Heinrich Himmler : A Life (206 page)

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Authors: Peter Longerich

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arrest of leaders of 173

deterioration of relations between 143

Night of the Long Knives 173–4

Röhm defines relationship between 120–1

second Stennes crisis (1931) 122

Stennes crisis (1930) 117–18

subordination to 113, 118, 119

Service Regulations (1931) 124–5

Soviet Union:

deployment in 530–1

mass murder of Jews 525–7, 531–4, 537, 538, 539

planning for role in invasion 517–19, 520–1, 522–3

sponsoring members or patrons 169

Friends of the Reichsführer-SS 258–60

SS cult 742–3

ceremonies 288–94

Himmler’s Germanic view of history 270–4

motives for adopting 274

sacred sites 294–8

symbols 286–8

SS judicial system 485–9

control of 487–8

expansion of jurisdiction 486

Himmler’s penal guidelines 489

Himmler’s right to confirm sentences 486–7

motives for introducing 485–6

punishment of SS members 488–9

sexual relations with alien women 486–7

Sudetenland, operations in 405–6

suicide in 329

symbolic gifts distributed within:

birth lights 288

brooch for mothers 288

death’s head ring 287–8

life lights 287

swords of honour 288

Yule lights 286–7

terror campaign against opponents (1932) 140

uniform 110, 124–5, 136

virtues of members 304–12

comradeship 308

decency 308–11

loyalty 304–7

obedience 307–8


complaints over SS atrocities in Poland 433–4, 461–2

objects to military integration 491

relations between 181, 182, 247–8

see also
Ahnenerbe (Ancestral Heritage); Einsatzgruppen; Einsatzkommandos; Lebensborn (Spring of Life organization); Race and Settlement Main Office; SD (Security Service); Selbstschutz (Ethnic German Self-Defence Force); Waffen-SS

Stahlecker, Walter 159, 404, 413, 441, 492

Stahlhelm 122, 144, 171

state protection corps 424

amalgamation of police and SS 204–5, 249–51

concept of 204–5

influence of Himmler’s phobias and prejudices 251

Stauffenberg, Claus Schenk von 697

Steinacher, Hans 390

Steiner, Felix 331, 341–2, 554

Stennes, Walter 117, 121–2

Stevens, Richard 473

Stölzle, Paula 73–4

Storch, Hillel 724, 727

Strasser, Gregor 143, 174, 740, 768n60

appointed head of Reich Party Organization 91

appointed Reich Propaganda Chief 89

attitude towards Hitler 87

different views from Hitler 81

Himmler authorizes murder of 174

Himmler starts work for 81

Strasser, Otto 115, 225, 388, 768n60

Stratz, Rudolph 44–5

Streckenbach, Bruno 158, 437–8, 444

Streicher, Julius 216

Streseman, Gustav 66

Stroop, Jürgen 664

Stuckart, Wilhelm 223, 585, 590, 681, 682

Stumpfegger, Ludwig 492

Sudeten German Control Centre 387

Sudeten German Free Corps 406

Sudetenland 387–8

German ethnic policy 391

settlement policy 414

SS operations in 405–6

Sudeten Spring Ltd 484

suicide, among SS members 329

Sulza concentration camp 241

Súñer, Ramón Serrano 720

Swing Youth 635–6

Szálasi, Ferenc 706, 707

Sztójay, Döme 693, 694

Tamaschke, Günther 366

Terboven, Josef 491, 492, 544

Teutonic myths:

enthusiasm for 270

Himmler’s Germanic view of history 270–4

Himmler’s interest in 80–1, 266–7

Textiles and Leather Processing Company 482–3

Thälmann, Ernst 698

Theresienstadt, deportation of elderly Jews to 562, 571

Theweleit, Klaus 52–3

Thierack, Otto Georg 624, 636, 637, 638, 662, 671

Thoma, Ludwig 71

Thomas, Georg 545

Thomas, Max 496, 497

Thule Society 28

Thuringia 66

Tibet, Himmler’s interest in myth of 281–2

Tiso, Josef 547, 608

Todt, Fritz

Treblinka extermination camp 566, 573

mass break-out from 666–7

Triska, Helmut 615–16

Tuka, Vojtech 547

Turner, Harald 832n31

Uebelhoer, Friedrich 545–6, 669


escalation of mass murder of Jews 621, 622–3

pogroms 526

Waffen-SS recruitment in 678

Ulex, Wilhelm 433

Ulrich, Curt von 143

Unger, Oberführer 322

United States:

