Henry (The Beck Brothers) (12 page)

BOOK: Henry (The Beck Brothers)
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So Claire picked up
her phone and called Zack. He sounded sexy as hell on the phone, and they made
a date for that Saturday night. Claire was practically giddy afterwards. Her
dad found it funny and had laughed at her. She hadn't been on a date in two
years. But she was definitely due.


That Saturday rolled
around and her dad took Ethan back to his house so that Claire could get ready
in peace. She took a shower, blew dry her hair, curled it, put on make-up, then
got dressed in a sexy short black cocktail dress and killer red platform pumps.
She put on red lipstick to match her shoes and went and stood in front of the
mirror. Damn she looked good. She turned, checking out her ass.

Looking good there, too,

Claire thought to herself.
She had worked damn hard to get back to
her pre-baby body, and she was proud of it. And glad that she was finally going
to be able to show it off.


A knock on her door
had her stomach turning nervously. Her heart started to pound as she went to
get it. After smoothing her hands down the front of her dress, she opened the
door. Standing in her doorway was Zack Landon. And holy shit was the man
gorgeous. Not as gorgeous as Henry, but still handsome in his own way. He had
dark brown hair that was a lot longer than Henry's. It touched Zack's collar in
the back. It was kinda sexy. He had golden hazel eyes with long dark lashes.
His nose was a bit big for his face but his pretty smile countered that. He
actually looked a bit like Bradley Cooper. He wasn't as tall as Henry either,
maybe about five feet eleven inches, or maybe six feet.


Zack was dressed in a
nice black suit with a pale blue shirt and dark blue tie. He looked thin, but
she didn't think he came even close to having the muscle built of Henry. And
why the hell did she keep comparing this guy to Henry? Shit! She had to get him
out of her head. Taking care of him for a week while he was sick had really
screwed with her head.


Zack! Hi!

she greeted him and moved aside so that he could
come in. "Let me just grab my purse then we can go."



he said, moving into her
apartment and shutting the door behind him.

look beautiful Claire."


Claire blushed, not
used to being complimented.

you. You look great yourself."


Zack smiled his
handsome smile.



After Claire grabbed
her silver clutch purse, they headed to dinner. Zack took her to Maggiano's
down town. It was a fantastic and expensive Italian restaurant. They had a
delicious dinner, and the conversation was great, too. They had seemed to
really click. He told her all about his work and how he had struggled to open
his own pediatric practice. She told him some about her job, trying not to talk
too much about Henry.


After dinner, they
decided to go to the homey little pub down the street. Claire had never been
there, and Zack insisted that they make the best drinks. So they walked down to
the pub and found a high two-seater table against the wall.








Henry walked into the
pub behind Sebastian. He hadn't really felt like going out tonight but Sebastian
somehow talked him into it. He guessed he did need to relax a bit, and this
place had Guinness on tap, his favorite. He hopped onto the stool next to
Sebastian, who had already ordered them both a pint of Guinness.


They started a tab and
took the glasses the pretty redheaded bartender set in front of them. They
clinked their glasses together and took a few gulps. They both smacked their
lips together and said "Ahhhh," when they set their glasses down. The
beer was so good.



s good stuff,

Henry sighed, relaxing a bit.


Sebastian nodded in


Henry felt himself
relax a bit more as he took another sip. Then he almost choked on his beer when
he heard a familiar female voice squeal and call his name. Henry set his glass
down and spun on his stool just as Claire sauntered her way over to him. And
holy shit she looked fucking hot!


She was in this sexy
black number that was short and showed her off shapely tanned legs. Her heels
were insanely high, he had no idea how she was even walking in them. Her long
strawberry blonde hair was down and loosely curled, and her make-up looked
fantastic. Much more dramatic than what she did for work. The red lipstick had
his cock straining painfully against his zipper. He could only imagine what
those red lips would look like wrapped


t even go
. He almost groaned out loud, but
caught himself.



he said, shocked to see her there.


She was most
definitely drunk, he could tell just by her eyes, which were half shut and
glassy. Her face was flushed and she swayed a little bit as she made her way
over to him. Henry glanced behind her to see a man following. Jealousy reared
its ugly green head. Was she on a date?


Claire raked an
appreciative gaze over him, which made him smile smugly. She stepped between
his spread knees and poked him in the chest with her finger.


What are you doing here, Mr.

she slurred, leaning
close to his face. Her breath smelled like pineapple juice, so whatever she was
drinking was something fruity.


Henry couldn't help
but watch those sexy lips of hers, which were only inches from his own. He
couldn't help but lick his own lips.


m just hanging out with

he murmured,
nodding his head in his brother's direction.


She glanced to his
left and smiled at Sebastian.



Sebastian raised an
eyebrow and smiled as he shook his head at her state of drunkenness.

Hi there, gorgeous."


How much have you had to drink?

Henry asked, bringing her
attention back to him.


