Hecate's Own: Heart's Desire, Book 2 (9 page)

BOOK: Hecate's Own: Heart's Desire, Book 2
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Gareth snorted. “Bullshit. It started in college when you
pissed in Cole’s book bag.”

“Double bullshit.” Everyone gaped at Lana. “You guys told me
the Godwins have had it in for you ever since great-great-great-great grandpa
ate great-great-great-great grandma. Cole just took it to the next level of
hurt.” Lana took pity on Jo’s poor confused ass. “The great grandma who got
eaten was a Godwin.”

“Our ancestor jilted a witch over her, the witch cursed the
family, granddad ate grandma, and the Godwins are still pissed about it.” Zach
inched closer to Gen’s chair.

Jo stepped between the two and glared down at Zach. He
narrowed his eyes but scooted back where he belonged.

“Cole decided to give me grief all through school, and I saw
no real reason not to give it back.”

“They competed for everything. Grades, classes, girls. You
name it.”

“Cole threatened to kill Lana. He would have succeeded if
she hadn’t been more than he’d bargained for.” Chris looked so proud of his
mate it made Jo’s chest ache. “He challenged me to a duel and lost.”

“He almost took your life.” Lana poked Christopher in the
side. “If it hadn’t been for Zach you would have died.”

Jo frowned when Zach’s gloved hand tried to clench and made
the leap. “Is that how he was injured?”

“Yes.” Now Chris was growly.

Must be a werewolf thing.
She shook her head. “So why
wasn’t he healed?”

“We tried, but it’s proven resistant to everything we’ve
thrown at it.” Lana sighed. “Plus he was sent off to court as fast as possible.
Grammy thought it was a good idea to start his training ASAP, and Chris was
making noises about eating him.”

Jo blinked. “Huh?”

“Zach cleansed the spell on Chris through himself and
grounded it through me.”

Yeowch. That had to have hurt. “But as the one doing the
cleansing, Zach would have been just as injured as you, if not more so.”

The brothers turned as one and glared at Zach, who rolled
his eyes. “Thanks a lot, Jo.”

“No one would let us see him until after Grammy was done
with him.” Chris’s shoulders slumped. “How bad

She could see by the look on his face that Zach didn’t want
to revisit that particular nightmare, but before she could say anything Gareth
spoke up. “Let it go, Chris.”

“You knew.” It wasn’t a question. It was more like an

Gareth nodded. “Executive decision. You had enough on your
plate dealing with Lana’s injuries and your anger. I couldn’t let you take it
out on Zach when he was…” Gareth shuddered.

Jo studied Zach. How bad had it been? “Let me see your

Zach cradled it to his chest. “I’d rather go dress

“Zach.” She pinched the bridge of her nose. How did he do
this to her? She didn’t know whether to laugh or scream.

“Seriously. I think I’d look good in purple chiffon.”


“Uh-oh, soon she’ll use my
name. Then I’ll be in

She glared down at him. “Don’t make me strangle you in your
sleep.” She held out her hand. “Gimme.”


“Don’t make me
it from you.”

“It’s not like I’m chewing on it or anything.”

“Do I need to take away your hall pass?”

“I’m not sure I can hold it that long.”

Damn it, she was beginning to veer toward laughing. “Show me
your fucking hand or I’ll tell Roland you want Ari to bear your babies.”

He held out his hand.

“The other one.”

He grimaced and gave her his injured hand.

Jo began to peel off the leather glove. She did her best to
be careful, but his hand still twitched in hers. She could see sweat beading on
his upper lip. “Sorry.”

He nodded but didn’t speak.

The glove came off, and she got her first good look at his
hand. “Oh, Zach.” She carefully ran her finger down the reddened flesh, traced
the line of a Hecate’s Wheel branded into his palm. His fingers were swollen,
the joints enflamed, the flesh reddened and barely healed. None of the burns
were open or weeping, but she didn’t think it had been all that long since they

to hurt like hell. She wanted to cry for him.

And he’d been in
like this? Trying to make
people smile and laugh, fucking up and making Bambi eyes at her?

Shit. She wanted to kiss it and make it better. Then kiss
him and make it

“It’s not that bad.”

