Hecate's Own: Heart's Desire, Book 2 (15 page)

BOOK: Hecate's Own: Heart's Desire, Book 2
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“And thus is born a warlock Own?”

“Not quite. An Own is born if the Goddess accepts the plea
of one born to be hers. There are those who follow the God instead, and channel
from him. They are…unique.” Gen’s lips twitched. “I’ve only met one, and he was…
Hmm.” She shook herself. It was probably a good thing that only Jo was looking
at Gareth, because the shock and jealousy that flashed across his face would
have been cause for serious teasing among the brothers, teasing she didn’t
think Gareth could withstand. “Lastly, a warlock could choose to bond with
another magic user, a sort of symbiosis. The combination can be strong, because
the witch or wizard
be a willing participant in the sharing of
magic. As you can imagine, those are the rarest of all.”

“What do the entities get in exchange for giving a warlock

Good question. Why does it not surprise me Gareth asked

“For the dark ones, it’s the acts that warlocks perform.
Warlocks are almost always psychopaths, sociopaths, what have you. They seem to
function in the normal world just fine, but deep inside they’re cold-blooded,
ruthless. They will do whatever they have to in order to get what they want.
For the elementals?” Gen shrugged. “I’m not certain, but from what I’ve heard
warlocks who do manage to bond with elementals become guardians of the earth
itself. Some of them have gone insane and we were forced to hunt them down
before they could hurt anyone.” She sighed. “Not all magic users we hunt are
evil.” She shivered, as if she were remembering something she’d much rather
forget. “The Own do the bidding of the Goddess, just as all Her Own do. As for
those who choose symbiosis?” She shrugged. “It’s so rare that I don’t think
I’ve ever met anyone involved in it. But who’s to say what two people would get
from such an arrangement?”

“So if we cut the warlock off from his source, he’s
powerless?” Daniel leaned against the wall and crossed his arms, his expression
turned inward.

“Yes, or you could do what Chris did and turn the warlock’s
spell against him in such a way that the dark entity could consume him earlier
than planned.”

It was Chris’s turn to shudder. “Not something I would
recommend.” He turned to Lana and held out his hand. “The price wasn’t worth it.”

Lana moved into her mate’s arms. “Maybe, maybe not. We know
now that the Godwins are, no offense Gen, meshed in darker forces than most

“We have to keep Davis from getting hold of Jo.” Zach’s arms
tightened around her until Jo gasped. “How many of your brothers are likely to
be on that island with your father?”

Gen’s shoulders straightened. “I have no clue. They no
longer speak with me.”

“I can’t imagine why.” Jo winked at Gen. “All right. We need
to put some serious protections around me and the property.” She yawned. “But
not now.” The past hour of spellcasting had taken a lot out of her. She was
beat. “I need a nap.”

Lana echoed her yawn. “Ditto.”

“We can put up protections while the two of you sleep.” Zach
brushed a kiss across the top of her head.

“Why aren’t you exhausted?” Lana leaned against Chris and
glared at Zach. “You did major spellwork to take down that hex, then you went
running today.”

“I eat right?”

Lana sighed.

Zach flexed his muscles. “I exercise?”

“The elements saw fit to grant him the strength to deal with
the hex. Zach used his own power to channel that which was given him, but the
majority of it came from fire.”

“Wait, wait, wait. Now I’m getting confused.” Gareth rubbed
his forehead. “Zach isn’t a warlock. How can he channel power from the

Gen smiled. “Because he’s an Own, and was acting as an agent
for the Goddess at that time. The rules for us are slightly different. If Zach
had been performing a routine spell, he would have been on his own. But he
specifically asked fire to grant him energy in the commission of removing a
dark hex. Fire apparently agreed and granted his request.”

“Remind me to thank it later.”

It was nice that even Zach sounded shaken.

Jo yawned, more than ready to take that nap. “Damn. I’m more
tired than I thought.” She rubbed her forehead, willing away the slight
headache that was building behind her eyes.

She found herself the focus of four pairs of Beckett eyes
yet again. “You’re hurting?” Before she could answer Zach swept her up in his
arms like she weighed nothing. “Damn. I keep forgetting about that fucking

“I don’t,” Jo muttered. “Besides, I’m pretty sure it’s
mostly gone now.”

He snorted. “Sure. Sorry, sweetheart, I’m not buying that.
How about a nice, soft bed in a nice, quiet room?”

“Quiet? In

Lana began to laugh. “Tell me about it.”

