Heaven Saga 2: Sands of Aquarius (20 page)

BOOK: Heaven Saga 2: Sands of Aquarius
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will happen if he can’t be healed of his pain?” Seles asked.

closed her eyes. “He’ll be consumed by the darkness and enter it himself. Either
he’ll die by his own hand or he’ll become the monster that scarred him.”


how a
is trained,” Kivi explained. “Only by suffering the
can one ever understand its power.”

that’s true, then Delne…”

was trained by her own mother.” Kivi stood silent for a moment, “But I can’t
believe he’ll suffer that fate Seles. He’s too strong.”

mortal,” Seles said. “That’s what we’ve forgotten.”

Chapter 26 - We Won’t Back Down


Shiken Ka, El Kar and Mira stood around the center planning table at the top of
the command center.

are you holding onto that’s got them excited?” Mira asked.

Kar changed the hologram to show the storage warehouses deep underground, “We
have enough parts to arm forty heavy class ships with matching shielding

twice as many as Valis estimated,” Brian said. “Isn’t there anything we can do
with all that equipment?” He looked to El Kar.

don’t have the power to use any of them,” El Kar answered. “The parts were
constructed for use on Ick-Tckt ships only.”

we use the same trick as we did yesterday?” Mira asked, looking to Brian.

Brian answered. “They were caught off guard the first time. I doubt their
commander is foolish enough to send them in without a counter measure.”

moment later the orbital barrage began again, much fiercer than before. Each of
the people in the room held onto a nearby counter while the ground shook

don’t think they intend to capture you anymore!” Shiken Ka shouted.


* * *


looks they’re launching another attack on the base,” Zae said, bringing up the
image on the main monitor.

narrowed her eyes as she watched. “They’re so concentrated on attacking the
surface they haven’t noticed us.”

sat at her seat and compiled all the information from the other Kalaidian
ships. “Our friends are spreading out as planned captain,” she reported.

said Valis. “Open fire.”

and Kivi activated all attack systems and fired a barrage of pulse cannon blasts
as well as a number of HV missiles. The three Kalaidian ships with the Avoni
did the same, while the Novaguard units stayed in a defensive formation, firing
their pulse cannons into the Ick-Tckt fleet. Within a few moments of the battle
beginning, two of the heavy class ships exploded along with half the Drones.
The surprised Ick-Tckt fleet ended their bombardment and turned about.

everyone in position?” Valis asked.

turned around, “Looks like everything is going as planned captain.”

Valis said, watching the battle carefully. “Seles, it’s your turn,” she
commanded over the com.

captain,” Seles responded.

stood by outside the Avoni in the Mjolnir.
After this battle I’ll be flying
my own mobile suit.
Seles looked at the images of her subordinates, still
piloting Novaguards.
I’m going to miss flying one of those.

I have a question,” ensign Kaela asked over the com.

is it Kaela?” Seles asked.

it true our Novas are going to be retired? I’ve been hearing rumors that the
captain’s going to replace them with mobile suits like the Mjolnir.”

Zero is nearly finished,” Seles said. “But because of the cost it’s going to be
a while before all the Novas are replaced.” She readied pulse rifle of the
Mjolnir before vanishing out of sight. “Kaela, you take care of my back. The
plan’s the same as the first battle.”

lieutenant,” Kaela answered with a salute.


* * *


barrage pounded down relentlessly for half an hour. Brian turned to Shiken Ka,
“I’m going to ready our counter attack force.” He put a hand on Mira’s
shoulder. “You’re in command of the troops,” he said before heading outside.

turned to El Kar, “Ready our ships. If the shields fall we’ll have to flee.”

my lord,” El Kar said. He headed to the elevator.

turned to Mira, “I know that your numbers are small and most aren’t warriors.
If you wish lieutenant, you and your people can board the Gigos.”

watched the battle before turning to Shiken. “The two captured Novaguards are
alright, aren’t they?” she asked.

Shiken answered.

allow the pilots to join Brian and the Spits. The rest of my people will do as
you offered,” Mira said before leaving.

drew his falchion. His voice echoed over the loud speaker, even louder than the
pulse blasts hitting the shield, “If this be our final battle then let us die
with glory! By my order, fight unto your last breath. Our tails are to the
mountain and there is no chance of retreat. In the name of my great
grandfather, Gigos Ka, we will defy the heavens and become gods ourselves!”

Shiken’s speech ended each Shandi raised their weapons in a cheer.


* * *


walked into the small hanger where the captured ships were being stored and saw
Myli and ensign Celis in their respective pilot suits. Both were checking on
their Novaguards and saluted as he came over to them.

everything alright?” Brian asked.

,” each said in turn.

Brian put his hand on the beak of Myli’s fighter, “I’m going to take a ride on
the back until we get into the sky.”

you worried about getting killed?” Celis asked.

two didn’t see me earlier.” He extended the exoskeleton’s draconic wings. “I
took out a dozen Spits before being forced to the ground.”

shook her head. “It never ceases to amaze me what the captain gives to you.”

you almost ready?” Mira asked over the com.

be lifting off momentarily,” he answered. “What’s the status on their ground

looks like a large number of infantry as well as two hundred Drones,” Mira
answered. “Our radar shows their space force has been annihilated or left the

you detecting any Kalaidian vessels?” Brian asked, noticing Myli and Celis
listened intently.

four heavy class vessels, a large force of Novaguards, and I’m pretty sure the
Mjolnir,” Mira answered ecstatically.

