Read Her Alien Commander Online

Authors: Ashe Barker

Her Alien Commander (6 page)

BOOK: Her Alien Commander
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Moisture glistened on the plump, pink folds, leaking from her cunt to dampen her inner thighs. His little human might scream and squirm and beg him not to touch her, but her body thought differently. Her submissive nature was plain enough. It was there, dripping between her thighs, and he could work with it.

“Thank you, Caria. You may close your legs now if you wish to. You’ve done as I asked, and now it’s time to make you more comfortable.”

He pulled apart the knot securing her wrists and rubbed her arms as she stretched and rolled her shoulders. Then he reached under her shoulders to help her stand up. He positioned her in front of him, between his legs. Her bedraggled clothing hung from her body, tattered and ruined. Her features were also ravaged, her cheeks tearstained and her eyes red-rimmed. Her expressive mouth quivered as she stood before him, still, trembling, her face a confused mixture of fear and relief.

“Your first spanking, Caria?” He knew the answer already.

She nodded, then seemed to remember his instructions earlier. “I’m sorry. I mean, yes. Yes, sir.”

His cock had stiffened at the first sight of her naked buttocks, but leapt to rigid attention now at her use of the polite honorific. She would be perfect, quite ideal for his needs.

“I thought so. And now you feel scared, small, humiliated? Am I right?”

She closed her eyes, and seemed to sway on her feet. Phahlen had seen enough. He reached for her and pulled her to him, then cradled her in his lap as she wept.


* * *


Caria watched him warily from her perch on the sofa. Phahlen was aware of the intensity of her gaze as he perused the various reports coming in from different stations on his ship. The harvesting of thermal output had been successfully completed and the craft was under way again, headed first for Galeian space to offload their unwelcome passengers. Phahlen couldn’t get rid of them fast enough and he checked the
’s propulsion reserves yet again to see if they could safely eke even a small amount more power from their energy cells in order to reach their destination more quickly. Sadly not, they were at optimum levels, a sure sign that Baren was at the helm.

A light flashed on his hand-held console. Phahlen tapped a key and called out a greeting.

“Doctor, come in.” He stood to greet the Vahlean medic who bustled into his quarters, all efficiency and surety of purpose.

“Commander. I understand you have a human female you wish me to… ah, yes, I see.” The doctor eyed Caria with undisguised concern. “She looks somewhat subdued, sir.”

In Phahlen’s experience a decent spanking would usually achieve such an end. He had every confidence that Caria would brighten soon enough. “I require you to conduct the usual tests and clear her for reproductive purposes. She is also undernourished and likely to be affected by a prolonged deficiency in natural daylight.”

“She is pale, certainly. I can prescribe the necessary supplements to redress any imbalances.” The doctor approached to stand before Caria. He appraised the girl critically for several moments, then crouched before her. “My name is Morele. I am a physician and I am here to make sure that you are healthy. I need to start by examining you so I will require you to stand, and to remove your gown, please.”

Caria looked not at the doctor but straight at Phahlen, her gaze startled and imploring. He had produced her current garment, a loose-fitting kimono-style wrap to replace the tattered suit she had chosen for herself. A replacement all-in-one suit identical to the one he ruined awaited her for after this examination was concluded. Phahlen gestured to her with his fingers that she should stand up and do as the doctor asked.

Caria got to her feet, reluctance crackling from her. She stood, stiff, her narrow shoulders back and her chin raised. She stared at a point somewhere to the left of Phahlen and made no move to unfasten the belt holding her wrap closed.

The doctor frowned, and Phahlen stepped forward. He undid the belt and slipped the soft garment from her shoulders. Caria flinched but made no attempt to prevent his actions. She did, however, wrap one arm across her small breasts and with the other she attempted to shield her pussy from their view.

“Hmm, she needs an implant,” the doctor huffed. “I will do it while I’m here.”

“No need,” said Phahlen. “Caria will adapt just fine. Please, conclude the tests as quickly as possible.” He stood behind Caria and bent to murmur in her ear, “Do exactly as you are told and this will soon be over. The examination will be intimate, but not painful, and I shall remain here the whole time.”

She managed a small nod, but still took a step back when the doctor reached for her wrist.

