Heat Wave - Erotika Short Stories for Women (Adult Short Stories for Women Series)

BOOK: Heat Wave - Erotika Short Stories for Women (Adult Short Stories for Women Series)
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Heat Wave


Adult Short Story


E. M.

Copyright © 2013 E.M. Flemming

rights are reserved.


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Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Thank You


The sweltering New York City summer heat
could get to you, if you let it. The hundred-plus degree heat wave could make
people do things they normally wouldn’t do. Trust me, I’m speaking from
experience. But, this wasn’t just any old heat wave. It was a hot and sticky
heat wave – the kind that only exists in places that get as humid as New
York City does. It was the kind of heat wave that left you feeling hot and
bothered – like you just got done with an unfinished steamy session that
ended in a tumble of flesh and hair under the sheets. And of course, with my
luck, the cabby I was in didn’t have any air conditioning, which made the slow
crawl through bumper-to-bumper traffic on Fifth Avenue that much worse.

“I should have just walked,” I thought to myself. But
looking around at the people walking the streets, didn’t seem that much more
appealing to me. At least I was under the cover of a taxi. I looked at my phone
to check the temperature – 108 degrees. The black vinyl sticky backseat
of the taxi wasn’t making matters any better, but I tried to shrug it off. I
didn’t know how much longer I could handle the heat so I thought about the
beach for a moment, and how nice it would have been to be lying on a beach in a
cool breeze. I thought about my long brown hair tussling in the wind. That
would have been really nice right about then.

The thought of lying on a beach got me stirring. But it
wasn’t just the thought of any old beach, or lying there on my own. I thought
about how nice it would have been to be lying on a beach with Robert Dorning. I
couldn’t get that man out of my mind. I had to shift around in the cabby just
thinking of him, cramping my bare legs as I bit my lips for a moment. Robert
Dorning. Just the mere thought of him made my legs quiver. But he was off
limits for me. I wasn’t allowed to touch him. That is, I wasn’t allowed to
touch him if his wife – my so-called best friend, Amy – had
anything to do with it.

The cabby honked, jarring me back into the present moment. It
was still stop-and-go on the street, and I wasn’t getting anywhere. I couldn’t
decide if I should’ve gotten out and just walked the seven giant blocks in the
sweltering heat, or not. And as if the honking was going to help, the cabby let
go another rip of the horn. “God, this heat,” I said to the driver. I fanned
myself with a newspaper that had been left lying around in the taxicab.

The cab driver undressed me through the rearview mirror with
his little beady eyes. I shouldn’t have said anything. I caught his glare a few
times, and brushed it off. The beads of sweat were starting to form around my

Robert Dorning.

The slow crawl continued, and I reeled in thought. If this
were just any old day, the wait in traffic wouldn’t have been so bad. I didn’t
mind the break from being stuck in front of a computer, pounding away at the
keys, even if it was sweltering hot outside. No, this wasn’t just any old day. This
was the day I was going to have lunch with Robert Dorning. I thought about him
again, and closed my eyes just to picture him standing in front of me there.
Undressing him. Yes, I know, I wasn’t supposed to think like that, considering
his wife was my best friend, but I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t help those
thoughts from entering my mind. I squeezed my legs together again and shut my
eyes for a moment.

Another honk.

I opened my eyes to see the cabby peering at me again with
those beady little eyes. His messy dark hair looking disheveled, as if he
hadn’t washed it in days. I did a small dry heave as I lowered my head, hoping
he would stop looking. But the traffic wasn’t moving. Fifth Avenue was crowded
with clusters of yellow – taxis were trying to maneuver from lane to lane,
but they weren’t getting anywhere. What’s the point of trying to switch lanes
in traffic that’s stopped? I just couldn’t understand it.

“Do you know what the hold up is?” I asked the cabby, while
trying to look up and over to both sides to see if I could catch a glimpse of
what was holding us up. I couldn’t see anything.

“I think it’s some construction, or maybe an accident,” he
said in a very thick Indian accent.

“It’s just moving really slow,” I said to him. How was I
stuck in one of the only taxicabs in New York City with no air conditioning? My

“I know. I’m very sorry miss.” He wasn’t sorry. He was
enjoying the time, carelessly undressing me every chance he could get.

More honks.

The meter was climbing and we weren’t getting anywhere. My mind
started to wander again. All I could think about was the heated embrace that
hopefully awaited me at my destination. The thought of our hot hard bodies
pressed up against one another sent me into another tailspin. The sweat was
literally starting to drip off of me.

“I can’t sit in here anymore. I’m going to just get out
here,” I said to the cabby. I could see the dismay on his face as I got out. I
could see him continuing to eye me, hoping to catch a glimpse of what was under
the red floral skirt that hung loosely off my hips. “Thank you,” I said as I
climbed out.