Chris picked up his own mate, quieting her laughter with a
kiss. “Bed, little witch.”

“I’ll smudge the house while you get the women settled.”
Gareth left the room first, probably headed straight for Chris’s workroom.

“I’ll run the perimeter, make sure nothing seems out of
place.” Daniel followed his brother, stripping his shirt off as he went. It
said something about how sleepy Jo was that she didn’t even try to look.

“What should I do?” Gen stood, her fingers moving together.
Jo knew the Own was agitated, but didn’t know why.

“Wait for me.” Zach strode out of the room, Jo cradled in
his arms.

He was an odd mix, her mate. One moment he was all grimy
little boy. The next he was a strong, confident man capable of taking on the

No doubt about it. Zach will keep me on my toes.

Jo cradled her head against her man’s chest and allowed him
to take care of her.

Chapter Fifteen

Zach settled Jo down on the bed, surprised to see her eyes
already drooping shut. “Sweetheart?”


“Do you need anything before I go fight the bad guys?” He
pulled off her shoes, socks and jeans, knowing she’d sleep better without them
on. When she lifted her arms he reached under and undid her bra. He helped her
slip it off, keeping the T-shirt on. He barely resisted groaning at the sight
of her puckered nipples in the cool air.

She visibly forced her eyes open. “Kiss me?”

“Do you really need to ask?” Zach leaned down and tasted his
mate, sipping at her gently. He wanted her to rest. He had no idea what shape
he’d be in when he was done with Davis Godwin. He knew he’d more than likely
need her ready to take care of him. “Get lots of rest. If things go down the
way I think they will, you’ll be the one tucking me in tonight.”

She smiled. “Gonna let me fuss over you?”

“As much as your little heart desires.” He damn near purred
when she reached up and ran her fingers through his hair. “Love you, Jo.” The
fingers paused, and Zach realized what he’d just said. “Get some rest.” He
kissed her briefly one last time and hurried out of the room, ignoring her when
she tried to call him back.

He had to go into this thinking that Jo cared for him. He
didn’t know if he could face Godwin knowing that Jo might belong to him, but
she’d never love him. He ran his fingers over the broken amulet in his pocket,
the action soothing him. He’d work this out, somehow. He could start with
caring, turn it into something more.

He had to turn it into something more.

He practically ran back to Chris’s office to find Gen pacing
back and forth. He took a deep breath. “All right. You know more about this
kind of thing than I do. Where do we go from here?”

She stared at him. “Gareth stays here.”

He was shaking his head before she’d finished her sentence.
“He’d only follow us. There’s no way he’ll stay behind on this one.”

“Even to protect yours and Chris’s mates?”

“Not even. He’ll be there to protect me.” He knew that
without a doubt. Gareth would never forgive him if Zach tried to leave him

She closed her eyes. “He’s going to hate me.”

Zach did his best not to laugh. “Trust me. Gareth does
hate you.” Gareth watched her when he didn’t think she was looking. Everyone
might think Daniel was next in line to cast the Beckett spell, but Zach was
pretty sure he’d be handing the emerald over to Gareth before the week was out,
no matter how much he enjoyed seeing it on Jo’s hand.

“You don’t understand.” Gen’s gaze was so full of sorrow
that Zach wanted to fix it somehow.

“Understand what?” Gareth walked around the room, incense
burning in a censer he carried. He muttered as he walked, “Lord and Lady, hear
my plea. Protect us from adversity.”

“Gen thinks you hate her.”

The censer bobbled for just a second. “I don’t hate her. I
just don’t trust her. Big difference.”

Zach caught Gen’s wince. “Bro—”

“Chris’s workroom next. I want to get this done before we
leave.” Gareth walked out, all his attention on the spell he was casting.

Zach sighed. “Remind me to hit him with a nice, thick

That startled a soft laugh from Gen. “Can I pick it out?”

He turned and smiled at the Own. “Sure.” He swung his arm
around her shoulder. “Let’s go battle eeeevil. Then we can beat on my brother
until we’re satisfied.”

Gen blinked. “Would you ever be satisfied?”

That twinkle in Gen’s eye was more than welcome. If she
stood any chance at all in the Beckett family then she’d need to loosen up
quite a bit. “Good point.” He escorted her out of Chris’s office and into the
workroom. He could smell the sage Gareth had shrouded the room in. “Let’s see
what Chris has in his drawers.”

“Don’t you think Lana will mind? That’s her territory, after

Zach turned, confused, until he saw the blush creeping up
Gen’s cheeks. He shook his head. “You’re naughty under all that starch!” He
beamed at her. “I like that.”

