Heavenly Highland Inn 05 - Suffocating the Sunflowers (10 page)

BOOK: Heavenly Highland Inn 05 - Suffocating the Sunflowers
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Vicky tensed as she felt
Carolyn's fury focus on her. She knew that she meant nothing to Carolyn, it would be easy for the woman to take her rage out on her.

I just wanted to find out the truth,” Vicky protested as she flattened herself against the door. “Henry didn't deserve to take the fall for something he didn't do.”

Oh, that's right, let's talk about who deserved what,” Carolyn huffed. “As if Sandy deserved all that money just for being born into the right family, as if she deserved Gerald just because she was beautiful. No, that's not how this world works,” she growled. “I couldn't sit back and wait to get what I deserved, I had to reach out and take it!”

Vicky noticed that
Carolyn was steadily creeping closer to her.

Carolyn, I didn't do anything to stop you,” Vicky whispered breathlessly.

You did everything,” Carolyn hissed as she glared at her. “You stirred things up, when they should have all fallen into place. Now you're going to pay for that!” she growled as she began to hurl herself towards Vicky. Vicky slid out from in front of the door just as the door opened. The opening door struck Carolyn in the side and sent her stumbling a few feet back as Aunt Ida pushed her way into the room.

Vicky! I just found out that someone spotted Carolyn on the property!” Ida proclaimed as she barreled through the door of the room, nearly knocking Vicky to her knees. Carolyn jumped back a few feet to gain her bearings, and Ida tensed when she saw the knife. Ida released the door and it swung shut.

Yes. I'm aware of that,” Vicky said through gritted teeth as she slowly stood back up. Carolyn was glaring between Ida and Vicky, while Gerald was still trying to catch Carolyn's eyes.

Carolyn please, this is getting out of control,” Gerald pleaded as he took a hesitant step closer to her. “There's nothing we can do to change things now, but you shouldn't be making this worse. Let these women go, they have nothing to do with this,” he attempted to reason with her, his tone as gentle as it could be.

They have everything to do with it,” Carolyn spat back with increasing frustration. She used the knife to emphasize her point, stabbing the air with each word she spoke. “Why is that so hard for you to understand? They ruined everything! We were supposed to get married, now how can we do that?” she demanded.

They didn't ruin it,” he replied sharply. “Carolyn, you've lost sight of reality. I never wanted Sandy dead!”

How could you not?” Carolyn argued back, the knife swinging wildly through the air. “She was the only thing standing in the way of our love. Now, you will inherit her fortune and we will be able to marry,” she moved closer to Gerald the knife still held firmly in her hand. “Isn't that what you want, too?” she asked desperately as she looked up into his eyes. “Gerald?” she whispered his name shakily.

Gerald swallowed thickly as Vicky and Ida stood close to one another. The way they were positioned meant that they could not get to
Carolyn without directly confronting the blade that she was wielding.

We're going to have to distract her,” Ida whispered to Vicky who nodded.

And before she figures out that Gerald isn't going to marry her after all of this,” Vicky whispered back to her. She glanced around the room for something she could use to distract Carolyn.

That's right, Carolyn,” Gerald whispered soothingly as he held her gaze. “Now, we can be together. Now, we can have our whole future together. But, we can't do that if you are in jail, can we?” he murmured and held out his hand, palm up. “Give me the knife, sweetheart, just give it to me and this can all be over.”

No,” Carolyn shook her head slowly back and forth. “It won't be over until all of the witnesses are dead,” she whispered to Gerald. “You have to help me, I can't get to them both.”

Carolyn,” Gerald exhaled in wonder and shock.

The sunflowers,” Vicky whispered to Ida. “If I can get a hold of the vase I can splash the water in her face.”

If you can splash the water in her face, then I can get that knife out of her hand!” Ida promised as she bent her knees slightly and positioned herself in an attack stance.

Are you sure?” Vicky asked nervously as she studied her aunt. “I don't want you to get hurt.”

Listen, if we don't get that knife out of her hand, then someone is going to get hurt!” Ida hissed in her direction without looking at her. Vicky nodded a little, she knew that her aunt was right, and if anyone could disarm Carolyn it would be Ida. The trick was getting to the vase of sunflowers without Carolyn noticing.

Are you going to help me or not?” Carolyn asked Gerald. “I killed for you, are you willing to do the same for me?” Carolyn held his gaze.

No,” Gerald breathed out as he stared at her incredulously. “No, I won't kill anyone, Carolyn, can you even hear yourself? What you're saying?”

Are you saying you don't want to marry me?” Carolyn demanded as she glared at Gerald. “I did this, all of this, for you!”

Gerald moved toward
s her very cautiously, blocking Vicky and Ida from Carolyn’s view.

Vicky knew that this was her opportunity. This was the moment that could mean the difference between Gerald living and dying, not to mention ensuring their own safety. She lunged for the vase. She felt her hands close around
it and was spinning back towards Carolyn with it when there was a loud pounding on the door. The sound was so loud that it made everyone in the room jump. Vicky almost dropped the vase she was holding in her hands. She felt the room sway around her as panic threatened to overwhelm her. The pounding came again and Carolyn raised her knife in the air.

If I can't have you, then no one will!” she announced loudly as she prepared to plummet the knife into Gerald's chest.

I'm looking for Ida,” a booming voice declared through the door of the room just before it was forced open. Carolyn tensed and looked towards the door, halting the downward movement of the knife. In that moment Vicky splashed the water from the vase in the direction of Carolyn's face. The sunflowers hit her face and then fell to the floor and the water hit its mark. Carolyn shrieked in surprise. She took a few steps back but still gripped the knife tightly in her hand.