Brian said. He turned to the pair in front of him, “Let’s go, we have a victory
to claim.”

pair boarded their fighters. He took a hold just behind the cockpit on Myli’s
fighter before locking his helmet and activating his exoskeleton to full power.
The two fighters blasted out of their holding area with a number of Spits
around them. The shield went down momentarily to allow the fighters to leave
the base and intercept the Drones. As soon as the enemy force was in sight, Brian
detached from Myli’s Nova and flew.  He sped forward, spinning his
until it had gathered enough energy to blast a pair of Drones, knocking them from
the sky. Myli and Celis stayed close to their commander, flying in a defensive
circle, ensuring his flank was protected.


* * *


the middle of the massive dog fight in the sky, Brian and the Novaguards with
him started picking up the signals from the Kalaidian forces.

like our back up is here,” Brian said to Myli and Celis. At the same time he
slashed away at a Drone’s engine he was blasted point blank by another fighter
and fell to the ground with a resounding boom.

Both Myli and Celis shouted. They heard him groan.

wasn’t fun,” he grumbled over the com. “If you can hear me Seles, please take
care of the rest. I’m going to pass out now.”

Seles shouted over the com. “Can anyone tell if he’s alright!?”

its Mira. Other than his armor’s power level near zero he doesn’t have any
serious injuries.”

good to hear you,” Seles said. “Tell Shiken Ka that we’ve destroyed all the
Ick-Tckt forces in orbit and will now commence with the mop up on the surface.”

turned to Shiken, “You got all that, right?”

lieutenant,” Shiken Ka answered. He turned on the base’s communications system,
“To all Shandi forces I repeat my earlier instructions.”

Kar turned to his lord. “We’re receiving a message from orbit. It seems the
Avoni wishes to speak with us.”

Star,” Shiken said. “Put her through.

Lord Ka,” Valis said while saluting in the traditional Kalaidian manner. “From
what I can see I don’t think that I’ll have to pay that ransom.”

aiding us is payment enough,” Shiken responded. “We have many things to discuss
Captain Valis, many things indeed.”

be looking forward to it Lord Ka,” she said.

Chapter 27 - New Beginnings, New Alliances


Riga and Dreka stood at the center of a massive dark chamber, at the far end
stood the Duchess Chka. She stood twice their height and many times a drone
male’s mass. Three warriors stood nearby. She walked forward, clicking as she

brought you hear today to hear my proposal captain Riga,” said the Duchess.

listening,” he said.

need your skills as a tactician in the conflict before us here on Dega Jul. I’d
be willing to pay above your standard rate by twenty percent.”

exactly warrants that kind of payment?” Riga asked.

me the head of Valis Kein and I’ll double your pay.”

cawed. “I see, so that’s it great Duchess.” He turned to Dreka, making the sign
of money with his hand. “So your intention’s to destroy the Kein family?”

the Duchess answered. “As your people know competition breeds conflict. We must
eliminate those in conflict with our business. The Kein family’s been a
frustrating rival of mine for many years.”

many do you need?” Riga asked.

Duchess clicked her chitins to her warriors, who answered back. She turned back
to the Malcovin, “As many as you can get in contact with.”

have my ship, and at least two others,” Riga said. “Give me a little time and
I’ll see what I can do about rounding up more.”

you captain Riga,” the Duchess answered. “The time for small scale battles has
ended. We must destroy the Kein family and all of their holdings before the
Confederation High Council can make a decision on what to do.”

Riga said before turning to Dreka. He motioned his approval. “Give my forces a
day or two to prepare and we’ll join yours in space.”

Duchess Chka nodded before going back to her private chambers. The warriors
motioned for them to leave. Silence followed until they were outside the
Duchess’s pyramid complex.

you think we can trust her?” Dreka asked.

better keep up her end of the bargain,” Riga squawked. “Otherwise your Talon
will cut right through her forces.”

captain, very true,” Dreka said.


* * *


a shuttle from the Gigos is requesting permission to dock,” Zae reported.

turned to Kivi, “Take care of things here,” she turned to Zae, “Let them

captain,” said Zae.

do you think he has in mind captain?” Kivi asked.

Ka’s a proud one. I have a feeling he’s coming to talk about what happened,”
Valis said as she left the bridge.

she headed to the shuttle bay a security squad joined her. She entered the
shuttle bay and watched the Shandi transport land.
What trouble have you
brought upon us Brian?
She thought as the shuttle cut its engines. Shiken
Ka opened the shuttle door. He moved outside and met a contingent of Kalaidian
guards. He glanced around, seeing the look of fear on their faces. He grinned
as Valis stepped to the front. With a quickness deceiving his size he drew his
falchion with lightning speed. The Kalaidians were about to fire when Valis put
her hand up to stop them. Shiken placed the sword on the ground in front of

am Shiken Ka, High Lord of House of Ka, and the greatest of the seven swords. I
come not for battle, but to speak.”

BOOK: Heaven Saga 2: Sands of Aquarius
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