The blush deepened. “I am not.” She sniffed. “I just don’t

Zach grinned. “We’ll have you corrupted in no time.” The
look that crossed her face had him regretting his words almost instantly.

“No need to be.” She opened one of Chris’s drawers and
pulled out a green feather. She blinked, sneezed and put it back.

“Bless you.”

“Thank you.” She opened another drawer and grabbed a sack.
She began dumping semi-precious stones into it willy-nilly. Amethyst, snowflake
obsidian, tiger’s eye, cat’s eye, a few pearls, all entered the sack until it
was bulging.

He glanced over at the table containing his own spell and
choked. There, sitting right in the middle of the Hecate’s Wheel, was a ceramic,
winged pig. Between its little pink hooves nestled a green M&M. Only one
person Zach knew would have the balls to do that. “Damn it, Daniel!”

Daniel sauntered into the room, staring at the bag in Gen’s
hands. “Like the shineys, huh?” Daniel snatched the bag out of her hands. “What’s
this for?”

“Marking out a Hecate’s Wheel.” Zach took the bag back and
handed it to Gen. “Speaking of which, nice pig, asshat.”

Daniel smirked. “You’re welcome, buttmunch.”

“How did you know?” Gen rolled her eyes and tucked the bag
into her purse before turning to another drawer.

“Know what?”

“That the stones are for a Hecate’s Wheel.”

Zach pulled out his own supplies, already familiar with his
brother’s workroom. He added them to the large travel pouch he’d strapped to
his waist. He looked like an idiot with the damn thing on, but it was perfect
for a male witch on the go. “I just did.”

“Instinct.” Daniel’s voice was full of both humor and a
brotherly derision that had Zach rolling his eyes at Daniel. “I’ll never
understand it.”

“Good thing you don’t have to then.” Zach began snatching
things. For some reason he felt the sudden urge to hurry. “We have to get
moving. Something’s going to happen soon.”

“What do you need?” Daniel dropped the last of his supplies
in his bag as Gareth came back in the room.

“Sea salt, black cord—lots of it—some of the lavender
incense and whatever you think will help against multiple warlocks.”

Daniel and Gareth exchanged a look and began their own hunt
for things they might need. Gareth poked through Chris’s drawer, pulling out
bits of incense. He scented them before putting most of them back. “Protection
spells are done. You adding anything?”

Gen nodded. “One moment.” She picked up three candles and
placed them in a triangle. Then she took Zach’s amulet and placed it in the center
with the wolf side up. She lit the candles and lifted her face, her hands up in
the air. She braced her feet apart and closed her eyes. Her body lit with green

“Candles three, pure and white,

Protect those sleeping here this night.

Mates of wolves, ladies fair,

Keep hidden from harm and despair.

Brother Wolf, wild and free,

Protect them from adversity!”

Over the amulet a shadow rose. In the distance Zach heard
the cry of a wolf. The shadow bowed once to Gen, then dissipated into the air.

Gen lowered her arms, the glow fading. “That’s the best I
can do.”

“That works.” Gareth looked stunned.

“Your athame, Zach.” Zach turned and snatched the sheathed
blade out of the air as Chris tossed it to him. “Your wand is over there.”
Chris pointed to the table where the Beckett mate spell was still set up. “Is
the perimeter secure?”

“As far as I can tell none of your wards have been
breached.” Daniel strapped something to his hip but Zach couldn’t quite see
what it was. “I’m ready.”

“Ready.” Gareth slipped an herb pouch into his pocket. Over
his head he’d slipped a clear teardrop crystal on a silver chain. He had a
white-handled dagger strapped to his side.

“Give me one second more and I’ll be done.” Chris picked up
some amulets. “I’ve been preparing for a return of the Godwins ever since I
faced Cole. These should help all of us.” He handed each of them an amulet
similar to the one he’d given Zach the day before his duel with Cole. On one
side was the carved figure of a howling wolf. On the other was a Hecate’s Wheel.
He handed the first one to Zach. “This one I made especially for you.” He
turned to Gen. “I’m sorry I don’t have another one prepared. I wasn’t expecting
more than one Own.”

“Let alone a Godwin Own?” The slight bitterness in her voice
had Zach wincing in sympathy.

Chris moved to stand in front of Gen. “My mate trusts you.
So does Zach.” Chris smiled. “That’s good enough for me.”

“Thank you.” The soft smile Gen gave Chris had Zach smiling
in response.