She looked into his eyes and knew he was lying. She marveled
over the fact that he could cast spells at all while in this amount of pain. It
said something about the inner core of strength he had. “Let me help.”



Those blue eyes bored into her. It was like he could see all
the way to her soul.

And she let him.

She didn’t know what he saw, but his lips compressed and he

She felt damn near dizzy with relief. She knew she couldn’t
heal him completely, but she could take some of the pain away. “Can the wound
be bathed?”


“Good.” She sighed. “Gen?”


“You’d better come with us.” Because if she left the blonde
here the Becketts would eat her.

Tempting, but, no.


Zach watched the two women dance around his brother’s
kitchen. Lana pointed to things but stood back, muttering to herself while Jo
and Gen gathered what they needed. Something about the looks Gen kept shooting
his way was beginning to worry him. It was almost as if she was expecting
something from him and was preparing herself for it.

When they were done gathering their items Zach had a rough
idea of what they were planning, and a few ideas on how to improve it.

Jo faced them, her arms full of flower petals, herbs and a
big wooden spoon. “Workroom?”

Zach blanched. He couldn’t let Jo see the workroom. “Sorry,
there’s a spell in progress that can’t be disturbed.”

She shrugged. “So?”

Lana pointed before he could stop her. “This way.”

Zach groaned silently and followed the women. From the look
on Lana’s face she
the two to see Zach’s spell. Why?

He studied Jo’s ass swaying beneath the dark denim of her
jeans and almost moaned. Fuck, she looked good, despite the bandage on her
head. And how vile was it that he was thinking all sorts of X-rated thoughts
while she was hurt?

Come to think of it… “Should you be spellcasting with a

Jo flipped her hair over her shoulder. “I know what I’m

“That’s what you thought when you tried to break into my

“You tried to break into someone’s home?” Gen shook her
head. “That’s wrong, Johra.”

Jo snarled.

Zach bit his lip to keep from laughing. Damn, Daniel was
right about one thing, Genevieve was uptight, almost to the point of sainthood.
“She prefers to be called Jo.”

Gen shrugged, the gesture odd on her elegant shoulders.
“Very well.”

Lana opened the doors to the workroom. “Enter at your own

Jo didn’t even break stride. Gen was swift on her heels.

Zach hung back. “I’m not sure I’m willing to take that

Lana shoved him in and slammed the door shut.

“I love you too, sis!” he shouted through the door. He
turned back to find the two women, so different yet equally beautiful, staring
at him. “What?”

They exchanged one of those scary female looks that always
made him want to hide under a bed. “Come here, Zach.”

Zach shuffled forward before he even knew what he was doing.

“Jo?” Gen’s tone was thoughtful, her head cocked as she
studied the workroom altar through amused eyes.

“Hmm? Zach, give me your hand.”

“Have you seen this spell?”

Oh shit.
“Here.” He shoved his hand practically up
Jo’s nose.

“Thanks.” She frowned at him before putting it over the basin
Gen had carried in. “I think…”

That was when she saw it. The two candles touching one
another. The emerald ring. The ash in the bottom of the cauldron. And under it
all the Hecate’s Wheel he’d painstakingly laid out. “What is this?”

“The spell I told you was active?”

Jo glared at him. He gave her his best innocent grin.

He could tell she wasn’t buying it, not for a minute.

“Excuse me for a moment. We forgot the rose petals.” Gen
left the room on silent feet, amazing considering the four-inch heels she was

“Ow!” Zach rubbed his head with his good hand. “Why did you
smack me upside the head?”

Jo shrugged. “Pay attention to the spellwork, not Gen’s

He blinked. He hadn’t been staring at Gen’s ass, fine work
of art though it was. He’d much rather stare at Jo’s.

She stroked her finger once more across the Wheel burned
into his flesh. He shuddered, need racking him once more. The pain receded, to
be replaced by a different kind of pain.

Fuck, he
her. His wolf howled its approval of
their mate.

Zach’s eyes widened.
Oh no.
He had to keep his wolf
from claiming Jo or all hell would break loose. He still wasn’t sure he hadn’t
cast a love spell on her.

Hell. Maybe he’d cast one on himself, too. Was his heart
supposed to beat this hard just because she’d touched him so gently?