What's going on in here?” Rex demanded when he stepped through the door and saw the scene unfolding. Vicky had dropped the vase on the floor, causing a loud crash. In the same moment Ida launched herself forward in the direction of Carolyn who was still trying to blink water out of her eyes.

Ida!” Rex cried out as Ida slammed her body into Carolyn's waist, and took the woman down to the floor with her. Carolyn landed with a hard thump on the floor. Gerald bolted out of the room as Vicky started to move towards her aunt's side. Carolyn still hadn't let go of the knife.

Gerald!” she screamed out as she fought with Ida over the knife. Vicky was trying to find a way to help her aunt, when Carolyn managed to wriggle her wrist out of Ida's grasp. Vicky's heart felt as if it had come to a complete stop when the knife arched through the air and glistened in the overhead light as it began to swing back down. Before it could, Rex had shoved her hand to the floor. He pinned it and the knife down to the floor with the sole of his black steel-toed boot.

Stay down,” he growled as Ida pinned Carolyn's other arm. Vicky quickly grabbed one of the blankets off the bed to use as make-shift handcuffs. She could already hear the sirens in the parking lot and assumed that Gerald had called the police. She stared down at Carolyn, writhing, crying, and screaming Gerald's name. She felt her heart sink as she recalled the defeat in Sandy's eyes when she described the perfume she had smelled on her husband's clothing. She had thought she was only losing a spouse, she had no idea that she was going to lose her life as well. She had a fortune at her disposal, but there was no amount of money that could protect her from the jealousy of an unbalanced woman in love.

It wasn't supposed to be like this,” Carolyn whined as the room flooded with officers. Vicky was relieved to see that Mitchell was one of them.

Vicky, are you hurt?” he asked as he rushed to her side. Rex and Ida stood back as Carolyn was flipped over and handcuffed. The knife was collected for evidence.

I'm okay,” Vicky assured him as she rested her head lightly against his chest. Feeling his arms around her was exactly what she needed after witnessing such an encounter.

Are you sure?” he murmured beside her ear as he held her.

I'm sure,” she sighed as she looked over at Ida and Rex. Rex had looped his arm around Ida's waist. She was leaning on him and clinging to his hand. It was a sweet and vulnerable moment that Vicky had rarely seen her aunt display. “Rex arrived just in time,” she added and slowly shook her head.

Can you tell me if Gerald was involved?” Mitchell asked quickly. “He's claiming he wasn't.”

He wasn't,” Vicky shook her head. “At least not in Sandy's death, in breaking her heart, yes, he was very involved. But no, this was something that Carolyn and Peter did together.”

How sad,” Mitchell frowned and gave her another light hug.

I know, I know,” Vicky sighed. “You have to go.”

He smiled sadly and nodded. Vicky watched as he too
k the lead on the investigation. As she walked to the window of the room and looked out over the employees’ quarters she saw most of the staff standing outside. Henry was standing nervously outside his room. She met his eyes through the window and smiled. He nodded in return and finally breathed a sigh of relief.




That Sunday was the bridal shower. How quickly the town forgot about the scandal that had arisen overnight and seemed to pass just as quickly. Everyone was ready to celebrate
Melissa's future marriage, and her bridesmaids were thrilled to have an afternoon to frolic through the inn and the grounds. Vicky glanced over the south garden which faced the sun for the longest period of the day. The gardener was planting a fresh patch of flowers, in honor of Sandy and her family.

Lambard family dropped its investigation into the inn’s liability concerning Sandy’s death. As Gerald had admitted to infidelity he was not entitled to any inheritance due to a specific clause in Sandy’s will. Carolyn and Peter were behind bars and would be for several years to come.

There was a certain se
nse of closure that filled the inn and made it possible for the staff and guests to move on with their lives. Sandy's murder had been solved and her murderer had been held accountable.  Joy had returned to the Heavenly Highland Inn, most aptly reflected in the shrill giggling of a group of happy twenty year old women.

Vicky was glad that the shower was such a success. The games, the food, and the companionship had all come together very
well, and it was just what the inn needed to have a fresh start. Just what Vicky needed, was a patrol car pulling up in the parking lot of the inn as she walked across the gardens. She paused and smiled as she watched the car door open and Mitchell step out. She was surprised that he was no longer in his uniform, but he looked just as handsome. As he walked towards her she felt a familiar thrill at how lucky she was.

Hey, there,” he called out as he walked up to her. “I hope you don't mind me crashing your party.”

No, I don't mind at all,” she smiled in return and leaned up to kiss him softly on the lips. “I'm so glad to see you.”

Not nearly as glad as I am to see you,” he grinned. “Do you think I can join in on some of the festivities?” he inquired as he watched one of the bridesmaids streak across the lush grass with a toilet paper train sticking to the back of her dress.

Oh, of course, there's always room for one more,” Vicky laughed out loud at the thought of Mitchell participating in the 'catching the bouquet' practice that was coming up next. “But I'm not ready to share you just yet,” she murmured and sighed as he wrapped his arms around her.

They looked at
Melissa excitedly grasping a bouquet of sunflowers that Vicky had arranged, using flowers from the garden.

“She better be careful,
she is suffocating the sunflowers holding that bouquet so tightly,” Mitchell laughed.

“I know,” Vicky giggled.
“She is just so excited.”

A lot has happened over the past few days,” Mitchell whispered. “I'm sorry I wasn't around more to support you while it was happening.”

You were around,” she smiled and kissed his cheek. “You made sure Aunt Ida was safe,” she reminded him with a glimmer in her eye.

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