“Can we go before someone breaks out in song?” Daniel rolled
his eyes and waved everyone toward the door.

“I can sing ‘Kumbaya’ in the car.” Gareth snagged Daniel’s
arm and pushed him out first. “Remember what happened the last time I did

“Zach didn’t stop howling for a week.”


“Mom was pissed.”

“Can I help it if I have an amazing singing voice?”

Zach followed his idiot family out of the house. “Guys?”

The brothers stopped.

“Thank you.”

He could see Chris struggling to say something that didn’t
sound unmanly.

“How many times do we need to tell you? Becketts stick
together.” Daniel turned to the car. “Hey!”

Gen smiled serenely from the passenger seat. “I call

Zach laughed and slipped into the back. She was going to do
just fine.



Something slapped against her thigh. Jo reached
down to brush whatever it was off. Maybe Chris’s cat Alasdair had jumped on the
bed and accidentally scratched her.

She frowned. It was hot. She didn’t remember it being this
hot. Jo reached up to wipe the sweat from her forehead and sighed. Maybe she was
running a fever?

She took stock of how she felt. Achy, tired, dirty and
sweaty. Sounded like a fever. She winced when she stepped on something sharp.

Wait a minute.

She opened her eyes and blinked in shock.
Or a hike
through the woods.
Where the hell am I?

Jo stopped dead in her tracks. She was surrounded on all
sides by trees.

What the fuck?

“Keep moving.” Something poked her in the back, hard enough
to send her tumbling forward. She landed hard on her hands and knees. “Not that
I mind the view, but my father is waiting.”

Jo turned and stared into cold blue eyes.
How did I ever
think Zach’s eyes were cold?
This blond-haired man could give lessons to an
iceberg. “I’m moving.” She stood slowly, careful not to give the man more of a
show than she already had. “You’re a Godwin, I presume?”

The toothy smile she got in return was supposed to be warm.
Jo shivered in response. “Arthur Godwin. I’d say at your service, but really?
I’m not.”

“Goodie.” Jo turned and began walking through the trees. She
reached for her magic, but it was like trying to swim through tapioca.
They’re blocking me somehow.
“How did I get here?”

“Trade secret.”

“That trade secret wouldn’t have glowing red eyes, would
it?” Only something as powerful as a demon could have gotten past the
protections on Christopher Beckett’s land. Summoning anything, let alone a
demon, into the physical world took a tremendous amount of energy. No wonder
the Godwins had turned to human sacrifice. They were doing more than feeding
the demons, they were letting them loose!

“Smart girl.” The wand he held prodded her in the back once
more. “Go on. It wouldn’t do to be late.”

“Great.” Jo studied the landscape around her. “Why do I get
the feeling I’m on a small island on the Jersey side of the Schuylkill River?”

“Damn. Gen figured that out, did she? We’ll have to do
something about that.”

Fuck. It sucks to be right sometimes.
“This is the
part where someone straps me to an altar and sacrifices me to some dark hunger,

“Not yet, but soon.” He nudged her in the back again. She
was going to be bruised all to hell if he kept that up. “Anxious to get

“Oh sure. I just love the idea of soul-sucking monsters
hovering over me.”

“Almost there,” Arthur crooned. “You’re going to be
beautiful writhing on the altar.”

“I’m sure.” Jo swallowed down her nerves. She had to hold it
together. Zach would come for her.

And he was going to be pissed.

“Arthur. Bring her here.”

“Yes, sir.” Arthur took hold of her arm and forced her
toward an older man in a dark, hooded robe.

“Davis Godwin, I presume?” She couldn’t help the shaking of
her voice. They’d told her it would take two hours to get from Chris’s house to
here. She had no idea how much time had elapsed since she’d gone to sleep and
woken up on the island.

The man reached out and tilted up her chin. “Johra
Yashodhar, next in line to run the Yashodhar coven.” He turned her head gently
from side to side, examining her. “Very pretty.” He touched the mark on her
shoulder with savage satisfaction. “And marked. Excellent.” He stepped back,
releasing her. “That will take care of Zachary Beckett once and for all.”

“What will?”

“Your death. His life force is now tied to yours. Once I
feed your soul to the dark ones, your lover will follow you.”

“Follow me where?” Jo was horrified. If she got sacrificed
spend eternity in hell?

“Into death. Possibly further. Who knows? I’m not sure I
understand all of the ramifications of the so-called mating.” He gestured to
Arthur. “Tie her to the altar.”

“What about the other one?”

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