance together and that was to get this whole Adam Fielding business settled. And dallying in her bedroom was just putting off the inevitable.

Mary shook her hands, trying to cast off her nerves. Pacing back and forth in her bedroom did nothing to settle down her emotions.

The specter of Adam loomed over her like a toxic cloud. She knew he would come for her and her instincts screamed for her to run. The trap had been her idea and she couldn’t chicken out now, not with other lives at stake. They’d been lucky to find Nancy but the next time he wouldn’t take his victim home.

Adam was developmentally challenged but he wasn’t stupid. They had to stop him tonight.

With a final deep breath, Mary left the safety of her bedroom. Thom and Brad waited in the living room. They’d ordered a large pizza and the house smelled warmly of cheese and pepperoni. They’d gone ahead and eaten without her, since they were not going to have a chance while on stake out.

Brad wiped his mouth with a paper napkin. “Well, I better get into position. It’s starting to get dark.” He’d changed out of his police uniform into black jeans and sweatshirt. With his heavy duty gun belt, he looked like a cat burglar. “I’ll be out back, in the narrow space between the garage and the fence. He won’t be able to get in the back door without me seeing him.”

“Thank you, Brad.” Mary squeezed his muscular arm. “You’ve been great today.”

“Just doing my job,” Brad tossed off a cocky, two-finger salute. “Besides, I don’t usually get to do the fun stuff like sitting a stake out. I’m looking forward to it.”

“Give it four or five hours,” Thom said. “The thrill wears off.”

Brad waved and went out the back door. Mary followed him and locked it.

“I’ll be driving the SUV a few blocks over, and then I’ll come back and hang out with your neighbor across the street.”

Mary stifled a smile.


“Mrs. Jorgenson will talk your ear off. She doesn’t get much company.”

“I’m sure she’s perfectly pleasant.” Thom cleaned up the used paper plates and soda cans. “Besides, she can talk all she likes, as long as she doesn’t care if I’m not listening.”

“Meanwhile, what should I be doing?”

Thom glanced around. “Stash a few things about that you can use for weapons. Your baseball bat, a frying pan, whatever you feel comfortable wielding at the guy’s head.”

“The blood from Mary’s face froze and drained away. I thought you said he wasn’t going to get in here.”

“That’s the plan.” Thom drew his 9 mm pistol, popped out the clip, checked it and slapped it back in. He chambered a round and thumbed the safety before returning it to his holster. “But, you know that old saying; if you want to make God laugh, tell him you have a plan.”

“Now I feel tons better. Thanks.”

Thom let her sarcasm slide. The muscles in his face tightened with his serious attitude. “Keep the doors locked.”

If a capable cop like Thom was concerned, Mary knew the situation was precarious. For a fleeting moment she considered calling off the whole operation but restrained herself. “Anything else?”

Thom’s glance slid up Mary’s body, leaving a tingling trail as if he’d touched her. “The outfit looks good. We want to make sure he sees it. After I leave, open the curtains and turn on the lights. Keep walking around. He might not see you if you sit down. Find something to do, so you are not just pacing.”

“Right,” Mary sighed, rubbing the chill bumps from her arms. “He’s the bull and I’m the red flag.” She flapped her arms. “Here I am, Mr. Bull. Come and get me.”

Thom cracked a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “Something like that.”

“I can do that.”

“Good.” Thom collected her in his arms. “We’ll be right outside. Remember, my cell phone number is on your speed dial, in case you get nervous.”

Chapter Three

“I wish you could stay.” The twist of worry in her voice cut like a blade.

“You can change your mind. Call it off now.”

“No. I have to do this.”

He stroked his thumb over her lips. “I won’t be far.”

Mary nodded. Her golden hair spilled around her shoulders, enticing Thom to tangle his fist in it and force her to him but he didn’t. He wanted her. Badly. His heart never stopped yarning for her. His hands never stopped wanting to touch her. If it wasn’t her life on the line, he would chuck the whole plan, scoop her up and carry her off to the bedroom. But it was her life on the line. “I have to go. With any luck, this will be over tonight.”

Mary walked him to the door, with her arm looped through his. “What if he doesn’t show? How late will you stay out there?”

“All night if necessary.”

“With Mrs. Jorgenson?” She raised an eyebrow playfully.

“I promise no hanky-panky.”

Mary smiled up at him. “That’s good to know.”