It felt good to be out of that cab, and to be walking again.
If nothing else, the act of walking created a bit of a breeze, even if that
breeze was a hot one. It would have been the typical hot summer heat wave day,
if it weren’t for the fact that I was meeting him for lunch. Robert Dorning. My
legs quivered again while thinking about it, and the oversized black sunglasses
I had on, hid me from the creepy men staring at me as I quickened my pace to
the meeting.

Robert Dorning.

I still couldn’t stop thinking of him. With each click of my
high heels, I was one step closer to being near him.

But then what?

Did I actually have the guts to go through with it? Did I
actually have the nerve to screw over my best friend? The summer heat was
definitely getting to me, and I was picturing myself doing things that only a
person in heat would do. No pun intended. But I must say that, if you saw
Robert Dorning yourself, you might not be able to resist either.

Okay, picture this – six-foot tall, dark-skinned, jet-black
hair, light crystal blue eyes, sporting the body of a God. And, he’s probably
one of the smartest and most talented people that I’ve ever met. I guess I’ve
always been a little bit jealous of Amy. I mean, I’ve dealt with so much in my
past, and mopping up the aftermath of a messy divorce can definitely help to
wither you away.

It was clear that I had made the right decision to get out
of the taxi, because I was already three blocks down the street, and the
traffic was still at a standstill. I would have been stuck back there forever
had I not gotten out. But something must have been going on. Traffic like that wasn’t
uncommon, even for New York City during rush hour. But after I had walked another
half block, I saw it. Construction. The loud drilling and banging made my head
pound, but it also had blocked off the street temporarily to allow a crane to
do some heavy lifting. Good thing I walked.

I was only a few blocks from the hotel when the catcalls
started. I was used to it by now, but it does get to wear on you. I mean, a
woman does like to feel beautiful, but don’t men get embarrassed sometimes? Some
men certainly take it to a whole other level. “Damn, you’re fine,” said one of
the men sporting an orange reflective vest and hardhat. He just stood there, eyes
following me the entire time, as I walked by. Another called out from behind
the crane, “Wow, what I would do for a piece of that.” I guess it made me smile
a bit.

I suppose I wasn’t too surprised. That day I was wearing
some pretty revealing clothing. I needed to do some heavy impressing, if my
mission was going to succeed.

Robert Dorning.

God, I couldn’t get him out of my mind. Only four more
blocks to go, I thought – only four more blocks until I’m just inches
away from him. He was definitely going to be mine. I was sure of it.


The hotel on Fifth Avenue was a
much-needed break from the sweltering heat. Although, my libido didn’t feel
relaxed, the cool, climatized lobby was a nice change of pace from the
outdoors. I sank into a carefully appointed couch in the upper lobby area of
the posh hotel, while I waited for Robert Dorning. I was sitting adjacent to a
couple that appeared to be there for some type of business meeting. I’ve always
been so intrigued by watching the body language between a man and woman, so I
sat there and eyed them through my dark glasses for a few minutes.

Throughout my years, I used my understanding of psychology
to have my way with men. I have a degree in behavioral psychology and have
always immersed myself in the pursuit to understanding why people do the things
that they do. So, you can only imagine the fun my mind can have at times in
some of the most unlikeliest situations. I guess you could call me an
opportunist, because I use my knowledge of behavior to my advantage. I know
just how to manipulate people.

So, as I sat there watching the interaction of the man and
the woman seated near me, a few things became apparent to me. One thing that
was important was their proximity, or how far away they were seated from one
another. There’s actually a science attributed to attraction and just how far,
or close, you need to be to a man in order to peak his interest. Most men talk
about gaming women, which I find funny, because most of them don’t even have a
chance when they try. Sure, some of their tactics may work, some of the time,
but what I find more intriguing is, just how women can game men. Now, I’m not
talking about gaming them in a vindictive way. No, I’m just talking about
gaming them just to get what you want. And, at that moment, I wanted Robert
Dorning with every fiber of my body.

The mere mention of Robert Dorning sent another shiver up and
down my spine, and sent the Goosebumps ablaze all over my bare legs and arms. Well,
anyways, this man and woman that were seated next to me had an interesting
chemistry going on. From the way they were seated close to one another, you
could tell there was some sort of attraction there. The man was say in his mid
to late forties, and the woman probably pushing about thirty. He had on a
wedding band, she didn’t. And as I watched them, it was intriguing to me the
way the two of them acted.

He had on this gray pinstripe suit, probably from a fancy
place like Brooks Brothers, and she had on a professional suit dress. I noticed
a couple of things about this pair. First off, the man had his suit jacket off,
and was showing off his dazzling gold-colored cufflinks. To me, this indicated
that he was somewhat comfortable with the girl. The power suit shows the
authority, while the suit jacket off gives off a little bit more of his casual
side. He clearly wanted her to feel relaxed. Next, they were seated about a
foot apart from one another on the couch next to me.

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