“What’s this?”

Her free hand reached out to touch the emerald ring.

“No!” Zach grabbed it just as she touched it.

Warmth flowed up his arm, twining around them both like a
sleek silken rope, binding them together. He could feel the spell settle inside
himself, knew by her indrawn breath that she felt the same. His cock was so
hard he felt like he would burst with the slightest breath.

Shit. Definitely not a love spell.
He was ensnared
just as much as she was now. The spell recognized the one person meant to be
his love, twined his essence with hers, leaving him open and vulnerable to
anything she cared to do to him. If she left him, he would die.

He was so fucking screwed it wasn’t even funny.

“What the hell is that?” He watched her lick her lips and
fucking moaned. “Zach?”

She was looking up at him, lust blazing across her face. He
knew what he was going to do, what the consequences would more than likely be.
But he couldn’t leave either of them like this. “I’m so sorry, Jo.”

Her eyes went wide as his lips slammed down across hers.

He tried to be gentle with her, the gods knew he did, but
he’d been dying inside without her. The feel of her in his arms, her mouth on
his, her breasts against his chest, was too much for him.

He was going to have her, right here, right now.

He lifted her up until her ass rested on the edge of the
worktable. He stepped between her spread legs and buried his hand in her hair.
Without thought he pulled, tilting her until her mouth was at the perfect angle
for his kiss.

Her nails dug into his shoulders and he waited for the shove
he knew was coming.

It didn’t. Instead she shocked the hell out of him and
pulled him closer.

That was it. That was all she wrote for one Zachary Beckett.
He was a doomed man, and he knew it.

He reached down to feel the weight of her breast in his
palm. The soft mound was more than enough to please him, the nipple hard
against his fingers. He tore his mouth from hers and began tugging at her
shirt. “Jo.”


He shivered. He never thought he’d hear her say that.

When she yanked her shirt off and dropped it to the floor he
nearly followed it. She was magnificent, all bronzed skin covered in green
satin. He was dying to see her out of the green bra, to free her breasts and
feast on their bounty. “Fuck, Jo. You’re exquisite.”

She bit her lip, her look uncertain. “What are we doing?”

He lifted his gaze from her breasts and met her worried
eyes. “What do you think?”

If she asked him to stop, if she wanted him to walk away, he
would. He’d die once he was out the door, but he’d do it for her.

He’d do
for her.

She sat up and tugged at the edges of his shirt. “You’re
younger than me.”

His eyebrows rose. “My father is three years younger than my

“You’re my student.”

No way in hell was she using that as an excuse. “Consider
yourself fired.”

She glared at him. “I’m a damn good teacher.”

He nodded. She was. She truly cared about her students, even
him. “You’re the best.”

That seemed to mollify her.

He cupped her cheek with his good hand. “I need you, Jo. You
have no idea how badly I need you.”

She closed her eyes and nuzzled her cheek into his palm.
“This is so hard, to know the right thing to do.”

The right thing would be to put her shirt back on her and
shove her out the door. The right thing would be to curl up in the corner and
let himself go. He was going to die, he knew that now. There was no way Jo
would accept someone like him long-term, and without that, the spell would
never be complete. Zach’s life would be forfeit, the curse fulfilled.

“Be with me.” If he could have her just once, it would make
letting her go all the harder, but he’d have a sweet memory to carry into the
dark with him.

At least he’d remembered not to ask for her love.

She was biting that full lip of hers again. Zach gently
removed it from between her teeth and kissed the minute hurt.


Zach closed his eyes and thanked the Gods for small mercies.
“Thank you.”


He could hear the uncertainty in her voice still, and it was
driving him insane. “I’ll take care of you, Jo.”

“What…?” She was watching him with an unnerved expression as
he stalked to the workroom door and locked it.

“We don’t want to be interrupted, right?”

She bit her lip, but he doubted she was upset. Not when she
removed her bra, tossing it on the floor with a scorching look. All that he
could see was Jo, her eyes hot, her breasts begging for his touch. “You’ll
never regret this.”

She smiled, and he did melt for her. “I know.”