Mary kissed him a quick goodbye and slipped out of his grasp, leaving his body chilled without her pressed against him.

“I’ll be watching,” he said. He let himself out and waited until he heard the lock click into place before he walked down the driveway to his SUV. Without turning his head, he scanned the street. No white vans. No one in sight. Good. Maybe this whole exercise would prove unnecessary. He hated leaving Mary in a fishbowl with a cat stalking her.

He climbed in his SUV and backed down the driveway. The plan was to make it appear as if he left her alone. He drove down the street and found a parking spot a block over. As he walked back, Thom dialed the station.

The night dispatcher answered his call.

“This is Inspector Brady,” he said. “Any progress on the APB for Adam Fielding or his van?”

“Nothing yet,” the perky female voice assured him.

“This shouldn’t take that long.” Thom glanced around again, feeling unease stir around him like the night air.

“Maybe he left town.”

“Highway patrol would have spotted him on the freeway.”

“He could be holed up somewhere. Someplace where he could hide the van in a garage.”

“No,” Thom spotted movement and paused. With his hand on his gun, he waited a second until two kids on bicycles coasted out of a driveway and down the street past him. Thom dropped his hand from his weapon and continued. “He didn’t have any friends.”

“Regardless, he still hasn’t surfaced. We’ll ring you when something turns up,” the dispatched promised.

“Thanks.” Thom flipped the phone closed and hooked it in the case on his belt. He made his way up the street one block over from Mrs. Jorgenson’s house, then crossed through the backyards until he reached her back porch.

Mrs. Jorgenson was waiting for him. She beamed with excitement as she let him in. Her dog barked wildly at the sight of him, leaping and snapping its sharp little jaws. “I thought you might not come,” her age-worn voice warbled. “I saw you drive away.”

“Remember we talked about this.” He followed her inside. “I would drive away and come in the back.”

“I know.” She blinked nearsightedly up at him and smiled so all the little wrinkles in her face lifted to outline her eyes and mouth, making her look like a shriveled peeled apple. “But you never know.”

“Right.” Thom stepped over the yappy Yorkie that jumped in circles around his ankles.

“This is so exciting.” Mrs. Jorgenson clapped her little hands. “Just like Law and Order.”

“Don’t mind me. I’ll just set up by the front window.” Thom stopped in his tracks as he took in the living room. The wingback chair he’d admired when he approached Mrs. Jorgenson with the plan earlier that day had been shoved over by the window. A tray piled with sandwiches, a pitcher of iced lemonade with a large glass and a huge set of binoculars waited for him on the end table. “Mrs. Jorgenson, you didn’t need to go to all this trouble.”

“I’ve seen how you policemen do stakeouts on Law and Order.”

“I see.” Thom settled in his seat by the window and peeked through the vertical blinds. Mary, clearly visible in her front picture window, dusted the living room with nervous energy. He hoped she’d slow down or she might wear herself out before the first hour mark.

Thom switched on the recording equipment set to the frequency of the wire Mary wore and inserted the remote ear bud so he could hear her. She gave a running commentary of her activity to her cat and him as well. It made him smile to hear her chattering away to herself.

“Try the binoculars.” Mrs. Jorgenson perched on her recliner across from him. It rotated on its base so she could face the window too.

“Mrs. Jorgenson,” Thom raised an eyebrow at her. “Have you done this before?”

“I’m part of the neighborhood watch,” she twittered proudly in her high-pitched warble. Her short legs swung inches above the floor with excitement, like a child’s. “You’re not working with a rookie.”

He grinned at her. “I’m glad you’re on our side.”

The Yorkie barked and balanced on its hind legs, pawing the air.

“Petey likes you.”

Thom reached to pet him but Petey snapped at his fingers. “I’d hate to see how he treats someone he doesn’t like.”

“Petey, behave yourself,” Mrs. Jorgenson scolded but Petey ignored her shrill rebuke.

Thom picked a slice of ham from one of the sandwiches and tossed it to the dog. He snatched it from mid-air and gobbled it down. Licking his lips with his too long tongue, Petey sat his furry rear on Thom’s sneakers and leaned heavily against his ankle.

“See,” she said, “I told you he likes you.”

Thom glanced across the street. Mary ran the vacuum cleaner attachments over her furniture. While he enjoyed watching her hips swish with her movements, Thom pulled out his walkie-talkie. “Brad. I’m in position. Over.”