“Caria…” The warning note in his tone was carefully cultivated, and seemed to have the desired effect. Caria allowed the doctor to affix a light band around her upper arm, a monitor that would record her heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, and a host of other physical signs. The doctor consulted his diagnostic tablet and appeared content.

“If you could just lie down on the couch, and spread your legs, please.”

Phahlen expected a protest and was not disappointed. Caria whirled toward him and would have tried to bolt for the door had he not stopped her flight with an arm around her slim waist. “Just close your eyes, count to one hundred, and by the time you finish, this will be over,” he promised.

“Sir…?” She looked up at him, fear and indecision writ large across her features.

Phahlen decided to settle the matter for her. “Caria, you have no choice. Do not make this more difficult for yourself than it has to be.” He lifted her in his arms and carried her the couple of paces over to the couch where her wrap lay draped across one end. He laid her lengthways on the cushions and seated himself behind her head, angling his hips to half face her. “Your hands, please, Caria.”

He noted that her eyes were already closed as she reached her arms above her head to offer her hands to him. He gripped her wrists and held both in one of his hands, then used the other to wind his fist in the thick tresses of her hair.

“I’ll be here the entire time. All you need to do is remain still, and answer any questions that either I or the doctor put to you. Do you understand, Caria?”

Her mouth flattened and she nodded again.

“Caria, talk to me. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir,” she whispered.

“Good. So now, spread your legs as wide as you can.”

He had to hand it to her, she made a decent attempt. Keeping her feet together, Caria allowed her knees to separate, affording the doctor a decent view of her pussy. The medic glanced dispassionately at his target, then delved into his bag to extract a cylindrical probe.

“She would be more accessible with a couple of cushions under her hips. That would present a better angle. Do you have any?”

“In the sleeping chamber.” Phahlen tilted his chin to indicate the correct door.

The doctor scuttled off, to return a few moments later with two pillows. “If you could just get her to lift up…”

Phahlen released his grip on Caria’s hair to reach down and shove his hand under her bottom. She yelped at the contact with her still tender flesh but allowed him to lift her up sufficiently for the doctor to ram the pillows under her hips. The medic appeared satisfied and picked up the probe again.

“I am going to insert this into her vagina. Once in contact with her cervix the probe emits a magnetic pulse that will pinpoint any anatomical irregularities. By the look of her I would say she seems quite dry and tight so perhaps a little lubricant…” He proceeded to smear the probe with a generous helping of gel before placing it between Caria’s pussy lips. He started to press it into her body.

Caria whimpered, and Phahlen saw that tears were already leaking from behind her eyelids.

“Hold it a moment,” he instructed. He leaned over her to murmur in her ear, “Morele will be gentle, but would it help if I were to insert the probe?”

She nodded hard. “Yes, please. I think…”

He squeezed her hands, still engulfed within his. “Keep very still for me then. Agreed?”

“Yes,” she whispered. “I will, sir.”

He released her hands and was gratified to see she made no attempt to lower her arms. He shifted around to sit by her feet and took the probe from the doctor.

“It needs to go right inside, as high into her vagina as it can reach. The better the contact with her cervix, the more effective the internal scan will be.”

Phahlen used one hand to part the soft lips of her pussy. He was as gentle as he knew how to be, opening her entrance just enough to insert the end of the probe again. The lubricant coating the instrument no doubt helped, but he was pleased to see some of Caria’s own moisture also gathering to ease the way even more.

He had been right to take over. His little human was already starting to respond to him, but not to any other male, even a doctor.

Phahlen used one finger to propel the probe into her tight little cunt. He was firm, pushing it higher until he felt the resistance as it connected with the end of her slick passage. He pressed harder, then looked up at Caria. Her face was a tight grimace, but she was coping.

“Can you feel this?” He pressed again.

“Yes, sir,” she affirmed.

“Is it hurting you?”

She shook her head.

Phahlen didn’t remove his finger from her pussy as he turned to the doctor. “You can activate the probe now and take your readings. Let’s see what sort of shape she’s in.”

He felt the pulsing waves rolling from the internal probe, and knew that Caria did too. The walls of her pussy contracted around both the instrument and his finger. She tensed up violently, and he wondered a little at that, given that she had come this far and he knew the procedure was not painful.