He reached out and plucked one dusky nipple, earning himself
the sweetest moan. “You have no idea what this means to me.” And she never
would. He would keep it from her and swear his brothers to secrecy.

She would never know she was his mate.


Jo reached behind her, propping herself up and pushing her
breasts up for the amazing man in front of her. She could hear the low growls
in his throat, see the feral heat in his eyes, and knew he was holding back the
animal inside him with difficulty. She kicked her shoes off and tried to hide
the grin trying to break free.

Who knew being mauled by a werewolf would be so hot?

“Fuck, Jo.”

She nodded.
Yes. Fuck Jo.

She fucking whimpered when he pulled her nipple into his hot
mouth, the suction so strong she felt it between her thighs. “Oh God, Zach.”
His erection throbbed behind the zipper of his jeans, hard enough that she
could feel it through her own.

She reached up and wrapped one hand around the back of his
neck, needing to feel skin beneath her palm.

Her heart stopped. Her big, bad werewolf trembled under her
touch. She’d never had anyone quiver from such a simple stroke. But Zach wasn’t
like anyone she’d ever met before in her life.

I am so screwed.
There was no way she could go back
to keeping him out of her life, her heart, after this.

She had a lot of things to make up for, starting now.

“Hold on.”

The low growl reverberated through her. She clasped both
hands around his neck.

Zach lifted her up off the table, ripped her jeans down her
legs and tossed them over his shoulder.


He lifted his head from the valley of her breasts. Very
little of the human she knew was left in Zach’s blue eyes. They practically
glowed with desperate need, incalculable want.


Nah. No way was she seeing
. Not after the way
she’d treated him.

She’d have to work on that. If what she was feeling was
real, if she wanted to
Zachary Beckett, she’d have to make sure he
needed her as much as she now knew she needed him.

“Kiss me, Zach.” Okay, so it was a cop-out. She didn’t want
to have to look in his eyes and see something she was sure wasn’t really there.

He did, storming her mouth like a conquering invader, taking
it, making it his own. His hand fisted once more in her hair, holding her,
giving her the oddest sense that, no matter what, she was protected.

And how fucked up was
She’d never had that
particular kink before. No other man had ever been allowed to do that.

But with Zach, she already craved it, knew he wouldn’t abuse
it as so many others might.

His hand slipped under the edge of her panties, stroking her
slit, making her gasp into his mouth. He hummed in approval, the sound sending
a shudder through her.

She let go of the nape of his neck and reached for the
zipper of his jeans. She needed to feel him in her hands, know how hot and hard
he was for her. She wanted to know if he was cut or not. She wanted to feel him
slipping between her fingers, slick with want. She wanted him inside her so
badly she could taste it.

And still he kissed her, fucking her with his tongue,
letting her fumble with his zipper. He moaned, thrusting into her palm before
she had his pants completely down.

When he finally popped out of them she sighed with relief.
Then she got her first good feel of Zachary Beckett’s cock.

Oh. My. God.

Hard, hot, soft and silky smooth, he felt like heaven. Her
fingers could barely close over his girth. She jerked him up and down, testing
his length, more than pleased by the response she got.

One hard finger thrust inside her, fucking into her, his
palm grinding against her clit while his ravishing kiss went on and on.

She wanted to beg, to plead with him
yes, please
, but
he refused to let her mouth free, forced her to accept what he gave her.

Jo relaxed, spread her thighs and let him have what he
wanted, knowing he would keep her safe.


Dear God, he was going to die. Right here, right now. His
hand was buried between her thighs, her legs spread, her mouth his to take, to
do with as he wished. He wanted to feel her come on his hand, in his mouth, on
his cock. The feel of her sweet flesh beneath him, writhing with pleasure, damn
near had him in a puddle at her feet.

Her hand tightened around his cock. Her thighs trembled. She
was close.

He strummed his thumb across her clit, over and over again,
swallowing her cries as she damn near squeezed his finger off. The pain was barely
noticeable, the leather drenched with her need.

He needed to be inside her, to feel that on his cock.


“God. Yes.”

He smiled, knowing it looked less human than wolf. “Let me
fuck you.”

She nodded, whimpering, and he felt like a god. Jo might not
know it, but she’d become his world.

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