“Oh!” Mrs. Jorgenson clapped. “Just like on Law and Order.”

The radio crackled silence.

“Brad,” Thom said, “do you copy?”


Thom stifled the first curse word that popped in his head and instead muttered a censored, “Rats. He must have forgotten to turn it on.”

Mrs. Jorgenson myopically blinked at him. “They would never do that on Law and Order.”

“We can’t all be as efficient as the guys on Law and Order.”

“So I see,” she tsked. “You should call for back up.”

“No need,” he assured her. “It’s just a little glitch.”

“Do you want me to run over there and tell your partner to turn on his radio?”

Thom pictured little Mrs. Jorgenson tottering over and tromping right up to Brad’s location, pointing him out to anyone watching. He got up. “No, I’ll do it.”

“Oh!” Mrs. Jorgenson hopped up and trotted after him on her short legs like Petey to the back door. “But on Law and Order they would—”

Thom turned around and she crashed into him. “I got it, really.” He caught her by the elbows before she fell and broke her hip. “I’ll be back in a minute or two. You’ll see.”

“If you are sure…” She put her delicate fingertips to her mouth and if she had any fingernails she probably would have been biting them.

Thom crept through three backyards to distance himself from the scene before crossing over to Mary’s side of the street. Twilight cloaked him in the shadows. He sincerely hoped none of the neighbors noticed him trampling through their property and reported a peeping tom. By crossing the street several houses down, Thom hoped that if Adam Fielding was hiding nearby watching Mary’s house, he wouldn’t notice a man casually strolling down the block. Once across the street he glanced around for any sign. He saw no one. He figured if Adam showed up at all it wouldn’t be until late, after Mary and all her neighbors went to sleep. The lenses of the binoculars poked through the blinds of Mrs. Jorgenson’s front window, pointing at him. He waved and a tiny hand stuck between the blinds and waved back. He smiled to himself. Mary was right. Mrs. Jorgenson could liven up a tedious stakeout. Still, he’d have to explain to her about keeping a low profile. Anyone making a casual glance at her house would see those binoculars.

Thom jumped the fences across the backyards back toward Mary’s house. This was Brad’s first stake out and forgetting to make sure his radio was on and turned to the correct frequency was a rookie mistake. He hadn’t been the first on the force to commit that faux pas but he hadn’t expected it of Brad. That’s why he’d tapped him to help—that and the fact he didn’t mind the unofficial nature of the assignment.

Over the wire, Thom heard Mary chatting away. She was doing the dishes, he guessed, from the clatter of the plates. From what he remembered, she hadn’t had any dirty dishes in the sink. She must have pulled them down from the cabinet to give herself something to do. Going stir-crazy in there, he thought, shaking his head.

Thom maneuvered along the back fence of each yard until he reached Mary’s. The detached garage at the back of her yard opened on an alley. Brad was supposed to be holed up in the narrow passageway between the chain link fence along the side of the yard and the garage.

As he jumped over the last fence, Thom whispered Brad’s name.

He could see him lying on his stomach, facing the back of Mary’s house. The deeply shadowed spot offered an excellent hiding place.

“Brad,” he said louder as he crouched down beside his ankles, unable to move further without stepping over him. He shook Brad’s foot but still received no reply. “Oh no.”

Staying down, Thom crept over him as best he could in the narrow space. He was sprawled face down on the dried mat of leaves that had accumulated there. Thom pulled out his flashlight and shone it on his face. A red welt burned on his temple with a thin trickle of blood still dribbling down his face.

He slipped his fingers inside the collar of Brad’s shirt and felt his neck for a pulse. It was there, strong and steady.

Over the headset he heard Mary talking about how badly the litter box needed cleaning. She was still safe, for the moment.

Thom pulled out his cell phone and started dialing. Brad needed an ambulance and he needed back up. Adam was in the area.

A crunching sound drew his attention. Thom raised the beam of his flashlight in time to see Adam Fielding coming down on him with a broken broom handle. Without room enough to maneuver, Thom’s attempt to dodge backward failed.

The blow caught him across the side of his face, knocking him back, leaving him dazed. The sparkles dancing in front of his eyes hadn’t completely cleared when the second strike found its mark.

Thom slumped down on top of Brad. His last thought, to shout a warning to Mary, faded before it could reach his lips.

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