“Steady, Caria. We’ll soon be finished.” She managed a tight little nod, but her inner walls continued to squeeze hard.

The doctor was peering into his tablet. He frowned at Caria. “There appear to be some irregularities here, but it’s difficult to tell when she’s so tense.”

Phahlen remembered something he had read concerning human female sensuality. He laid his thumb over Caria’s clitoris, just peeking out from under the hood that covered it. He rubbed, a gentle motion from side to side, at the same time as he slid a second finger inside her. He pressed on the front wall of her pussy at the same time as he caressed her clit from the outside, and he watched the expression on her face shift. The taut grimace melted. Her lips parted, she let out a soft sigh. Internally, her muscles softened to accept the unfamiliar intrusion. Phahlen continued to stroke her, seeking that legendary G-spot he knew had to be just about—there.

Morele’s fingers danced over his tablet as he registered the results. The doctor’s expression suggested he was not entirely content with the data now streaming back to him.

“Problems?” Phahlen glanced over at the doctor.

“Perhaps. I’m seeing evidence of a hormonal imbalance, which would probably suggest a low ovulation rate.” He raised his eyes from the small hand-held screen to look over at Caria. “Have you experienced problems in conceiving?”

The girl gnawed on her lower lip, her fear now evident. She did not answer.

“Caria, the doctor asked you a question,” Phahlen prompted her, but his tone was stern. She knew her role here, or he’d thought she did.

Caria managed a small nod, her eyes still tight shut. He leaned over her, bringing his face close to hers.

“Open your eyes, girl. I need you to look at me.” He waited a few seconds, then slowly she raised her lids.

There was no mistaking the terror in her expression as she gazed back at him. He would need to discuss this with her, but now was not the time. “What sort of problems have you had, Caria?”

“It just… it just never happened, that’s all. We tried, but—”

“We?” Phahlen did not entirely recognise the bolt of anger that shot through him at her use of that word.

“My partner and I. He died when, when…”

“When your ship was shot down?”

She nodded again, tears streaming across her cheeks. Grief for her lost lover, or fear for herself? The latter he understood well enough; he knew he had made his intentions for her perfectly clear and if she was to find herself unable to fulfil his expectations, her future was far less assured.

Phahlen turned his attention to the doctor. “Is it something you can fix?”

“Yes, I should think so. Humans are acutely sensitive to hormonal shifts and even the slightest changes can cause massive problems. We need to recalibrate one or two readings, and stimulate a slight increase in the luteinising hormone.
Is the probe still securely in place? We can use that as the transmission medium.”

“It is there,” Phahlen confirmed. “Is the process painful?”

“She shouldn’t feel anything, but it’s vital that she remain quite still until the procedure is completed. I need to set up some fine measurements to ensure the correct part of the hypothalamus is affected. Even the slightest shift, and my calculations will be out.”

“She won’t move. Will you, Caria?” He caught and held her gaze, and never took his eyes from hers as he instructed the doctor to proceed.

Her eyes widened and her pupils dilated, but Caria lay motionless under him as Morele tapped the screen of his device. Several par-beats passed before the doctor announced that the treatment was complete.

“I’d like to repeat the scan after three of her menstrual cycles, unless of course she’s already pregnant by then. I don’t foresee further difficulties, however. You can remove the probe now.”

Phahlen smoothly drew the probe out. He handed it to the doctor, but when Caria moved to close her legs he uttered one word.


She lay still.

“Doctor, do you have a depil rod with you?” He could have instructed the girl to shave her pussy for him, but he preferred the more permanent solution offered by electrical depilation.

“Of course. Would you like me to—”

“I can manage. Pass it to me, please.”

The doctor produced another small item from among his instruments. This one was similar to a torch, except the light it emitted was low level and a deep purple in colour. When Phahlen passed the glow over Caria’s mound, the dark blond curls there simply melted into nothing. He worked fast, removing every piece of pubic hair, easing open her soft pleats to expose every fold and crease to the ray. The hairs fell away, leaving Caria’s lovely pussy smooth and pink and soft to the touch. Phahlen’s cock swelled again at the sweet sight and he relished the thought of the pleasure they had in store. He could hardly wait to plunge into her tight channel, and he did not even try to pretend that it was all for the good of Vahle.

BOOK: Her Alien Commander
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