Claire shrugged and stumbled
to the side. Henry grabbed her hips before she fell over.


I was just going to take her

the guy behind her
said, grabbing her arm to move her out of Henry's grasp.


And you are?

Henry asked with a frown.


Dr. Zack Landon, Claire's date,

he said with a smug smile of
his own.


Zack, this is my boss Henry,

Claire giggled and pinched
Henry's cheek.


Henry shook his head,
unable to stop the smile that curled his lips. He liked

drunk Claire.

What he didn't like, however, was that Claire was on a date. She hadn't
mentioned anything about a date to him. Not that she had any obligation to, but
it would have been nice to know.


Henry, your eyes are sooo green,

Claire murmured, her eyes going
a bit wide as she stared at his eyes.


Henry frowned at her.
That was weird.


Zack gave him a tight
smile before putting his arm possessively around Claire's shoulders.

Come on Claire, I'll take you
home and get you into bed."


Henry didn't like the
sound of that.

Claire, why
don't you hang out with Sebastian and me for a bit?

he suggested, knowing that she would most likely
accept the invitation.


Claire smiled brightly
and shrugged out from under Zack's arm. She moved back to stand between his

Will you buy me a
drink boss man?

she purred,
poking his chest again.


Henry smiled.

Of course"


Claire, I think you need to go
home, you've had enough to drink,

Zack insisted, taking her hand and giving her a gentle tug.


Claire turned to look
at her date.

But I want to
hang out with the boss man,

she pouted, leaning back against Henry's chest.


Zack's eyes narrowed
and Henry could tell the guy was jealous. He probably wanted to get Claire home
to take advantage of her drunken state. Get her into bed and fuck her while
she's too drunk to think clearly.


I think I need to take you home
and get you some coffee,

Zack said, giving her hand a little tug.


Henry wrapped his arm
around Claire's waist to prevent Zack from pulling her away.


re awfully insistent on taking her back to her

Henry said, glaring
at the man over Claire's shoulder.


"Well, she is
date, I should be the one to take her home,

Zack snapped, "Let's go


Claire frowned.

But I want to...

she started, but Zack cut her


Are you really going to ditch me
on our first date Claire?

Zack asked, a bit too condescending for Henry.


Henry heard Sebastian
snort. Was this guy really trying to make her feel guilty in order to get her
back to her place, so he can get her into bed? What an asshole! Henry scowled
at the dickhead in front of him and pulled Claire more firmly against him.
Claire sighed and dropped her head back onto his shoulder.


Listen asshole, you're not going
to take her home. I know what you want and it's not going to happen. She's too
drunk to think straight,

Henry said, giving Zack a pointed look.


Zack looked at him in
disbelief and whispered viciously,

you serious? You're gonna cock block me, man? What the hell do you think the
point of coming here was?"


Henry saw red. He
stood with Claire still firmly against him. Henry's face must have showed how
furious he was because Zack dropped Claire's hand and took a couple steps back.
Sebastian was now standing also, a murderous expression on his face. Claire
turned in Henry's arms and tucked her face against his neck. Her hands wondered
over his chest and stomach.


"Mmm, so hard,

she murmured.


Henry jerked in
surprise when her mouth opened on his neck and started licking and nipping his
skin. Claire pressed herself more firmly against him, her body practically
vibrating. What the hell was she doing? Henry let out a yelp of surprise when
Claire shoved her hand down the front of his pants.



Henry choked and grabbed her wrist, yanking her
hand back out.


Zack's eyes widened
slightly and the color drained from his face, giving Henry a bad feeling.


Claire moaned and
rubbed herself against him, still kissing his neck. Henry fought a shiver. Her
lips and body felt amazing against his, but something was wrong. Even drunk, he
didn't think Claire would do this.


Touch me Henry,

she breathed.


Henry glanced at
Sebastian, who was frowning down at Claire. He knew something was up, too. They
both turned back to glare at Zack.

did you give her?

bit out.


Zack swallowed hard
and shook his head.




re a horrible liar,

Sebastian drawled.


Henry shoved Claire
into Sebastian's arms. He couldn't take her touching him anymore. He was hard
as a rock and was having a difficult time thinking with her hands all over him.
Claire didn't seem to mind. She immediately latched onto Sebastian's neck and
shoved her hands up his shirt. She murmured something about feeling so fucking
good, it Henry gritting his teeth.


What the hell did you give her?

Henry shouted, gripping Zack up
by his lapels.


I-I gave her some e-ecstasy,

Zack stammered.


Did she know what you gave her?

Henry asked through clenched


She thought it was aspirin. She
said she had a headache right after we sat down,

Zack admitted.


Claire moaned behind
him. Henry glanced back to see Sebastian running his hands up and down her
back. He was watching Henry though. Henry could tell he was uncomfortable and
turned on. What guy wouldn't be with a gorgeous woman rubbing all over him?
Claire still had her hands under Sebastian's shirt and she was still sucking on
his neck.


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