Hitler declares war on 552

Hitler’s use of Jewish deportations to influence 543

universities, SS influence in 278

Veesenmayer, Edmund 693, 694

Verne, Jules 29

Vichy government, deportation of Jews 619–20, 624, 693

Vlasov, Andrei Andreyevitsch 660,
, 702–3

Völkisch Bloc 81, 82

Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland (VDA) 388, 390

Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle,
Coordination Centre for Ethnic Germans (VoMi)

Volksdeutscher Selbstschutz,

Volkssturm (home guard) 711–14

motive for creation of 713–14

Volkswagen Company 558

Coordination Centre for Ethnic Germans (VoMi)

Wächter, Otto 620

Wäckerle, Hilmar 151

Waffen-SS 424

army corps established 601

creation of 427

establishment of new German SS divisions 672–3

expansion of 601

Himmler’s ambitions for 680

Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler 164, 174, 427

establishment of 156–7

Hitler’s ‘armband order’ 723

organizational structure 499

recruitment of non-Germans 498–504, 602, 679–80

Baltic units 677–8

ethnic aliens 674–9

ethnic Germans 609–16, 673–4

Germanic volunteers 605–9

Muslims 267, 675–7

national legions 602–5

Soviet Union, role in invasion 524

Wehrmacht, obliteration of boundaries between 699–700

Wagener, Otto 118, 302

Wagner, Adolf 148–9, 150, 191

Wagner, Eduard 518

Wagner, Robert 159, 497, 498, 588, 589–90

Waldeck and Pyrmont, Josias, Hereditary Prince of 132–3, 392

Walk, Joseph 477

Walz, Hans 259

Wannsee conference 555–6, 561

Wappenhans, Waldemar 140, 329–30

Warsaw, Himmler orders destruction of 705

Warsaw ghetto:

deportation of Jews from 573

final destruction of 666

Himmler orders destruction of 664

Warsaw ghetto uprising 664

war youth generation 22, 134, 315, 318, 738, 752n44

Weber, Christian 133

Wege, Kurt 130

Wegener, Hans 42–3, 53


Himmler authorized to examine organization of 702

Himmler implicates in final solution 694–5

Himmler’s brutalization of military justice 703

Himmler’s criticism of General Staff 701

Hitler assumes supreme command 399

Hitler’s reconstruction of leadership of 399

Norway, invasion of 491


complaints over SS atrocities 433–4, 461–2

involvement in mass murder 433

Procreation Order, agitation over 461, 462

Russian forces in 702–3

Soviet Union, instruction for conduct of war against 521–2


arming of 181

complaints over SS atrocities in Poland 433–4, 461–2

objection to integration of units of 491

relations between 181, 182, 247–8

Waffen-SS, obliteration of boundaries between 699–700

Weickert, Paul Magnus 135, 169

Weimar Republic:

Bavarian political crisis (1923) 66–9

crisis in relations with Bavaria 60–1

Hitler putsch (1923) 69

inflation 64–5

radical right’s opposition to 61

Rhineland reoccupation crisis 66

state of emergency declared (1923) 67

Weitzel, Erhard 548

Weitzel, Fritz 134, 135, 220, 491

Weizsäcker, Ernst von 393, 399

Wells, Captain C J L 2–3

Werewolfs 714–15

Wessel, Horst 154

Westerplatte 426

Wewelsburg 294–6, 522–3

Wichtl, Friedrich 30

Wiligut, Karl Maria (‘Weisthor’) 267, 282–5, 289

Wintersberger, Carl 151

Winzer, Paul 394

Wirth, Hermann 275

Wisliceny, Dieter 217, 359, 625, 708

witchcraft, ‘Special Witch Project’ 224–5

Wittje, Kurt 132, 400–2

Woermann, Ernst 393

Wolff, Alphons 49, 63

Wolff, Karl 128, 129, 136, 257, 289, 295, 334,
, 412,
, 492, 522, 533, 538, 572,
, 691

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